
Monday, September 9, 2013

Guest Post with Author Ashlyn Chase and Giveaway

Meet Ashlyn Chase, author of the new book, How to Date a Dragon.

Ashlyn Chase describes herself as an Almond Joy bar. A little nutty, a little flaky, but basically sweet, wanting only to give her readers a satisfying experience.

She holds a degree in behavioral sciences, worked as a psychiatric RN for several years and spent a few more years working for the American Red Cross. She credits her sense of humor to her former careers since comedy helped preserve whatever was left of her sanity. She is a multi-published, award-winning author of humorous erotic and paranormal romances, represented by the Seymour Agency.

She lives in beautiful New Hampshire with her true-life hero husband who’d look like Hugh Jackman if you dyed his hair, and they’re owned by a spoiled brat cat.

Places to find Ashlyn:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

If you were stranded on an island with one of your characters, who would you choose to be there and why?

This is an easy question to answer. Drake Cameron is a dragon shifter, and he can fly. He doesn’t do it often—that would alert humans to the fact that dragons exist. So for the safety of the few dragons that are left, he rarely uses paranormal abilities that would send up red flags. However, I’m sure I could convince him to fly me back to land under cover of darkness. He’s a reasonable guy and a natural rescuer. Besides, I’m his creator, so I can make him do just about anything I want.

Notice I didn’t say absolutely anything. I’ve had characters go on strike when I tried to make them do things they didn’t agree with or prevent them from doing something they really, really wanted to try. The characters in his book were cooperative, I’m delighted to say.

Drake is the perfect fire fighter. He’s fireproof, so when there’s a fire in Boston he’s usually the first one into the building and the last one out. Unfortunately, his chief begins to wonder if Drake has a death wish. And he’s pushing the chief toward an early grave when he takes crazy chances.

Once, he went back into a fully engulfed building to rescue a couple of greyhounds. He wound up getting a medal for that. The chief hated giving it to him, but they were the mayor’s dogs. What could he do?

But when Drake went back into another fire for a resident’s computer, well that was it! The chief suspended him for a week. Bliss Russo witnessed the dressing down he received for rescuing her computer, and she felt terrible. She had begged him to go back in after it, because she was in a TV competition and all her greeting card designs were on that computer.

All she can do is learn from the event. “Note to self: Next time a hottie fireman carries you out of a burning building, remember to grab the computer with your whole life on it!”

Before I go, I’d like to mention that I’ll be attending the Coastal Magic Conference, Feb 6th through 9th, 2014, in Daytona Beach, FL. Details can be found here:

It’s the first time I’ve been invited to a conference as a guest author/speaker/entertainer, or whatever they want me to do. What can I say? I’m an extrovert, and unlike my characters I can be talked into anything. LOL

Let the Sparks Fly…

Bliss Russo thought nothing exciting ever happened in her life. Until her building caught on fire and she had to be carried out of the flames in the arms of a gorgeous fireman. Sure, her apartment is now in shambles and she'll have to start her huge work project completely from scratch. But at least her love life is finally looking up...if only she can find her red-hot rescuer again.

Dragon shapeshifter Drake Cameron is the last of his clan, and the loneliness is starting to claw at him. He's met only one woman who might be able to stand the shock of his true nature. After all, she barely batted an eyelash when her home burned down. And feeling her curves against him was just as hot as the inferno. Just when he thinks he'll never track her down, she walks into his firehouse—with no idea what she's about to get herself into...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Click for info.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a question or comment for Ashlyn.
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to the Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Ashlyn, I definitely have to check out your series. Love the covers

  2. Dragon are my favorite. Definitely can't wait to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Awesome, Vanessa. I don't think my dragon mythology is 'typical' so I hope you're not expecting that. I try to deliver new takes on old themes. Reviewers often like my 'twists'. I hope you do too!

  3. Hi Ashlyn. How to Date A Dragon sounds great. I love dragons.

  4. Hi Ashlyn! How to Date a Dragon sounds like a great read. I think almost every woman has that fantasy, lol. Being rescued by a hotty. Great post! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

    1. The thing I love about my heroine Bliss is that she's no shy violet. She's every bit as feisty as my most independent heroines, and Drake has his hands full!

  5. Love these type of books! :) Sounds terrific!

  6. Dragon shape shifters are my favorite. Looking forward to reading this one!!

    1. I'm so glad your a dragon-fan, Theresa!
      I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sandy!
      Strange Neighbors, The Werewolf Upstairs and The Vampire Next Door were the inspiration for the Flirting with Fangs series! I couldn't say goodbye to some of those great characters, so book 1, Flirting Under a Full Moon became a spin-off, starring Nick Wolfensen, Konrad's identical twin. You'll see old friends make appearances throughout the new series. (grin)

  8. Hi Ashlyn! Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and your writing. I loved the book blurb. It looks like a very interesting read. I love heroes like Drake. So hot--literally and figuratively! ;)
    Like you, I think I'm a bit like an Almond Joy bar...except I'm probably nuttier.


  9. Thanks the giveaway. Your books look great and I can't wait to read them.

  10. Your spoiled brat cat must be related to my spoiled brat cat - who is currently doing the brain-melt stare because she is inside and she wishes to be outside. Must go before my brain melts.

  11. I do love Ashlyn's books and have read a few of them in the past. I'd love to actually win this new one for my already overcrowded book shelves.

    1. Best of luck in the drawing, Nora!
      I have a giveaway at almost every blog stop all month. If you feel like trying your luck a little more you can find the schedule and links here:

  12. I'm a huge fan of both firefighters and dragons. :)

  13. I love that cover. Did you have any input to what it looked like?

    1. Hi Lori,

      I wish I could say I had anything to do with the cover, but nope. Not one iota is mine. Someone else oicked the title, designed it, and wrote the back cover copy

  14. I am so glad I've discovered you! I first noticed your books at Discover A New Love. I'm going to pick up your newest one as it's a one of the "free" pick this month, yah. I have a soft spot for dragons ;-), especially the flying part. I fly in my dreams... I'm terrible with questions but I can tell from this post that your paranormal characters, series character interaction and "outside the box" storytelling will delight me! Thanks for the giveaway and I'll be looking for more. I'm off to visit your website to sign up for your newsletter.

    1. That is awesome! Flying in dreams is a very good thing. It has to do with striving for higher thngs and achieving

    2. Oy. Please forgive the typos. Ilm on my iPad mini.

  15. I'm loving this series. It's really fun. I hope all who are new to Ashlyn check it out. They'll be happy they did.

  16. I read the excerpt of "How to Date a Dragon" and I loved it. I enjoy reading about shape-shifters, wolves, panthers, tigers, you name it I like it. But this is the first time I have ever read anything about a dragon. I also think the cover is perfect. It is HOT. I also want to thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Thanks, Terrie!
      I hope you enjoy it and become a dragon fan.
      Good luck in the drawing.

  17. Firefighters and Dragons, what's not to love. The books sounds fantastic. I love your mix of humor and romance. They make for such light-hearted reads. Do you have a title for the next book in series? Or are we not allowed to know yet, lol.

    1. Twist my arm, Steph. LOL
      Itls called Kissing with Fangs.

  18. Hi Ashlyn!

    I don't have a question, just wanted to say I look forward to meeting you at CM! :-)

  19. I don't know how I missed this book. I just may have to buy it if I don't win it first. :)

  20. Ashlyn,
    Another great post. I know everyone who reads it will love Drake's story. And I also know that whatever they want you to do at the conference you'll be a ray of sunshine for the attendees.

  21. such a yummy cover ;) sounds like one to add to the wish list, thanks :)

  22. Good choice of who to have with you, ability to fly is the way to go. Thanks for the giveaway. lisagk(at)yahoo

  23. I love your books Ashlyn every one is a cant put down page turner .Hope you have a fantastic day.

  24. I enjoyed the post and the excerpt as well. I need to start this series, it sounds fantastic.

  25. I can't wait to read How To Date A Dragon!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  26. Love this cover. The model looks so fierce!! Very sexy! Definitely adding How to Date a Dragon to my TBR list!

  27. Great title, caught my eye. Loved the cover. Looking forward to reading this one. Thanks.
