
Thursday, January 22, 2015

ARC Review: Taint by S.L. Jennings

I admit that I'm disappointed with Taint. After reading the blurb I was expecting a raw, gritty and erotic read and that was not the case at all. Yes, there are times when the hero says/thinks some rauchy things but that was it. None of his dirty thoughts came to fruition. I was just expecting so much more from this.

Honestly I felt like the first half of the book kind dragged on. I kept turning the pages in anticipation for something to finally happen with Justice and Ally. It just seemed to take forever and by the time it finally did I found that I really didn't care. There was just so much build up and I just wanted more.

I will say that I really enjoyed them together and found that they had great chemistry. I liked that Justice liked Ally for who she was and didn't want her to change, goofiness and all.

I just felt like Taint was kind of unrealistic at times. I don't want to go into too many details as I don't want to spoil anything but I just didn't buy that these prominent women would be okay with their husbands sending them away for six weeks to get sex lessons from a virtual stranger. How and in what world is this okay? I just found it hard to believe that these women would want to stay with their husbands. Plus there were some things that came up with one of the housewives husbands that just seemed to be a bit over the top.

All in all I found Taint to be an okay read. Did I hate it? No, but I didn't love it and that's a bummer because I was really looking forward to this one.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


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