
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Interview with Maxine Mansfield and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Maxine Mansfield to RFTC. Maxine is celebrating the recent release of her book Tempted by the Storm and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Maxine a warm welcome.

Maxine Mansfield writes romances in many different forms from her easy chair in the far northern state of Alaska, where the summer days are long and the winter nights even longer. She has one very special man, three equally special adult children, and six delightful grandchildren in her life. Not to mention a very bossy and verbal African Grey parrot called Gabriel.

Places to find Maxine:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you? 
In my opinion, my most important job is as a grandma. There are no greater rewards in the whole world than sticky finger hugs, chocolate smeared kisses, and giggles. Then, I strive my best to be a good mate, a good step-mom, a good friend, and hopefully a good writer. Not always in that order.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’m not sure how much want had to do with it. I simply was what I was. Even a lot of my earliest memories revolved around me making up stories. For the longest time, I was Captain James T Kirk’s daughter on the star ship enterprise and it was I who truly saved the day..hehe

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter? 
I am a complete and total plotter. As a matter of fact, I plot out the entire book, scene by scene before I ever write a single word. I think I’m a little disturbed.

Where do your ideas come from? 
I love role playing games like Everquest, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, etc. and a lot of my story ideas come from that type of environment. My stories are filled with magic, and quests, and dragons, heroes, and heroines, and of course, love. Though I have to admit, my stories are a whole lot hotter than role playing games.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
As the lightning strikes and the thunder roars, will Sarco’s heart be tempted by Lark, or will hers be taken by him?

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read? 
I love historical romances, and I even like them even better when you toss in a little magic.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it? 
I would be hard pressed to say I have a favorite. There are so many. I love everything written by Julia Quinn, Monica McCarty, Donna Grant, Lizbeth Selvig and so many more. And let’s not leave out The Harry Potter series, Hunger Games, and Veronica Roth’s Divergent and Insurgent. I just love to read.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Even though I write erotic romance, I’d have to say that I find the love scenes the hardest to write, especially the further into the book I get. It’s kind of like re-inventing the wheel every time. You want to keep the love fresh and new, without boring your readers to death, or slipping into purple prose and making them roll their eyes. Not as easy as it looks.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why? 
First I would chose Cherry Adair because if you know Cherry at all then you know she’s a one woman entertainment act that is hard to follow. She’s a smart, sassy, savvy, author who is by definition, just plain of fun. Then, I’d probably pick Julia Quinn because, well, she is my fav, after all, and she’s also a wonderful, motivational speaker. Last, but certainly not least, I think I’d invite Steven King. I mean, could you just imagine the conversation around that table with a top notch romantic suspense writer, a renowned regency author, a beyond amazing horror author, and me, an erotic fantasy writer? I’d be so in awe I’d probably pee myself.

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
Right now, I am in the middle of book 4 of The Academy series. It is called Tamed by the Fire. Book 3, Taken by the Passion is due out early next spring, and Tamed should be out next summer.

In Tempted by the Storm, since Lark is a spiritmaster, the weather tends to match her moods, even when she wishes it wouldn’t. If you were a spiritmaster, what would the weather be doing right now?

Larksong Hammerstrike has always been just the younger sister of Princess Aryanna. Never quite as pretty or as smart, always lacking, a mere empath whose power gets herinto trouble more often than not. But at Carnalval, the festival of all things sexual, she unleashes her sensual side for a night in the arms of a masked stranger. When morning dawns, Lark can't resist a peek beneath the mask of her lover and is once again crushed by fate. The man of her lusty adventure is none other than the future Lord of the High Elves and destined to marry her sister.As heir to thekingdom of Landis and current instructor of wizardry at the Academy of Magical Arts, Sarco Sunwalker is honor bound to rise above the temptation of the beautiful empathic student who invades his mind, body, and soul. But when sparks fly, lightning strikes, and thunder rolls, Sarco finds himself more than tempted by the storm of Lark's passion and vows to find a solution that will prevent a war between races, fufill an infamous quest, and win Lark's hand.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |
There was only one word that could describe the creature standing before him. Wonderful.

“Did you say something?” the woman whispered.

He shook hishead. “Nothing, I just can’t believe my luck. You really are real and here with me.”

She smiled, but her smile didn’t extend to her eyes.

Before another heartbeat passed or another breath taken, he stood at her side. With tenderness, he gazed into her gentle, masked face and took both of her hands in his. He was humbled as her fingers trembled even more than his own did. “We don’t have to do this if you’d rather not.”

She smiled wider, and her eyes gleamed with mischief. “I suppose we might as well. After all, we’re already here, and you’re at least halfway undressed.”

Sliding his hands up her arms and around her shoulders to her back, Sarco felt for and found the clasps holding her gown together. With the flick of a wrist, they gave way, and with a swish, the silky fabric fell to her hips exposing lush, rose-tipped breasts. Just the right size to hold in both hands, to fondle, to caress, to taste.

“Hmm, it seems you’re halfway undressed yourself.”

Click for info. 

1 lucky winner will win a copy of Tempted by the Storm

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: If you were a spiritmaster, what would the weather be doing right now?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. If i was a spiritmaster it'd be sunny and warm right now

  2. It'll be sunny all the time. Probably not too healthy for the grasses and flowers since I hate rain and snow!

  3. There would be a nice cool wind blowing. It's super hot where I am!

  4. It would be bright, sunny and a wee bit warmer :) Thanks for the fun post and congrats to maxine on the new release!

  5. Thanks for having me and good luck to all of you on the giveaway...As for me, I just got off work, so I'm probably a little foggy :)

  6. I can certainly tell you get some inspiration from RPGs! I love it! And if I were a spiritmaster, I think I'd warm things up a bit. Well, maybe not. That would throw all the dormant plants into a tizzy. I think it would be healthier to fly to Hawaii.

  7. It would be cloudy and 60 degrees and would start raining later tonight just as I'm going to sleep!


  8. It would be about 70 degrees and sunny out. Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. It would be sunny and warm and slight breeze.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. It would be sunny and 75 right now not dark and 34.

  11. It would be sunny, with the fresh, clean air after a recent thunderstorm floating on the gentle breeze.

  12. Maybe a big fat snow flakes that insulate the world.

  13. The weather would be warm, not bitterly cold!

  14. snow....
    well ..there is no snow in would be awesome if there is snow in here :p

  15. It would be cool & raining. My rain water tank is empty & I am sweltering.

  16. It would be warm enough not to wear a coat and ready to storm once I was home.

  17. Rainy. 'Cause i like snuggle in my bed and seeing rain from my window, with hot chocolate and a good book :)

  18. as spiritmaster I would have pleasently warm days, no humidity, with cooler nights and rain only between 2-4 am.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  19. It would certainly be warming, and there wouldn't be quite as much humidity :).
