
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

ARC Review: Legacy by L.P. Maxa

I really enjoyed the first couple of books in the Devil's Share series by L.P. Maxa, but I ended up not finishing the series as life just got in the way as did my ever growing TBR. When I saw Legacy coming out though, I knew I had to read it and after finishing it just made me want to start all over with the Devil's Share books and get caught up. I forgot just how much I enjoyed Maxa's writing and this captivating world she has created. 

The RiffRaff Records series is a spin-off series about the kids from the couples of the Devil's Share series. You do not need to read these in order, but it does help to know some of the backstory if you have read them. Legacy is a standalone story though and features Beau and Halen. They were close as kids and things only intensified as they got older and developed feelings for one another. Things were good until Beau left and broke her heart.

Beau and Halen were characters that I instantly loved and knew belonged together. Things between them weren't simple though, and despite their connection Beau made the decision to leave breaking Halen's heart as well as his own. It was heartbreaking to watch the pain they each felt, and while I saw what he was doing I still didn't agree with it. These two had such strong chemistry and so much history, and it was so clear that they were made for one another.

Overall, this book was emotional and I enjoyed it, even when it broke my heart. These two had such a special bond that is rare and unique and I loved their story from start to finish. It was great to see familiar faces from Devil's Share as well as their kids. These characters are so close to one another and I just love them all. If you haven't read anything by L.P. Maxa before, I highly recommend checking out the Devil's Share and the RiffRaff Records series. I can't wait to read more from Maxa and go back and read the ones I missed and I think readers will really enjoy these books too.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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