
Monday, May 2, 2016

Guest Post with Author Victoria Roberts and Giveaway

Victoria Roberts writes sexy, award-winning Scottish historical romances about kilted heroes and warriors from the past. Prior to ever picking up a single romance novel, she penned her first young adult novella at 16 years old. Who knew her leather-studded motorcycle hero would trade in his ride and emerge as a kilt-wearing Highlander wielding a broadsword? Victoria lives with her husband and their two beautiful children in western Pennsylvania.

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Thank you so much for having me here today.

Out of all the characters in Kill or Be Kilt, I’d have to say that I’m most like my heroine, Lady Elizabeth Walsingham. We’ve all had teenage angst where we’ve had a crush on someone who didn’t return our eager affections. Although I cringe at those memories, I suppose it’s a rite of passage for every young girl to experience.

Do you remember your first crush?

My poor heroine has pined after the same Highland laird for years, even though he’s several years her senior. But age is only a matter of mind and never bothered Elizabeth because there’s something special about Laird Munro that only she can see. This is a scene where Elizabeth hasn’t seen Ian for several years and hopes she’s over the maddening feelings that she had for him.

* * *

Laird Ian Munro was as daunting—and handsome—as Elizabeth remembered him. His long, red hair fell down to his elbows in complete disarray. His broad shoulders looked bigger than she’d recalled, and wisps of light hair curled against the V of his open shirt. He had a strong, chiseled jaw and green eyes that would make any woman swoon.

For goodness’ sake, she thought—prayed—she was over this foolish fancy she’d had for him. After all, she’d been only fifteen at the time. Her brother-in-law often jested that women were terrified of Ian’s wild appearance. The man even had a reputation for frightening men on the battlefield by his fierce looks alone. She supposed that’s why her family was shocked when she’d shown an interest in him. But there was something about Ian that always drew her like a magnet.

Elizabeth willed herself to speak only to Ruairi and was proud that she didn’t nervously stammer her words in front of the men. She had no idea how she’d managed to avoid Ian’s gaze for that long. But when Ruairi asked if Laird Munro remembered her, she made a grave error in judgment.

She looked into Ian’s eyes.

There was tingling in the pit of her stomach, and she found herself extremely conscious of his virile appeal. His nearness was overwhelming. Her pulse pounded, and she couldn’t breathe as memories of the past flooded her with emotion.

Irked by her response to him, Elizabeth was deter­mined to show the laird she wasn’t the same young, stupid, senseless girl he’d known years ago. She’d changed, grown. And she needed to let him know that his presence no longer affected her the way it had in the past.

“Laird Munro, what a pleasure to see you again. You look well,” she said with as much indifference as she could muster. She gazed back at Ruairi. “Ravenna and Grace are waiting for me in the garden. Pray excuse me.”

Elizabeth resisted the urge to bolt out of the hall and not look back. She slowed her pace as much as she could so as not to look as though she was trying to flee. She was a Walsingham, and her family never ran from anything or anyone.

* * *

We’ve all been there…

Lady Elizabeth also has a love of history and libraries. I can relate to that because I become transfixed whenever I explore historical buildings. My sister and I traveled to Belgium a few years ago, and I was able to roam around a castle that was built in the 1100s. Can you imagine how many folks walked through those gates? I stood in a cathedral in Antwerp that was centuries old and sat in one of the pews for hours. Not to sound like Night at the Museum, but you can really feel history come alive.

I’d have to say the last way I’m similar to Elizabeth is that we love our families wholeheartedly. There isn’t anything she or I wouldn’t do to protect our loved ones. They are the closest people in our lives and will always be.

Which fictional characters are you most like?

It’s been three years since Lady Elizabeth Walsingham ended her childish crush on Laird Ian Munro, the fierce Highlander who scared everyone but her. She’s a grown woman now, heading to London to find a proper English gentleman. But when the wild Highland laird walks through the door, she’s that breathless youth all over again.

Ian tries hard to avoid the young lass who’s confounded him for years. But now that they’re attending court, he must keep watch on her night and day. Danger is at every turn and advisors to the Crown are being murdered. Ian soon realizes the girl he’s been protecting is a beautiful lady who needs his help, almost as much as he needs her.

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Check out the Highland Spies series:

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 Print copies of Highland Spy

To Enter:
  • Which fictional characters are you most like?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I look for hot sex and chivalry.

  2. I look for a confident man with almost brutish tendencies.

  3. I look for a confident man with almost brutish tendencies.

  4. I look for kindness, courtesy, courage and humor, plus a hot body doesn't hurt.

  5. I look for intelligence, a good sense of humor, a lot of patience, and a big...heart! ;-)

  6. I look for a tall, muscular man that is intelligent, brave, kind, and has a sense of humor.

  7. I look for a man that first of all love and accepts me for who I am. Then he would have to be loyal, brave, smart.

  8. Q1 - I would be the dorky clumsy heroine lol and wouldn't have the quick wit to pull it off.

    Q2- I love how protective they are and they always seem to have a great sense of humor.

  9. I would be a clumsy, stubborn, quiet, book loving, feisty heroine. I would love a ruggedly handsome, protective and caring highlander. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  10. I would be a spitfire yeah I'm not the docile type at all and I love Victoria Roberts she writes the best highland romances

  11. I love for loyalty, strength of spirit, and a sense of humor! Love your books, Victoria!

  12. He has to have a good sense of humor and look awesome in a kilt!

  13. I love a protective, loyal hero who has a good sense of humor.
