
Thursday, September 19, 2024

ARC Review: The Rules of Dating A Younger Man by Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward

The Rules of Dating A Younger Man is the 4th book in the Laws of Opposites Attract series from Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. Each book is a standalone story about one guy from a group of friends and the lucky lady that wins each of their hearts. This group of friends is one that I have been obsessed with since the very first book, and I just love them all so much. I highly recommend reading each book if you can because they are really great stories, and seeing them each fall in love  over the course of this series has been so enjoyable.

This book is Brayden’s story. He is the least involved with the building the group owns in the city, but runs the Ryan’s House charity. It was so great to see him so passionate about helping others and using his resources for good. I really felt connected to him here, and fell even more for him as I read this book. He is just such a great guy, and I loved how sweet and caring he was. His maturity level and good head on his shoulders made it impossible not to fall for him! This is probably why I struggled a bit with Alex from time to time. I understood some of where she was coming from, but Brayden was just so amazing it was hard to see how she couldn’t see it also!

I didn’t see the twist coming, and while Alex’s way of dealing with it was not my favorite, it made me like her more. I got a new understanding and appreciation for her that I really needed. I did feel like Alex and Brayden had strong chemistry and a great connection. They fit well together and it was easy to see why their connection was so easy and genuine. 

Overall, this one was really good and I enjoyed it a lot. Brayden is worth the read all by himself, but I really liked him and Alex together and it was great to catch up with the group and see familiar faces! I can’t wait to see what Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward write next! They are such great authors alone, and when you get to read one of their co-writes it is guaranteed to be a great read! Their styles blend seamlessly and they are probably my favorite author duo ever. Another winner here, I can’t recommend their books enough!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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