
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ARC Review: The Madness of Lord Westfall by Mia Marlowe

The Madness of Lord Westfall was very fast paced from the beginning. The Order of the M.U.S.E. has a new lead on a artifact that can endanger the Royals. Lords Westfall and Stanstead go to a soiree held by Lord Albemarle to see what they can discover. This is the first time Pierce Westfall meets Nora Claremont. Pierce can read her thoughts and she immediately grabs his attention in both a good and bad way.

Honora Claremont is a widow turned mistress. She is currently under the protection of Lord Albemarle, and knows several of his deepest secrets. This puts Westfall in an awkward position, as he quickly falls in love with her, but he has a mission which involves invading the privacy of her thoughts. She is skeptical of his early declaration of love. It's a dangerous game for her to fall in love with her profession.

The two have a very sexy couple of encounters, and Pierce learns a way to convince Honora to leave her protector and become his wife. He does a very very stupid thing. Once Honora discovers what he tries to do for her she feels so unworthy of his obvious love.

The heat level in this book is pretty good, like with it's predecessor. I like the way Mia Marlowe involves the Extroardinaire's gifts within the intimate scenes. It gives the experience more of a fantasy. Which reminds me I need to mention, this book does have some "magic" in it. The group of people who make up the M.U.S.E. all have supernatural gifts. That may not be your thing, but it sure was for me!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


  1. This is an interesting combination of elements. You've got me intrigued.
