
Friday, March 1, 2013

Guest Post with Author Jennifer Ryan and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC, author Jennifer Ryan. Jennifer is celebrating the release of her book, Saved by the Rancher and has stopped by for a chat. Please give Jennifer a warm welcome.

Jennifer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, three children, her dog, Bella, and cat, Shadow.

When she isn’t writing a book, she’s reading one. Her obsession for both is often revealed in the state of her home and how late dinner is to the table. When she finally leaves those fictional worlds, you’ll find her in the garden, playing in the dirt and daydreaming about people who live only in her head, until she puts them on paper.

Places to find Jennifer: 
| Site

A really great romance makes us root for the hero and heroine to fall in love, overcome all obstacles, and find the happy-ever-after we all hope to have one day...if we haven't already found it.

What I love about romantic suspense is that added element of danger, that something dark that comes between the hero and heroine, but also draws them closer and binds them together to fight the evil invading their lives and trying to tear them apart. Maybe it's a serial killer on the loose, a sinister plot by someone to keep them apart, or an ex hell-bent on getting his lover back.

In SAVED BY THE RANCHER, Jenna's ex, David, is determined to get her and his shares in Merrick International back. Jack will do anything to keep Jenna safe, including lay down his life. Before he and Jenna can have the life they dreamed, David will put that to the test. Fed up with David's sick games, Jenna turns the tables - the hunted becomes the hunter - when she confronts David in the boardroom at Merrick to take back her life.

From the moment rancher Jack Turner rescues Jenna Caldwell Merrick, he is determined to help her. Soon, he is tending more than her wounds, he is mending her heart. Jenna is a woman on the run—hunted down by her ex-husband, David Merrick, from the moment she left him, taking part of his company with her, to the second she found herself on the safety of Jack’s ranch. More than just a safe haven, Jack’s offering the love, family, and home she thought was out of reach.

Jack’s support and love will give her the strength she needs to reclaim her life. The hunted will become the hunter, as David gets what he deserves when they have an explosive confrontation in the boardroom of Merrick International. But not before Jack and Jenna enter into a fight…for their lives.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |
David sat behind his massive desk, his hand wrapped around a tumbler of whiskey instead of his high-priced, highly educated, but still incompetent lawyer’s neck.

“She outmaneuvered us, Mr. Merrick. If we’d known about . . .”

“You should have known,” he bellowed, barely able to contain his temper. “I lost half of everything to that bitch!”

“At least it didn't go public.”

“Get out.” Voice low, it resonated with his inner rage.

Alone, David stared out the windows of his thirty-sixth floor office at Merrick International. His company, and now she’d taken part of it. The fire of fury from that single thought shot through his veins, enraging him more. He tipped the drink to his mouth and downed a deep gulp, welcoming the familiar sting down his throat. Three men entered. He tracked their progress toward his desk with their reflection in the window. He’d used his elite security team to investigate many corporate deals, but now he needed them for something much more personal.

His back to them, he ordered, “Whatever it takes. Find her.”

They marched out eager to do his bidding.

David turned his focus from the city lights inside to the anger eating away at him. How could she do this? He’d make her regret winning today in court. She’d pay for besting him. No one got away with taking anything from him. No woman left him, especially not his wife.

He held his drink aloft and toasted the San Francisco skyline. “The game is on.”

Click for info. 

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs Tour Wide: 

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  1. so loving the sound of this one, congrats on your new release! Saved By The Rancher looks like a great book :D

    1. Thank you! Hope you enjoy it. Jennifer Ryan

  2. This sounds so good!

    Marcy Shuler

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Marcy. I hope you like the book.

  3. Congrats on the new release. Saved by the Rancher sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Jenna and Jack. Jenna's ex, David, sounds like a real winner. Thanks for the excerpt and giveaway.


  4. Hi, Jennifer! Saved by the Rancher sounds like a winner. Thanks for the excerpt and giveaway!

