
Monday, February 6, 2017

ARC Review: Seven Minutes in Heaven by Eloisa James

Eloisa James has become one of my favorite authors. I have to admit that in some of her earlier stories there was always lords, duchesses, etc… In “Seven Minutes in Heaven” James presents us with a widow and working woman, Eugenia Snowe runs a business that employees Governesses. One of her clients, Edward Reeve is also a sort of outcast. He is the illegitimate child of an earl who is now the ward of two children who are orphaned. Reeve’s is in need of help and Snowe’s is known for employing the best governesses. 

When Reeve’s and Snowe meet they are at odds. Reeve’s is in desperate need of help with his two wards. His half-brother and half-sister are a handful. Aside from having two very demanding kids to take care of his grandmother is fighting for custody of them. His wards refuse to cooperate with the governesses that Snowe has sent and when the last governess leaves Reeves knows that the only person that can help him is Eugenia.

Eugenia is all work and now play. She is devoted to her business and doesn’t make more time for anything else since her husband has died. She carries tremendous guilt and sadness about the his death. Even though Edward brings up feelings she has long forgotten about. 

“Seven Minutes in Heaven is classic James. The characters are fun and witty. The scenes are filled with little bits of comedy and also moments of extreme tenderness. Edward knows that Eugenia is not looking for a love match and neither is he. He is more than willing to offer her an agreement that will mutually benefit them. I really enjoyed this book and really enjoy the Duchesses by the Numbers” series. James always writes memorable characters and stories.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes


  1. I look forward to reading this. Will it be beneficial to read the books in order, or can I read this as a standalone? I think there are 2 books before it in the series.
