
Sunday, November 1, 2015

ARC Review: A Friendly Arrangement by Christine Warner

If you've read a friends to lover romance, you've kind of read this one. And while this book is a decent source of entertainment packaged in some pretty good writing, you will have a really hard time distinguishing it from it's similar counterparts when you put it down.

I'm not going to give you a synopsis because if you read the blurb to this book, that's pretty much all there is to the the story, you don't really need me to repeat it. This is the second book in the "Friends First" series but it's a standalone with no cliffs. One thing that I always appreciate is that this book is told in alternating POVs between the main characters.

I liked the connection between Roth and Holly but what I found interesting was how much they didn't know about each other.I thought, based on the blurb, that the two were life friends but they had really only been besties for a couple of years and there were clearly many issues into which they had not delved. So contrary to what I initially said, one thing that will distinguish this book from others in this sub-genre is that once the romance begins between the characters, the book more closely resembles the stranger romance stories as the couple learns about each other. I also appreciated that Holly was as focused on building her career as was Roth. Holly didn't just say she was a commitment phobe she really was and that's not something you see very often in heroines. The supporting cast of Holly's family adds to the overall entertainment value of the book and is good for some laughs. You will also enjoy the changing dynamic between Holly and Roth as they realize that their commitment issues don't supersede their feelings for one another.

What surprised me about this book is how quickly we went from friends to lovers. There wasn't much build up and so we didn't get the usual amount of angst and tension you get in the friends books. I think that took away from the overall story, the relationship was just too abrupt and too easily accepted by the main characters. The other problem with this book is that because of how much the friends did not know about each other, I missed some of the details on why they wanted each other. The book winds up looking much more like instalove than a friends to lovers story. There are some pretty decent sex scenes, the plot moves at a good pace and does have a few surprises. All in all, I would recommend this book for all you friends to lovers junkies.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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