
Thursday, October 6, 2016

ARC Review: The Trouble With Before by Portia Moore

The Trouble With Before is my first read by Portia Moore. While this book is a standalone, I found out after reading that it is part of a series. You do not need to read them in order to understand or enjoy this one though. I will say that after finding that out I read some reviews and it seems as though a lot of people had issues with Lisa from before this book. I do think that even those that had issues with her should read this book though. I couldn't put this one down, and I can't wait to read more from Portia Moore.

Lisa Gregory made a decision as a teenager that changed her life. It cost her her two best friends, but she set out on her own to discover herself. When she finds herself lost after everything, she heads back home to start over. But she quickly realizes that her past isn't easily forgotten by those that at one time were everything to her. Now that she is back, she finds herself face to face with Aiden Riles, only everything is different. Can they possibly have a future together though after everything that has happened? 

I will admit that I struggled with Lisa here, and I definitely understood why a lot of readers had issues with her character. She made some horrible choices and that was really hard for her to come back from in the story and with me personally. I did see growth and change though, and that went a long way in how I saw her over the course of this book. Getting to know her and see her through her POV really helped me to understand where she was coming from, even if I didn't always like it. I really loved Aiden though. He was nice and impossible not to fall for. I loved that he seemed so genuine and good, so real and easy to relate to. Their connection was special and they had great chemistry, I really felt like they were perfect for one another. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this one and didn't want to stop reading. This book surprised me in a lot of ways, and I was so glad that I took a chance on this new to me author. It definitely won't be the last I read from Portia Moore, and I can't wait to read more in this series. I think fans of this series will enjoy getting to know Lisa more, especially if they can try to keep an open mind. This book was such a journey for these characters, and I really loved that it was about love and friendship and being able to overcome mistakes.

**ARC Provided by Ardent PRose**

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