
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Interview with Author Adrienne Giordano and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome author Adrienne Giordano to RFTC. Adrienne is celebrating the release of her newest book Opposing Forces and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Adrienne a very warm welcome.

Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery.  She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane's Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction. For more information on Adrienne's books please visit

Places to find Adrienne:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m a born and bred Jersey girl now living in the Midwest. I’ve been published since 2010 and I currently have the Private Protectors (romantic suspense) series out. Opposing Forces is the sixth release in that series. When I’m not writing, I’m hanging out with my hubby, baseball obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten “Terrorist” Terrier. That dog is cute as can be, but he’s a handful. Still, when he curls up on Momma’s lap (he’s fifty pounds) his sins are instantly forgiven.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I was in high school when I decided I’d write a book someday. Recently, my mom shared with me some of my early “work” from the fifth grade. I guess even then I had imaginary people talking to me.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m a hybrid. I used to be a pure pantser and then I wrote a book that was 135,000 words and was told it needed to be 90,000. Yowzer! That cured me of pantsing an entire book. =) Over the past few years, I’ve become a plot structure fiend and like to figure out the book’s major turning points before I begin writing. I also do a lot of prep work (character interviewers, scene charts, etc.) before I start chapter one. That being said, I tend to pants a little as I’m writing. I figure as long as I know where the story needs to go, the pantsing usually works out okay. For my next book, I’m trying Scrivener. I think I’ll like it but there’s a huge learning curve.

Where do your ideas come from?
Everywhere. The newspaper is chock full of great story ideas. I usually flip through the first few sections of the paper and save any articles that catch my eye. When I’m ready to start a new story, I pull out my “treasure box” of articles and go through it. Sometimes though, particularly for my Private Protectors series, something will intrigue me about a secondary character and I decide that person needs a book. I wrote A Just Deception because I wondered why Monk (secondary character in Man Law) wore a do-rag. Peter “Monk” Jessup got a book simply because I wanted to explore how a guy from a blue blood family came to wearing do-rags and driving his mother crazy.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
You can guard your heart, but there’s no protection from true love.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Romantic suspense, thrillers, contemporary romance. I also like non-fiction. Mostly true crime and biographies. Right now I’m reading a book by a retired FBI agent who went undercover as a mob guy. Very interesting. It’s called Making Jack Falcone.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
I have a ton of favorite books! Currently I’m addicted to Laura Griffin’s Tracers series. Great fun! Another of my favorites is Flashpoint by Suzanne Brockmann (Oh, that Jimmy Nash…).

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
The ones where I have to completely tear down my hero or heroine so they can grow emotionally and come back stronger. There’s a scene in Man Law that was so emotionally draining I had to take a few days off afterward. It was tough stuff and I still hate that I did it, but when I look back on it, I know it was a pivotal growth point for Vic Andrews. He needed to suffer a paralyzing loss in order to recognize how important loved ones are. I took a ton of heat from readers for that twist, but it was worth it to know that I’d impacted people on such an emotional level.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Oh, I love this question. I’d choose Cherry Adair because she is hilarious and I think the two of us could get into a lot of trouble together. The last two I would pick are my pals Tracey Devlyn and Kelsey Browning. The three of us have navigated this publishing journey together and have shared the ups, the downs, (the sideways!) and anything else that’s come our way. They’re my critique partners and my go-to girls on everything and anything publishing related. So, yeah, I always want to share a meal with them.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m always working on something. I think the key to surviving in publishing is to always have something going. Right now I’m working on a new single title and the second book of a Harlequin Intrigue duet. The hero in the first of the Intrigue books is a prosecutor in Chicago and the heroine in the second book is his defense lawyer sister. They’ve been a ton of fun to write because I got to explore all sorts of family dynamics.

I loved question nine so I’m stealing it. Readers, which author would you have dinner with and why? I’m insanely curious to see the responses.

Jackson Lynx always has a plan. He wouldn’t be Vice President at Taylor Security if he wasn’t steady, smart and reliable. But as capable as he is, he’s not perfect. Approaching the one-year anniversary of kicking his prescription-drug habit, the last thing Lynx needs is temptation. Celibacy is part of his recovery plan. But then Jillian Murdoch asks for his help…

Jillian loves her job—managing pharmaceutical distribution—and she’s suspicious when an unscheduled delivery shows up late on a Friday night. Then someone breaks into her home and, terrified, she asks Lynx to install a security system. Grateful for his help, she’s wary of her attraction to him… She recognizes the Serenity Prayer on his mirror and can’t get involved with an addict.

But when they uncover dangerous secrets they’ll have to trust one another. Their lives, and their hearts, depend on it.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Click for info.

**Special Giveaway**
Would you like the latest information on Adrienne’s books? Get the Adrienne Giordano app and keep up with the action. Download the app before June 30 and be entered into a drawing to win a Private Protectors gift bag containing a print copy of Man Law (only 15 of those babies in existence!), a set of bullet earrings, a bracelet and a Keeper Kase. Instructions on how to enter the drawing can be found on the app’s announcements page.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs: 
  • Everyone that leaves a comment and fills out the Rafflecopter form will win themselves a an eBook copy of Risking Trust

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Which author would you have dinner with and why?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sylvain Reynard -- because I want to know what he looks like! :) I was surprised to learn Sylvain Reynard was a man and he's very mysterious. No pictures that I know of.

    1. Hi, Leslie. No pictures! That would make me insanely curious. I'd want to see what he looks like also. I'm nosy that way though. :)

      Thank you for coming by!

  2. Well, I was going to say Nora Roberts, because the woman is a writing machine and by all reports incredibly gracious to readers, but after reading Leslie's response, I think I'd like to have dinner with Shelly Laurenston. Her books are hilarious and she has no online presence other than her webpage.

    1. Hi, Rebe. Those mysterious authors always suck us in, don't they?

      Nora would be an awesome one too. I'd enjoy that. She's had such an amazing career. I think I'd ask her when she sleeps. :)

      Thank you for stopping in.

  3. I loved Making Jack Falcone. Um I have no idea who I'd have dinner with. Neil Gaiman, Eloisa James, and Stan Lee?

    1. Hi, Patricia. I'm fascinated with Making Jack Falcone. I love how he's not the typical FBI agent and makes it work. Really interesting story!

      I rode the elevator at an event with Eloisa once. Does that count? :)

  4. Adrienne -

    Loved this interview because I always get a new little nugget even though I think I know you inside and out! And OMG, yes on dinner w/ Cherry Adair. I want to adopt her as my sister because she's so freaking funny and has fabulous jewelry that she might, might let me borrow.

    Big release week hugs,

    1. I have to keep some secrets. :) Speaking of Cherry's jewelry! LOL. When I saw her at a luncheon last month she told me she had a piece of jewelry that would look great on me but she was going to return it because it wasn't her color. I laughed so hard. She's funny and so generous with her knowledge. I'm thrilled that I got to meet her.

      Thanks for stopping in, my friend!

  5. Charlaine Harris to find out what she's really thinks of True Blood and how it may have impacted her writing and the furor over the last book in her Sookie Stackhouse series (which I liked and felt was in keeping with the rest of the series).

    1. Ooh, that's a good one! I often find myself curious about things like that also. Now that I'm published, it's interesting to see how readers and reviewers interpret the work. I've been nervous about Opposing Forces because there aren't a lot of romance heroes who are recovering addicts. So far, the reviews have been great so I'm thrilled that readers and reviewers are connecting with him.

      Thanks for coming by, Anne.

  6. I think I would choose Jennifer Crusie..... she never fails to make me laugh, so I think I would have a really good time. Maybe we could make the amaretto milkshakes she talks about in one of her books... :)
    Sherri Lewis

    1. Can I come? LOL. I'm a huge Jennifer Crusie fan. I think Bet Me is my favorite of her books. It has so many laugh out loud moments. And I'm in for the Amaretto milkshakes too!

      Thank you for all the support, Sherri. I so appreciate it!

  7. I would love to have dinner with Nora Roberts, at her Inn! She is an author I have been reading forever!

  8. I would pick J.R. Ward. I would love to chat with her about the brothers!!


    1. Another good one! You guys are coming up with some awesome authors. I'll have to write down all these questions and if I ever meet the authors, I'll ask them.

      Thanks for commenting, Casey.

  9. Hi Adrienne - Congrats on your book! I loved all the heavy stuff in Man Law. Vic went through so much but it really made him who he is today. Man Law is the first book of yours I read and what got me hooked on your series, so well done with all of that!

    If I could have lunch or dinner with any author? That is tough to narrow down to just one. I loved having dinner with you and Tracey. I am most looking forward to meeting Misty Evans in person. She and I have gotten to know each other online and she has given me so many awesome opportunities that I am thankful for. I REALLY want a print copy of Man Law, so I am going to download your app for my new phone!

    1. Hi, Amy. Thank you so much for all of your support. You've been wonderful in helping getting the word out on my series. It's hard to believe Man Law has been out almost two years!

      Misty is terrific. She's one of my best pals and I'm blessed to call her my friend. I have to say, I have awesome peeps. I don't know how I got that lucky, but I did!

      Thanks for downloading the app! I'm having fun with that little bugger.

  10. I think I'd like to have dinner with Vivian Arend. She's an amazing woman and I've enjoyed talking with her in the past. Also Vicktor Alexander. I've recently found his books and have been impressed with the obstacles he's overcome and is still overcoming.
    I'm downloading your app as well, when I can get my phone to cooperate.
    Thank you,

    1. Hi, Lisa. Vivian Arend would be fun. I haven't read Vicktor Alexander. I will look up his books. Love finding new authors.

      Thank you for downloading the app. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Since I've already had dinner with Adrienne, I'll say J K Rowling.

    1. Mary Jo Burke you are too good to me. LOL. I'd love to have dinner with JK Rowling. I think that would be fascinating. She's had such tremendous success.

      Thanks for coming by!

  12. Congrats to Adrienne on the newest release!!! Sounds awesome :) I'd have to say Nora Roberts. She sounds fun.

  13. Hi, Erin. Thank you! Nora does sound fun. I saw her speak at a conference once and really enjoyed it. She's had such an amazing career.

    Have a great day!

  14. Judith McNaught. I love her books. Paradise and Perfect are two of my favorite books ever.

    1. Hi, Lori. Whitney, My Love was the first historical I'd ever read and it's still one of my favorites. That's another book I've destroyed the spine on. I love a sassy heroine. :)

  15. Thanks for the giveaway. I haven't read this series yet, but I am adding to my TBR list. It sounds great.
    Like you, I would love to have dinner with Cherry Adair, but the author I would love to have dinner with the most is Christine Feehan because she is the first author whose books I fell in love with.

  16. Hi, Eva. Thank you for stopping to say hello. I've never read Christine Feehan, but will add her to my list to check out.

    What I love about people who love books is we all have our favorite authors and happily share. :)

  17. I've had dinner with Tara Nina, Ruby Storm, Lynn Lafleur, and many others, but my dream author would be Nora Roberts as she is the first author I remember reading and I fell in love with her books from the start!

    1. Hi, Cassie. Nora is the first romance author I remember reading. I was in high school and my sister gave me one of her books. I wish I still had that book!

      Thanks for stopping in.

  18. I would love to have dinner with Stephe King just to see what he's like-he fascinates me!

    1. Oh, he'd be a good one! I think I'd be staring at him the whole time wondering what he was thinking. LOL.

      I'm picturing all the authors mentioned sitting around one table. Now that would be fun!

  19. I would have to say Shiloh Walker and Lauren Dane. They are both so snarky and full of sass. I think they would be a hoot.

    1. Hi, Sebella. I'm a fan of sassy people myself. It makes life so interesting.

      I am loving the list of authors we have going here.

  20. I would have to choose Lorelei James. I love all of her books! She's an autobuy for me.
    I can't wait to read this book. I really like when there are real life issues that are dealt with in a book. It makes it more real for me.

    1. Hi, Rhonda. If you've followed the Private Protectors series, you know I love a flawed character. This is the first time I've written about a character dealing with addiction though. I did a lot of research on addiction. It was important to me to portray Jack's issues in a way that was realistic. He needed to struggle a little bit. :)

      Thanks for coming by.

  21. Shayla Black and Shana Galen...I am fascinated by them both and I am not even sure I would be able to talk LOL

    1. Hi, Josie. I bet you'd find something to say. It is funny how we get starstruck though. I met Carla Neggers at an event in April and I was speechless for a few seconds. And that doesn't happen all that often. :)

  22. Diana Gabaldon because I would LOVE to pick her brain about who was her inspiration behind Jamie Fraser and if it were to be cast as a movie or tv show, who would she pick to play which roles?

    1. Hi, Meghan. I'd love to join you for a Diana Gabaldon dinner! That would be fun!

      Thanks for coming by.

  23. Terry Pratchett before he succumbs further to Alzheimers. Love his quirky writing.

  24. I would love to have dinner with Abbi Glines. I met her at RT in KC, and she was just the nicest person. She seems like she'd be fun to hang around with, plus I could get into her head regarding her heros. lol

  25. Kresley Cole because her Immortals After Dark series is my favorite .

  26. So hard to pick just one author, but I think it would be Jayne Ann Krentz, I want to know how she ties all her stories from Amanada Quick, to JAK to Jayne Castle... Thanks for asking. lisagk(at)yahoo

  27. Oh Jimmy Nash.... *SIGH* ... I have to say I'm a sucker for Sam!... Whole other conversation! LOL .... Oh man, only one author?.... I don't know... Janet Evanovich (To see if she can be as sarcastic as her characters)... Sherrilyn Kenyon (To pick her brain on how she came up with a whole species of characters with these amazing abilities) .. Bianca Sommerland (To kiss her for making such damned attractive men to drool over)... WAY too many to continue... I could go on and on! :) Thank you for the giveaway, and congrats on the new release!

    1. oops...
      majorsqueenbee at yahoo dot com
