
Friday, January 20, 2012

Chosen By Sin Blog Tour: Guest Post with Virna DePaul and Giveaway

Welcome to stop #12 in my blog tour For Chosen By Sin (Para-Ops #3)

Thank you to Danielle for having me here today! This tour focuses on my writing and my paranormal series, but also my Twelve Resolutions for 2012, as well as the resolutions of my hero in Chosen By Sin, werebeast Dex Hunt. Those of you who know Dex know he's a bit...difficult, so I'm curious to see what he comes up with. (Psst: Dex doesn't actually know it, but his “resolutions” are more like a Twelve-Step Program designed by me to get him to his HEA).

I'll be giving away a prize to one commenter from this blog stop, but I'm also giving away one grand prize to one blog tour follower. See the giveaway details below! :)

The Para-Ops Series: Five years after the Second Civil War ends, humans and Otherborn—humanlike creatures with superhuman DNA—still struggle for peace. To ensure the continued rights of both, the FBI forms a Para-Ops team with a unique set of skills. (Chosen By Blood (Book 1), Chosen By Fate (Book 2))

So what's Resolution #12 for me? Try to live my life so that I do more things that make me happy than don't, on a daily basis. If you read my books, you know a recurring theme in my writing is the need to balance duty with desire. I believe in making sacrifices, caring for others, helping society, and meeting obligations. But in the end, we need to be kind and loving to ourselves, because that's what will give us the energy and power to be kind and loving to others!

And what's Resolution #12 for Dex Hunt?

Here's a hint from Chosen By Sin.

There was something sacred about the way Dex returned Jes’s kiss. Nothing about it resembled the way he’d kissed his other lovers. It was also nothing like the way he’d previously kissed her. He noticed the difference immediately. He was more tentative, less focused on the clamoring demands of his body and more concerned with the foreign emotions that were swirling through him. And what was more astonishing was that he wasn’t even bothering to deny or fend off those emotions.

Not anymore.

He loved her, he finally admitted to himself.

In the private recesses of his mind, he could say it. He loved this female.

That’s why this kiss was so different. He’d never kissed a female he was in love with before. Never been so scared.

What terrified him most wasn’t what he was feeling, but that Jes would guess. She already influenced him, more than he’d ever thought possible. He could imagine the power she’d wield if she actually knew how much he wanted to be inside her, but also how much he longed for her to be inside him. Her fangs, her body, her heart. He wanted to absorb all there was of her so he could keep her safe and carry her with him always.

For an eternity.

Dex is almost there. This bad boy, wounded hero was one of my favorites to write. His final resolution, resolution #12, is to take everything he's learned so far and free fall one hundred percent into life and love. I hope you'll do the same. Thank you for joining me on my Chosen By Sin blog tour and for all your friendship and support. I adore my readers and friends and fans, and can't thank you enough for making my job so fun!

Remember, the $100 Amazon GC grand prize winner will be notified by email and announced at no later than January 26, 2012 (See details below). You have until 1/22/12, 12:01 a.m. EST to enter.

Want to see a trailer I made depicting the Para-Ops characters as I see them? Dex is particularly yummy! Here's the link:

Bio: Virna DePaul is a former prosecutor and now national bestselling author of the Para-Ops Novels. She also writes contemporary romantic suspense for Harlequin Romantic Suspense (It Started That Night, May 2012) and HQN (Shades Of Desire, June 2012).

Places to find Virna:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | 

Blurb for Chosen By Sin:

The longest life isn’t always the happiest one…

For now, werebeast Dex Hunt serves on the Para-Ops team, but his true purpose is to kill the werewolf leader he blames for his mother’s death. Biding his time, Dex keeps his emotional distance from his team members and anyone else he might care for, including a mysterious vampire he met in L.A.

As a doctor, vampire Jesmina Martin has dedicated her immortal life to healing others. As a scientific researcher, she’s trying to prolong life spans, in particular those of her adoptive dragon-shifter family and the werewolf who saved her as a child. Her greatest hope lies with Dex, a werebeast she believes can gift immortality to others.

Only Dex knows nothing about his gift or the fact Jesmina wants to harness it. After a passionate night together neither expects to see the other again. Weeks later, they are reunited in France and forced to acknowledge a fragile miracle—a new life struggling to survive. At the same time, they must stop a group of rebel shape-shifters hoping to unleash every demon in hell. But before Dex and Jesmina can save their child or the world, they must relinquish their secrets, face their fears, and open themselves to love.

E-version ($4.99)
| Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Paperback ($7.99)
| Amazon |

Giveaway Details:

Daily Blog Tour Giveaway: Today, Virna is gifting one book from her backlist (prize winner's choice, see backlist here) to 1 randomly selected commenter who either leaves a comment on the blog, or a question for Virna to answer. Please also include your email addy.

GRAND PRIZE TOUR GIVEAWAY: What was Dex's "resolution" that Virna talked about today? Do you know the answer? Fantastic!! Because...

Virna is also gifting a $100 Amazon gift card to one randomly selected reader who leaves the answer to this question during the blog tour. Go to: You can be entered to win the grand prize once each day by simply following the tour from January 9 - 20, and leaving your answer with each day's different resolution!!

Virna is also offering autographed copies of CHOSEN BY SIN for purchase during this blog tour. To purchase an autographed copy, please visit

Fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter the daily giveaway! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the great synopsis about your books. I have heard wonderful things about this series and have been wanting to read this for a while now.

    Where did you come up with the idea for Dex?

    Dex's resolution is to take everything that he has learned and jump feet first into life and love. That is a great resolution.


  2. That was a beautiful epiphany excerpt for Dex. I wish you well on this resolution of yours because it will be so pivotal to energizing you for the others.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and the fun resolution excerpts.

  3. I have really enjoyed all of your resolutions and thanks to you I am reminded of things I need to do as well. Thank you.
    This has been fun watching Dex evolve.

  4. I should make the same resulotions than you, i can't take all of the world problem on my shoulder and sometime si have to come first...the problem is, i'm not used to it. my parents always helped ( and still now) others or were working and how often i'm heard later we will do it, later we will travel etc

    i don't think i can still help people if i don't take care of myself a bit first but i need to find what make me happy apart reading ^^

    i'm really happy to have followed this blog tour and discovered so many similiraties between us and now i even more want to read your book so i hope to be lucky

    i wish you the best ^^


  5. Thanks for the tour and thius last post. Dex sounds like a hero with a big heart.

  6. Its sad that this is the final resolution tour post. I mean, 12 resolutions are a lot but I was having fun following on the tour.
    I love resolution number 12 for yourself. I think more of us should think like that, make time for something we enjoy. But of course my guilty pleasure is sitting down to read wonderful books like yours. :) Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us as the fabulous author you are. I look forward to reading Chosen by Sin and so many more books from you to come.
    LadyVampire2u A gmail DOT com

  7. Hi! Thanks for this giveaway! Awesome Book tour, I really enjoy learn more about the author and Dex! Looking forward to read this entire series!

    Proserpine @ Proserpine Craving Books

  8. Great scene for Dex! Your resolution is so true, we are really the only one's that can make ourselves truly happy and it's something we have to resolve to do on a daily basis. Our perception and how we approach life is so important. This has been a really fun blog tour. Thanks for the opportunities along the way to get to know your characters and you better.

    junegirl63 at gmail dot com

  9. Great resolutions for you and Dex. I've so enjoyed following this blog tour. I'm a big fan of Dex and yours. Thanks so much for sharing. christina_92 at

  10. Another great post Virna! Without following you, you appear on a lot of my favourite blogs! I love your resolution, and I agree wholehartedly. You have to take care of your self, be happy, before you can take care of others/make others happy. Be they your family or strangers.

    So you need to do the things that make you happy, to give you the energy to go on after a long day.

    Good luck with the new release, every time I see the cover, and read the blurb, I want it more!

  11. So loved your virtual tour. It's fun to get to know an author a bit better. Thanks for the peeks into your psyche and process. Hope the book does fantastic. Had so much fun.


  12. I've completely enjoyed this tour of hopping :) I must get my rear in gear and get to reading Virna's books.
    Thank you so much for all the info and for the chance at this giveaway.
    Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

  13. I've enjoyed this blog tour and reading the bits about Dex & Jes.
    Hopefully you (& Dex) will have good results from your resolutions.

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  14. Thanks for the awesome tour! I've really enjoyed it :)

    I hear ya sister. My resolution that I'm determined to keep is to make more time for me and do what *I* want. This mainly consists of reading, which I wasn't able to do much of last year since I was working 55+ hour weeks. So this year, no is my new catch word and I'm going to dedicate at least 4 hours on the weekend to "me" time.

    Good luck and perserverence to you and everyone else on your new year's resolutions!

  15. It was great following the tour and reading all of Dex's resolutions... feel like I know him a bit better now:) Some were right in line with some of mine and some were added to my list. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Loved the tour. It sucked me in and can't wait to read Dex's story. Thanks for the chance.

  17. Thank you for a great time. It's sad to see it end.


  18. Thanks for the awesome tour! A question for Virna is, how long did it take to put this tour together and how likely are you doing this again? :)


  19. The more I read about Dex the yummier he sounds. I really need to read this series.

  20. Thoroughly enjoyed your blog tour, Virna, and I think today's resolution might just be my favorite.

    Can't wait to read Dex's story.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  21. Hi Virna,
    congratulations on the new book.
    i love the cover, it's gorgeous and the book sounds wonderful.

    did you design the cover or have a lot of say in it? i know some authors get a lot of input on the covers of their books and others get very little.

    thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i'm a HUGE fan and i can't wait to read this one.

  22. Anyone who followed this tour and is not rushing out to grab this series is dead inside. Fantastic conclusion to a great tour. Well done Ms. DePaul.

  23. Danielle, Thanks again for having me as a guest on your blog! I really appreciate it!

    JenniferK - So glad you've heard great things! My idea for Dex was based on my instincts of a lovable "were" who is rough around the edges but longing for love to claim him. :)

    Sophia Rose - Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for following the tour and for all your thoughtful comments! :)

    Victoria-Wishing you much happiness and luck with all your resolutions! Thanks!

    miki - It's been great getting to know you, too! Thank you for joining the tour and wishing you great luck with chasing your dreams! :)

    Anne - Thank you! I'm glad you connected to Dex and appreciate your participation. :)

    LadyVampire2u - Glad I left you wanting more! And thank you for your kind words, enthusiasm for the series and support. I TOTALLY appreciate it! ;)

    Proserpine - I'm so happy you've enjoyed it! Thanks for participating and good luck!

    Maria D. - I totally agree with your comment about how perceive life affecting so many things. Thanks for playing and take care!

    Christy - Yay! So glad you've enjoyed Dex and consider yourself a fan. That's a thrill for me!

    Aurian - How cool that I've been on some of your have blogs. So glad to have had you following the tour. Take care!

    Sue P. - It's been great getting to know you and other readers, too! Thanks for your well wishes and for being a great supporter.

    Sebrina - Thank you! I hope you enjoy the series and thanks for following the tour online.

    Di - I hope we all move forward with our resolutions! Thanks for following the tour and for your support.

    erin - Yes, make some time for YOU beyond work! Cindy Gerard once said "Every time I've said NO, new doors have opened for me." I try to remember that and remember to take care of myself. Hope you remember it, too! :)

    *yadkny* It's great to meet people with many of the same goals and ideals as myself! Thank you and good luck with the giveaway!

    Vanessa N. Hope you enjoy CBS and thank you for following the tour. :)

    Sue Sattler - You've been great. Thank you!

    winnie - Thank you! I had help putting the tour together but it definitely has taken hours and hours to pull together and keep up with. But it's all been worth it, so I hope to do something similar in the future. And hopefully readers will respond as well as you all have. :)

    mbreakfield - Yummy is such a great word. Hope you get to try the series! Take care, V

    Cathy M - I think it's mine, too! Glad you enjoyed it, Cathy.

    tammy ramey - Yes, I love the cover, too. I hired a very talented designer, but since I had a very clear idea of what I wanted, we worked closely together. It was a great experience. Good luck with the giveaway!

    Blue Shedevil - What an incredible compliment. Thank you so much for all your participation and support! :D

  24. Hi Virna! Happy Fri! Sorry to see the tour come to an end. I've had a great time and enjoyed visiting Blogs that I have never been to before. I can't wait to read Dex's story! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  25. It has been so much fun following the tour--learning more about you (through your resolutions) and more about your book and the characters. Thank-you!


  26. PS...I tried to post a comment several times on yesterday's blog stop but the comments would never load in. I wanted to comment on your resolution to cut back on online shopping bingeing. It can be addictive, can't it? Sometimes I put things into online shopping carts and I just stop and think: NO...abandon that cart immediately! LOL


  27. His final resolution, resolution #12, is to take everything he's learned so far and free fall one hundred percent into life and love.

    I look forward in continuing this series; it's great.

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  28. Barb P Happy Friday! Thanks for your support and good luck!

    Catherine Lee - Glad you've enjoyed it! Thank you! And sorry you had problems commenting yesterday!

    booklover0226 - Enjoy the rest of the series and have a great weekend!

  29. Enjoyed the tour Virna, thanks for sharing all the Dex snippets! Good luck to everyone with the giveaways!

  30. I love Dex's Resolution #12, that's wonderful. I'm really looking forward to getting started on this series, it sounds fantastic.

  31. Stephanie A

    Wow. Those are both awesome resolutions! I really wish you all the best in achieving all of yours! Thank you for sharing!

  32. Great snippet.
    I enjoyed the tour and learning more about the book.

    Now that it is almost over..Virna, what will you do to unwind/relax? ;)


  33. Congratulations on the book! I enjoyed following your tour and reading yours and Dex's resolutions.


  34. Dex's resolution is to take everything he's learned so far and free fall one hundred percent into life and love. That's actually a great resolution. I can imagine Dex doing it, too! I can hardly wait to read this book.

  35. Dex's final resolution is my favorite, because it wiould be impossible without the other 11. Great job & what a fun idea for a tour.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

  36. Amazing job!! Totally loved this tour! Thanks to all of you!! :)

  37. This was a great virtual tour! Thank you so much!

  38. Congrats on the release! I really enjoyed the tour.
