
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ARC Review: Breaking a Legend by Sarah Robinson

I have a soft spot for tortured alphas and this book pushed all the right buttons for me. It’s the story of Rory who is an MMA fighter who suffered a serious injury and let his ish just fall all apart. When Rory meets Clare he’s a pill popping functional drunk with an endearing love for unwanted animals. This is the first book in the Kavanagh family series and I will certainly be back around to see what the other brothers are up to. That brings me to another thing I really like about this book, the family interaction. Rory’s brothers were crude and always good for adding some entertainment into the plot line. They are also fiercely loyal and fine as all hell, what more could you want? When we meet Clare in this book she is on the run from a crazy abusive ex. Even though she’s had some bad experiences, I liked Clare as a heroine. She wasn’t the cowering type. She was witty and direct and she saw the best in Rory.

I really like the development of the relationship between Rory and Clare. I enjoyed that Rory wanted to be what Clare saw in him as opposed to what he was. I was totally into the emergence of Rory as the person he had the potential to be. There were two things about this book that I found to be worthy of significant head scratching. I don’t want to tell you exactly what those things were but one involved Rory’s drug use and the other, Clare’s ex. I just didn’t think that the handling of those things was realistic enough. After I spend enough time rolling my eyes deeply in my head, my rating of the book dims a little bit and that’s what happened here. The other thing that kept me at 3 stars was that I found the writing of the book to be a little disjointed at times. That is not a huge thing but it can throw you slightly off when you are following the story.

All in all, this book is my recommended reading list and I definitely think this series is worth following.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |


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