
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kiss of Death Blog Tour: Guest Post with Barbara Monajem and Giveaway

Nothing’s Better Than Romantic Suspense

Almost immediately after I agreed to do this blog, I realized I’d made a big mistake. I’m supposed to pimp romantic suspense, but the truth is, I’m the biggest suspense wimp ever. I can’t handle suspense at all. After I read the first several chapters of a book, I skim the rest so I’ll know what happens. Then I read the rest of it properly, and if I know I’m coming up to a really tense scene, I set the book aside and wait until I’m ready to handle the strong emotions.

It’s the same with TV and movies – when the suspense builds up too much, I leave the room and hover just outside the door and ask everyone else what’s going on (driving them nuts), because I want to know what happens, but I can’t stand watching it. I can’t even watch close football games. Sure, one team’s going to win – but the other will lose, and that hurts! The only reason I can write romantic suspense is because – bwahaha! – I have control over what happens. I can handle writing the suspense part because I can also make sure there’s a happy ending, and that both teams – hero and heroine – win!

Thinking about it, though, I’ve just shown why romantic suspense is so great. There’s both plot suspense (the danger that’s stalking the heroine, and maybe the hero too) and the emotional suspense (will the hero and heroine get together?). Romantic suspense is heart-stoppingly exciting, un-put-down-able (by anybody except me), and the happy outcome is guaranteed. What could possibly be better than that? Gotta love romantic suspense!

Rose Fairburn is on the run. Her vampire nature can't protect her from everything, especially not herself. Now, when she should be worried about escaping her past, she can only think about one thing. Her kind can't live without blood or sex. Love they must forego. 

Jack Tallis can slake her thirst. Tall. Handsome. Trustworthy. And not a man alive can resist a vamp's allure. But...Jack can. And he has other secrets, like why underworld hit men are on his trail. Why love suddenly seems possible. How he can vanish into thin air. The shadows hide mysteries darker than Rose can even dream, and all will be revealed in the fetish clubs of one strange Louisiana town.

Places to Purchase:
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Barbara is one of the many talented authors who belong to the Romance Writers of America’s Kiss of Death chapter. At Kiss of Death we believe that every great romance should include suspense. Whether a spy thriller in Regency times, a paranormal romance with a revenge-seeking zombie, or a traditional serial killer after the heroine, romance relies on suspense, leading the reader through the trials of the heroine and hero to see if they will get their happily ever after ending. If you can call your writing suspenseful, then the Kiss of Death has something for you! Find out more and join at and follow us on Twitter at @RWAKissofDeath.

Find out more about Barbara at She Barbara wrote her first story in third grade about apple tree gnomes. After dabbling in neighborhood musicals and teen melodrama, she published a middle-grade fantasy when her children were young. Now her kids are adults, and she's writing historical and paranormal romance for grownups. She lives in Georgia with an ever-shifting population of relatives, friends, and feline strays.


On behalf Barbara and the Kiss of Death Blog Tour, 1 lucky commenter will win an digital copy of Tastes of Love & Evil. So make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form and answer the question. Giveaway is open to International since it's a digital copy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Your Blog was hilarious! Like me... Maybe prefer it better when ya can be in control-as much as able to be? LOL! Sounds like the book will be a interesting & wlecome read...While huddle under thick quilt in an attempt to keep warm{Stuck & live in Da Tundra-Madison,WI:Winter=Snow + Frigid Temps}
    Appreciate Giveaway! Helps those like me on Fixed Income/SSI {am Perm & Multi Disabled:Wheelchair/ Home-Bound} to attain books we'd like to enjoy, but can't afford!
    Warmest Blessings!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In Answer to Question on Entry Form:
    Romance with that 'Something Extra' & won't get so bored, that start skimming thru Book Pages looking for 'Sex Scenes', trying to keep your interest! Also, hopefully won't be able to guess exact ending til the very end...instead after the 1st-3rd Chapter! ;-}

  4. Oh, my gosh, how funny, I'm the same way, and I write it, too. No, I don't skim to know what I'm getting into, but I cover my eyes or run out of the room and peak around the corner. We definitely need our heads examine.

    DQing me from the drawing. I already own this fabulous book!

  5. Donnell, we're kindred spirits in wimpiness. :)

    Needz2dream, I commented on your comment but it never showed up, so I'm trying again... When I first started writing the book, I had no idea where it was headed (except for a happy ending) so maybe it won't be too easy to figure out, LOL. :)

  6. I'm exactly the same... during the movie 6th Sense, I left the room & kept the door open & kept up a q&a with myHero -- What's happening? Who is that? And at the end his "OH!" was like a winning NFL touchdown, & he made me beg (!) for the reveal.
    Rotten of him.
    I do have to put books down & leave them until I can handle it. But yes, writing the finale yourself is a satisfying way to handle the story.
    Maybe it's like nightmares: wake up before its resolution and you must go back to sleep & consciously resolve the dream yourself.

  7. "Romantic suspense is heart-stoppingly exciting, un-put-down-able (by anybody except me), and the happy outcome is guaranteed. What could possibly be better than that? Gotta love romantic suspense!"

    Excellent description !

  8. I like that it includes action and adventure and that you never know what's going to happen next.

  9. Pamela! How wonderful to know I have yet another sister in wimpdom! :)

    Angi - LOL. Thanks.

  10. Hi, bn100 -- Yep, action and lots of surprises. I like writing it because often I don't know what's going to happen next... I just have to trust that what's meant to happen will pop into my head, and fortunately it usually does. ;)

  11. I'm a bit like you Barbara. If there isn't enough suspense, I'm disappointed. If there is a lot, I get emotional, scared and impatient. I like the suspense stories I write. LOL. At least I know it's going to get better.

  12. Thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

    I'm the same way w/ movies. My bf makes fun of me b/c I'm so jumpy and when it becomes too intense I hide or leave. And I also drive him nuts w/ asking him what I missed ;)

    I love Romantic suspense b/c it's different reading. It can scare me but ultimately I know that the main characters will have an HEA and survive!

  13. You are such a card. I'm fine with all but the most graphic scenes. I do skim those. One CP told me she couldn't read my RS when she was at home alone. Go figure.

  14. My fav thing about romantic suspense is the adrenaline filled storyline that accompany's the romance part of the storyline and the over plot of the story. It keeps things moving not stagnant and I know I can always expect a great time.

  15. Hi, Mona-- Yes, it's a plus having control over your own stories, isn't it! I just love those happy endings.

    Hi, Erin-- I'm so happy to find that I'm not the only one!

    Hi, Mary-- LOL. Which RS is that?

    Hi, *yadkny* -- Yes, the best RS has a perfectly interwoven mix of romance and adventure. :~))

  16. LOL, Barbara. I love romantic suspense, and applaud authors who can write it well. Sometimes the suspense is killing me. :)

  17. The romantic suspense genre is so engaging. I'm able to take part in the story, whether I'm chasing down the bad guys or running for my life. Plus there's the added bonus of romance, so there are softer moments to balance out the action.

  18. Josie -- Another sister in RS wimpdom. Yay!

    Hi, Na! Softer moments -- that's a great way to describe the romance. :)

  19. Great post, I also can't handle scary things. Like I started watching the YA tv series The Secret Circle. Stopped after the 4th episode. So now my boyfriend has to watch the rest with his daughter. Too bad. Lol.
    But cudo's for writing what scares you!

  20. I should learn to enter Rafflecopter before commenting. Hmm my favourite thing about romantic suspense is the plot. The original storyline, and the awesome hero who rescues the heroine, especially if the heroine is not a wimp who needs rescuing and together they have an exciting journey to freedom and safety.

  21. Barbara, I love your post and reaction to suspense. It reminds me of ummmm me. :)

  22. Hi, Aurian -- I've never watched The Secret Circle and I guess I won't! (But I might see if my daughter wants to watch it and give me a play-by-play, LOL.)

    Hi, Beth -- This is so funny, finding out that we're a big sisterhood of scaredy-cats.
