Hi guys. Today I would like to welcome to the blog Gabrielle Bisset. Gabrielle is currently on tour promoting her book Destiny Redeemed. So please give a warm welcome to Gabrielle everyone.
My Spin On Paranormal
While I’d been a reader of paranormal romance for years, I was a general fiction writer until just a few years ago. For me, paranormal romance had been an escape from the world around me. I could open a book and be transported to whatever world the author had built and encounter whatever paranormal creature the author had created. My favorite has always been the vampire. The idea that a being could be so old—and seen so much of the world—and still be young and virile has always hooked me. When I began thinking of writing a paranormal romance, the vampire was a definite consideration for the main character. How could he not be? But then one night in a dream I created my idea of a paranormal character in Aeveren.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Forged By Fire Winner
Congratulations to:
Loves To Dive
On winning a eBook copy of Forged By Fire
Winner has been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that participated. =)
Interview with Sable Grace and Giveaway
Today I would like to welcome the wonderful writing team known as Sable Grace. Sable Grace is currently on tour promoting their latest release, Before The Fall-A Dark Breed Novella. Their were nice enough to let me ask them a few questions that I would love to share with you all.
First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Sable Grace is the writing team of Heather Waters and Laura Barone, best friends and nearly polar opposites who took our love for anything different and blended it with a fascination for creatures that go bump in the night.
Did you always want to be a writer?
Heather: I think we’ve both always written in some format or another. Personally, I never considered it as a profession until my son was born in 1998 when I was neck deep in crafting candles, potpourri, air fresheners and anything else I could get my hands on and realized I wasn’t getting the creative satisfaction I was searching for. I decided to try my hand at my old passion again and wrote my first, very horrible, medieval romance that year. There were enough “wow, that’s not too bad” lines in that book that kept me believing that I could do better next time, and next time, and next time, until I finally sold a medieval romance to Berkley in 2005.
Laura: I’m not sure I always wanted to be a writer, not in the professional aspect I mean. I’ve always loved writing of any form—poetry, songs, short stories—and when I decided to write a novel, it was a lot of false starts. It took years of writing book after book until I discovered where my strengths were. Finaling in the Golden Heart in 2007 was the first ‘clue’ that I’d gotten that part of the process right even though the struggle to learn and grow as a writer is one I work on every day.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Follow Friday #18
Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts: Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.
Q. In light of 11.11.11 and Veteran's Day tell us about your favorite solider and how he or she is saving the world. Fictional or real life.
Wow, such a deep question. I have many friends that are in the military. I salute them all. They have the courage and bravery that I don't. I could never go off and fight for my country. So to all the soldiers, I salute you.
Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:
- (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
- (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- The Book Nympho & MotherLode
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)
Behind the Blogger: Laurie from Bitten By Paranormal Romance
Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.
This week's guest is Laurie from Bitten By Paranormal Romance. If you haven't checked out this blog before it's a must if you are a fan of paranormal.
This week's guest is Laurie from Bitten By Paranormal Romance. If you haven't checked out this blog before it's a must if you are a fan of paranormal.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Mistress By Mistake Winner
Congratulations to:
Monica R
On winning a copy of Mistress By Mistake
Winner has been contacted. Thank you to everyone that participated. =)
Guest Post with Author Avril Ashton
Today I would like to welcome author Avril Ashton to the blog. Avril is currently on tour promoting her book Till Abandon. So if you all could please give Avril a very warm welcome.
It occurred to me the other day that I really like curse words. Those vulgar little things are all over my writing, practically inundated with it. My love of them is quite a visible display, but is it ever too much?
Should I scale back?
I should point out I write how I think and speak. Not a good sign if every other word out of my mouth is a curse word, right? But I just love those salty words.
The ‘F’ word is most prominent, followed closely by the ‘S’. My fave, though, is the EmEffer. Isn’t that just the most versatile word ever? It can be a noun, a verb, an adjective. I mean, it’s the cure all and most go-to of the curse words. EmEffer just adds another dimension to the vulgarities.
Looking back at my writing, I noticed a large amount of these words and I made the conscious effort to scale it back. Take the vulgar down a notch…or three. In the scaled back versions though, they’re still in abundance, popping up mighty frequent.
No one’s ever mentioned it to me—editors, cps or readers—but I just thought, damn, I use these words a lot. I wondered if anyone had ever been offended by my flagrant salty language but never took the time to point it out to me.
I’d welcome that. No, I wouldn’t curse out the messenger.
My question to the audience, what’s you favorite curse word and how do you feel about reading them?
It occurred to me the other day that I really like curse words. Those vulgar little things are all over my writing, practically inundated with it. My love of them is quite a visible display, but is it ever too much?
Should I scale back?
I should point out I write how I think and speak. Not a good sign if every other word out of my mouth is a curse word, right? But I just love those salty words.
The ‘F’ word is most prominent, followed closely by the ‘S’. My fave, though, is the EmEffer. Isn’t that just the most versatile word ever? It can be a noun, a verb, an adjective. I mean, it’s the cure all and most go-to of the curse words. EmEffer just adds another dimension to the vulgarities.
Looking back at my writing, I noticed a large amount of these words and I made the conscious effort to scale it back. Take the vulgar down a notch…or three. In the scaled back versions though, they’re still in abundance, popping up mighty frequent.
No one’s ever mentioned it to me—editors, cps or readers—but I just thought, damn, I use these words a lot. I wondered if anyone had ever been offended by my flagrant salty language but never took the time to point it out to me.
I’d welcome that. No, I wouldn’t curse out the messenger.
My question to the audience, what’s you favorite curse word and how do you feel about reading them?
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
ARC Review: Pride & Passion by Charlotte Featherstone
I love, love, love, loved the Duke of Sussex! I found it so refreshing that he was aware of his feelings toward Lucy and isn't afraid to let anyone know of them. I found that he also would say the sweetest things that would quite knock me off my feet. What girl doesn't want to be told that her man would die for you? I just found him to be so sweet and caring not only to Lucy but to his dear sister. Even though he knows Lucy doesn't exactly want to be with him, he is constantly patient with her and continues to show her why she should be with him.
As for Lucy, I had a far more difficult time warming up to her. I liked her but I just didn't love her. At times she came off a bit whiny and annoying. Her refusal to listen to Adrian and to actually see what a great man he is was infuriating at times. She just always expected the worse of him. And then I found when she does come around to him it just didn't feel natural. One moment she is hating him and the situation that they are in, and then all of a sudden all is forgiven and she is in love. It just didn't seem right. Don't get me wrong, I understand where she is coming from and why she is the way she is, it's just exasperating at times. I will say that I did like that Lucy is fiercely loyal and caring towards others. She cares about others needs regardless of their class or station in life. I just wish she would have opened her eyes toward Adrian a lot sooner.
After reading this book I can't wait to read the next story which is going to be about Alynwick. I find that his character tends to jump off the page when he's around and I'm dying to know more about him and Adrien sister Lizzy. That is a story that I am clamoring for, especially with how Pride & Passion ended.
**ARC provided by NetGalley**
Guest Post with Author Lauren Hawkeye and Giveaway
Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lauren Hawkeye. Lauren in currently on tour promoting the release of Lead Me On, which by the way is awesome! You can check out my review for it here. So here's Lauren...
Thanks for having me!
I was recently asked if I have been given any good advice since I started writing. Well, I have received a lot of advice in the four years since I first picked up that pen-- some of it good, some not so much. It seems that everyone has an opinion. However, there are two comments that have stuck in my mind, each given by a great woman and a fabulous writer, people that I respect and admire greatly.
Thanks for having me!
I was recently asked if I have been given any good advice since I started writing. Well, I have received a lot of advice in the four years since I first picked up that pen-- some of it good, some not so much. It seems that everyone has an opinion. However, there are two comments that have stuck in my mind, each given by a great woman and a fabulous writer, people that I respect and admire greatly.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Interview with Author Jeffe Kennedy
Today I would like to welcome to the blog Jeffe Kennedy. Jeffe is currently on tour promoting the release of her new book Sapphire. Jeffe was kind enough to let me ask her a few questions and I would love to share them with you all.
First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I have black hair, quite long, green eyes. I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I’m lucky enough to enjoy amazing views from the moment I open my eyes in the morning. Except for right now when it’s too damn dark. I hate Daylight Savings Time and am counting the minutes until it ends!
Did you always want to be a writer?
No, not at all. I’ve wanted to be a wild animal vet, a doctor, a scientist, a religious scholar, a translator and, notably, once declared a desire to be a Playboy Bunny (I was seven).
First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I have black hair, quite long, green eyes. I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I’m lucky enough to enjoy amazing views from the moment I open my eyes in the morning. Except for right now when it’s too damn dark. I hate Daylight Savings Time and am counting the minutes until it ends!
Did you always want to be a writer?
No, not at all. I’ve wanted to be a wild animal vet, a doctor, a scientist, a religious scholar, a translator and, notably, once declared a desire to be a Playboy Bunny (I was seven).
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