
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

ARC Review: Tied To His Betrayal by Stacy Kennedy

Tied to His Betrayal was a really interesting read. This is kind of a second chance romance. Darius and Taylor were a hot couple 5 years before this book starts. In this book, all we know is that Taylor found herself in a bad situation and returns home where Darius is to sort everything out. The reason Darius and Taylor were no longer together is irritating to me. Darius believed that he could not commit to Taylor so he did the whole if you love something let it go thing. I really hate that. Also, I didn't really empathize with Darius' feelings about why he couldn't give Taylor what she really wanted. He is supposed to be a character who needs control but right from the beginning of this book, he seemed a little weak to me.

The chemistry between Darius and Taylor leaps off the pages. From the minute Taylor returns home battered and bruised, there is no question that things will pick up where they left off with Darius. The weird thing for me is that despite the sexual chemistry with the couple (and it was there), I'm not sure I completely buy into them as a couple. I think that what happened is that the author might have done too good a job depicting each of the individual characters. Darius is dark and brooding. Taylor has a light and innocence to her that is Darius' polar opposite. The problem is that I wasn't sure the two made sense together. Even after they got together, I had a hard time tracking the relationship. The other thing that was rough was that Taylor's innocence seemed like a cover sometimes. As the book went on Taylor seemed less like a paragon of goodness and more like someone who just couldn't work through shit on her own.

I sort of recommend this book. It's hot and the writing is pretty good. Just beware that some parts are a bit slow and the characters might not totally make sense especially when they're together.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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