
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Guest Post with Author Hillary Seidl and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Hillary Seidl. Hillary is super awesome and she is here today to talk about her love of all things paranormal. But before I give the floor to Hillary, lets get to know a bit about her.

I'm an avid reader of romance (since I could get away with it!) and a writer of contemporary/paranormal romance. I start to freak out if I don't see a paranormal or ghost hunting show in over a week.

When I was a little girl, my parents owned a restaurant that was in a haunted building. It was so amazing to see things happen right in front of me that could not be explained! The situation flamed my love for the paranormal.

When I was a teen I wrote a series of mini books. As an adult, I worked a series of jobs, I never found anything that spoke to my soul.

I will be honest... I'm a huge fan of Supernatural! Hot guys solving paranormal mysteries? I'm there! That's when I started writing fan fiction. Fan fiction is very fun but something was missing. I missed the romance! That is when I started my writing journey.

More than anything in this world I just want to write. I am married to my wonderful husband Aaron, who is a Chef in Boulder, Colorado and we have two wonderful miniature dachshunds, Leela and Fry, who are both clever as they are long.
Places to find Hillary:

First, thank you so much for having me here today! I’m a huge fan of Ramblings From This Chick!

My name is Hillary Seidl and I’m a paranormal/contemporary author. I’m obsessed with everything paranormal from Ghost Adventures to Supernatural. Yes ladies, I even went to a convention and met Jensen Ackles, Jared Padelecki and Misha Collins! Whew, that was fun!

I had a paranormal experience when I was young, a ghostly one. When there was no reasonable explanation that’s when my paranormal journey started. Ever since then The X-Files became my guide and Supernatural reached to me. That’s why I started out writing fan fiction.

When I decided that it was time for my own characters, I knew that I was going to need guidance and support. I have been a RWA member for two years and I’ve served on the board of my local chapter, Colorado Romance Writers, as secretary and now Vice President.

There are many facets of the paranormal that I find intriguing. When I had the opportunity to be a part of an anthology I wanted to start with the phenomenon of shadow people. Sia, my heroine, is tormented by these shadow figures in the beginning of my novella. She’s confused by what she sees and doesn’t understand. Enter my hero, Andrew Grant. He is much more involved and used to the world of the paranormal.

Thank you again for having me on! I would love to give a digital copy away to a lucky commenter! All my best!

Andrew Grant has less than a week to find the stone and save his brother from an evil demon. Sia Wright is being tormented by shadow figures and might be Andrew's last hope. Together they must fight and discover the true power of love.

Places to Purchase:
| Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


Hillary will be giving away a copy of Finding Ms. Wright to 1 lucky person. So make sure to leave a comment and to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win.

Good Luck =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love paranormal because they are exactly that which is not normal... after a while normal gets kinda boring, so I always know where to turn:) I am all over getting a copy of Finding Ms. Wright!

  2. Aloha, Hillary! I chuckled when I read your parents ran a restaurant in a haunted building! I invite you to Hawaii to check out the things that go bump in Paradise!

    1. I would love to visit Hawaii! It's so beautiful and visiting haunted places would be icing on the cake!

  3. I love paranormal because anything can happen and usually does. It makes for some interesting reading. Thanks for the giveaway.


    1. I think the paranormal has had such an influence in my life that I want to make sure that ends up in the books. =) Thanks for commenting!

  4. Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

    I love PNR b/c anything is possible. I love the new worlds that authors create and how different/original everything becomes :)

    1. Thank you! I'm very excited for this. It's hard to wrap your head around things that don't make sense. Thank you for entering and leaving me a comment!

  5. What a fun introduction to Sia!! You guys! I think Hillary is going places, but I guess I'm partial since I know her in real life. :)


    1. Aww! You're the best! Thanks for coming by, Jenn! <3

  6. I love the fantastic worlds, the fascinating supernatural characters, and the action that generally takes place in a paranormal story. I just can't get enough.

    1. Good luck to you! World building is huge for me. I love a good paranormal romance.

  7. I love that paranormals have no rules. Anything is possible which makes each story unique and amazing!! Thanks for the info and giveaway.

    1. I appreciate you stopping by! Good luck to you!

  8. Great giverway. Love it when I find new authors.

    1. Thank you! Good luck. This novella means a lot to me!

  9. I have to agree with previous posters I love that there are no rules and anything is possible.To me paranormals are like fairy tales for grown ups .I am addicted to them as soon as I finish one Im diving into the next one .

    1. That's very cool! I hadn't thought of it that way. Good luck!

  10. I love that paranormals becuse that was fantastic world. I'm always imagine about supranatural creature and to have supranatural power.

  11. I like the stories and reading about the author's creativity.

    1. I just thought that shadow people would be fun to work with. Good luck!

  12. I like paranormal books because it's an escape from reality and it's always fun to see what new spins authors can put on different things. :)

  13. hi hillary..

    I found another author for paranormal genre...i really like it read all about paranormal^^

    success for you

    thanks for the giveaway ^^
