
Monday, October 8, 2012

Guest Post with Author Anna Campbell and Giveaway

Today I am super excited to welcome back one of my most favorite people, author Anna Campbell. I <3 Anna so much and I'm a huge fan of her work. Anna is celebrating the release of her newest book Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed and has stopped by to chat about reluctant heroes. Please give Anna a warm welcome!

ANNA CAMPBELL has written six multi award-winning historical romances for Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in eleven languages. Always a voracious reader, Anna decided when she was a child that she wanted to be a writer. Once she discovered the wonderful world of romance novels, she knew exactly what she wanted to write. Anna has won numerous awards for her Regency-set romances including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice, the Booksellers Best, the Golden Quill (twice), the Heart of Excellence, the Aspen Gold and the Australian Romance Readers Association's favorite historical romance (three times). Her books have twice been nominated for Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA Award and twice for Australia's Romantic Book of the Year.
Places to find Anna:

The Reluctant Hero Rocks! 

Hi Danielle! Thanks for having me as your guest today on Ramblings with This Chick! Always love to visit your blog!

I’ve got a new book out this month and I’m so excited. SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED is the first book in my first series, “Sons of Sin”. It’s a very gothic take on Beauty and the Beast. That covers two things I love as a reader (and writer) – gothic romance and fairytale themes.

Here’s the blurb:

Will a week of seduction...

Desperate to save her sister's life, Sidonie Forsythe has agreed to submit herself to a terrible fate: Beyond the foreboding walls of Castle Craven, a notorious, hideously scarred scoundrel will take her virtue over the course of seven sinful nights. Yet instead of a monster, she encounters a man like no other. And during this week, she comes to care for Jonas Merrick in ways that defy all logic-even as a dark secret she carries threatens them both.

...Spark a lifetime of passionate surrender?

Ruthless loner Jonas knows exactly who he is. Should he forget, even for a moment, the curse he bears, a mere glance in the mirror serves as an agonizing reminder. So when the lovely Sidonie turns up on his doorstep, her seduction is an even more delicious prospect than he originally planned. But the hardened outcast is soon moved by her innocent beauty, sharp wit, and surprising courage. Now as dangerous enemies gather at the gate to destroy them, can their new, fragile love survive?

You can read an excerpt of SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED here.

I thought today I’d talk about something that struck me about Jonas Merrick, the hero of SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED.

As a reader, I love the reluctant hero. You know, the man who is determined not to act the good guy or to do the right thing. But as he falls in love, he finds himself being heroic in spite of himself, against the promptings of his nature. And how he hates it!

When SEVEN NIGHTS opens, Jonas isn't a nice man at all. He’s embittered and reclusive and set on revenge against his vile cousin (who deserves anything bad that comes to him!) without caring a fig for who gets hurt in the process. When innocent Sidonie Forsythe falls into his orbit, he’s determined to stay wicked, however powerfully he’s drawn to her with an attraction that extends way beyond the physical.

But no matter how hard he strives to stick to his rotten plans, how can he stay wicked when he finds Sidonie so enchanting?

Well, the answer to that one is pretty clear. He can’t!

He suffers inconvenient protective feelings along with his desire. And before long, he’s setting aside his selfish agenda for her sake. Which isn't how he pictured this particular seduction running at all!

I love watching the internal battles in these conflicted reluctant heroes. They don’t want to be the good guy, the guy who saves the day. But when they fall in love, they just can’t help it. Of course they don’t want to fall in love either. They fight that tooth and nail but still they fall. That’s always a great awwwww moment for this particular reader.

So are you a fan of the reluctant hero? Or do you prefer someone who’s got his shining armor polished from the start? Do you have any favorite reluctant heroes? This is my second reluctant hero in a row – Nicholas from MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION was an extremely reluctant good guy, he was having far too much fun being naughty! So let’s have fun today with naughty men who discover to their displeasure that a good man lurks under the sin.

I've got a signed copy of SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED featuring reluctant hero Jonas for one commenter today (international). Good luck!

Will a week of seduction...

Desperate to save her sister's life, Sidonie Forsythe has agreed to submit herself to a terrible fate: Beyond the foreboding walls of Castle Craven, a notorious, hideously scarred scoundrel will take her virtue over the course of seven sinful nights. Yet instead of a monster, she encounters a man like no other. And during this week, she comes to care for Jonas Merrick in ways that defy all logic-even as a dark secret she carries threatens them both.

...Spark a lifetime of passionate surrender?

Ruthless loner Jonas knows exactly who he is. Should he forget, even for a moment, the curse he bears, a mere glance in the mirror serves as an agonizing reminder. So when the lovely Sidonie turns up on his doorstep, her seduction is an even more delicious prospect than he originally planned. But the hardened outcast is soon moved by her innocent beauty, sharp wit, and surprising courage. Now as dangerous enemies gather at the gate to destroy them, can their new, fragile love survive?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Want to win some goodies from Anna? Check out what's up for grabs.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering Anna's question: So are you a fan of the reluctant hero? Or do you prefer someone who’s got his shining armor polished from the start? Do you have any favorite reluctant heroes?
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • International Shipping Available
  • Giveaway ends October 15th

Good Luck =)


  1. Thanks for the interview and giveaway. I love reluctant heroes, their stories always touches my heart. But I also love the heroes who's ready to do battle at any moment. There are so many heroes that comes up to mind...ark I love them all!

  2. Kipha, I have to say I"m with you. I love them whether they're ready or not! ;-) Thanks for playing and good luck!

  3. I would have to say I mostly prefer misogynistic reluctant heroes to manwhore reluctant heroes but reluctant is always appealing. If a bad boy suffers enough I will forgive him a great deal.

    1. I think Nicholas in Midnight counts as the Manwhore reluctant hero. Jonas is the tortured reluctant hero. LOL!

  4. Hi Anna and waving to Danielle, this is my first visit to Ramblings From This Chick, it looks like a great place to be.

    Anna, the reluctant hero is probably my favorite type of hero I love the way he has to battle with himself before he is finally conquered by the growing love he feels for the heroine. I have read all your books and I think you have come to specialize in the reluctant hero, the more tortured the better!

    Please don't enter me in the giveaway, my copy of SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE'S BED is winging its way to me. I can't wait to read it--I suspect it's going to become my new favorite Anna Campbell romance!

    1. Ooh, thank you so much, Kandy! Hope you like Jonas. He definitely falls into the reluctant hero shelf of the bookcase! And he's very tortured too! Poor guy! He's rung Central Casting to find out if he can get out of any future gigs with Anna Campbell!

  5. I love all types of heroes. All of them (& that's why they are the hero!) is that they are intrinsically good. They may try to hide it, they may prefer to stand back & let someone else shine, they may have slipped & gotten lost for a bit but what has us totally on their side thru out the story is that they have an inner core of ultimate heroism.

  6. You're so right, Linda. They need to be good by the end even if they're not good at the start. Love the journey of the flawed hero.

  7. Ooh, I do enjoy a good reluctant hero, Anna--while I also love those who are ready to stand for the right from the start, I do also like those who get dragged somewhat reluctantly to protect or fight or guard or something even if that isn't what they'd envision themselves signing up for!

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

    1. Fedora, it was kinda a silly question, wasn't it? Of course we love ALL the great heroes out there! LOL!

  8. Hi,

    I think that the reluctant heroes are the best. Think of Han Solo - you have to love him as a scoundrel, then even more when he realises that his 'hero gene' has snuck up on him and that he isn't as bad as he thought/hoped he was.

    1. Natasha, Han Solo is the perfect example of the reluctant hero, isn't he? And don't we have fun watching him become a better man? Love that arc!

  9. Mixed with a romantic-comedy-type of a story, Reluctant Heroes can rule the whole book world (well in my own opinion :D). It's always amusing (again for me :>) when a hero can't name the "foreign" feeling nagging inside of him every time our lovely heroine is around, he may try to deny and do his damn best to convince himself that what he's feeling not infected with the "pretty little thing called love" but of course he will gave up in the end and surrender. :D

    1. simonelorzz(AT)gmail(DOT)com :D

    2. Lory, watching that surrender kicking and screaming is always fun, isn't it? Yes, I get a kick out of the "Hold on, this isn't how I usually react to a woman" stuff. Never gets old for me.

  10. I am a fan of both. I like the reluctant because he does not try so hard to be noticed by everyone, but still has to be the protector. I also like the one that wants everyone to know that he is the hero and wants that recognition. He is usually the one that falls the hardest. He is a total attention seeker, but in a good way. This book sounds great. Big fan of Anna's books and this is one my To-buy list. Thanks for the giveaway.
    christinebails at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Chris! Thanks for swinging by and saying such nice things. Yeah, I like both. I love the knight in shining armor type but I also love the guy who needs to polish up that armor a bit before he goes into the final fray.

  11. Hi Anna,

    I love reluctant hero :)

    Congrts on your new release, love the cover of this book

    1. Thanks so much, Eli. Isn't that cover just delicious?

  12. Knights in shining armor are always good to have around, but even better when they're clad in an armor of cold indifference and lead a roguish life. Their undoing at the hands of an irresistible, usually innocent and unassuming lady is even more gratifying to read. Someone compared this kind of alpha men to taffy...they may be hard, but when they get warm they become all soft and chewy ;)
    minadecaro at hotmail dot com

    1. Ooh, Mina, what a beautiful description. They generally take a bit of chewing out before they're nice and gooey and sweet too so the comparison works and works and works.

  13. I love a reluctant hero especially a bad boy hero. Thanks for a great post! Carin
    mawmom at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks so much, Carin! Yeah, bad boy heroes are majorly delicious, aren't they?

  14. Congratulations on the new book. Although I enjoy both types of heroes, a story is usually more interesting when a hero is flawed.


    1. Kim, I think a knight in shining armor can definitely be flawed - makes it more interesting. Thanks for the congrats!

  15. Hi Anna! I prefer the roguish and reluctant hero that is so smitten that he is redeemed by his lady's charm. It is so much fun reading about their torment along the way. Of course, I also like the hero who is a hero all through the book. I think that deep down we are all heroes and heroines inside.

    1. Cathy, the responses to this post are making me laugh. The answers have been chocolate or chocolate? Of course I like chocolate! ;-)

  16. PS: I forgot to put in my email address:

    kscathy at yahoo dot com

  17. I like the hero who is always ready to do the right thing but is reluctant to be in the spotlight and receive praise for doing so.


    1. Kelli, what an interesting take. I don't think many of us love a 'look at me' hero - or at least one who doesn't learn the errors of his ways before he's done. Thanks for swinging by!

  18. I love a reluctant hero. I love the way they groan and grouse and grimace while "doing the right thing"--partly because it's funny, but mostly because touching to see where their morals lie. Sometimes rusty chivalry is the best chivalry!

    julieguan AT gmail DOT com

    1. Julie, love your line about rusty chivalry being the best chivalry. Gorgeous! I'm with you on what a fun journey that is for a reluctant hero!

  19. Hi, Anna! It's always good to see you on another blog. You get to have more fun!

    I like a hero that make need a little help with getting his act together. Now, I could write that I am ready to help him polish his armor but that could be taken in a very naughty way! Either way, I'll take the hero just as he is! ;-)

    1. Connie, I've been blogging like it's going out of style since the book came out. The tour's petering out a bit now. Still got a few to do but no three in one day. Thanks so much for swinging by and joining in the party. You saucy wench! Exactly WHICH part of the armor do you want to polish? LOL!

  20. I love the reluctant hero. You are pulling for him through the whole book and you know that he is everything that he feels he is not.

    1. Sheryl, that's such a good point. I think readers love a reluctant hero because while he might mistrust himself, we know he's going to come good in the end!

  21. I always enjoy a reluctant hero, especially if he's the tortured type and just wants to be left alone but can't stop himself from stepping in and being the hero needed.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

    1. Oh, I love that moment when he's torn between going back to his bad old ways or taking on the new challenges of being in love! Great description, Barb!

  22. Give me a reluctant hero, and if he's busy I'll take the Knight in Shining Armor, Please.....I Need a Hero!

    1. Darn, so excited about my hero forgot my email...


  23. Joy, laughing at the hero making you all kerfuffled! Yeah, I'm kinda a foot in both camps too. Hey, with so much deliciousness out there, why should I have to choose just one?

  24. It seems to me that every memorable hero I have read about as most definitely not been reluctant. I need to branch out.


    1. Mary, really? I love me a reluctant hero. I love how he struggles to stick to his bad old ways. Lord Dain in Lord of Scoundrels is a great example - seriously that's a classic, grab it if you can!

  25. Hi ^^

    congratulation on the new release, i like the cover also the colour ^^
    i like the reluctant hero. thanks ^^


    1. Hi Olivia! Thanks for the congrats. I'm madly in love with that cover too.

  26. I enjoy both but I like the reluctant hero more. With his flaws, he makes the story more interesting.
    Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.


    1. Thanks so much, Joanne! Yeah, the flawed guy definitely makes for an interesting journey, doesn't he?

  27. I enjoy all types of heroes (differences are spice of life ;) or such) including the reluctant hero. the reluctant ones that come to mind are Chase's Dain and your Gideon (who just couldn't help himself to rescuing the lass even when he just want to go hide from the world & be left alone)

    gamistress66 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Gamistress, you're so right about Gideon. I was thinking he was basically heroic - which is true - but you're so right about him wanting to hide away. He's learned to mistrust himself so badly in that book, poor guy. He just doesn't think he's fit for human consumption!

  28. I don't mind enjoy all types of heroes as long they're wicked! Lol! One of my favorite reluntant heroe is Leo Hathaway!


    1. Oh, great choice, Giselle! Actually the reluctant hero is a mainstay of historical romance, isn't he? And he's usually wicked! ;-)

  29. I really like the hero who is reluctant until he meets the one he is willing to do anything for, although a knight in shining armor is always great.

    1. Annwitch, I think it's such fun to watch the change in those men once they fall in love. As you know, the good old KISA is also very nice too!

  30. I love all types of heroes!! That why my hero every weeks not same, except one, they're must wicked. LOL!!
    If heroes was a bit dangerous, i will really really LOVE it.
    Love this post :)

    1. I forget my email again,..*sigh

      filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  31. Thanks so much, Filia! So glad you enjoyed the post. It was a fun one to write - love talking about heroes. As you say, why do we need to choose? There's so much deliciousness out there? LOL!

  32. Reluctant heroes are fun - it's almost sweeter when he does the right thing and becomes that hero that she needs.

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    1. Di, that element of struggle certainly adds to the emotional stakes, doesn't it? I agree with you!

  33. I like reluctant heroes. I think Zsadist from the BDB series was reluctant.


    1. BN, Zsadist was utterly reluctant. And I think like a lot of reluctant heroes, his reluctance stemmed from mistrust of himself. Love that story!

  34. love all kind of heroes.
    thank you anna and the cover is fab :)

    1. forgot to leave my email,i'm sorry :)

      rosalinarusli at gmail dot com

    2. Thanks for swinging by, Rosalina!

  35. I like someone that falls inbetween - a hero that's willing (and more than able) to help, but doesn't rush in unless they are needed.


    1. Jasmyn, I always like that element of forethought ina hero too. Thanks for swinging by and good luck!

  36. I do like reluctant heroes. If they have qualities I like in a hero I'll appreciate them and hope the heroine suits him.


    1. Na, I think there has to be a glimmer of a potential knight in shining armour in the reluctant hero. But I love it when he resists!

  37. Reluctant heroes are a favorite of mine. I like seeing how they grow as people and find love with the heroine.

    Jyl22075 at

    1. Jyl, they're among my favorites too. And as someone said, there's usually good fun to be had in watching his journey from reluctant to hero.

  38. Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
    I love reluctant heroes, their stories always touches my heart, see how they fight for the better future and found they own love

    sweety.white at

    1. Hi Sweety! Thanks for swinging by. I think it's that struggle that makes the reluctant hero compelling.

  39. A knight in shinning armor is the way to go for me. Tks for giveaway/contest.Excellent cover.

    1. Sue, how interesting that you've got such strong preferences. I must say I love that kind of hero too. Oh, let's face it, I love most of them! I'm a bit of a hero flirt! ;-)

  40. Oh I'll take them whichever way Anna wants to write them!!! I'm guessing on the reluctant hero but either is fine with me.


  41. Catslady, you're a flirt too! LOL! Yeah, I think they're all pretty delicious.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I've always liked the reluctant heros like the bad boys who don't know if they're worthy of their woman :)

    1. Amy, I love that emotional complexity too. You know, he's all alpha outside, but there are self-doubts underneath that nobody knows about. Sigh.

  44. My favorites are Alec Kincaid in Garwood's The Bride and Iain Maitland in The Secret. And of course, there is the combination of the two, responsible, noble, heroic and Scottish - Jamie Fraser from Outlander.

    1. Kimmy, call me silly but I get the feeling you might like Highlander heroes! LOL! Thanks for swinging by.

  45. I think I like both types. It really depends on my mood! I did adore Nicholas from Midnight's wild passion though. :)

    maybe31 at

    1. Thanks so much, May. Nicholas is definitely a reluctant hero - in fact at one point he decides he's sick of changing into a better man and he goes back to his bad old ways. Naughty Nicholas!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I like both types. One of my favorite reluctant heroes is Zarek from the Dark-hunters series.

    1. Marlene, you won't believe this but I haven't read any of the Dark Hunter books. I must - I know how fanatical readers are about them! Thanks for swinging by!

  48. Thanks to Danielle for hosting me and to everyone who swung by. I've really enjoyed talking reluctant heroes with you all. Good luck in the draw!

  49. i like the reluctant hero better instead of the knight in shining armor - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
