
Saturday, December 6, 2014

ARC Review: Vivian by Bernadette Marie

Vivian the conclusion of the trilogy wraps up all the loose ends and explains why Adam did everything he did. In Penelope they met the new High School teacher with two daughters of his own, Clayton North. Vivian and Clayton start off rocky. Vivian thinks Clayton is still married because he hasn’t taken off his wedding ring. Clayton loved his wife and lost her in a school shooting and is now raising his two girls by himself. He moved his two girls here away from family because he couldn’t get past the memories and the sympathetic looks of everyone. Starting over in a new town and meeting Vivian helps him move past the pain he still feels. Vivian finally accepting it wasn’t her fault or Adam’s she moves on in her life and into Clayton's life.

All the while the old house Adam’s father gave the girls to use as their daycare center keeps getting broken into and Adam’s psycho mother has gone missing, only to turn up murdered and later his father is also murdered. It has a very exciting and happy conclusion for the book and the series.

Overall I loved this series with its continuing story arc throughout the books it keeps you wanting more to find out what why. Amelia is the strong one with the heart of gold Penelope is the sweet one that everyone wants to protect and Vivian is the bitter one who probably lost the most. Adam Monroe at first seems like a douche bag with three wives but with each book a little more is revealed to change your perspective of him. Our three heroes prove their value to each of their counter parts and prove that they are perfect for them. Bernadette Marie has a smooth style that is easy to follow and easy to love.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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