
Friday, November 28, 2014

Guest Post with Author Jayne Fresina

Meet Jayne Fresina, author of Sinfully Ever After.

Jayne Fresina sprouted up in England, the youngest in a family of four daughters. Entertained by her father's colorful tales of growing up in the countryside, and surrounded by opinionated sisters - all with far more exciting lives than hers - she's always had inspiration for her beleaguered heroes and unstoppable heroines.

Places to find Jayne:
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Ten Fun Things About 'Sinfully Ever After'

1. "Who needs a man? Acquire a dog instead."
— Rebecca Sherringham on the joys of planning a peaceful life.

In Sinfully Ever After (Book Club Belles Society, Two), the young ladies of the village book club are reading Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. A few months before this they were reading Pride and Prejudice and one of their group found her reality turning a similar path to that of Lizzy Bennett's fictional romance. But Rebecca Boudicca Sherringham won't let her life turn into a romantic novel. She's far too practical and has suffered more than her share of actual drama.

2. "I'm a sinner with no heart. No conscience. No soft words and tender feelings. I'd never court you with posies and love letters. I don't dance and I don't know the first thing about poetry. I'm not the faithful kind to sit at your feet and pine."
— Colonel "Lucky" Luke Wainwright tells it like it is.

Just as Rebecca has no desire to be a romantic heroine, Colonel Lucius Wainwright is not interested in being a hero. In fact, he thinks his life's story— scandalous and enjoyable as it's been—must be winding down to the end. The last thing he expects is to start a new chapter.

3. "You're a villain who is not to be trusted. You admitted it freely."
"And you're likely to shoot at me one day."
"No doubt you'd give me plenty of reason to do so."
"You strike me as the sort who wouldn't require much provocation."
—Rebecca and Colonel Wainwright debate gun control

In Sinfully Ever After, the main characters turn out to be the opposite of what they seem at first glance. But our reluctant hero and heroine can't hide their true selves from each other.

4. "Truth be told, I was disappointed in my last funeral. I mean to make certain the next one is memorable."
— Colonel "Lucky" Wainwright

Presumed dead twelve years ago, when his favorite boots were found in a shack destroyed by cannon fire, Luke has had the chance to preview his own funeral (although all they had to bury were his boots. He wants to make sure the actual event is a much grander affair, complete with black-plumed horses.

5. "I'd like to get home in one piece, Colonel. Must you draw attention to us by racing this way?"
"When you confronted me in that crowded tavern and pointed a pistol at my chest, I took you for a daring, brave lass. A woman who preferred a gallop to a gentle trot."
"Well, you were wrong. I am never reckless. I am the most sensible of people."
"Keep telling yourself that, Rebecca. You don't fool me, anymore than I can fool you."
— Rebecca and Luke on road rage.

While Becky is the responsible one in her family of rogues, Lucky Luke has always been the dangerous black sheep of the Wainwright family. But opposites sometimes have more in common than they might realize.

6. "Just a stupid dog, following me around until he finds better company with more to offer."
— Colonel Wainwright on relationships.

Luke's only travelling companion for five years has been his dog "Ness" (short for Unnecessary). On the surface, it's a casual relationship only. After all, admitting a deeper feeling for anyone or anything might force the tough "old" soldier to finally make plans in advance. And think of something polite to say to a lady for once.

7. "At your age, you are horribly set in your ways and have no business considering marriage for the first time. A bachelor who has avoided it this long is not fit for that sort of companionship and would be better off with a nursemaid. No offense meant."
— Rebecca on the elderly.

Becky likes to think her character is more similar to the sensible Elinor Dashwood, in Sense and Sensibility, but she also has more than a little of Marianne Dashwood's "sensibility". While Luke has a rakish past, like wicked Willoughby in Jane Austen's story, he also embodies a little of Colonel Brandon. But I'll leave you to find out how!

8. "A mature man of experience, like me, has more to offer a woman like yourself than one of those fumbling pretty boys. I can give you a damn good—"
"Yes, thank you, Colonel. Should I require servicing like a brood mare, I'll let you know."
"I was going to say supper. I can make you an excellent chicken stew..."
— Rebecca and Luke debate the merits of nineteenth century gender roles.

This unlikely romantic couple think they know everything about the opposite gender. But Rebecca is far more accustomed to inconvenient men, until Luke proves himself useful— even in the kitchen. And Luke comes face to face with a woman who says exactly what she's thinking, pays her debts, keeps her promises, and has absolutely no idea that she's beautiful. A rarity in his experience of the female sex.

9. "My dear girl, let is enjoy ourselves tonight and not fear the malevolent intentions of mince pies."
— Major Sherringham (Becky's father) on diet fads.

The story takes place over the Yuletide season, with snowy lanes, fireside parties, rum punch, mistletoe and all manner of fun and games. A perfect story to curl up with this time of year!

10. "She would not even take it out of the box but returned it to him along with a few harsh words. Aye, she had a temper to match her hair."
— Major Sherringham discusses the passionate women in his family while enjoying his plum pudding.

A certain mystery involving a ruby and pearl necklace that was dug up by an aristocratic pig at the end of Once Upon a Kiss, will be solved in Sinfully Ever After.

Well, I hope I've tweaked your interest!

Happy reading,

Teaching scandalous young men a lesson? This is not your typical book club

To Rebecca Sherringham, all men are open books—read quickly and forgotten. Perhaps she’s just too practical for love. The last thing she needs is another bore around—especially one that’s supposed to be dead.

Captain Lucius “Luke” Wainwright turns up a decade after disappearing without a trace. He’s on a mission to claim his birthright and he’s not going away again until he gets it. But Becky and the ladies of the village Book Club Belles Society won’t let this rogue get away with his sins. He’ll soon find that certain young ladies are accustomed to dealing with villains.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |



  1. Sounds brilliant! Another top read from Ms Fresina methinks. Order is in.

  2. Thanks for inviting me on today!

  3. Sounds great! Love the snippets of their debates. :-D
