
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

ARC Review: Indecent Proposal by Molly O'Keefe

Indecent Proposal is the fourth book in the Boys of Bishop series by Molly O'Keefe. I read this book as a standalone though, and had no problems understanding the story. While I really enjoyed the first half of this book, I felt like the second half lost me. Things started off really interesting and full of tension and it kept me turning the pages. I just wish that the second half had been able to keep my interest as well.

When Ryan Kaminski sees the same sexy man at her bar several nights in a row, she wonders what is behind the sad man drinking alone. One night she finally starts to talk to him to try and ease his pain, and the next thing she knows she is sharing a passionate night with him. Harry is gone the next morning leaving nothing but a note behind. Shortly after Ryan loses her bartending job when her one night stand is discovered, leaving her with no means to pay her bills. When she finds out that she is pregnant, her big brother decides to go to the man who knocked her up himself. Soon Ryan finds herself in the middle of a would be political scandal as her one night stand turns out to be Harrison Montgomery who is heir to a well known Georgia family with a tradition of politicians. Harrison can't afford to have a scandal with his congressional bid coming up and proposes to Ryan assuring her that she will be well taken care of as will their baby, no matter what happens in the future. But what happens when their fake marriage starts to feel real?

I liked Ryan and Harrison, but they both had their moments for me. Ryan was smart and independent, and I loved her quick thinking. She was able to think on her feet and help out just by being herself. She had screwed things up in her past, but I liked that she didn't let it stop her or drag her down. The fact that she didn't want Harrison for his money or what he could do for her really made me admire her. Harrison was sexy and smart as well. He was determined to take care of Ryan and their child, even when he considered them a mistake after finding out. He didn't want to take the same path as his father and set out to make things right. But Harrison and Ryan both ran hot and cold, and it got old quickly. They had great chemistry between them, and you could feel the tension as if you were there standing next to them. They had a connection as well and were able to reach one another in a way that no one else could.

Because of the connection and chemistry between these two, it drove me nuts to see them push and pull so much on one another. I wanted them to figure things out and face the world together. They had enough drama surrounding them that they didn't need issues between them to continue for so long. I wish that we had seen them figure things out sooner, because the second half of the book really suffered for me because of that. I also felt like we really didn't get to see much of these two actually together, and I missed out on what they were like really exploring their relationship. I would have liked to have seen them experiencing things as a couple and exploring the good parts of their relationship. I think that this book was good despite my issues with the story, but I think that it had a lot of potential that it just didn't deliver on. I haven't read the other books in the series, but I enjoyed Molly O'Keefe's writing style and would be interested in going back and reading those books as well. I will look for more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing Group-Bantam Dell**

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