
Saturday, March 8, 2014

ARC Review: Spirited by Mary Behre

Jules Scott is crifted (cursed and gifted) and can speak to ghosts. They seek her out, some demanding help, others offering it. She wishes it would help her find her lost sisters. After breaking into Detective Seth English’s apartment window by accident, their worlds align on a collision course. They’re also neighbors. Her current visitor is a murdered member of a jewelry thief gang. The woman pleads for help in finding her killer before he strikes again. She offers no names or locations, just dire warnings and code names of the gang. She and Jules have a few physical similarities including a unique tattoo. When she stumbles on the woman’s dumped body, she becomes embroiled in Seth’s investigation. Jules met the deceased woman by accident at a party before her death. She also knows the woman’s fiancĂ©. Maybe she knows where the stolen diamonds are too. The killer doesn’t believe in coincidence and starts to follow Jules. Seth needs to question Jules about more than the case. There is a growing attraction. Both have been damaged by the actions of their ex-spouses and tread lightly. More ghosts appear to ask Jules to help a homeless man living behind her building. His deceased wife and daughter try to comfort him. Jules conveys their messages of love, easing some of his burden. He becomes her ally in an unsuspecting way. Many of the clues in the case point to people who end up missing or dead. The killer is getting the information from the police. Seth is under suspicion because of his relationship with Jules. Is his sacrificed career worth her love?

The levels of tension and suspense are high. Events happen and the feeling that something is off is palatable. Issues of trust on every level raise the stakes too. Jules is well written. She’s complex and sweet. Her main goal is to find her sisters and ghosts keep interfering. If they didn't speak in vague terms or riddles, she could help them faster. She’s drawn to help the woman who was killed and treats her with respect. Her honest feelings towards her visions is refreshing. She acknowledges them as people passing through who need to deal with unfinished business.

Seth is a good foil for Jules. He loves her, even though he thinks she’s crazy. He tries to do his investigation by the book until he realizes people are lying to him. He chooses to protect her and believe in her. This is an old fashioned whodunit with everyone racing to find the diamonds and the killer.

This is the first of a series and I’m looking forward to reading the next book, Guarded.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


  1. I thought this one was really good too. Enjoyed your review, Kathy!
