
Thursday, July 10, 2014

ARC Review: The Captive by Grace Burrowes

Christian Severn, the eighth Duke of Mercia, has just been released from a French prison. One thought kept him alive during his torture and disfigurement, revenge against his captors. Upon arriving home in England, he finds his wife and son have died and his daughter, Lucy, has stopped speaking. His heir, Marcus Easterbrook, is also the new Lord Greendale. Christian’s late wife’s cousin, Gillian, is the recent widow of the late Lord Greendale. There was an inquest suggesting she may have helped him along to the grave. She wants nothing to do with Marcus and turns to Christian for help. She has spent quite a bit of time at his home and is close to Lucy. They agree she will live there and help Christian. Devlin St. Just brought Christian home and comes back to check on him. A friendship grows and Devlin realizes the depth of Christian’s suffering. A few stolen kisses and nights heal Christian and Gillian. She survived a brutal marriage and is not anxious to join hands with anyone. Christian proposes a number of times. Three accidents befall the couple and the target is Gillian. Christian suspects his former tormentor is in England and seeking to kill him. His true enemy is closer than he thinks and guilty of many crimes against the House of Mercia.

Christian is a guilt ridden and broken man. Gillian insists on tending to him, from fixing nursery tea to tailoring his clothes. She demands he confront his past and losses. She knows he was not happily married and he’s the only one to bring Lucy’s speech back. Gillian knows true pain and suffering. She can relate to being caught in an enemy’s net. Both have overcome much to stay sane and be together. I especially like Gillian. She knows Christian has been through hell, but she can help. She anticipates his needs and moves to fill them without embarrassing him. His recovery is her focus and she’ll do whatever it takes to make him better. She starts as a devoted friend, concerned for a child and ends up as a perfect mate.

Christian’s captor is a surprise. He’s careful and conniving. He keeps Christian alive and almost helps him. When he arrives in England, he has no interest in Christian and is trying to blend in. Christian tracks him down and challenges him to a duel. Instead, he gets is an explanation, which is what he needs to heal.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


  1. I am looking forward to reading this! Thanks for the review!
