
Monday, May 30, 2016

ARC Review: True Born by L.E. Sterling

True Born is story about a 17 year old girl on the brink of her and her twin sister's birthday. Lucy and Margot live in the future after a Plague swept over the world The Plague affects all people differently. The ideal situation is when you are physically able to have gene splicing to counteract the Plague. This is only an option though if you can afford it and if your genetics are attuned for it. They are called Splicers. The alternative situation is where you don't have the correct genetic makeup for Splicing and/or you cant afford the procedure, These people are just waiting to die basically. They are called Lasters. A third and very rare outcome is if you are True Born. They seem to be some sort of mutant existence where your genes go backward in the evolutionary path and you have animal traits like turning into an animal or having horns or feathers.

At the upcoming 18th birthday celebration, the girls will learn their fate. But the odd thing is, Lucy and Margot have been undergoing a lot more testing than is normally necessary. That combined with unusual abilities the girls possess leave everyone high strung and confused. Their government working father is upping their security due to rising unrest from the Lasters/Rabble. This new security team consists solely of True Borns, and one of them catches Lucy's eye. Margot gets kidnapped and its up to Lucy and the True Born team to save her. This leads the girls on a somewhat exciting and confusing set of events to just stay alive and protect each other.

I had a hard time visualizing what was happening during scenes. Stirling doesn't do the best job in my opinion of describing actions and movement. The dialogue also wasn't done very well. Conversations were very short and always assumed the reader understood what wasn't being said. I wasn't able to follow it very well. I really had to focus and reread scenes to be able to follow what was happening. That and the plot being somehow boring and far fetched really turned me off with the story. What I did love about the book was how Stirling described certain things. The "set" we should say was described distinctly. Her metaphors and similes were refreshingly unique. She was very gifted in her word choice.

Unfortunately, the book didn't have enough of a hook to make me want to read the next one. I felt a lot of the scenes were just fillers and this left me bored. Her twist on the dystopian plague type future wasn't exciting for me. I wish I felt differently, because of parts of her writing style but oh well.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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