
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gabriel's Inferno Winner

Congratulations to:

Latisha D. 
on winning an eBook copy of Sylvain Reynard's Gabriel's Inferno courtesy of KLB

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to all that participated. =)

KLB Virtual Journey: The Renfield Syndrome by JA Saare

Vampires, and werewolves, and demons, oh my. 

Rhiannon thought facing off against a deranged child vampire was the most dangerous task she would ever have to undertake, but she’s about to discover making a deal with a demon is far, far worse. Sent forward into another reality, one in which vampires are now dominating nearly extinct humans, she realizes the sooner she returns to her vampire lover, Disco, the better. 

Unfortunately, time changes a lot of things; including those most trusted around her. When she’s faced with a loss and betrayal unlike any she has ever known, her focus shifts from severing the debt between the demon that wants to kill her, to exacting a revenge that will bring forth consequences she never could have fathomed. By reaching out to the darkness lingering within her, she’ll find the strength to push forward despite the circumstances that would see her dead and buried. 

After all, when it’s all said and done, all that she has left to lose is her soul.

**About the Author**

J.A. Saare is a multi-published author in varying genres and has written stories featured in horror magazines, zombie romance anthologies, and flash fiction contests. Her work has a notable dark undertone, which she credits to her love of old eighties horror films, tastes in music, and choices in reading, and have been described as “full of sensual promise,” “gritty and sexy,” and “a breath of fresh air.”

Currently she is penning numerous projects within the urban fantasy, erotic and contemporary, and of course, paranormal romance categories.Those interested in her "naughtier" side can visit her alias, Aline Hunter, at

Places to find JA Saare:
Site | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook |

Random Acts of Kindness: September Wrap Up

R.A.K, otherwise known as Random Acts of Kindness is put together by the lovely ladies from Book♥Soulmates. It's a way for fellow bloggers to get together and give eachother items on their wish lists. I love participating in R.A.K. It's so much fun and rewarding to give others items from their wish list and it's exciting to see if anyone is going to give you something too.

Sent Out:

To Amanda @On a Book Bender

To Kara

 To Alyssa @The Reader's Refuge

To Lyan Mora

To Loretta @Between The Pages

From Lillie @Read My Mind 
From Alyssa @The Reader's Refuge 

Here's how to participate:
  • Sign up each month you would like to participate
  • Show off that you are a R.A.K. participant by grabbing the button
  • Create a wish list(on Amazon, Goodreads, on your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K. post for the month
  • If you choose to do a R.A.K. for someone, check out their wish list and contact that person for their address
  • If sending an eBook you must gift through AmazonKobo, or Barnes and Noble
  • If you receive any items during the month you participate in, please email or tweet @Bookbrunette so she can update the Google doc.
  • At the end of the month SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! Make a post saying "Thank you" to whomever granted one of your wishes and then share it with Book Soulmates
Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there is always Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!
Simple and easy!

Sign up for October {HERE}
See who else is participating in October {HERE}

Friday, September 30, 2011

Danielle Gavan Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to:

Latisha D. 
On winning an eBook copy of Ardeur from Danielle Gavan

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to all that participated. =)

Guest Post with Author Erin Kellison and Giveaway

Hi everyone. Today I have author Erin Kellison visiting the blog. I was lucky enough to meet Erin at Author's After Dark in Philadelphia and she was awesome. She's super friendly and let me ask her a million questions. So I hope you all give her a very warm welcome.

Light against Shadow

First of all, a big thank you to Danielle for hosting me here today. And a thank you to all the readers who stop by. One lucky commenter will win a set of my Shadow books, Shadow Bound, Shadow Fall, and my September release, Shadowman. And by the way, part one of my Shadow world novella series, Shadow Touch, is FREE today on Kindle and Nook.

Shadow in my series is synonymous with magic and it exists in a realm I call Twilight—a realm everyone accesses in their dreams or for inspiration. It’s where all the  stories (and nightmares) are true. Twilight is inhabited by the fae, the darkest of which is Shadowman, my hero. He’s also known to the western world as the Grim Reaper, and his duty for all is to escort souls from the mortal world, across Twilight, to the Hereafter.

Trouble is, he fell in love with one of those souls, Kathleen O’Brien. And he believes that she got sent to Hell and is being tormented there for his crime of trespassing into to the mortal world to love her. This is unjust, so he builds a gate to Hell to fetch her back.

One of the major conflicts in Shadowman involves the Gate, which is as evil as the realm to which it leads. Angels on earth find out about it and will stop at nothing to make certain it’s destroyed. It’s light against Shadow, Order against magic, and both sides are willing to fight to the death to defend their cause. My angels do their best for the good of humankind, but they are not all-knowing.

Here’s an excerpt of the two at odds:

Custo stood, shaking his head and regarded the gate again. “You can’t think for a moment that The Order will suffer that… that… thing on Earth.”

“That thing?” Death mocked, standing again.

“The Order would call it an abomination.”

“And what would you call it?”

“Seriously fucked up.”

Shadowman gripped the hammer, a tool of the angels. With it, he could forge the gate. Barbed and brutal, the gate’s only decorative element was a couple of spare flowers, the kind that could grow in the harshest, darkest clime. Three wrought iron, triangular petals were folded close to guard the core. The blooms were desperate hope, a symbol that Kathleen could endure beyond, her soul bearing the empty pitch until he could find her.

“Are you going to tell them?” Death asked.

“I’m part of The Order,” Custo said. “The angels can read my mind. I couldn’t hide this if I wanted to. And I don’t. We’ve had enough trouble dealing with the last forbidden passage you created between the worlds. Wraiths are still plaguing humankind. There’s a war out there. Don’t open up a way even more dangerous.”
Shadowman glanced at the gate.

kat-a-kat-a-kat-a-kat, the gate answered, trembling on its posts. The gate had been talking to him like that since it had been mounted.

And he knew he could not wait to retrieve Kathleen from Hell. There was no higher purpose in her presence there that he could fathom. No order or justice to her damnation. He broke the law, but Kathleen suffered in Hell. There was nothing to do but fetch her back.

“Look ahead, if you can,” Custo said, the green forcing out the black in his eyes. His urgency, thick and pungent, saturated the shadows. “I beg you to look ahead.”

So Shadowman answered with a question of his own. “And if it were your Annabella?”
Custo went silent, breathing deeply, thinking of the beautiful ballerina who was his wife. It didn’t take long for his mouth to twist.

“It hurts you even to think of it, yet Kathleen is there, right now.”


Shadowman turned to regard the gate. At his side, Custo did the same. The potent menace coming off the thing was palpable. Shadow shimmered against the hell-throb of his creation. A gate to Hell, forged by Death.
Shadowman felt the moment Custo came to a decision, his hard resolve overcoming the wilder emotions.

“I begged for a day once, and that’s what I’ll give you,” Custo said. “Then I swear I’ll bring the angels. We will rip it apart, even if you, Kathleen, or… or… even Annabella are behind it. It is Wrong. You fae obviously have trouble telling the difference.”


Right? Wrong? Shadowman didn’t care. Death, by nature and necessity, was numb to such considerations.

“I don’t require your permission, boy.” The pain of his grip on the hammer crawled over his shoulder.

“Mark my words,” Custo said, summoning Shadow to depart. “The angels are coming.”

“Mark mine,” Death returned. “I’ll have her back.”

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Follow Friday #12

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q. What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?

Wow, this is a hard one for me. I used to get really excited whenever any of the books I loved were going to be turned into movies, now not so much. I have seen books that I have loved and cherished, completely ruined because they either cast the wrong people or they changed the plot so that I don't even recognize it anymore. So I honestly don't know what I would pick that I would be okay with "Hollywood" changing. 

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- The Bookaholic & Starcrossed
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)

Guest Post with Author Amanda J. Greene and Giveaway

Hello everyone. Today I would like to welcome author Amanda J. Greene to the blog. Amanda is currently on tour promoting her release of Caressed by Moonlight which looks so good and have you seen that cover? Gorgeous! So if you all would kindly give Amanda a warm welcome.
      Hello, and thank you for having me today. 
As some of you know, I am on a blog tour for my current release, Caressed by Moonlight
Victoria Kingston has to make some decisions. Being a woman in early 1800s London is nowhere near easy. Penniless and orphaned, left to care for her young sister, she must rely on the twisted generosity of her spinster Aunt. There is no love lost between Victoria and her Aunt, who makes it clear that she does not want Victoria around. Her Aunt gives Victoria an ultimatum; she must marry within the month or forfeit custody of her sister. With the help of her friend, Victoria sets about to find a man.
Dorian Vlakhos is nothing Victoria was looking for but everything she needed. He is dark, tall, and is well versed in the art of seduction. But he is no ordinary man; he is a vampire king, who came to London with the hopes of saving his people from the witches that hunt them. Dorian is not interested in marriage but very interested in getting Victoria in his bed for a few nights of pleasure. But once he learns of her troubles, he can’t help up ask for her hand, so that she may keep her sister.
Neither was searching for love but fate had other plans for them. Thrust together they are thrown into a world of darkness where betrayal and death are waiting for them to fall into their trap.
Now, I would like to share an excerpt with you:
Dorian leaned against the doors, his dark eyes following her about the room. She plucked a book from its resting place and began to thumb through it, a bright smile lighting up her beautiful face. So he waited for her to notice him. It did not take long.
She turned and the smile instantly vanished

“Prince Dorian,” she gasped, her voice would have been inaudible if he were human. She cleared her throat and snapped the book shut once she conquered her surprise. “I had no idea you were coming to this party. When did you arrive?”

“A few moments ago,” he said as he pushed his large form away from the doors.

“Why didn't you continue on with the others?”

“They don't interest me.”

“I don't think we–”

“Lord Rogers,” he continued, his voice turning hard. “Is he a friend of yours?” Victoria's grip on the book tightened as he drew nearer.

“Yes, and I don't see how that is any business of yours.”

“I beg to differ. Since you are fixed on marrying, I hope you find a man of whom you will quickly tire.”

“Who informed you of my desire for a husband?” Dorian shrugged. “What young lady doesn’t want a husband? Besides, I have heard rumors that you are prowling around.” He smiled

Her eyes narrowed. “I do wish you luck. The sooner you become tired of your marriage bed the sooner you will come to mine. Rogers, from what I know of him, is a great and upstanding gentleman. He is perfect for a nice girl, such as you, to marry. But he is also the kind of man that a woman would become bored with easily. Have you tried to have a conversation with the man? He talks mostly of the weather and his fine horses.”

“He is not my only suitor. I have a long list full of others.”

“If the rest are anything like him, I promise you will come happily to my bed.”

“Is that a fact?” she said, her chin stubbornly tilted up.

“That,” he smiled, “is a fact and I'm willing to wait.”

“I will never come skipping to your bed.”

“I have all the time in the world,” he assured her with a shrug. “I can wait.”

“I think it’s time we rejoin the group,” she said.

“Why? They don't know I have arrived and your friends know where to find you.”

“It is hardly decent for us to be alone.”

“Well,” he crossed the room with measured strides, “look around you, kitten,” he said spreading his arms wide, “there is no one here to see us. We are completely alone.” They now stood an embrace apart. Victoria clutched the book even tighter, her knuckles turning white. She began to chew on her bottom lip nervously and grimaced as a bead of blood welled.

Dorian gazed at the tempting, crimson droplet that colored her luscious lips. He immediately closed the space between them and slowly slid his hand over the delicate flesh of her throat and cupped the back of her neck…
I hope you enjoyed the excerpt and thank you again for having me on your site. I wish everyone happy reading!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ARC Review: Every Scandalous Secret by Gayle Callen

I admit that this book was a little hard for me to get through at times. I just loved the beginning of this book. I am a big fan of banter between characters and this book was chocked full of it in the beginning. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Leo and Susanna go back and forth with each other. But once I got to the middle it's where things seemed to slow down for me significantly. It just seemed to drag on for a few chapters and there wasn't anymore of the banter between Leo and Susanna. By the time I got to the last third of the book everything picked up again I really began to enjoy Leo and Susanna again.

I honestly love the character of Leo. He's just so forth-coming and honest about things. He isn't ashamed of his past and he doesn't make excuses. I really enjoyed watching him pursue Susanna at the house party. We also saw a different side of Leo in this book. In previous books he perceived as a Rake who doesn't really give a damn about anything, but in this book we were able to see that he's actually very intelligent. I secretly love it when the ton rake turns out to be a hidden scholar. I just love a smart and intelligent hero!

As for Susanna, I had my ups and downs with her. I loved her in the beginning of the book. She is a bluestocking and isn't ashamed of it. In fact, while at the country house party she is giving painting lessons. She seems so confident and self-assured. Then, all of a sudden when her and Leo get together she loses all of that. She becomes sort of a downer and is constantly questioning her actions and whether Leo's feelings are real. What happened to the confident self-assured woman I came to love?

As I said before, my favorite part of this book was experiencing all of the banter between Leo and Susanna. I just wish we were able to see more of it throughout the story. I did enjoy Leo and Susanna together as a couple and I think that they both balanced each other out quite well. They both brought out the best in one another and that is always refreshing to see.

**ARC copy provided by Goddess Fish Promotions Blog Tours**


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Guest Post with Author Rebecca Royce and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Rebecca Royce to the blog. Rebecca is currently on tour promoting the release of her newest book Love Beyond Time. So please give a warm welcome to Rebecca.

Soul Mates

I would imagine if we took a poll, we would find that everyone has a different definition of a soul mate. What would make your soul mate your soul mate? Is it a felling, a look, a 'knowing'? I'm not sure how it works in real life. I know that I knew my husband was my soul mate on our first date. I told him I couldn't cook (that is not an exaggeration; I burn water) and he told me I would never have to, he would always cook for me. Boom. I knew I would marry him. That he was mine.

Love Beyond Time, the first book in my Outsider series, the subject of Soul Mates is a very important one. Why? Because in order for the individual Outsider to come into his or her full powers, they have to meet their soul mate. They need this to become a Unit. Only a fully formed Unit is undetectable to the demon that hunts them. Before they meet and fall in love with their Soul Mate, they are in danger all of the time.

In the past, before the Outsiders were nearly decimated, Outsiders grew up with their Soul Mates living in the same village that they did. But now finding their Soul Mate is part of the journey.

I love to tell a good love story and I love helping these amazing characters find their Soul Mates. I hope you do too!

Monday, September 26, 2011

KLB Virtual Journey: Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard Giveaway


PhotobucketGabriel's Inferno
Author: Sylvain Reynard
Professor Gabriel Emerson, a specialist in Dante and the art of seduction, believes he has already earned his exile to the lower circles of hell. Since redemption is impossible, there is no reason to refrain from indulging in a life of pleasurable sin, using his notorious good looks and sophisticated charm as a means to gratify his every whim. But when he meets Julia Mitchell, a brilliant, lovely, and innocent grad student with the achingly familiar eyes of an angel, all of his cynical convictions are challenged. Her mysterious allure and the havoc she wreaks on his self-satisfied existence cause him to lash out at her, while her quiet beauty and innate goodness consistently undermine his control, tempting him beyond measure. Despite surviving a traumatic childhood, nothing has shaken Julia's faith that redemption is possible for everyone-everyone but her. Her unworthiness torments her, since the only man she will ever love has managed to forget her very existence, failing to even recognize her when they reconnect. Too naive to see that Gabriel's hostility is a mask for his increasing obsession with her, Julia forces him to come to grips with his past while she continues to unwittingly torment his senses. His fascination grows into a dangerous preoccupation, for Julia is forbidden fruit . . .
Paperback, 514 Pages
Published April 19, 2011 by Omnific Publishing
ISBN: 9781936305629



Sunday, September 25, 2011

Guest Post with Author Danielle Gavan and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Danielle Gavan to the blog. Danielle is currently on tour promoting her book Ardeur. So please give a warm welcome to Danielle!

Hi Danielle, thanks for having me on your blog today. I thought readers might be interested to know what books I, as a writer, can’t get enough of as a reader. Mostly, my tastes run toward paranormal books and take a short jaunt into the historical/time travel/romance genre.

My bookshelf contains the entire Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, as well as the spinoff Lord John books. They’ve all been read several times, some of them so much their dust jackets are tattered and I’ve had to tape the pages back into the spines. I love these books. Diana might take seven years to write one novel but, they’re absolutely worth the wait. Her characters come alive, and the way she weaves the storyline together sucks you right into the book. When I get bored with the whole vamp/shifter/paranormal stuff, this is where I turn. There’s nothing like a little Jamie Fraser to put my brain in a happy place. 

Another author I love to read is Laurell K. Hamilton. Whenever a new book comes out in either her Merry Gentry or Anita Blake series’ I get it and plough through the pages. It takes a few days to read them from cover to cover (thank you domestic servitude… um, bliss) but that only makes the enjoyable experience last that much longer. 

While Laurell’s kick-butt heroines and their harems of men are great, sometimes I like to flip the tables. For that I turn to Gena Showalter and her Lords of The Underworld. Those males are worth staying up passed my bedtime and stumbling bleary eyed through my morning chores. (What do you mean the kids need pants on to go to school? They can’t go in their jammies? Well…rats.) Yep, definitely worth it. 

Occasionally, I venture into the YA pool for something less sexy and more on the angsty side. I haven’t found many I like but the few include Kelly Armstrong’s trilogy (The Reckoning, The Awakening and The Summoning). I’ve read some of Ms. Armstrong’s other work (Women of the Underworld) and can honestly say I love her work. 

Another YA series I’ve enjoyed is The House of Night by P.C. and Kristin Cast. Great characters and story. This is another series for which I won’t pass up buying the newest release. 

There you have it, some of my favorite books to read. What’s on your bookshelf that you can’t do without?