
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weekly Winners

Congratulations to:

Yadira A
On winning an eBook copy of Fool Me Once by Lacey Wolfe

On winning a copy of Captured By a Rogue Lord by Katharine Ashe

Yadira A
On winning a book of choice from Juliana Stone

Jeanne M
On winning an eBook copy of The Runaway Countess by Leigh LaValle

On winning an eBook copy of C791 by Eve Langlais

All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. 

ARC Review: Confessions From an Arranged Marriage by Miranda Neville

I really wanted to like this book. This was one of those books I was greatly looking forward to and it just did not meet my expectations. In previous books the sparks between Minerva and Blake were explosive and when I found out they were going to be each other's HEA I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait for the insults and the back and forth bickering that would turn into explosive sexual chemistry. Sadly none of that occurred in this book.

While I enjoyed this book, it just seemed to drag on in some parts. I very much did enjoy the relationship between Minerva and Blake (even though it wasn't what I was hoping for) I just felt like it was overshadowed by all of the politics in the book. It felt as if the politics took over and became the main characters while Minerva and Blake became secondary characters. I understand that it's a big part of the book and it's very important to Minerva, I just felt bored by it. I wanted there to be more focus on Minerva and Blake and their relationship.

I really enjoyed watching these two achieve their HEA. They went from two people who couldn't stand one another to a couple that loves and trusts each other. There were quite a few scenes between them that I loved and completely moved me.

Overall, I enjoyed the this book. Do I wish there was a bit more chemistry between the Minerva and Blake? Yes, but I still enjoyed what we were shown and I enjoyed watching them both grow. They went from two people that virtually hated each other to such a strong unit that loves and trust one another. I hope we get to see more of them in future books. I give this a 3 1/5 stars.

**ARC copy provided by publisher**

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Guest Post with Allison Pang and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Allison Pang. Allison is currently on tour promoting the her newest release A Sliver of Shadow. Before I give the floor to Allison lets get to know her a bit.

A marine biologist in a former life, Allison Pang turned to a life of crime to finance her wild spending habits and need to collect Faberge eggs. A cat thief of notable repute, she spends her days sleeping and nights scaling walls and wooing dancing boys….Well, at least the marine biology part is true. But she was taloned by a hawk once. She also loves Hello Kitty, sparkly shoes, and gorgeous violinists.

She spends her days in Northern Virginia working as a cube grunt and her nights waiting on her kids and cats, punctuated by the occasional husbandly serenade. Sometimes she even manages to write. Mostly she just makes it up as she goes.

Places to find Allison:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Guest Post with Author Jaci Burton

Today I am super excited to have Jaci Burton visiting the blog. Jaci is celebrating the release of her newest book in her Play-By-Play series, Taking a Shot and has stopped by to chat about her series. Before I give the floor to Jaci, let us all get to know her a bit.

After spending too many years to count in the high stress business world, New York Times and USA Today Bestelling Author Jaci Burton is happy to be living her dream of writing passionate romance. She has written over forty-five novels and is contracted to write ten more. Jaci has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business that she is thrilled not to be using in the corporate environment anymore. She grew up in Missouri but migrated to California, where she lived for thirteen years, but now makes her home in Oklahoma with her husband and five dogs. She enjoys being outdoors in the summer and she and her husband are avid Harley riders.

Jaci writes in multiple genres, from erotic romance to romantic suspense to contemporary romance. She has won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Award, and has been nominated for the award four times. She has been a finalist in the Bookseller’s Best and National Reader’s Choice Awards, and has won The Romance Studio’s CAPA Award four times.

Places to find Jaci:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lucky Days Free Par-Tay-Get Lots of FREE eBooks!

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Discover over 40 amazing ebooks: Romances, Thrillers, Mysteries, Humor, Fantasies, and more!
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Fantastic ebooks, many by award-winning and best-selling authors.

Interview with Author Sarah Ballance

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Sarah Ballance. Sarah was kind enough to stop by and allow me to ask her some questions that I would love to share with you all. But before we get to the interview, let's get to know Sarah a bit.

Sarah lives a charmed life as the mother of six incredible homeschooled children, all of whom are completely adorable when they're asleep. Her husband of many years (long, long years, he calls them) is the kind of guy who could teach those heroes from the books a thing or two about romance, not that he'd readily admit it. Completely supportive of her love for writing fiction, he's generously offered to help with any necessary research for "the good parts." She's never had to ask twice.

Although the idea of writing romance and romantic suspense initially intimidated Sarah, it has morphed into a favorite pastime since her characters, unlike her kids, actually listen to her. Er, sometimes.

Place to find Sarah:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ARC Review: Turn It Up by Inez Kelley

From beginning to end, I loved this book. Once I started reading it I found it hard to put it down. I just kept turning the pages curious to see how things were going to end up. I loved Charlie and Bastian and from the very first page I was rooting for them.

Bastian and Charlie are the best of friends, they do everything together. Unbeknownst to Charlie, Bastian has been secretly in love with her for the past year. When on a camping trip Bastian lets his feelings for Charlie be known and he proposes. Charlie freaks out. Charlie isn't the type of woman to settle down and she is terrified of losing her best friend. Yes, she's had fantasies about being with Bastian but marriage? She doesn't want to mess up the great relationship they both already have but she reluctantly decides to give Bastian a chance.

Bastian will do anything in his power to convince Charlie that he is sincere with his feelings and that no matter what she can trust him and his intentions. For Bastian it isn't just a physical attraction that propels him to Charlie, she's his everything and in order to prove to her how much he truly loves her he makes a promise to not sleep with her until she agrees to become his wife. When Bastian makes his proclamation Charlie vows that she will be able to make him crack, and that he will indeed have sex with her. Thus begins a battle of wills between the two and it's actually quite funny at times to see the lengths these two go to to win their bet.

It was interesting to see how everything would play itself out. Both love each other so deeply and neither wants to lose the other. I enjoyed seeing the many different ways Bastian tries to show Charlie how much she means to him and just how much he truly loved her. And with Charlie, I loved being able to see how much she loved Bastian and is so afraid to let herself be loved by someone else. Your heart aches for her, because she is just so afraid of being loved. She puts out this tough girl persona but deep down she just wants to be loved forever.

I seriously loved these two and I loved how things ended up. There was just so much chemistry between them both and even though there wasn't a lot of sex going on between them oh my goodness were there sparks. I found myself fanning myself quite a few times because it got so heated between them both.

Turn It Up was my first book from author Inez Kelley and it definitely won't be my last. This book is definitely going on my keeper shelf and I will be on the lookout for more from this author.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


Monday, March 12, 2012

Feature and Giveaway: Tempted By Blood by Laurie London

Deep within the forests of the Pacific Northwest, the battle for supremacy rages on between two Vampire coalitions:

Guardian enforcers sworn to protect humanity, and Darkbloods, rogues who kill like their ancient ancestors….

He might be known for his effortless charm, but Guardian Jackson Foss is hiding a terrible secret. For months, he has battled the emergence of his dark nature—deadly urges that threaten to consume him. And those cravings only intensify when he meets Arianna Wells, the human he's been assigned to protect. Smart and perceptive, Arianna doesn't seem like a dangerous temptress. Yet she awakens in Jackson an unstoppable need that, if left unchecked, will brand him a traitor…a crime punishable by death.

But soon their bond may be Arianna's only hope. For stalking her in the shadows is a merciless enemy—one who will stop at nothing to claim her completely….

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