
Saturday, October 4, 2014

ARC Review: Bone Deep by Brooklyn Skye

After reading Fragile Line by Brooklyn Skye, I couldn't wait to read more of her work. So I jumped when offered the chance to read and review Bone Deep. As much as I had loved Fragile Line though, I didn't feel the same way about Bone Deep. While Bone Deep was a decent story, it wasn't one that I loved or want to go back and read. This one just didn't offer anything much in the way of new or different and is a story that I thought was predictable.

Krister Ledoux is dealing with the fallout of a horrible tragedy that was committed by his father. His dad caused a horrible train accident that left several people dead and even more injured. Krister has been receiving hate mail and is determined to not only find who is sending the letters, but also do what he can to atone for his father's mistake. But when he ends up meeting a mysterious girl at the train station, he can't help but finally feel alive again. Krister knows that Cambria is dealing with something and is looking for an escape, and he will do whatever it takes to help her the way she has helped him. But Cambria has no idea who Krister is and that his father is the one who killed so many people in the accident. When the truth comes out, Krister and Cambria are left to deal with the fallout from the secrets that they kept from one another. Can they find a way to move forward, or will their secrets have been too painful to recover from?

I liked Krister and Cambria well enough, but I didn't really connect with them. They were younger characters, but I honestly felt like they were pretty immature even for their age group. They were pretty self-centered and didn't really think of anyone else. I especially thought that was true in the case of Krister. I do understand that they had both been through a lot and were young, but I still thought that it was no excuse for some of their actions. Krister had withdrawn from life and his friends and refused to move forward with his life. He felt like because of his dad's actions and the way some people treated him was an excuse to stop working at his internship, stop attending class, and be kind of a jerk to his friends. Cambria pretty much buried her head in the sand and refused to take action where her brother was concerned. She knew he was acting unusual and having problems, and yet she didn't really do anything about it until it got out of hand. I did feel like Cambria and Krister were good together and that they had some really great moments. But I just was left feeling sort of ho hum about them as a couple.

Overall, I thought that this story was mostly enjoyable. The beginning was slow and was a bit confusing at first. It kind of felt as though the reader is dropped into the middle of a story and you are left sort of wondering if you had missed anything. I felt like I was playing catch up trying to figure out what was going on. I also didn't care for the fact that Krister was still fooling around with Jess while things were beginning and going on with Cambria. He didn't want her with anyone else, and yet he was still off and on with his ex. While this story was a good read, it just didn't blow me away and wasn't one that I will remember. I felt like it was similar to other NA stories out there, and that it followed a pretty predictable path. There really wasn't any new ground broken here, but that is okay if that is what you are looking for. I think if you want a quick and easy NA read that you might give this one a shot. But if you are looking for something unique or different, this one might not be for you. I will look for more in the future from Brooklyn Skye, because while I wasn't a huge fan of this story I really like her writing style and loved Fragile Line.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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