
Friday, April 20, 2012

Interview with Author Stefanie Sloane and Giveaway

Today I am super excited to welcome to the blog author Stefanie Sloane. Stefanie is currently on tour promoting her upcoming release The Saint Who Stole My Heart, (which is so good). Stefanie took the time to let me ask her some questions but before we get to the interview, lets learn the basics about Stefanie.

A native Northwesterner with the pale skin to prove it, Stefanie Sloane credits her parents’ eclectic reading habits—not to mention their decision to live in the middle of nowhere—for her love of books. A childhood spent lost in the pages of countless novels led Stefanie to college where she majored in English. No one was more surprised than Stefanie when she actually put her degree to use and landed a job in’s Books editorial department. She spent over five years reading for a living before retiring to concentrate on her own stories. Stefanie currently resides with her family in Seattle.

Places to find Stefanie: 

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I hail from Seattle, Washington, land of buckets o’ rain and comfortable fleece. Back in the day, I was the 30th Amazon employee hired and for a short period of time my office was two doors down from Jeff Bezos. Yes, his laugh really is that loud. After Amazon I moved on to child rearing and writing. My first book, The Devil in Disguise, was published in May 2011. And my next book, The Saint Who Stole My Heart, comes out April 24, 2012.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Lord, no. I wanted to either be a museum curator or a music journalist. Unfortunately, I fell asleep in my first art history class and did not have a penchant for overdrinking nor a desire to develop a drug habit, so both options were out. So then I thought I might own a bookshop, which is how I ended up at—virtual, yes. But still good experience under my belt. After over five years as the Romance and Women’s Fiction editor, I’d figured out that the whole author gig was a pretty sweet deal.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Plotter all the way. I don’t leave home without directions. I can’t commit to engagements without consulting my calendar. And I will not write a book unless there’s a detailed outline.

Why plan a book in the Regency era? What about this era draws you in?
I’ve always loved history, the Regency period being a particular favorite. If one is going to spend a substantial amount of the workday in a fictional reality, why not set it in a period full of romance, pretty gowns, and enough sexual tension to peel the paint from the walls?

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Smart, sexy, and sparkling with wit, the Regency Rogues will leave you breathless.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
If you were to look at my book collection, my guess is that you’d wonder what they all had in common. I devour romances and mysteries, but also love biographies and memoirs, historical and literary fiction, and a wide variety of nonfiction. I’m attracted to a book not by its’ genre, but by the author’s voice. A clear, compelling voice can tell the story of paint drying and make it an enjoyable read.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Too. Many. Books. But ones at the top of the list would include Jasper FfordesThursday Next novels, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris, and The Duke and I by Julia Quinn.

Belle of the Ball, Wallflower, or Widow?
Well, I’m just starting work on my sixth book which features a widow and she’s an incredibly interesting character to me. So I’m going with widow.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Sex scenes. Hands down. I don’t know why, considering I’ve had my fair share of amazing sex. I think it might be the mechanics of the scene. When you have to slow down and figure out which hand goes where, whether it’s his leg or hers wrapped about… Well, you get the idea. Something about the process tends to strip all of the sexiness right out of the moment for me.

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why?
Who: Stephanie Plumb, Lulah, and Grandma Mazur from Janet Evanovich’s Plumb series. Why: there would be many margaritas consumed and mayhem would ensue, including knocking over a donut shop and an appearance by Morelli. Or Ranger. Either works.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Jasper Fforde, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Dorothy Parker. They’re all so frightfully intelligent and witty. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t manage to keep up. But damn would I have a good time trying.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I’d really like to say exercise, but that would be a lie. I spend a lot of my free time with two ill-behaved dogs, two fiercely strong-willed children, and only one husband. Together, we attempt many family activities with moderate success, including biking, game nights, and pretending to love brussel sprouts. (full disclosure: I adore brussel sprouts. It’s the other three who’ve failed to realize just how awesome this much-maligned vegetable truly is.)

Favorite movie?
I tend to shy away from naming a favorite anything. But I will say that Bridget Jones’s Diary is a movie that I watch with some frequency. The sly British humor slays me every time. And Colin Firth is fairly easy on the eyes, so what’s not to love?

Favorite song?
Oh, this is impossible. I LOVE music of all kinds. Really, from hard rock to alternative, country to classical, even opera, if you can believe it. For better or worse, I somehow end up assigning albums to certain periods in my life—or really happenings and goings-on. Each one holds a special place in my mind and heart. One album I adore at the moment is the new Shins record. It reminds me of stuff I listened to as a teenager—all that angst, fears and thrills for the future, and plain old cluelessness. It’s an amazingly complex time and something in the Shin’s latest communicates it beautifully. At least for me. Who knows, it might be about nuclear war or processed foods. But that’s the great thing about music. It’s so subjective.

Favorite color?
Gah, another favorite?! Well, I think it’s blue. Which makes me sound a bit melancholy. But there you are.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
As I mentioned earlier, I am just beginning work on book six of my Regency Rogues series, tentatively titled The Wicked Widow Meets Her Match. I love a feisty widow, and this one really takes the cake!

Dashiell Matthews, Viscount Carrington, remembers little of Miss Elena Barnes beyond her slight build, mousy character, and bookish ways. Her unavoidable presence at Carrington House would be inconvenient, true, but a woman could hardly prove enough of a distraction to interfere with what was the most important case of Dash’s life—ferreting out the monster who’d murdered a dear friend’s mother many year before.

Dash would, of course, live to regret such an assumption.

As for Elena, a trip to London to retrieve a priceless book is troublesome, though not nearly as much as the feelings the viscount inspires in her. His touch elicits feelings from Elena that she’d only ever read about. Her skin tingles. Lord Hardwicke is as handsome as she remembered—actually, more so as he’d grown into his frame in a rather attractive manner—and as dim as a ha’penny tallow. Or is he? The more time Elena spends with the man, the greater her suspicions grow regarding his intellect and just what he might be up to as they’re thrown together in the search for an individual known only as the Bishop.

Can true love save the day? Find out in the exciting and enthralling fourth installment of the Regency Rogues.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the rest of Stefanie's Regency Rogues series:
Click on the cover for more info.

Want to win some books from Stefanie? Stefanie will be giving away a set of her Regency Rogues series (books 1-4) to 1 lucky person (International Shipping Available). 

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What do you think of spy story-lines? What are some of your favorites? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Please answer the question below or leave a meaningful comment. 
Good Luck =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm not really sure how to answer the question, because while I do like mysteries and spies, I don't always like them in historical romance because it takes away from the actual romance. But on the topic of spies I love the TV show Alias and Michael is so awesome!

    1. Jess, I loved Alias too! Michael V. made for quite the delicious spy.:)

  2. I love Scarlett Pimpernel so I am very big on spys. :) At least the ficitional ones anyways. :)

    1. May, I'm with you. Guessing that real life spies are no where near as interesting as the fictional ones.:)

  3. I know I've read spy stories but I can't remember anything specific right now. I guess I'm still looking for one that will stick with me enough to remember it months after I'm done reading :)

    1. Andrea, here's hoping you'll have the chance to read my books and one of them will do the job!

  4. I like mysteries, but I'm not so sure about spy story lines. though I do like the Scarlett Pimpernel also. I do enjoy Agatha Christie books.
    Your Regency Rogue series sounds intriguing. Can't wait to read it.

    1. Joanne, I can't wait for you to read my books either!

  5. I honestly can't remember ever reading a "spy" story. I read mysteries, and I love the fact that you would sit down with Stephanie, grandma Mazur, and Lulah. I would totally want to do that too. I have now put you on my wishlist and my TBR file. I love series books, and I love romance, so this is a win-win for me.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. I honestly can't remember ever reading a "spy" story. I read mysteries, and I love the fact that you would sit down with Stephanie, grandma Mazur, and Lulah. I would totally want to do that too. I have now put you on my wishlist and my TBR file. I love series books, and I love romance, so this is a win-win for me.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  7. Love a good spy story line. Gives hero and heroine chance to get to know each other, either by working with each other or against each other. Really establishes sexual tension that can last through the entire story and, of course, ends with them in love and in "bed". With its societal strictures, the Regency period truly lends itself to this kind of story line.

  8. I agree with Jess. I love spy stories, but I'd prefer them to be in a contemporary/paranormal romance setting rather than Historical Fiction. But with that said, I've never really read many historical romance spy novel, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see first though. I'm just speculating. :P Haha anyway, thanks for this giveaway!

    1. CYP, it's true that contemps have more to work with, in a way. Our Regency spies do not have technology on their side, nor the ease of travel options and so on. But that just means they need to be that much smarter!;)

  9. I have read a few spy romance novels - i can't flippin remember right now who wrote them. But they were very good. Thanks for the giveaway

    1. Lynne, there are days that I can't remember my own name. No worries!:)

  10. I have read several historical romance/spy stories and loved them. Most of the time it is the man who is the spy.... given the time frame (historical) this makes a lot of sense. However, I have also read one or two where the woman is the spy. I like both.

    1. Betty, my heroines have a way of butting in where they're not wanted, so the spying is done by both. Girl power!;)

  11. I enjoy reading a story about spy and intrigue. The only ones i have read(before your YOUNG Corinthian series) were contemporary spy/ romance books. I have to say that it was very hard to put down your books. I went sleep deprived for a few days per book.. LOL Love it, Love it. Though i do have to say that Marcus and Sarah were my favorite couple.. so far.. Keep writing these amazing books and I will continue to buy and go sleep deprived, GLADLY:)

    1. StacyB, I hate the idea of you not getting your rest. But I have to admit that your comment made me so happy. It's the first time I've heard from a reader that they lost sleep over one of my books.:)

  12. Thanks for a fun post and fantastic giveaway! I haven't had the pleasure or reading any of Stefanie's books, and I really want to as they come very highly recommended :)

    LOL... I love how you mentioned that you only had "the one" husband.

    I love spy stories. I especially love when they are both spies and don't realize it and shenanigans ensure. Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen is a great example. I guess I like them b/c there's an equality to the couple, one isn't more "skilled" than the other and part of the chemistry/tension is them trying to "best" each other ;)

    1. Erin,I totally agree. Shana does such a great job of pairing up equally capable and interesting people. Love her books!

  13. Ok I am going to straight out and say it.. I do not like spy story lines. I like mystery and I like suspense, and I Love Regency, but not coupled with a political story line.

  14. I haven't read a lot of spy romances, BUT I do like the idea of one. I think as long as the action doesn't bog down the rest of the story, it's a great storyline choice. Oh, and the hero + heroine have to have great chemistry and banter to pull it off! :)

    TBQ's Book Palace

    1. It is such a challenge to do justice to both the mystery and the romance. Hopefully I pull it off!:)

    2. :) I'm sure that you'll pass with flying colors!


  15. I was just trying I think about the last 'spy' book I read and I think the closest thing would be the Midnight Louie (Carole Nelson Douglass) series and really that's a cat detective! I think in Romance (historical or otherwise) I'm less concerned about the professions of characters than about the characters themselves - if I like them, of they work as a couple, if the characters and their actions are true to the story and time in which it takes places ( with the proviso that no heroines should ever be insipid or spineless, no matter when they live!)
    That said, the spy scenario does open up a. Avenue for a misunderstanding between the hero and heroine that actually makes sense and can be legitimately sorted out, rather than a meaningless issue or miss understanding that is whitewashed and practically forgotten about when it's time to wrap things up.
    Anyway, hadn't heard of this series but it sound great - shall keep an eye out and add all the books to my wish list!
    (P.S. thanks for making this an international comp!)

  16. Hi,

    i haven't read any spy story that was also a historical romance so it's a novelty for me.But i'm intrigued and would like to try so thanks you a lo for his wonderful giveaway international

    all the best

  17. I think reading a spy story would be great! I just haven't read any and it doesn't seem like there are many out there or at least none that have caught my interest. I will definitely be checking out Stefanie's books.

    1. Be sure to check out the recs from others here too. There are some great books being talked about.

  18. I love spy stories especially the ones where the heroine tries to help the hero and he doesn't want help! Very amusing!! elainesaynay at

  19. I like any little subplot or secondary layer to a story. A story that is just about the romance becomes too easily a generic tale of boy meets girl. A spy subplot often brings a little suspense, intrigue, added drama and any story where there is the potential for a knight in shining armour moment to rescue the heroine (or vice versa) is a winner in my book (so to speak).

  20. I love spy storylines in Regency novels. It fits so well with the Napoleonic Wars time period. Favorites: The Scarlet Pimpernel and Patricia Veryan's Sanguinet series of novels.

    1. Oooh, I haven't read the Sanguinet series. Thanks for the rec!

  21. I do like spy story lines if they seem realistic to me. Joanna Bourne writes some excellent stories with spies in them.

  22. I like spy stories when both heroine & hero are spies. jacki_nana at

  23. I haven't read many. But I enjoyed The Interno Club books by Gaelen Foley.

    1. Let's hope you'll be adding my books to that short list!:)

  24. I haven't read many. But I enjoyed The Interno Club books by Gaelen Foley.

  25. I haven't read many. But I enjoyed The Interno Club books by Gaelen Foley.

  26. I Love Spy Story's They Are One Of My Favorites The Perils Of Pleasure BY Julie Anne Long Is One Of My Favorites.

    1. April, how could I have missed this one? Adding it to my TBR pile right now!

  27. I like a little action and suspense to go along with the romance! One of my favorites is by Celeste Bradley with the Liars Club and Royal Four series. I love the strong heroines, they aren't just damsels in distress, and the heroes are great! And there is still time for the steamy parts too!

    1. I haven't read this one yet. Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  28. I enjoy spy stories. I think it's that whole adventure/danger/mystery/suspense thing going along with the romance (there does need to be a nice balancing act between them though so one doesn't overwhelm the other). I enjoy Joanna Bourne's stories which all deal with spies falling in love.

    1. Finding the balance between the mystery and the romance is a very tricky thing. You only have so many pages to work with, after all!

  29. I love the spy story lines in romance. I like finding out more about life back then, especially with this added intrigue. Love The Inferno Club books and Lord and Lady Spy, The Bastien Club books,so many others.

    Sue P.

    1. Lord and Lady Spy is one of my favorites. So fresh and fun!

  30. I like spy storylines. I like Nicole Jordan's spy books.

  31. Gaelen Foley's Inferno Club, Joanna Bourne's Spymasters, Stephanie Lauren's Bastion Club, Shana Galen's Lord and Lady Spy. Um....yes I like spy stories. :)

    Oh, Loving Katharine Ashe's Falcon Club too.

  32. I really enjoy reading spy stories, I've ready my historical romance spy stories. The series that comes quickest to my mind is The Bastien Series by Stephanie Laurens. I also like the Cleo North series by Merline Lovelace and Jane Feather writes spy stories too.

  33. I like spy storylines, Nicole Jordan's are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. I'm reading the Bastion Club series from Stephanie Laurens right now.... I love a good spy story, as long as the romance is still 'hot'

    thanks for the giveaway

  35. I grew up reading Victoria Holt. For me, that level of mystery was perfect! They are still some of my favorite books. A little mystery adds to the romance. I've also enjoyed the technical spy-type books of Tom Clancy; The Hunt for Red October was a great book.

  36. I am a fanatic Historical Romance reader, I read other romance also but historical is my first choice. I am sure I have read plenty of Spy themed ones, I am just unable to name any. I am horrible with keeping up with names or authors of book I read but recently I read a series where they could leap through time, it was an awesome series.

    I am definitely going to check out your books. Since I started using the Kindle app on my Android Phone in October 2011, I have read 63 books. I am married, I work full time and care for my mother in law, If I have 5 minutes, I will read!!

  37. Hi Stefanie. I just want to say that I love the Regency Rogues. It's a new series for me that I have put on my TRL. I love what I have read of them so far. I can't wait to read these books.
    I have to say Lord And Lady Spy by Shana Galen is the last one I read and I cannot remember the name of Joanna Bourne's book. Sorry. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  38. I love spy Historical Romances. They give make you think as well as enjoy the juice that make reading romance fun. I like how it makes the Hero's seem so sexy and when the Heroine is the spy it gives her so much more depth. You are one of my favorite authors and look forward to books in the future.
    Some of my favorite books are the Bastion Club books and also the Inferno Club books.

  39. I LOVE them!!!! Loved Lord & Lady Spy by Shana Galen :)
    & of course my favorite spy will always be Bond, James Bond :) lol

  40. I also love a good spy novel, the thrill of sneaking around uncovering hidden secrets. The most recent spy type novel was Assassins in Love, and for historical Lord and Lady Spy. Both great reads. Pretty gowns, sexual tension...yup sounds like a great time/place to spend your working hours =)

  41. My first love of "spy stories" was actually reading the Nancy Drew stories when I was in grade school which of course led me to loving stories that were other mysteries like those by Janet Evonovich.

    I grew "more mature" I fell in love with Ellis Peters and her Brother Cadfael stories which led me to to stories by Nicole Jordan, Stephanie Laurens and others.

    One of the things I enjoy is when the history of the time is incorporated into the stories which lead me to wanting to find out more about the politics as well as people perception of what was happening in society and politics of the time.

  42. I haven't read any spy romance story and i don't know if it is as much fun as read historical romance :)

    and Thanks for the giveaway

  43. I LOVE historical spy romance. I think it adds to the story, the danger, the intrigue. I prefer them to just ordinary romance.

    Some of my favorites are Gaelen Foley's Inferno Club and Celest Bradley's Liar's Club and Royal Four series.

  44. I really enjoyed The Devil in Disguise. I think it's the only spy romance I have read. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.

  45. I like the spy historical romances. THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL was probably the first and too many to mention since then. :) I also really enjoyed THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE. I would love to be able to read the rest of the series.

  46. It's been a while since I read a book with spies in the storyline. The idea is certainly intriguing though.


  47. Hi! :) Well, it's like any other storyline, I have liked some, loved some, and not so much others. The first to come to mind that I love are Lauren Willig's Pink series. :)


  48. I love spy story because action, fun, puzzle etc. My favorite was Lord and Lady Spy from Shana Galen. I looking forward read spy story again:)

  49. I do like spy stories! Stephanie Laurens has a good spy series out! The Bastien Club! Thanks for sharing with us!


  50. I love reading spy stories where a guy is being a spy and trying to protect the heroine by acting someone else and being a jerk to her. or mostly thinking a gurl is not innocent and thinking bad of her when finally at some point hes proven wrong and then starts protecting her. One of my favorite is by Shana Galen's Lord and Lady Spy

  51. I love reading spy books, they are so much fun, even when the characters are highly envolved in the story! And the authors always spicy it up with some romance!! ~sigh~ I've read Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen and What Happens in London & To Catch an Heiress by Julia Quinn! (ileana - Rafflecopter)

  52. I love the spy storylines. One of my recent favs is Shana Galen's Lord & Lady Spy. Also liked Sabrina Jeffries How to Woo A Reluctant Lady. Loved Giles from that book. Also loved the James Bond stories. Thanks for the great giveaway. Would love to win and read these books. Have not read any of this series, but have heard great things about it.

  53. I really enjoyed Andrea Pickens series about female spys.

  54. Spy stories are awesome the action,mystery and suspense is just all so facinating !Thank you for the giveaway !

  55. good question, spy storylines are hit or miss for me. I don't mind them when they are included in a story but take a backseat to the romance. I'd prefer the romance was front and center though! I really liked the spy storyline in "The Garden Intrigue" by Lauren Willig. Thank you for the contest!

  56. I love spy stories. Of course, Agatha Christie is a favorite. I also loved Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. jepebATverizonDOTnet
