
Sunday, December 29, 2013

ARC Review: Sex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre

Wow. After reading this book I am pretty much speechless. This is going to a very tough review for me, because there are so many twists and turns and I don't want to give anything away. I have never read a book by Alessandra Torre before, but after reading Sex Love Repeat I will definitely be reading more from her. This book had me feeling so many different things. Just by reading the blurb, you can tell that this book is definitely going to go one of a few ways. I can honestly say that there were so many things that I didn't see coming. It was fun to read this book and I absolutely could not put it down. I loved that it was unpredictable and unique.

Madison is dating and in love with two guys. They are both completely different, and they are both aware of the other. While they don't know anything about each other, they know that they each have half her heart. Stewart is a very wealthy man who is committed to his work. Madison would not be exclusive with him because she didn't want to come in second to his work. While she understood and loved him for that, she just couldn't give him everything when he couldn't return it. Stewart knew that Madison deserved more, and encouraged her to find a steady boyfriend who could take care of her and fill in the gaps when he couldn't be around. Madison met Paul and they had an instant connection. Their relationship is easy and makes her happy. Paul and Madison live together and spend most of their time together, except when she is with Stewart. Paul originally was opposed to the kind of relationship Madison was asking for, but he knew he couldn't live without her and decided that he would rather have part of her than not have her at all. All three of them know that this relationship cannot go on forever the way it is, and that eventually some choices will have to be made. None of them expect it to come quite as it does though. Through all of this there is a mystery girl who knows and loves both Paul and Stewart and is determined to see that Madison doesn't hurt either of them. Can Madison make the choice of who she should be with? Or will that choice be made for her?

I really loved both guys in this story. They were both extremely different and yet they had things in common. Stewart is sexy and dominant. He is wealthy and spends the majority of his time in suit and working. He knows exactly how to take care of Madison, and you could tell that he even though he is focused on work that he really did care about her. He was a bit impersonal though when it came to anything but sex with her. He had his assistant pick out gifts for her, and never seemed to really get too personal with Madison. Their connection was pretty much all about sex and I never really felt that they had an intense emotional connection. They did care about each other and there was definitely love between them, but it wasn't all encompassing like true love is. Paul was laid back and sweet. He was a hot surfer who was content to live his life to the fullest, regardless of how much money he made. He didn't focus on material things, and was happy to just be with Madison. Paul and Madison had not only a ton of chemistry together, but they also had a really strong connection. They were very natural together and they seemed to really love one another. I loved that they would surf together and just hang out together, the ease of their relationship very clear. I know it sounds weird, but you could really tell how deep Paul felt about Madison that he was willing to accept her being with Stewart. He was vulnerable, and it was obvious that he worried that eventually Madison would leave him. I liked Madison. I wasn't sure at first how I was going to like her when I knew that she was with two guys at the same time and that she seemed to perpetuate their strange triangle. But I was really surprised to see just how much I ended up liking her. She was an easy heroine to root for, and you could tell that her feelings for both men were very real. She was likable and she really did what she could to take care of both Paul and Stewart. I loved that she wasn't material and didn't try to get everything out of Stewart that she could. She was with both guys because of her feelings for them, not because of what they could give her.

This book was extremely hot. I thought that both guys had great chemistry with her and no matter who was with her, the sex scenes were some of the hottest that I have ever read. I was surprised how much I enjoyed her with both men. Even though I was rooting for one of them for her in the long run, I couldn't help but like her with both of them. They both treated her well and cared about her in their own way. This love triangle was so different from anything I have ever read. I never knew what to expect next, and I loved flipping the pages to find out what would happen with everyone. As much as I loved these characters though, I did have a few issues that kept this book from being a five star rating for me. Without spoiling anything, there is an HEA. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but the ease with which it happened seemed a bit unrealistic to me. I thought that after everything we had been through with them, that it was a bit anticlimactic. I was waiting for more drama or angst, and there was surprisingly very little. For me that just didn't make sense after everything that we had read up to that point. I also felt like the ending was a bit rushed. I would have liked to have seen more of how the characters got to the point at the end of the story after everything went down. There is a jump in time, and I feel like we missed out on a few things that would have been nice to see. I feel like if we would have seen it play out a bit more that it would have been more believable for how things end. I also have to admit that I either usually really love or hate an epilogue. This is one of those that I really did not love. I thought that in this case, the content of the epilogue was definitely something that I had previously questioned. I had thought about it once everything had been revealed, but when it wasn't brought up I figured that was the end of it. When I read the epilogue though, it almost made me with that it would never have been brought up at all. It sort of hurt the way I thought of Madison and although I still really like her, it did have an effect on how much I liked her.

Overall, this book was really good though. I loved the sex and steam and this was one of the hottest books I have ever read. I really loved Alessandra Torre's writing style, and I loved her characters. I loved that each character was deep and interesting, and they really owned up to their strengths and weaknesses. It was impossible not to connect with these characters and become invested in them. But what I loved most about this story was that it was so unique and different from anything I have ever read before. I loved the twists and turns, and there were several times that I literally found myself asking what just happened. It is hard for a book to truly surprise me anymore and this one definitely did it. This is not your typical love triangle, and I could not have enjoyed that more. This book is one that will stick with me and had left me with a huge book hangover. I honestly can't wait to go back and reread this story. I highly recommend this story to those looking for an erotic read that will keep you guessing until the very last page. This book grabs a hold of you and doesn't let go even after you have finished it. I can't wait to read more from Alessandra Torre in the future.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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