
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

ARC Review: Good Earl Gone Bad by Manda Collins

Hermione Upperton is a strong willed, independent woman who unfortunately lives in a time where she has little to no rights. She loves to race curricles, and she finally joined a driving club, The Lords of Anarchy. She is the only woman to have done so. Unfortunately, her gambling addicted father loses her horses the night before her first race.

Jasper, the Earl of Mainwaring, initially thought that Hermione's pursuits of race driving were a bad thing. His attitude changes though as he comes to know her. He watched helplessly as her father lost the horses at the gambling tables, and wished there was something he could do to help his friend.

The two end up getting tangled in a plot of horse thievery, gambling, and murder. No one seems safe throughout most of the book. I didn't realize this book was going to be part mystery, and I think too much of the meat of the story centered around that instead of around the growing relationship between Hermione and Jasper.

I did like the characters. We are given a little of Hermione's and Jasper's backstory, and their personalities stay strong and true through most of the book. The sense of danger did spice it up a little as well. Reading about the side characters has now gotten me interested in reading the other books in the series.

One pet peeve that this book poked at me with was the confusion with the title. It doesn't fit the book at all. I don't remember anything to give reason to the thought that Jasper went bad in any way. It's a catchy title but misleading. This is a small issue to have though with a book. I still recommend to anyone who loves historicals about strong independent women and mystery. Also, I would suggest reading the first book in the series prior to reading this one. The very beginning of how couple meets happens there, and so I missed out on that bit.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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