
Friday, June 3, 2016

ARC Review: Wanderlost by Jen Malone

Wanderlost is my first book by Jen Malone. It was cute, light and easy to read and I really enjoyed it. The one thing I will say is that the book itself is unrealistic and there are quite a few holes throughout, but if you go into this one and ignore all that for the story I think that this is one that a lot of readers will enjoy. 

After her sister finds herself in trouble, Aubree goes to Europe for the summer to lead the tour Elizabeth was supposed to. She must pretend to be Elizabeth in order to help Elizabeth save her future job. But Aubree doesn't know anything about the places she is supposed to be guiding the tour through and she never expected to meet Sam. Sam and Aubree instantly click, but with Aubree pretending to be Elizabeth, Sam has no idea who she really is. Can Aubree come clean with Sam and see what they have together, or will the truth change everything? 

I really loved Sam! He was so adorable and I felt like he was the reason to read this book. I loved how he and Aubree were right off, and how he took an embarrassing situation for Aubree and turned it into something more. They were really cute together and had great banter. They were funny and you could tell that they enjoyed one another, yet you could also see that what they were building was more as well. I liked that they got to know one another and that things felt so natural with them. 

The secondary characters here were great. The senior citizens on the tour really stole the show and I loved how much personality they each had. Aubree was at times frustrating and naive, so it was really nice to see the other characters have such big roles to sort of lighten the mood when I found myself irritated with her. Overall though, I enjoyed this book a lot and would recommend it for anyone looking for a light and easy read. I would have liked an epilogue to sort of tie it all together at the end because I felt it was a little abrupt at the end and things were a bit up in the air, but I think YA fans will still enjoy this one as much as I did.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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