Dear friends of mine can be found in the written word known as heart, life, and passion. Triumph, even in times when a great darkness may inevitably swallow one whole. Those moments where even the most downtrodden individual can seek out words on a page, only to be soothed by the art unfolding in a book infused with imaginings that breathe life into the reader; I live for those moments. Once again, Abbie Roads has written a story so rich that I find myself in awe of her ability to develop a plot that ignites my blood, painting a canvas of feelings that range from horrified to blissfully happy. Thomas and Helena are a perfectly rendered example of strength born from tragedy and I find myself still thinking of their companionship, kindness, and unwavering love.
Thomas Brown, a man running from a hellish past filled with grievous injuries, ones that he cannot escape as they haunt his every waking moment. His world is bereft and colorless; tasteless, even as he wanders through life only surviving, incapable of living. Helena Grayse, the woman who thrives without thought through grit and willpower; defiance and grace her bedmate for the past ten years as she suffered through a sentence meant to break her. For a sin she was incapable of committing. Both characters bring with them undeniably heartbreaking pain and yet somehow form a bond that nourishes forgiveness and healing under debilitating and gruesome circumstances.
Such aspects of a story ensure my inclination to fall deeply into the setting, becoming one with the tale being told. From the very beginning, I was riveted; compulsively turning the page to find what may come next for Helena and Thomas. Their meeting brought a smile to full bloom even in its simplicity while their growing love caused my heart to tremble with unbridled joy. I ached with each moment of desperate sadness and cried during moments of raw beauty as love kindled in a contradictory slow, yet satisfyingly fast-paced burn, igniting both souls as they touched. The journey Helena and Thomas endure together will quell any need for a happily ever after, leaving you with every bit of much wanted heartwarming feels.
Even with the dark and twisty depth of psychosis embedded in the foundation of the antagonist as I was rendered speechless left me wanting. As the evil slices through skin, blood, bone, and marrow you’ll come to appreciate, know, and love the chilling delivery that Abbie Roads gives you. With each turn of the page, not only does emotion claw at your beating heart, but the sick and disturbed shocks your pulse into frenetic pump, pump, pump. Surprises greet you as the slight paranormal edge gives you goosebumps in this wonderful romantic thriller. This is one complex, fiendish, and beautiful novel that should be savored.
**ARC provided by Publisher**