
Thursday, November 26, 2015

ARC Review: Stars in Your Eyes by Lynn Kurland

Unfortunately I made the decision to stop this book at about 15% or after chapter 4. I was very, very, very bored. I tried to get into it, but after five days of trying, I've given up.

I met both leads during the four chapters I read, and neither of them seemed interesting to me. Mostly, it was a lot of inner dialogue explaining their past, families, and their thoughts on the matters. I know back stories are necessary but these were way too much.

Physically not a lot happened. Imogen traveled on a train to get to some specific point in England and visited a local shop. Phillip was having conversations with his family and preparing to go to his fiance's home to better encourage her to marry him.

This had none of the great story writing I have felt from Kurland's Nine Kingdom fantasy series where I'm usually pulled in after the first chapter. I am pretty bummed I didn't get more into the book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |


  1. Oh, bummer! Sometimes slow builds can be too slow it seems. Hopefully the next read will be good.
