
Monday, January 7, 2013

Guest Post with Author Joyce Proell and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Joyce Proell. Joyce is currently on tour for her book Eliza and has stopped by for a little chat. Please give Joyce a warm welcome.

I laughed when my husband suggested I write a book. Me? What did I know about writing? Yet the notion held possibility, so I hatched a plan. A year later, I sent off my first completed manuscript and promptly received a score of polite rejections. Bruised but undaunted, I forged ahead, new plan in hand. Later, armed with the knowledge acquired from writing classes, seminars and the help of fellow writers, I finished my second story. Eliza is that story.

A little more info…

I grew up in Minnesota. In college, I studied psychology and earned a master’s degree in Social Work. After living in Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland and Reno, my husband and I make our home only miles from where I grew up.

I worked in the field of mental health as a psychiatric social worker, administrator and later settled into private practice. Retired at a reasonably young age, I write full time.

I’m an avid reader, a foodie and cook, a crossword puzzle fanatic and a daily walker.

Places to find Joyce:
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Hello! I’m so happy to be here with you today.

I’ve been asked to talk a little about my favorite historical couples. When you think about it—there are so many from which to choose. Here are some of my favorites.

John and Abigail Adams. If you’ve ever read their biographies or watched the wonderful series done on A & E, you have some idea of the love and dedication these two unique people shared. Not only was John Adams a brilliant statesman, but he was an unapologetic romantic. There was never a question he loved his wife above anything or anyone else. Often separated for long periods of time, they kept their relationship alive by frequent letters. His heartfelt communications, his tender endearments and his solicitous requests for her advice bear witness to his love and respect for her. Despite Abigail’s aching loneliness for John, her support and love for him remained steadfast.

Rachel and Andrew Jackson. Who can overlook this dynamic, political couple? Unbeknownst to either of them, he married her when she was still married to someone else. In 1828, this was a huge complication as a woman’s virtue was sacrosanct. The press tried to smear her reputation and humiliate her as a means to keep Andrew out of the White House. It didn’t work. He stood up to the press placing his political career on the line for her. Now that’s love.

Paul and Julia Child. This is a more recent couple but so very engaging and romantic. Julia was a tall, rather gawky woman with a wonderful sense of humor. Being a tall, somewhat gawky woman myself and with an irreverent sense of humor, I can understand those bleak but fleeting moments when you despair of ever finding your true love. How many men want to marry a giant after all? This was years before Shrek. But luck and her winning personality brought her to Paul. And wasn’t he a gem? Shorter than Julia, but so big in character and heart, he loved her dearly. And she loved him, even more than coq au vin and truffles. They had such fun together, and Paul, beyond the millions who cared for her, was by far her biggest fan and champion.

Jamie and Claire Fraser. This is a fictional couple which appears in Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. If you haven’t read the time travel books, I encourage you to do so. Never have I read a series that throws its characters into such constant peril. Despite their many challenges—almost everything awful that can happen, happens to one of them, their love prevails. Those two stick together, over the centuries, and still keep their love alive. Oh, and the sex is outstanding.

Will Heaton and Eliza Danton. This couple appears in my book, Eliza. Long sigh. I just love them. I received a number of great comments about Will. Seems I’m not the only one who thinks he’s the best guy around.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on couples. I’d dearly love to hear from you. Who are your historical favorites?

Thank you so much for inviting me. And happy reading.

A husband who wants you dead is the greatest motivation for change.

Posing as a widow, strong-willed Eliza Danton flees her marriage determined to bury the past and live a solitary life. Traveling by riverboat to the Minnesota frontier, her flight turns perilous when forces threaten to expose her deception. With problems mounting and her trust shattered, she is forced draw upon her only resource, a man whose captivating presence rocks the very foundation of her well laid plans. But love flourishes even in the toughest of times and when you least expect it.

Attorney and contented loner, Will Heaton hides his tender heart behind an elusive facade. Grief is nothing new to him having lost a wife and child. But when a pretty widow thrusts a baby into his arms, he’s hooked. When he sees Eliza harassed by the same man he believes killed his wife, Will grabs at the chance to redress past mistakes and vows to keep her safe.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |
Why is this happening? She’d never encouraged him. But perhaps she hadn’t discouraged him either. As guilt nibbled away at her she knew she had to put an end to this fruitless pursuit.

“Listen to me. I won’t marry again.” She slapped each word into the air with a distinct pop, pop, pop.

He reared back as if her words proved a glancing blow. He stiffened and she flicked an apprehensive look at Karl’s powerful hands. Would he slap her or use his fists on her like Abe used to do?

“I give you time,” he said, his voice brusque with anger. “You forget ache. Then you marry me.”

Eliza shrank back.

“You think, Eliza. Marriage is best way.”

His departing footsteps pounded on the wooden deck and thudded loudly on the stairs as he went below.

Eliza stood there, too astounded and alarmed to move. After a time, she glanced at the moon, hoping it might have some curative power to quell her rioting nerves. To her disappointment, the golden disc streaked by wisps of gnarled clouds offered no answers or comfort. Suddenly, all the anger and frustration inside exploded. She kicked out. Her foot smashed into a deck chair with an earsplitting thwack. The chair arced then slammed and scuttled noisily against the planks.

“Who-o-oa, lady.”

Eliza gasped, spun about and peered into shadows near the pilothouse. “Who’s there?”

A chair creaked.

“Make yourself known, please,” she snapped.

Will Heaton stepped out from behind the big potted palms near the pilothouse and jolted her clear through.

He’d seen everything! The kissing, the intimacy. Heard her lies. Oh, God. She wanted to sink right into the river.

“How could you?”

A muscle quirked in his cheek.

“Good Lord! You find this amusing.”

He crossed his arms and casually leaned against a tarp-covered mound of gunnysacks, his lips pressing back a grin. “Couldn’t avoid it. I had the best seat in the house.”

Her mouth gripped so tight she couldn’t talk. She glared at him expecting the intensity of her anger to light up the sky. Her body trembled as she waited for him to break the silence. When he did, it left her stunned.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $10 Amazon/Barnes & Noble Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering Joyce's question: Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on couples. I’d dearly love to hear from you. Who are your historical favorites?
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends January 28th.

Good Luck =)


  1. the book looks really intresting...have added it to my TBR list

    1. Hi, Laurie,

      I do hope you read Eliza. I think you will love the story. Thanks for stopping by today.


  2. My favorite couple is Elizabeth and Darcy. I know they are fictional, but I loved them.

    Your story sounds awesome, and I plan to read it.

  3. A good Monday morning to everyone. Thank you for inviting me to be here today. I thought I was the early bird this morning but I see there are others who beat me to the computer.

  4. I don't have any favorites, I have read many historicals and love a lot of characters.


  5. Thanks for sharing! Congrats to Joyce on the new release!

    1. Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you have a chance to read Eliza. Happy reading. Joyce

  6. I think everyone likes Darcy and Elizabeth, Scarlett and Rhett...

    1. I do love Darcy and the spirited Elizabeth. I also like Jamie and Claire Fraser from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

      thanks for stopping by today. Hope you have a chance to read Eliza. Joyce

  7. This book sounds like a very interesting read. I love reading historical romances and I have many favorite couples, it is very hard to choose one who is best.
    olga_sergejeva (at)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Olga. I hope you will have a chance to read about Eliza and Will. Happy reading. Joyce

  8. Jamie and Claire from the Outlander series are definitely my favorite! Each time a new book comes out in the series I reread them all which as you know takes a bit of time. This year will be bringing us a new one and I can't wait! :)

    Eliza looks to be a wonderful read. Thank you for the chance in the giveaway!


    1. Ah, another Outlander fan. I just finished rereading the first book yesterday. Can't wait to read the new book coming out. I want to learn more about Jamie's son, William.

      Happy reading! Joyce

  9. Im a big fan of Gone with the Wind so definitely Vivian Leigh and Clark Gable are two of my fave characters. Of course they're fictional. I love history but not a big fan of any of the presidents. Would love to read your book.

    1. Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you have a chance to read Eliza. I think you will like. It's gotten great reviews.

      Happy reading. Joyce

  10. Congrats on your new release. Your book looks wonderful <3
    My favorite Historical fictions hum, the most recent Historical Romance favorite couples for me had been Pierce Waverly, the Earl of Devonmont and Mrs. Camilla Stuart and Sidonie and Jones from Seven Nights in a rogues bed. I haven't read much historical books in the past few months but I love them so much I hope that changes soon <3

    1. email - lilypondreads at gmail dot com

    2. Lily, Thanks for stopping by. If you can, I'd love to know the authors of those characters you mentioned. Happy reading!

    3. Oh gosh sorry for the delay

      1. Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed (Sons of Sin, #1)
      by Anna Campbell
      2. 'Twas the Night After Christmas
      by Sabrina Jeffries

  11. My favorite historical fictional couple would be Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester. I really agree about John and Abigail Adams, such a strong and loving couple.

    strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

    1. Oh, another wonderful couple. What a great mix of big to small, strong to strong, but each in their own unique way. Thanks for suggestion them. Joyce

  12. I thought of a historical couple that I admired, Marie and Pierre Curie. What an avant garde couple, with her being an scientist at that time.

    strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

    1. What an interesting and dynamic couple. Thanks for suggesting them. I hope you will have a chance to get to know Eliza and Will. Joyce

  13. Claire and Jamie from the Outlander series are my favorite historical fictional couple. I also love Peabody and Emerson from the Amelia Peabody Mysteries, written by Elizabeth Peters. My favorite real-life couple is Prince William and Kate.


    1. You know I love Jamie and Clire, but I'd forgotten about Amelia and Emerson. What a great suggestion. Thanks for stopping by today. and I hope you will have a chance to get to know Will and Eliza. Joyce

  14. Scarlett & Rhett
    Heather & Brandon (Flame & Flower)
    Shanna & Rourke (Shanna)
    yep - big Katheleen Woodiwiss fan
    PicardsMom at yahoo dot com

    1. Great suggestions. I also am a big Kathleen Woodiwiss fan. Did she also write: Deep, Savage Love? That was the very first romance I ever read. Must have been a moving book, because it's been ages ago. I still remember the title, alas, not the author.

      Anyway, thanks for stopping by. Joyce

  15. I have many favorites. It's too hard to choose just one!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  16. Eliza sounds like a great book and such a strong character. As far as historical couples I would say Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Not terribly romantic but a strong couple.

    1. Ann(dot)sheiring(at)gmail(dot)com

    2. Oh, yes, what a strong couple. Thanks for responding and I hope you will have a chance to get to know Elia and Will. Happy reading! Joyce

  17. I'm not always good with names so I love...Julie Garwood, Judith McNaught, Lisa Kleypas, Jennifer Ashley.

  18. Lori,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not familiar with Jennifer Ashley and will put her on my TBR list. And I do like the other authors suggested as well.

  19. Congrats to Joyce on the new release! Thanks for a fun post! I'd have to say Darcy and Elizabeth :)

  20. Jamie and Claire are favorites of mine as well.


  21. Sorry for the late post. I’m playing catch-up here so I’m just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  22. Sebastian and Evie from the Devil in Winter


  23. I have discovered a new favorite couple. It's Armand and Felicity from Shana Galen's "The Making of a Gentleman." Their love makes me sigh.

    I'm really intrigued by your novel, "Eliza" and have placed it at the top of my Wish List. It's sounds wonderful!

    conniecape at aol dot com

  24. I love finding new authors and books to read.

  25. Mine has to be Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. Not real, but have been beloved for so many years, it's easy to forget :-)

