
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

The Officer and the Secret by Jeanette Murray

Undone by Shannon Richard

A View to Kiss by Caroline Linden

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Frontline by Alexandra Richland

For me, reading a book by an author that I'm unfamiliar with is always a bit of a gamble. In this case with Frontline by Alexandra Richland, it absolutely paid off! This book was wonderful and I know that I will definitely be looking for more books from Richland in the future. Frontline is a fast-paced, action-packed romance and I didn't want to stop reading for a second. This book kept me on the edge of my seat, and I never knew what to expect next.

Sara Peters is a NY nurse and meets Trenton Merrick one night when he comes into her ER with a gash on his head. Their first meeting doesn't get off to a great start when her boss puts his needs ahead of everyone else's because he is a billionaire VIP. But after Sara ends up in the room treating him, the connection and attraction between the two of them explodes. After a passionate kiss, Trenton invites Sara to his place the next night and she just can't find it in herself to tell him no. The more time they spend together, the more questions Sara has. Trenton's injury and many other things don't seem to add up and he is very tight lipped with explanations. Sara begins to question if there could ever be a future between the two of them when there are so many secrets being kept, but Trenton doesn't give up on things he wants easily and that includes Sara.

I really loved Trenton! He was sexy and mysterious and extremely protective of Sara. Even with all the secrets he was keeping, I found it hard to believe that he could be on the wrong side of things. There was just something about his character that made him irresistible and impossible not to like. Sara was feisty and independent and she definitely had a good head on her shoulders. I loved that she made Trenton work for it and she could go toe-to-toe with him without breaking a sweat. She was absolutely the kind of heroine that I love to root for and I found it extremely easy to relate to her. On their own they were wonderful, but together they were amazing! The chemistry and sex was smoking hot and they were absolutely perfect together.

Besides Trenton and Sara, we were also introduced to Denim and Kelly which were Sara's friends, and Sean and Chris who are friends and employees of Trenton. They were all wonderful characters as well and I really found them interesting and exciting. I can't wait to read more about them along with Trenton and Sara. Overall this book was thrilling and exciting and i'm really looking forward to seeing what is next for all of these characters. I will definitely be reading the next book in this series as soon as its available! I highly recommend that if you like a great romance filled with action and suspense that you give this one a shot, I don't think that you will be disappointed!

**ARC provided by The Novel Tease**

Purchase: | Amazon | Smashwords |

Guest Post with Author Taryn Elliott and Giveaway

Please welcome author Taryn Elliott to the blog. Taryn is celebrating her newest book, Seduced which she co-wrote with fellow author Cari Quinn.

I'm from the great state of New York--upstate NY, thank you very much. My family consists of a brother who takes care of keeping the snarky side of me alive and a dog that is more spoiled child than mutt. My writer-friends are the glue that keeps my crazy ideas more in the sane category, and my non-writerly friends are the reason I'm not a complete hermit. I can't go a day without laughing and I truly do fall in love with each and every one of my leading men as I write their book. Music is life and every story has its own soundtrack..

Places to find Taryn:

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story—a bible parable—in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When she’s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching men’s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

Also, if you're on Facebook, I have a co-authored reader group with the fabulous Taryn Elliott called the Word Wenches where we post daily man candy, share smexy excerpts before you can get them anywhere else and hold lots of contests if you're interested in joining!

Places to find Cari:

Interview with Author Alexandra Richland and Giveaway

Today author Alexandra Richland is visiting and she's chatting all about her new release, Frontline.

Alexandra Richland spends rotating twelve-hour shifts working as a registered nurse at a Toronto hospital, indulging in her love of science and medicine, and caring for patients with their own unique tales to tell. When she is not on duty, Alexandra escapes into her own imagination. Therein lies a fantasy world of thrilling adventure, gorgeous men, classic Hollywood glamour, exotic getaways, and a seductive dose of romance. Alexandra captures these stories in her popular novels, The Starlight Trilogy and Frontline, and her short story, Gilded Cage. Say hello to her on Facebook and on Twitter.

Places to find Alexandra:

Friday, August 9, 2013

ARC Review: How to Marry a Highlander by Katharine Ashe

How to Marry a Highlander (Falcon Club #3.5) was a nice little novella that follows up characters from the author’s previous book. Let me start by saying that I have loved all of Katharine Ashe’s books and I love her writing voice. This novella was pleasant, however, it just didn’t totally work for me. The main problem was with the premise of the book. It just wasn’t really believable. In addition, I felt like I was always missing most of the hero’s point of view. As a result, it seemed like he was someone I liked, but didn’t know. In spite of these troubles it was a cute story and I enjoyed reading it.

Teresa Finch-Freeworth became completely infatuated with an impoverished Scottish earl, Lord Eads, the first time she saw him. Unfortunately, he disappeared for eighteen months. During that time her family pushes her to marry the stuffy local vicar. When Teresa discovers that Duncan has returned to London she arrives on his doorstep, suggesting that they marry. He reluctantly agrees to marry her if she can find husbands for his seven half-sisters in one month’s time. He is attracted to Teresa, but has vowed never to marry because of his painful history. Teresa is optimistic and resourceful, but can she marry off seven wild Scottish girls and win Duncan’s heart? Can Duncan move beyond his tragic past?

How to Marry a Highlander was a light-hearted story with a lot of fun. Teresa and Duncan were introduced in the previous Falcon Club book, How a Lady Weds a Rogue. It is not necessary to have read the other books in the series to enjoy this one. The characters were very appealing. Teresa was lively, passionate and impulsive. Duncan was charming and sexy. His sisters each had their own personality and interests. There were just some issues that I couldn’t get past. Would a young lady of that time really propose marriage to a gentleman she didn’t know (or even one she did know)? Yes, it was a novella, and therefore, short, but Duncan put away all of his issues in one sentence, “Giving her what they both wanted, finally Duncan released the past.” Just a little too abrupt and simple. The situation for each sister was easily resolved with little or no conflict -- once again, probably because it was a novella, but it was just too simple. My recommendation is to read this story and enjoy it, but don’t expect too much depth or realism.

**ARC provided by Edelweiss**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Rie Warren and Giveaway

Please welcome author Rie Warren to RFTC. Rie is celebrating the release of her newest book, In His Command and has stopped by to answer a few questions.

A Yankee transplant via the UK and other wild journeys, Rie happily landed in Charleston, South Carolina, with her English artisan husband and their two small daughters--one an aspiring diva, the other a future punk rocker. After earning her degree in Fine Arts, Rie promptly gave up paintbrushes and canvas for paper and pen (because she decided being a writer was equally as good an idea as being an artist, of course it was). That was fifteen years ago, her writing career started! With a manuscript of super epic proportions! Safely stored under a lace doily in a filing cabinet. Possibly in England . . .

Since then she’s done this and that, here and there, usually in the nonprofit arena, until she returned to her dream of being a writer. Even though Rie basks in the glorious southern sunshine as often as she can, she’s mostly a nocturnal creature adjourning to her writer’s atelier (spare bedroom) in search of her next devious plot twist or delicious passionate tryst.

No matter what genre or gender pairing she’s writing, she combines a sexy southern edge with humor and heart--and a taste of darkness.

Places to find Rie:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Thursday, August 8, 2013

ARC Review: Say When by Tara West

Say When is the first book that I have read by Tara West. It is her first New Adult novel and for the most part I enjoyed the book. I did have a few problems with the story, but this was definitely a promising foray into the NA genre. I really loved the cover of this book, and I think that was what really drew me in and made me want to read this story.

Christina is engaged to Jackson, and has pretty much been a doormat when it comes to him and her mom. After finally growing tired of putting up with them basically running her life, she decides to finally stand up for herself. After dumping Jackson, she goes out with a friend and meets Andres. Andres instantly attracts her and she finds herself wanting to be with him regardless of the fact that they are strangers. She goes home with him and they both realize that the physical connection is beyond anything that either one of them have ever felt before. As they begin to spend more time together they both question whether or not the relationship has a chance to be anything more than just sex. Both have issues from the past that have left them a little damaged and they begin to see that they might be able to not only have a relationship together, but that they can possibly heal each other along the way.

I liked Andres. He was sexy and extremely sweet from the start. I think he was the perfect person for Christina. He really seemed to be exactly what she needed, and instead of running her life like her mom and Jackson had done, he encouraged her to do things for herself. I at times really liked Christina and then at other times I didn't understand her at all. For someone who has been really hurt in the past and stated that she had some trust issues the relationship with Andres progressed at an almost alarming rate. She goes home with him the first night they meet right after breaking up with her fiance and she ends up getting a job working for him and his family almost immediately. The relationship seemed pretty rushed to me and for someone who had been through a past like hers, it just seemed completely out of character. I did love Christina's dedication to Tyler, her friend Karri's son. She was always concerned with his well being and went out of her way to help out when it came to him. I also really loved seeing her grow over the course of the book. Despite the inconsistencies with Christina's personality, I did enjoy this story. The scenes between Andres and Christina were very hot and the sex was very well done. I saw their chemistry from the very first time they met, but it would have been nice if the relationship didn't feel so rushed.

Overall this story was a very quick read for me. I finished it in one sitting as it was a pretty short read. I will admit I was not a fan of how the author chose to do the switch in point of views between Andres and Christina. Christina's POV was in first person, while Andres' POV was in third person. I found that not only confusing but also it caused the book to almost seem fragmented as it just didn't flow. But even with that being said, the story was interesting enough that I kept reading. Unfortunately the book ends extremely abruptly after a completely rushed conclusion. It seemed as though everything was almost packed into the last chapter, when it could have been a little more developed and smooth but adding a few more pages. I'm hoping that the next book, Say Yes, will give the readers and characters the closure that was missing from this story. Even with the problems I had with this book, I would still recommend giving this story a shot if you are a fan of romance and the New Adult genre.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Nichole Chase and Giveaway

Please welcome author Nichole Chase to RFTC. Nichole has stopped by to chat about her book, Suddenly Royal and to answer a few questions.

Nichole Chase is a daydreamer. No, really, just ask any of the math teachers that had the misfortune of seeing her name appear on their class schedule.

For years she has had story lines and characters begging for attention, but she resolutely pushed them aside to focus on more normal (read, boring) jobs.

Well, no longer! She is currently heeding the voices in her head and frantically writing their stories. Ms. Chase is the author of the Dark Betrayal Trilogy, Flukes, and Suddenly Royal (including several short stories).

Nichole resides in South Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, dog, tortoise, and two cats. When not devouring novels by the dozens, you may find her writing, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.

Places to find Nichole:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

ARC Review: Wicked Beat by Olivia Cunning

I really hate to say it but I wasn't a fan of this book which is so disappointing as I love this series. I've been looking forward to Eric's story for months and was so excited to get my hands on it and it was just a big disappointment. I don't feel like I know Eric any better than I what I was shown in previous books.

I've always had a soft spot for Eric. His corny jokes always make me laugh and I couldn't wait to learn more about him and ultimately watch him and Rebekah fall in love. Well that definitely didn't happen here. As I finish Wicked Beat, I'm no closer to knowing Eric than when I began.

This pretty much sums up the book--Boy meets girl but girl wants another. Girl uses boy to make other boy jealous. Boy and girl have sex over and over again. Now boy and girl love each other. The end.

Seriously, that is what happens. Eric sees Rebekah and instantly wants her. Rebekah only has eyes for Trey but as we all know Trey is a man whore who is in love with his best friend Brian. When Trey doesn't show any interest in Rebekah she turns her attention to Eric as a way to make Trey jealous. Then after being with each other for a day somehow Rebekah and Eric are in love. I just don't buy it. Neither really ever got to know one another. Honestly, I feel like we as readers never really got to know them either.

I won't lie, I'm not the biggest fan of Rebekah.  I never got a sense that Rebekah had any true feelings of love for Eric. I understand she's sexually attracted to him but I feel like that is all it is. She's got an itch and Eric is able to scratch it.

Throughout the book all we are shown of the two is sex scene after sex scene. Don't get me wrong, I love a great sex scene but if the whole book is one long sex scene I just loose interest. I want to read more than just sex and in the previous books there was more. Nothing happens in this book. NOTHING. Eric and Rebekah have sex. Eric and Rebekah fall in love. The end. Where is the drama? The angst? There is a "big" conflict towards the end but it was just so blah. It didn't add anything to the story and was quite predictable and wrapped up too nicely to ever feel real and honest.

Sadly Wicked Beat didn't live up to my expectations and left a sour note in my mouth. Will it hinder me from reading more of Oliva Cunning? Hell no. I still loved this series and look forward to reading more from her. I just would advise to skip this book or at the very least borrow from your library.

**ARC provided by Publisher/NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Brenda Novak and Giveway

Please welcome author Brenda Novak to RFTC. Brenda is celebrating her newest release, Home to Whiskey Creek and is here to chat.

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Brenda Novak is the author of more than forty-five books. A three-time Rita nominee, she has won many awards, including the National Reader's Choice, the Bookseller's Best, the Book Buyer's Best, the Daphne, and the Holt Medallion. She also runs an annual on-line auction for diabetes research every May at (her youngest son has this disease). To date, she's raised over $2 million. Brenda has a brand new small-town contemporary series out. Come meet the long-time friends who have made Whiskey Creek the “Heart of Gold Country,” with WHEN WE TOUCH (prequel novella), WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES (Book #1), WHEN SNOW FALLS (Book #2), WHEN SUMMER COMES (Book #3), HOME TO WHISKEY CREEK (Book #4) and TAKE ME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (Book #6 due out October 29, 2013).

Places to find Brenda:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Guest Post with Author Maya Blake and Giveaway

Maya Blake is here to chat and share about her book Hostage to Love. Please give her a warm welcome.

Maya Blake's dreams of becoming a romance author began when she picked up her first romance novel at age thirteen. She eventually realised this dream in 2007 when her first romantic suspense was published. Maya lives in Kent, Southeastern England, with her husband and two kids and an endless supply of romance novels.

Places to find Maya:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ARC Review: Deja Voodoo by Elle James

Reading the synopsis of this title I knew I was in for something quirky and different than most of the other PNR’s I generally read. It definitely proved true. Deja Voodoo being the third installment in her Cajun Magic series it provided sufficient enough back-story to connect the books, but not too much that it hindered the reading of Alex and Ed’s story.

Alex grew up in a large family of nineteen kids. Being one of the eldest she helped raise her younger siblings while work to carve a life of her own. Owning a gym and working double-time to prove to her overly concerned Mother that she did not have to have a steady man in her life to be happy took up most of her time. After receiving an interesting gift from her concerned friend she absent mindedly makes a wish only to see it come to fruition the following morning. Call this the proverbial wrench thrown into the works of her well constructed life as her world takes a sharp right into wacky-town.

Ed is on assignment keeping an eye on a witness for a high profile case. Not typically his choice to hang out posing as a fisherman in Bayou Miste, but his partner asked for his help and he had no great excuse for getting out of it. At the time he believed his partner was trying to make it a bit easier on him getting his Mother to rent out a cabin for him, but after being confronted with two sets of twins in a family of nineteen, and request to come to dinner where there was hardly a chance of refusal, and struggling to figure out how to appear as if he’d ever fished in his life as well as enjoyed the activity, he quickly found himself in over his head.

The initial meeting between Alex and Ed was hilarious and there were many other moments in this story that caused me to hold my sides and breathe through a giggle-fit. The romance was sufficiently steamy as well as the characters giving off the feeling of a great match. Ed’s job brought some action to this story and quicken the reading pace a bit. The supporting characters helped to round out the story to make this one a complete package.

In summary I found this title to be a light and quick read. The quirky aspect of the voodoo magic and small town setting worked to give you a little different flavor to the PNR dish. I would have liked to see a little more fleshing out of Alex and Ed’s characters. Don’t get me wrong I liked them, just wasn’t able to connect with them as easily as I’d like to have. Also there were some moments in this story that just kind of left me confused and slightly creeped out. To put these moments in the review would cause some spoilers so I’ll just say that when you come across them I’m sure you’ll be able to know what ones I’m referring to. In general this was a fairly fun read and if slightly oddball PNR is your thing then I believe you will enjoy this title.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Interview with Author Carolyn Brown and Giveaway

Please welcome author Carolyn Brown. Carolyn is celebrating her newest release, Cowboy Seeks Bride and has stopped by to answer a few questions.

Carolyn Brown is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author with more than sixty books published. She writes bestselling single title cowboy and country music mass market romances, as well as women's fiction. Born in Texas and raised in southern Oklahoma, Carolyn and her husband now make their home in the town of Davis, Oklahoma. Look for The Cowboy's Christmas Baby in stores this October!

Places to find Carolyn:
| Site | Facebook 

Guest Post with Author Cari Quinn and Giveaway

Welcome to RFTC author Cari Quinn. Cari is here chatting about her book Love Bites.

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story—a bible parable—in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When she’s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching men’s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

Visit Cari Quinn and be sure to join her brand new newsletter!

Also, if you're on Facebook, I have a co-authored reader group with the fabulous Taryn Elliott called the Word Wenches where we post daily man candy, share smexy excerpts before you can get them anywhere else and hold lots of contests if you're interested in joining!

Places to find Cari:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Feature and Giveaway: If You Leave by Courtney Cole

26-year old Gabriel Vincent is a badass hero. Or he used to be, anyway. As an ex-Army Ranger, Gabe never thought he needed anyone. But after one horrible night in Afghanistan scars him in a way that he can't get past, he needs someone who can help him heal...even if he doesn't realize it.

25-year old Madison Hill doesn't need anybody...or so she thinks. She grew up watching her parents' messed-up abusive relationship and she knows there's no way in hell that she's ever letting that happen to her.

They don't know it in the beginning, but Gabriel and Madison will soon develop a weakness: Each other.

But Gabriel's got a secret, a hidden monster that he's afraid Maddy could never overcome... And Maddy's got issues that she's afraid Gabe will never understand. They quickly realize that they need each other to be whole, but at the same time they know that they've got demons to fight.

And the problem with demons is that they never die quietly.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Monday, August 5, 2013

ARC Review: Taken by the Duke by Jess Michaels

Taken by the Duke (Pleasure Wars, #1) was a fast-paced, erotic Regency tale of love and revenge in the vein of Romeo and Juliet. It was very sexual, but deeply emotional as well. I liked that there was a lot of interplay between the hero and heroine, followed by an action-filled finale. The story was well crafted and the transformation of their relationship was gradual and believable.

The stage is set when Matilda Rothcastle runs away with Liam Windbury. These star-crossed lovers are chased by her brother, Christian Rothcastle. A horrific accident occurs in which both gentlemen are seriously injured and Mathilda is killed and the long-standing feud between the two families becomes worse. Both Liam and Christian are filled with anger and guilt. Revenge is foremost in their minds. Christian concocts a scheme to kidnap Liam’s sister, Ava, and keep her long enough to ruin her. As Christian takes Ava to a remote estate they are both surprised to find they are attracted to each other. Ava bargains away her innocence to prevent further violence against her brother. Thus begins three weeks of sexual and emotional discovery as a tenuous relationship builds. Can intimacy build a bridge over a deep river of hatred?

There were many things I liked about Taken by the Duke. Ava was reasonable and rational, even when she was first abducted. She was tired of the senseless, harmful battle between the two families and did what she could to stop further trouble. Christian and Liam were some very angry, guilty, confused guys. The issues were not easily resolved; in fact, some were not resolved at all. There was a truly surprising twist at the end. The ending also provided a very nice setup for the next book in the series, which I very much look forward to reading. Regency readers that enjoy a good bit of spice will want to read this enjoyable and intriguing book.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Guest Post with Author Manda Collins and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to one of my most favorite people, author Manda Collins. Manda is celebrating the recent release of her newest book, Why Dukes Say I Do and has stopped by to chat.

Manda Collins spent her teen years wishing she’d been born a couple of centuries earlier, preferably in the English countryside. Time travel being what it is, she resigned herself to life with electricity and indoor plumbing, and read lots of books. An affinity for books led to a graduate degree in English, followed by another in Librarianship. By day, she works as an academic librarian at a small liberal arts college, where she teaches college students how to navigate the tangled world of academic research. A native of coastal Alabama, Manda lives in the house her mother grew up in with three cats, sometimes a dog, sometimes her sister, and more books than strictly necessary.

Places to find Manda:

Feature and Giveaway: The Demon's Forbidden Passion by Zoey Williams

A battle rages within Ethan Phillips. By day, he's a sexy firefighter saving lives in his community. At night, he's a half-demon enraptured by carnal desire. And on this night, after a harrowing rescue dredges up memories of his tragic past, Ethan's hunger is stronger than ever.

After turning to Tina Driscoll for one night of passionate release, he tries to keep his distance. He knows the curse that followed him into adulthood will mean dire consequences for the gentle, compassionate nurse. But each time he tries to tear himself away, the flames erupting between them only intensify…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Sunday, August 4, 2013

ARC Review: Spin by Bella Love

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this one, because this is the first book from Bella Love. But the blurb sounded pretty promissing and I really loved the cover! I admit I am definitely one of those visual types that can be immediately swayed one way or another just by a cover! So I went into this story with absolutely no idea what to expect. Unfortunately for me, I just had a tough time getting into this one. There were many times that I almost put this down and didn't finish, but I have a need to see things through and ended up finishing. Only to find out that the story continues in another book.

Spin is the story of Jane and Finn. They are opposites when it comes to social standing and upbringing. Jane escaped small town life and started her own event planning business. After struggling to get her business to the next level she lands some very important clients and goes to get everything ready for their event. She never expected that she would run into Finn after 11 years and a few kisses when they were young. Jane fights the connection between them and is always running from things she is scared of, but this time Finn is not allowing her to run from the attraction between them.

Most of this book felt completely rushed to me and it was hard to follow at times. I felt like I was constantly trying to figure out what was going on and often times felt lost. The story just seemed to jump around. I also felt like even though the scenes were hot, that their connection to each other was only physical. I just wasn't feeling the emotions beween them. Most of this book seemed to be one sex scene after another without much in between. I found Jane to be annoying a lot of the time and also extremely immature for the age of her character. It just seemed to me that there were too many inconsistencies as far as personality went. One minute she is strong and independent and willing to do anything to make her career happen and the next she is timid and shy and running scared. I also couldn't get past the fact that Finn couldn't tell Jane what he did for a living because he was scared that she would run away if she knew. He pushed her so hard not to run and be scared and to face everything, and yet he wouldn't do as he was telling her to do.

Overall, I had just been expecting more and unfortunately this one just didn't live up to those expectations for me. It wasn't memorable, and even though there will be more to their story in the next book by Bella Love, I really am not interested in what happens to them.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Lolita Lopez and Giveaway

Please welcome author Lolita Lopez to RFTC. With the release of her book, Dead Sexy Dragon just days away, Lo has stopped by to chat. Please give her a warm welcome.

While browsing bookstore shelves as a teenager, Lo discovered the erotic writings of Anaïs Nin and A.N. Roquelaure. Certain her mother would not approve, Lo smuggled the books home and squirreled them away in the most likely of places: under her bed. Late at night, she delved into the sensual worlds both writers created.

As a co-ed studying biochemistry and genetics at Texas A&M University, Lo dabbled in creating naughty tales to entertain her friends. Study for a midterm or pen a deliciously dirty story to delight her small band of fans? Not surprisingly, Lo is now on an extended sabbatical from college.

Luckily, Lo stumbled onto the world of erotic romance publishers. She realized there were other readers and writers who loved and craved breathtaking romance with the spiciest of love scenes. She took a chance and submitted her first novella. The rest is history.

Lo lives in Texas with her husband, daughter and big blubbering Great Dane with mommy issues. She also writes super sexy romances and scorching hot erotica with a New Adult flavor under the pen name Roxie Rivera.

Places to find Lo: