
Saturday, March 14, 2015

ARC Review: Driven by Fate by Tessa Bailey

Driven by Fate by Tessa Bailey is the fifth book in the Serve Series, though each book can be read as a standalone. You do not need to have read any of the other books in this series, though if you have read them you will recognize some familiar faces. I always look forward to reading a new book by Tessa Bailey because I know that it will be super hot and filled with steamy scenes are dirty talking heroes every time. Tessa Bailey has never disappointed me yet, and Driven by Fate is no exception. 

Frankie De Luca doesn't like owing anyone, which is how she finds herself at an adult club called Serve that caters to it's members sexual desires. When her curiosity gets the better of her, she finds herself entering a room under false pretenses in order to experience something she has been fantasizing about. Porter is used to having strict control of everything in his life but when a woman other than one he was expecting shows up, he can't help but find himself drawn to her. After their brief time together Porter isn't ready to let Frankie go, so he offers her a deal to work for him during the day and pay her debt down faster and to explore the passion between them after hours. Though Frankie is reluctant at first, she decides to accept and see what it's like to submit to Porter. 

I liked Porter and Frankie okay, but I didn't find myself overly invested in them. I just never really connected with them, but that didn't stop me from enjoying their story. Porter had been so used to having everything in his life neat and orderly and he was always in perfect control. Frankie was the exact opposite, and I loved how different they were. They instantly felt drawn to one another though, and I really enjoyed seeing Porter loosen up a bit with her. Frankie was feisty and was able to dish it out as well as take it. I loved how she was able to submit to Porter, but that she also wasn't a doormat. She gave it right back to him and kept him on his toes. She was quick witted and I really loved the banter between these two. They were extremely hot together, and the chemistry between them was insane. 

I think that Driven by Fate might have been one of Tessa's hottest books to date. I loved the sexy scenes with these two, and the dirty-talking was fantastic as always with one of Tessa's books. Though I didn't personally connect with these characters, I did like their story. It was a great book and I enjoyed reading it. I really don't think that you can read a book by Tessa Bailey and not enjoy it. She is a fantastic writer that always creates such unique characters. Her books are so easy to get lost in, and this one just proved why she is an auto-buy author for me. I am really enjoying the Serve series, and I think that if you are looking for some super hot erotica with a great story that you should definitely check this series out. I can't wait read more in this series and from Tessa Bailey in the future.

**ARC Provided by Entangled Publishing**

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ARC Review: The 27 Club by Kim Karr

I will admit that I am a huge fan of Kim Karr's and have loved every book in her Connections series. When I heard she was writing a new standalone story, I couldn't wait to read it. I knew it would be good after I saw the cover and read the blurb. I was instantly intrigued since it sounded so different from anything I have read. I really enjoyed it, and I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend anything by Kim Karr, and if you are looking for something different then I would definitely give this one a shot. 

Zoey and her brother grew up hearing about the curse their family had. Many members of their family died young and tragically at the age of 27 and until her brother died also, Zoey had never really believed it. Since she turned 27, she has started to worry that she will suffer the same fate. Now Zoey only lives for the moment, afraid to plan a future that she is unsure she will have. When she meets her brother's best friend Nate, she knows that she wants him. He doesn't do relationships, and she isn't looking for one. They agree to spend the summer together, but before long they are both starting to feel more for one another than what they agreed to. Zoey finally has something to live for and wants to see where things go with Nate, but does destiny have something else planned for her?

I have to be honest in that I liked Nate, but didn't love him as much as I think I could have. He had some really sweet moments and I would think he was so great, but then he would do something to ruin all the progress he had made. I think the biggest issue with him was the fact that he was so hot and cold with Zoey. His actions were so contradictory that I just couldn't figure out what he really wanted. I think part of that was the fact that this book didn't give us his POV. I think if I had been able to see inside his head that I might have felt differently about him. I did like him when he was with Zoey, and I thought that they were a great couple. I just wanted to see him figure things out sooner. Zoey was strong and smart, but she was also really struggling with her circumstances. She had her whole world fall apart, and not only was she grieving her brother but worried about her own fate as well. Then she started to try and put things together with what happened to her brother and she finds out that so much of what she thought she knew was wrong. I felt so bad for her, and I was glad that she had Nate to lean on. He was a great friend to her, and it was clear that he was always there for her in that aspect. But there was more between them, and it was good to see her embracing that and wanting to explore it. I just wish that he would have been on board quicker. The chemistry between them was very strong though and that side of them was very clear to see. It was the emotional connection that they seemed to struggle with and it was frustrating since they both felt it but didn't want to acknowledge it. 

Overall, I did think that this was a good story. I never felt like I knew what was going to happen next or how things would play out. I enjoyed seeing Nate and Zoey together and was always hoping that they would work things out. They seemed to really click which is why it was frustrating when Nate would try to run from her. I did feel that Zoey pushed a little too hard at times with Nate, but I can also see that she was trying to help him get over his past as well as figure out what had been going on in her brother's life. The 27 Club was unlike anything I have ever read before, and Kim Karr's writing never disappoints. This book grabbed my attention from the very first word and I couldn't stop reading until I had devoured the entire thing. Kim Karr continues to prove that she is an author to watch, with her emotional stories and unique characters. If you haven't read anything by her yet, I would definitely recommend giving The 27 Club or her Connections series a shot. I think that readers of all romance genres can find something to relate to with her stories. I can't wait to read more from her in the future and see what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: Of Silk and Steam by Bec McMaster


When her beloved father was assassinated, Lady Aramina swore revenge. The man responsible is well beyond her grasp, but his dangerously seductive heir, Leo Barrons, is fair game. When Mina obtains evidence proving that Leo is illegitimate, she has the means to destroy both the killer and his son, a man who troubles her heart and tempts her body.

A woman of mystery, Mina’s long driven Leo crazy with glimpses of a fiery passion that lurks beneath her icy veneer. He knows she’s hiding something, and he’s determined to unravel her layer by silken layer. He just doesn’t expect the beautiful liar to be the key to overthrowing the corrupt prince consort…or to saving his own carefully walled-off heart.

Bec McMaster lives in a small town in Victoria, Australia and grew up with her nose in a book. A member of RWA, RWA (Australia) and RWNZ, she writes sexy, dark paranormals and steampunk romance. When not writing, reading, or poring over travel brochures, she loves spending time with her very own hero or daydreaming about new worlds.

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ARC Review: To Cherish and To Hold by Nicole Simone

To Cherish and To Hold is the continuation of Marlene and Luke's story from Love of a Rockstar by Nicole Simone. Though To Cherish and To Hold is said to be a standalone, I really wouldn't recommend reading it that way. Since this continues the story from the first book, you will miss out on a lot if you skip ahead. I also think that you need to experience the backstory for these two characters as their history is pretty complicated and has greatly affected their current relationship. 

Marlene Parker and Luke Anderson are finally back together, and their family with their daughter is complete. But now that Luke and Marlene are getting married, they quickly find out that being together isn't always easy. As Luke and Marlene try to juggle the planning of their wedding, the opening of their new restaurant and raising their daughter, they are also trying to deal with the fallout from Luke deciding to quit the band. When Marlene suddenly realizes that she is pregnant again, she begins to worry that history will repeat itself. Can Marlene and Luke make it through together this time, or will they find themselves repeating the same mistakes they made before? 

This novella was short and sweet. We got to see how far Luke and Marlene have come, and yet they are also falling back into old patterns. Marlene didn't seem to fully trust in their relationship and wasn't quick to go to Luke for the support she needed. With her going elsewhere in her time of need, she hurt Luke. When they fought they threw their past mistakes back in each other's faces and continued to hurt one another. Yet they also clearly loved each other and wanted to make things work. I just wish that they had talked to one another more and really leaned on each other. A relationship takes a lot of work, and it seemed like these two still had a lot of work to go. I was hoping to see more growth for these two, but it didn't really feel like that. They still have chemistry and a connection, but if they continue to run when things get tough their relationship will be in trouble down the road. 

While it was nice to catch up with these two and see more of them, I have to say that I was hoping for more. I figured that after everything these two would be on more solid ground, and the fact that they both screwed up and acted poorly in this novella disappointed me. Marlene turned to others, and Luke got mad and shut Marlene out. I wish I felt better about these two at the end, but it honestly just felt like things were resolved far too easily which makes me think that they would be experiencing more of the same problems in the future. I have to say that I am interested in getting Camille's story next. I am really curious after seeing how she was acting when it came to Luke's friend. I hope that her and Marlene can repair their friendship after everything that has happened. Things were still strained in this story, and you could really feel the space between them. I think that fans of this series will want to read this story to get more of Luke and Marlene and will enjoy seeing how things are playing out after the end of the first book.

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

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Friday, March 13, 2015

ARC Review: Innocent Ride by Chelsea Camaron

Innocent Ride is the fourth book in the Hellions Ride series by Chelsea Camaron. This book can be read as a standalone, but the characters are interconnected and readers will get the most enjoyment from reading these books in order. If you haven't read any of this series yet I would definitely recommend starting at the beginning, but it isn't necessary.

 Drexel "Rex" Crews and Caroline "Lux" Milton are complete opposites. She is corporate where he is rough around the edges, yet they find themselves drawn to one another. Rex has always been of the motto to hit it and quit it, but after making some really bad decisions he finds out that he has a child he never knew about. As he tries to move forward with his life and turn things around, he finds that Lux is able to give it to him straight in a way that most people don't. They begin to form a friendship, but both of them can't help the attraction they feel for one another. When Caroline's past comes back and threatens her life, Rex will do whatever it takes to keep her safe and make up for his past mistakes. But Lux doesn't want Rex to only see her as the girl that corrects all his past mistakes. Can Rex and Caroline find a way to turn their feelings and attraction into forever, or will there be too many differences between them to make things work? 

I really liked Rex. He had a lot to make up for, but I never felt like he was only interested in Lux because of that. He was sexy and protective, and you could really tell how much he cared about her. He might not have had any experience with relationships, but things were different between him and Caroline. Caroline was strong and independent, and she had always done what she had to do to advance herself. She made some choices that she wasn't proud of, but she did what it took for herself. Rex wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind or go after what he wanted, but Caroline gave it right back. She challenged him and made him better. I loved the chemistry between these two, and I am always a sucker for an opposites attract story. These two were so great together and I loved seeing them as they helped one another move forward and leave their pasts behind. Rex and Lux were super hot together, but I loved seeing them really get to know one another and form a relationship. 

Overall this was a really good story, and I loved that Chelsea Camaron was able to show Rex redeem himself. He was everything I had hoped for and more. I really liked him with Caroline, and it was great to see familiar faces. I will say that Caroline annoyed me a couple times in this story with her attitude, but I was glad that she came around. I really liked the story though, and enjoyed reading this book. There were a few times that Rex was with other women and I could have done without those, but once he had chosen to be with Lux there was no cheating. These two had some really steamy moments and I loved every bit of it, but the best parts for me were when these two were realizing the connection they shared. I absolutely loved when Rex took Lux on his bike for the first time. She finally started to open up and really let go of her past, and I think it was such a great moment for both of them. I definitely recommend this series and Innocent Ride if you like MC books. Chelsea Camaron does a great job of giving the reader enough suspense and action to keep you interested, but also enough romance and steamy moments as well. I can't wait to read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Between The Sheets Promotions**

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ARC Review: The Other Brother Part 1: Forbidden by Lauren Hawkeye and Tawny Stokes

Forbidden is part one of The Other Brother Serial by Lauren Hawkeye and Tawny Stokes. This story was so much different than I expected, and I have to admit that I had no idea where this one was headed. The blurb gave me an idea of some of this story, but the rest took a completely different twist that surprised me. I am really intrigued to see where this one goes from here. 

Allegra was always the good girl, but after her father got remarried her stepbrother Seth came to live with them. Seth was the opposite of her, he was darker and broody. She tried to get him to open up to her, but all he did was push her away. Allegra found herself wanting to be with him, but knowing that he didn't look at her the same way. Then one night changed everything, and she didn't see him again. After everything that happened that night, she hated Seth. But now years later, Seth is back and things are more complicated than ever. 

With this being the first installment of three, this book was really short. Although we did get to know some about these characters, we are really only seeing part of who they are. Seth was hot and complicated. He was protective of Allegra and yet she really didn't have a clue how much he actually did for her. He kept his feelings secret and did what he could to make sure that she never found out things that he didn't want her to know. Allegra started off as the naive good girl, but after everything that had happened and with the time that had passed she changed. She had grown into a strong woman who was physically capable of protecting herself, yet she was able to accept her desires for someone to take control in the bedroom. I liked that she wasn't ashamed of herself and what she wanted. I felt the chemistry between Seth and Allegra from the start, but I was glad that things didn't happen between them when they were so young. While the four year age difference wasn't a big deal when they were older, it was something that would have bothered me when she was 14. 

I have to say that I really don't know what to make of her real brother Theo. He is so creepy, and I have no idea where the author's are going with his character. All I know is that I instantly disliked him, and all that we learned about him in this installment only made me more wary of him. There is something clearly wrong there, and I really hope that they are careful with how they proceed when it comes to him. I loved how this story was told from both Allegra and Seth's POV. This being the first part of three, there are a lot of things left up in the air and it does end with a cliffhanger. Luckily the other parts have been released, so you don't have to wait for them. I liked this installment and it definitely left me wanting to read more. The passion between Seth and Allegra is just starting to be explored and I am curious to see what will happen after where this one left off.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Taint by S.L. Jennings

Right now, you’re probably asking yourself two things:

Who am I?

And, what the hell are you doing here?

Let’s start with the most obvious question, shall we?

You’re here, ladies, because you can’t f*ck.

Oh, stop it. Don’t cringe. No one under the age of 80 clutches their pearls.

You might as well get used to it, because for the next six weeks, you’re going to hear that word a lot. And you’re going to say it a lot.

Go ahead, try it out on your tongue.

F*ck. F***ck.

Ok, good. Now where were we?

If you enrolled yourself in this program then you are wholly aware that you’re a lousy lay. Good for you. Admitting it is half the battle.

For those of you that have been sent here by your husband or significant other, dry your tears and get over it. You’ve been given a gift, ladies. The gift of mind-blowing, wall-climbing, multiple-orgasm-inducing sex. You have the opportunity to f*ck like a porn star. And I guarantee, you will when I’m done with you.

And who am I?

Well, for the next six weeks, I will be your lover, your teacher, your best friend, and your worst enemy. Your every-f*cking-thing. I’m the one who is going to save your relationship and your sex life.

I am Justice Drake.

And I turn housewives into whores.

Now…who’s first?

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Review: Touched by Light by Catherine Spangler

Touched by Light is #3 in Catherine Spangler's Sentinel Series. I've read all three of these paranormal romances and each one is better the previous one. I enjoy a digital friendship with Ms. Spangler, having connected on Goodreads. I've read and enjoyed many of her books! Knowing her talent at telling a good story, I entered a Fresh Fiction contest for one of her books. That is how I ended up with my copy of Touched by Light!

The Sentinel series is a good-versus-evil series premised on the idea that Atlantis existed. Its people once followed the Light. They still exist as Sentinels, blending into society. Back in Atlantis, some folks broke away to follow Belial. Belial is an evil blood thirsty being that is intent on wiping out all Sentinels and anything else that is good.

In this series, Ms. Spangler pairs super-human Sentinels with human Conductors. Through contact with Sentinels, humans have ability to enhance the energy patterns that Sentinels have picked up at Belial crime scenes. This allows a Sentinel to grasp more detail which hopefully helps in tracking the evil agent of Belial. Since a Sentinel is paired with a Conductor of the opposite sex, this unique methodolgy for hunting the bad guys inevitably leads to intimacy which, of course, leads to romance.

In Touched by Light, Conductor Julia Reynolds is a brilliant professor of physics and math. Logical, with a take-no-crap attitude, Julie is naturally skeptical about the paranormal world that should not exist, according to science. Her past has made her untrusting of all men, much less a man with super-human abilities.

Adam is the man with super-human talents – a Sentinel. Not just any Sentinel, he is a Sanctioned. Sentinel – but – more. He is not supposed to have a connection with a Conductor, so when he and Julia get together, he is shocked and please when sparks fly. Both literally and figuratively.

I love their relationship. It begins with confrontation, progresses to constant irritation and slides into perpetual antagonism. Adam and Julia argue all the time, but their constant discord actually serves to force them to understand each other better. So,while there may have been instant physical attraction, it takes a while for the couple to actually make that spiritual connection, keeping the romance side of the story just as interesting as the good-versus-evil side.

Speaking of evil. Evil seems a mild word to describe the Belians. These are really really bad creatures and us lowly humans don't want to mess with them. There was a lot of action in this hunt for the Belian and it smoothly entwined with the story of Adam and Julia.

To enjoy book 3 in the Sentinel series, you do not need to read book 1. But I do recommend reading Touched by Fire, book 2 in the series, before reading Touched by Light as that is where Julia and Adam first meet and set the tone for their developing relationship. But really, I think reading them all is a good idea! Plus, Touched by Darkness (book 1) is currently free!

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

ARC Review: A Highland Knight's Desire by Amy Jarecki

As an historical romance lover, it was an easy decision to nominate Amy Jarecki's A Highland Knight's Desire in the Kindle Scout program. Having now read the book, I now rate my decision as a wise one! If you read this book, you will find everything you might want in a good book - history, romance, adventure and intrigue!

This book had me engrossed from the first chapter when, in 1478, Lady Meg is kidnapped as part of the ongoing feud between the Douglas family and the Earl of Northumberland. Plotting & Vengeance is the name of the game that is viciously played by Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. But it is a game that Arthur Douglas, Meg's brother, is not interested in playing. To avoid an escalation of conflict which could destroy the truce between Scotland and England, Douglas hires the Scottish King James' Enforcers to rescue his sister while avoiding a war.

Duncan Campbell, head of the Enforcers, leads the effort to rescue Meg. Like your typical Highland hero, Duncan is big and strong and brave and not to be trifled with. Instant attraction between Meg and Duncan occurs when their eyes first meet. And when Duncan discovers Meg's feisty personality, all is lost.

While there is plenty of action in this story, first and foremost, there is romance. Duncan considers the life of the leader of the Enforcers to be, necessarily, an unmarried life, since he would be away from home so much. But in Meg, he sees a feisty, beautiful woman that makes his poet's heart warm. And he begins to think about a possibility he had never considered. I would have liked to have seen more of Duncan's poetic side, as the little bit in the story seemed almost out of place. But it was pleasant to read of a warrior with a talent that did not involve steel weapons.

Like Duncan, Meg never imagined herself married. Her deformed claw-like hand had her making plans to become a nun many years ago. But in the meantime, there is Duncan with his shoulders and his backside and his sweet talk and his kisses. What is a girl to do? Meg is a woman of decision, whether she has all the facts or not. This trait comes through in her relationship with Duncan in a deliciously sexy way.

I was delighted when this same forcefulness had Meg dealing with uncertain and dire situations by barking out orders to strangers. This led to tense, but funny situations. Who needs force when a show of authority will do!

The rescue of Meg is the first of many escapades in A Highland Knight's Desire. Duncan is always up for adventure. And when Duncan's life is endangered, Meg does not back down from the action either, much to the dismay of Duncan. From Meg's rescue, to another Enforcer mission and a false accusation of murder, the action is plentiful. And if you are wondering how all these things tie together, think 'bad guy'. Henry Percy is a mean, devious and vindictive and always plotting. I do so like a good 'bad guy'.

Many of the characters in the book are based on real people, though most of the story is fictional. Actual historical events lay the foundation for the setting of the story. A Highland Knight's Desire is the second in the Highland Dynasty series. The first book, A Knight in Highland Armor is about Duncan's father. Each is a standalone story tied together by the characters and can be enjoyed without reading the others.

If you enjoy history and romance together in Scotland setting, I think you will enjoy Amy Jarecki's A Highland Knight's Desire.

**ARC provided by Kindle Scout Program**

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ARC Review: Adapted for Film by Stacey Rourke

I have never read a book by Stacey Rourke before, but I was excited to give this one a shot with the blurb. I couldn't wait to get to know the characters and the promise of a romance with some humor had me ready to dive in. But I have to say that Adapted For Film wasn't like I had been expecting at all, and though it had some cute moments this one wasn't what I had been hoping for. I had some things that just didn't work for me, and unfortunately they kept me from really enjoying this book. 

As a bestselling author, Aubrey has always dreamed of seeing her book made into a movie. But when she shows up on the set in Hollywood, she finds herself instantly butting heads with the director Kole. They are both passionate about their jobs though and after finally being about to discuss things like adults, they begin to form a friendship. When the studio tells Aubrey that she needs to form a fake relationship with the star Greyson, things get even more complicated on set. Soon Aubrey and Grey are pretending that they are in a relationship, when the real chemistry is between Aubrey and Kole. Kole wants Aubrey to finally acknowledge what is between them, but Aubrey is scared that if she doesn't go along with what the studio wants that they will kill the sequel. Aubrey must decide if she is willing to give up a chance at another movie being made for a future with Kole or if she will continue with the charade of dating Greyson and running from a future with someone she could actually fall for.

I have to say that it was really hard for me to get to know these characters or connect with them. We were hardly given any details on them, and I had no idea who they really were or even what they looked like. I felt like we never really got to know them, and it made it hard for me to feel invested in their story at all. Kole was the director and though he got off on the wrong foot with Aubrey, I felt the strongest connection was between him and Aubrey. He seemed to push Aubrey to want more and to be honest with herself. I liked that he helped her out with becoming a producer, and he seemed to be very passionate about his job and doing the best that he could. Aubrey was funny and quick witted, but I felt like she was a bit of a drama queen at times. She wanted to have total control over everything in her life, and it made her pretty rigid and uptight most of the time. I felt like the only time we really saw any personality from her was when she was with Kole. I liked her friendship with Greyson, but I didn't really feel anything between them. Greyson was the charming and sexy movie star, but we didn't really get to know him beyond the surface either. He was always speaking in innuendos and saying he wanted more with Aubrey, but I never believed that he was really serious about her or much of anything for that matter. She didn't have chemistry with Greyson like she did with Kole. 

I think my biggest issue with this story was that there was too much going on in this story, and yet there wasn't a whole lot actually happening. The main focus of this book was the movie being made and the demands of the studio. Much of this book was about the interactions between the characters, but there really wasn't anything that was moving the story forward. Aubrey wasn't making any progress with either of the guys in this book, and I really felt like the actual romance portion of this story was non-existent. I was waiting for things to finally explode and move forward, and by the time anything really happened the book was over. I had finished the story and felt like I had missed something huge. We never got to see them really fall for one another or be in a relationship, and I wanted more. So while this story had it's fun and light-hearted moments, I just felt like it lacked everything that a good romance has. I wish it had focused more on the main characters rather than on all the secondary characters and the drama going on surrounding the movie and the studio. While I liked seeing all the cast and crew as well as Aubrey's friend Tandy, I felt like it focused too much on them and not enough on what was happening between Kole, Aubrey and Greyson.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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ARC Review: Loving Colt by C.A. Harms

Loving Colt is the third book in the Southern Boys series by C.A. Harms. I have loved this series since I read the first book, and this book was no exception. Though this book can be read as a standalone, I think that readers will get the best enjoyment from this series by reading them in order. The characters are interconnected, so there will be some things spoiled if you don't start at the beginning. I don't know how C.A. Harms does it, but each book in this book is as good if not better than the last. I cannot recommend this series enough if you are looking for good contemporary romance stories filled with love and hope, and good southern boys that know how to love their women right. 

On the run from her abusive ex, Alexis wants nothing more than to keep her daughter safe and happy. When she stops in a small town in Georgia on the way to her family in Florida, she never expected to meet a man that would so completely change her life. Alexis quickly bonds with not only Colt, but also his family. When Colt finds out about Alex's past, he knows that he needs to take things slow with her. But the more that he spends time with her and her daughter, the harder he falls for them. But with Alex's ex still out there, will they ever be safe?

I loved Colt! He was such an amazing guy. Strong and sexy, yet so sweet and gentle with Alex and Maddison. He was protective and caring, and had such an instant connection with both of them. I loved how he was with Alexis, but he really won me over with how quickly he took to Maddison. He loved her just as much as Alexis, and they were so adorable together. He was such a great dad to her. Colt had so much love to give, and it was really great to see him find his perfect match. Alexis was strong and such a great mom. She had been through so much pain at a relatively young age, and yet she had such a great head on her shoulders. Her number one priority was her daughter, and I really admired that about her. She always put her little girl first, and she knew that whatever she did with her life would affect Maddison. She had grown to have trust issues with men after all that she had been through, but I liked that she knew Colt was different. She was still wary of him in the beginning, but you could tell that she also felt such a strong connection to him and that he was someone that she could count on. Colt and Alexis were great together and I loved the chemistry between them. But they also were so connected to Maddison that it just felt like everything that had happened to them all had led up to them becoming a family. 

Overall, I absolutely love this series and everything I have read from C.A. Harms. She always delivers such heartfelt and emotional stories that feel real and believable. The characters are always deep, and I am instantly invested in their stories. It was great to see familiar faces in this book, but I really liked getting to meet some new ones as well. After reading Loving Colt, I really hope that C.A. Harms will write books for Alexis's brother Jett and her sister Harper. They were great, and I just know that they each have a lot more to them than we know yet. I especially liked Jett and I think he deserves his own HEA. If you haven't read anything by C.A. Harms yet, I think that this series is a great place to start. I have loved every single book in the series, and these characters are some of my all time favorites! I know that I will read more from C.A. Harms in the future, and I honestly cannot wait to see what she writes next!

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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Guest Post with Author Stacey Rourke and Giveaway

Stacey Rourke lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. Mark your calendars! Her latest literary adventure, Crane, will release May 26, 2014. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this thrilling Legends Saga, as well as other literary projects.

ARC Review: Hush Hush #1 by Anneliese Vandell

Not a good suspense and not a good romance so just not good.

I read the first chapter of this book and I was intrigued. I got that Sophia/April had an ax to grind with the old wealthy family that had something to do with her parents downfall and that their son (Liam) was serving up hot sex on a platter. From that point, it was a straight downhill descent into one bad trip for me. I’m at the 70% point and I just don’t think I can go on because I am now at the point where Sophia has gotten on my one good nerve I had in reserve for the issues of the week. It’s only Monday, I can’t do it.

I don’t even know where to start but I think things started to fall apart for me when I could not make sense of the underlying mystery. I don’t mean I couldn't solve it, I mean that there was some big brew haha over Sophia’s parents and I couldn't figure out why Sophia thought the Hawthorns were involved. Also, Sophia is supposed to be participating in this sophisticated “con” that she and her cousin spent countless hours cooking up but she proceeds to have NO coherent plan. Not only does she not have an actual plan for her “revenge” she embarks on a journey of doing the most random nonsensical ish ever in life. She is depicted as being just really….stupid. And question: Why doesn’t Liam wonder why Sophia lives in a hotel or doesn’t work?

There is one particularly annoying scene involving the Hawthorn's Mardi Gras party. Sophia does something which I simply cannot wrap my mind around. In an effort to “rectify” her behavior, she does a number of other equally stupid but much more embarrassing things with Liam.

You want to know what the craziest thing is? One of Sophia’s 50 “plans” is to seduce Liam and make him fall in love with her. Small problem, she’s a virgin who doesn’t know her G spot from her elbow. To make a small problem a truly large and significant one, I got 70% through this book and notwithstanding some of the most ridiculous foreplay scenes I’ve ever read, there is no actual sex. Liam is supposed to be this guy who only has sex (and not just any sex, the hot, rough, ugly kind) but there is no sex in this book, at least I didn’t find any. Oh, I can’t tell you anything else about Liam because we don’t get to know him at all. Maybe it’s in the last 30% of the book and good luck with that if so.

I think that if an author wants to write a book with a really intricate mystery plot, the author needs to sketch that ish out before they ever start typing. Figure out where we are going to end up and how all the pieces of the plot fit together and THEN write the book. I felt like I was reading a story where the plot was being created as the author went along and that just doesn't work for a romantic suspense. Part of building suspense is plugging in plausible details that build on one another, there just has to be some planning to make that happen.

And did I mention that the sex stuff was really bad? It was. Just awful.

**ARC provided by Author**

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