
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interview with Author Diane Alberts and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Diane Alberts. Diane is currently on tour and has stopped by the blog to chat, but before we chat let's get to know Diane a bit more.

Best-selling author of all things romance. Diane believes strongly in a happily-ever-after for everyone. She especially loves tortured heroes and heroines, as can be seen in her stories. She is repped by the fabulous Lauren Hammond of ADA Management. In addition to being a writer, Diane also reads slush for Entangled Publishing as an intern.

Diane Alberts lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband, four kids, and a bird. She lives in the mountains-but wishes it were the beach. She has been writing since she was in elementary school, but only recently fulfilled her dreams of being published in 2011. Enjoys dyeing yarn and knitting in her “spare” time.
Places to find Diane:

Welcome Diane. ABSOLUTION is another wonderful romance story. Can you tell us why you love writing in this genre so much?
Thank you! I love writing romance because I am addicted to the happily-ever-after. I adore the first kiss, the first time my characters say I love you. I love falling in love. I will never, ever tire of writing about it—or reading about it!

Do you share your work with friends and family before publication?
Yes, I do. I have a few friends—Angie and Deb, I love you!—that I send my work to. They give me invaluable advice, and help me spot any errors in my manuscript. I love having them around!

Are you a mulit-tasker when it comes to writing, or can you focus on one project at a time?
I TRY to do only one at a time, but I often have to set something aside to work on something else. I have a lot of books in various stages of editing, so I often have to stop writing to get to work on one of those.
And if a book is giving me a hard time—like my Historical Romance I’m working on is right now—I’ll set it aside to work on something else. Then, I can come back to the other book with a fresh set of eyes.

Now that ABSOLUTION is published, are you working on something new already?
Always! I’m always working on something. It’s an addiction, really!
I’m currently finishing up some edits on a Young Adult book called OUTWITTED. It’s almost ready to get sent to my agent, Lauren Hammond.
Then, next will be finishing up my Historical Romance book. I’m about seventy percent of the way through the first draft.

Are you always on the lookout for new ideas and inspiration?
Yup. Sometimes, though, I have to suppress the ideas. I have so many stories I want to write—but only so much time!

When you’re not writing what do you do to relax?
I didn’t realize I was supposed to stop! Okay, okay. I love knitting. I don’t have as much time for it anymore, but I love it. And I also dye yarn. I have a few clubs that I dye for, and it’s loads of fun.
Oh, and I read. Reading is the best way to improve your craft, if you’re a writer.

What would you say are good personality traits for a writer to possess?
Stubbornness—to finish that manuscript no matter how hard it fights back. A hard spine—for bad reviews and rejections. And a big heart—for welcoming new writers into your community!

Thanks for sharing, Diane.
Thanks for having me! Please enjoy the little snippet below of Joseph and Eva!

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you everything. But not until I get you inside. Take me to your place.”

She laughed. “Hell, no.” Worried or not, he would get nowhere near her apartment ever again. “I told you when I kicked you out you’d never be welcome inside my house again. Nothing has changed. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”

She took a step away, and once again he took her by the elbow. This time, Joseph didn’t stop her but grabbed her and dragged her behind him.

“No, you can’t. And if you won’t take me to your place, I’ll just lead the way. Either way, I'm getting in.” He tugged her toward the red-roofed, stucco building Eva lived in, and she tensed.

“Go to hell!” She struggled against his hold, but he didn’t even pause. She dug her heels into the cement and yanked her arm but failed to free herself from his grip. “I’ll scream.”

He stopped and leaned into her face. “You wouldn’t dare.” Without waiting for her reaction, he continued to escort her toward her building.

She opened her mouth, took a deep breath, and yelled, “Help—”

Eyes wide, Joseph stopped and spun her until she rested against the wall of a nearby building. She had time to yelp before he crushed his lips to hers and thrust his tongue inside her mouth.

She pushed against his shoulders, and he groaned, deepening the kiss. She longed to bite his tongue, to kick him in the balls, but he felt so good. It might have been six weeks since he last kissed her, but her body remembered him well—including all the feelings he brought out within her—and wanted more.

She pulled him closer while he slid his palms down her back and cupped her buttocks, hauling her up tight against his erection. She groaned in unison with Joseph. He tore his mouth away and nibbled on her right ear.

“God, Eva, I’ve missed you so much.”

Nothing he could have said would have sobered her more. Man, but he had some cojones telling her he missed her! He’d cheated on her, not the other way around. She jerked out of his hold and slapped him hard across the face.

Eva can’t believe Joseph dares to show his face to her after he’d cheated on her with a stripper—in her bed. She’d kicked him out, and has no desire to let him back in, despite his claims of being assigned to protect her from the Cartel. Her life very well may be in danger, but she fears more for the safety of her heart.

Joseph made one foolish mistake a year ago, and has been paying for it ever since. She might not want to allow him into her life again, but he doesn’t care if she despises the very thought of him. His duty is to keep Eva alive, even if it might end up being the death of him. Because he never stopped loving her.

Can they put their painful history aside, and work together against her enemy? Or will the past prove too strong to be forgiven?
Places to Purchase:


Diane is giving away a free copy of one of her e-books, KILL ME TOMORROW or RECLAIMED! Comment at any of the tour stops to be entered to win! Each entry counts, so be sure to stop at every blog site and leave your email address!

Good luck =)


  1. I am addicted to the happily-ever-after too:) I am so reading Absolution!!! Gotta know how you get the happily-ever-after out of Eva and Joseph!

  2. Great interview! The book sounds very good.


  3. Looks like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Great interview. Absolution sounds like an amazing book. Can't wait to read it.


  5. OOOH... this book sounds great! Thanks for the post and givewaway!

  6. Ah, it's not fair to tease us like that! Lol. That's why I hate reading excerpts, it always leaves me hanging, waiting to read the book! :D

    Sounds like I'll be putting this one on my list--I'm curious how the two will come together after their rocky past.

    TBQ's Book Palace

  7. Oh, it's definitely a tricky Happily-Ever-After! But their story was loads of fun!

  8. I wonder if Joseph will be able to earn back her love. I'm very cuirous!

