
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the last week.

The Dark Duke by Laura Landon

The Troublemaker Next Door by Marie Harte

Tall, Dark and Vampire by Sara Humphreys

Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper

RFTC Monthly Giveaway - June

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Harder by Robin York

Harder by Robin York is part 2 of Caroline and West's story. This is not a standalone, and should only be read after Deeper as it is a continuation of the first book. I have been dying for this one since the second that I finished Deeper. I absolutely loved Caroline and West, and it killed me the way things were left between them. I needed to know what happened next for them, and I couldn't get my hands on this book soon enough. This book was really good, but its honestly hard to put into words everything that it left me feeling. This book was an absolute journey, and not all the parts were easy to get through.

Harder picks up after West has returned to Silt, Oregon and left her behind. She still dreams about him and wishes that they were together. She hasn't spoken to him in months, but after tragedy hits his family she receives a call from him out of the blue. Without thinking twice about it, Caroline heads to Silt to be there for West and give him her support. But when she arrives she immediately sees that this West is different than the West she knew and loved. This West is darker and filled with anger. West does everything he can to push Caroline away, but she is determined to show him that she is there for him. As Caroline continues to try with West, she is also dealing with the suit against her ex Nate. Can Caroline and West make it through the struggle and find their way back to one another?

I cannot even tell you how much I love Caroline and West. I could see just how much both of these characters were struggling through this book, and it killed me to see them going through so much. Caroline was doing everything she could and at times West just broke my heart. I felt bad for him, but I also really wanted to scream at him. He was so stubborn and refused to see that Caroline was what he needed. The worst part was that he never stopped loving her or wanting her, but yet he continued to push her away. I was so glad that Caroline didn't make it easy on him though and made him see what he was doing and that she loved him regardless. She never gave up, and I loved her even more for it. Caroline had been through so much herself and was continuing to have to deal with her painful past. Yet she was a strong role model for Frankie and she was so good with West all at the same time. Caroline is just one of those heroines that you can't help but love and admire. The chemistry and connection between West and Caroline was as strong as ever, and it was so clear that these two belonged together.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic. I am so greedy when it comes to these characters and their story though, and I will admit that I was absolutely not ready for this book to be over. I need more Caroline and West. I grew really attached to them and I was invested in their story from the start. Their journey was beautiful and unique, and yet it was heartbreaking at times. The first half of this book was a struggle to get through. Not because it wasn't well written, or true to the characters. But because you just hate to see these characters that you have come to know and love going through such an awful time. This book definitely left me an emotional wreck, and I just kept hoping that things had to get better soon. I had faith that things would be okay for them, because I knew in my heart that these two absolutely belonged together and deserved their HEA after everything that they had been through. I can't even tell you enough why this book is a must read. It is so good, it is well written, and it will definitely bring out all sorts of feelings. This New Adult series is one that I honestly cannot recommend enough. These books are captivating and emotional, and they are some of the best I have ever read. If you haven't read Deeper or Harder, I highly suggest that you pick them up right away. I honestly cannot wait to read more from Robin York in the future, and I know that Caroline and West will always stick with me and be some of my favorites forever.

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Robin York and Giveaway

Meet Robin York, author of Harder.

Robin York grew up at a college, went to college, signed on for some more college, and then married a university professor. She still isn’t sure why it didn’t occur to her to write New Adult sooner. Writing as Ruthie Knox, she is a USA TODAY bestselling author of contemporary romance, including RITA-finalists About Last Night and Room at the Inn. She moonlights as a mother, makes killer salted caramels, and sorts out thorny plot problems while running, hiking, or riding her bike.

Find Robin at:
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Guest Post with Author Amber A. Bardan and Giveaway

After spending years imagining fictional adventures, Amber finally found a way to turn daydreaming into a productive habit. She now spends her days as a graphic designer but her nights writing sizzling tales about heroes with tough exteriors who are warm inside.

She lives with her husband and children in semi-rural Australia, where if she peers outside at the right moment she might just see a kangaroo bounce by.

Find Amber at:

ARC Review: For Her Protection by Amber A. Bardan

Sometimes you need a book like “For Her Protection” by Amber A. Bardan. It’s a fun chemistry packed book. From page one the story takes off. The hero and heroine are both very high strung and they both don’t hold back. I’m glad to see that this is the first book in a series.

Charlize (loved the heroine’s name) is an alpha woman. She is not afraid and does not back down from anything or anyone. She is trying to make it in her job which is a male dominated field. The odds are stack against her. Her co-workers resent her authority and her equals try to make her life impossible. Charlize is not thwarted by these odds, she is determined to make her family’s business. She is smart and beautiful and worthy of the position of CEO. That is coupled with some scary situations where she needs physical protection.

Connor is a no-nonsense-drop-dead-gorgeous-but-kicking alpha man. The minute him and Charlize meet they have instant chemistry and are equal forces of nature. He teaches a self -defense class at Charlize’s cousin’s gym. He also owns his own protection/ bodyguard company. Their first scene together was hilarious. Connor was a great character. He is all rough and tough on the outside and also very sweet and caring on the inside. There was no way anyone was harming Charlize the minute he became involved.

How do they become “involved”? When Charlize fears for her safety she has to hire some protection-enter Connor. Both she and Connor are very hard-headed and neither wants to back down. Charlize doesn’t want him protecting her and he wants things done his way. Overall, this was a great read. The conversations between them made me blush. Neither one of these characters holds back. Their chemistry is incredible, first three pages and you can feel the energy between them. The theme of suspense was also interesting as Connor tries to keep Charlize safe from harm. If you’re looking for a fun and exciting read, this is the book for you. I can’t wait for the next one in the series!

**ARC provided by Book Monster Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Friday, July 4, 2014

Review: Love of a Rockstar by Nicole Simone

Love of a Rockstar is the debut novel from Nicole Simone. I thought that this one was a good and enjoyable read, but I did have a few issues with it. The cover and the blurb really drew me in with this one, and I couldn't wait to read this second chance love story. I thought that Nicole Simone's writing style was easy to get into and I liked it a lot. I look forward to seeing what she writes in the future.

Marlene Parker has been putting her dreams on the back burner since she became a single mother at such a young age. She thought that she had a future together as a family with the love of her life until he left her 8 months pregnant to go on tour with his band. Now she struggles to provide for her daughter and has just started to date again. When Marlene finds out that Luke Anderson is the new VIP guest at the hotel she works for, she can't believe her luck. She figured Luke would never return to town after what he put her through. But Luke has realized that family is worth more than the fame and life of a rockstar has turned out to be. Marlene is hesitant to let Luke into her daughter's life for fear that he will leave again, but Luke is determined to show Marlene that he intends to stick around for good this time. Can Marlene let go of the past and trust Luke again, or will there be too much pain from her past to open herself up to him again?

I really didn't want to like Luke at first. I thought that what he did was absolutely horrible, regardless of his reasons. I thought that he was young and stupid, but should have known better. He claimed to love Marlene so much, but yet he put his career ahead of her and his daughter and never tried to come back in the over 4 years that he was gone. It just didn't really make sense to me. But the harder he tried and the more we got to see who he had become, the more I began to like him. He was sweet and kind, and was committed to Marlene and Nil. He was a great father and clearly he had loved them both despite being gone. Marlene was strong and had done such a great job of being a mom all by herself. She relied on her friends and family for help, but she worked hard to provide for Nil and still make time to enjoy being around her daughter. I did feel like she let Luke off awfully easy though when it came to getting back into their lives. She came off strong and talked a pretty big game, but it didn't take long for her to cave and that disappointed me a little. I thought that there were times that she should have held back a bit more and made him grovel a bit. I did feel like Luke and Marlene had good chemistry together, and it was clear that love between them was never the problem. You could tell that they were great together and had the emotional connection as well as the physical.

I did feel as though things were resolved a bit too easily, and I also felt like the ending was rushed. It ended pretty abruptly and it would have been nice to get an epilogue, or see a little slice of their life after the dust sort to settled and they eased into their new life. I think that this one had its cute and sweet moments, but a lot of it just didn't work for me. I didn't understand how she could continue to date a guy that she felt nothing for when she was obviously in love with Luke. I didn't understand her quick forgiveness and the way she let Luke right back in. I didn't understand why with Luke being such a star that the media really didn't play a large part of the story until the end, and even then it wasn't really that big of a deal. I also didn't understand how Marlene was dating Finn, but for most of the story he just appeared when he was needed for drama or a reason to keep Marlene and Luke apart but then would quickly disappear again. I felt like this story could have been so much more, but that it just needed a little bit of work. I think that it was a pretty solid debut for Nicole Simone though, and I am definitely interested to read more from her in the future. If you like second chance love stories and rockstars, I would give this one a shot. I think that a lot of NA fans will enjoy this one.

**Review Copy Provided by Book Plug Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Breaking Fences by Juliana Haygert

Breaking Fences is the second book in Juliana Haygert's NA Breaking series. This one can be read as standalone but does contain interconnecting characters. This book started off really promising and I did enjoy several parts of it. But I do have to say that I thought that as good as this one started off, it went downhill from there. I wish that a few things had been done differently, but this one was still enjoyable and will be a good read for plenty of fans of the New Adult genre.

After being tired of living in the shadow of her brothers and cousin, Beatriz "Bia" Fernandez leaves her family and their ranch in California and heads to Colorado to attend college. Although things start off well for Bia and her roommate, things quickly deteriorate as her roommate and her sorority sister friends quickly turn on her. Soon they are spreading rumors of Bia being a slut based off the fact that she is Brazilian and the fact that the boys they want are interested in Bia instead. Bia not only has to deal with the sorority girls, but several guys that won't stop hitting on her and assuming that she is the slut they have heard about. Garrett, the only guy that Bia is remotely interested in seems to be running hot and cold, and she has no idea what is going on with him. When she turns to her love of horses at a nearby ranch to help her get through, she comes across Garrett and finds out that not only does he work at the ranch but that his family owns it. Soon Bia and Garrett are getting closer as they share their love of horses and ranch work. But when secrets are revealed and the torture Bia has been subjected to worsen, Bia soon begins to wonder if she made the right choice going to Colorado or if she would be better off returning to California.

I liked Garrett, but honestly it took awhile for me to really even see him as the love interest in this story. He wasn't even around for a good portion of the start, and by the time he was I felt like we had been introduced to several male characters that seemed to have been possibilities also. I did like him though and was able to warm up to him quickly. I thought that he acted strangely at times though, and although I knew there was more to him I felt like we never did get to really know him that well. He was a mystery for most of the story, and he ran so hot and cold I just got tired of waiting to see what he was up to. By the time we actually figured out what he was up to, I felt like the character we had come to know was so different from his real self. He should have been more honest with Bia, and it really upset me that he didn't open up to her more. Bia was made out to be self-sufficient and strong, and she showed some of that at times, but I felt for most of this story she was actually the exact opposite. She showed moments of weakness and ran easily, and she took way too much crap from others. I also felt like she show moments where she was tricked too easily and completely naive. I kept waiting for her to wake up, but it took much longer than I would have expected from such a smart girl. I felt like Bia and Garrett did have chemistry and they were passionate about the same things, but their relationship progressed far too slowly for my taste.

Overall, I would say this one was enjoyable but fell short of being great. It was slow at times and didn't seem to be progressing at all at points. I felt like there wasn't a lot going on in the story for the majority of it except for there were a lot of people being stupid. I read a lot of NA books, and honestly these were some of the most close-minded and mean spirited immature kids I have ever read about. The worst part is the amount of people apparently afflicted by stupidity in this small college, and I just couldn't believe that that many people would continue without ever wising up. It got really old and just really made the story drag. Even Garrett had times where he gave in to the stupidity and would doubt Bia, despite knowing her better than almost anyone else in the story. I just didn't get it and it didn't work for me. I will also say that Beatriz being Brazilian while speaking in English for the most part, she did have a tendency to use Portuguese words. There is a dictionary at the beginning of the story, but without printing it out it got to be too much work to constantly flip to the front to try and figure out what she was saying. That got annoying to me and after awhile I just didn't care anymore. Those parts I would just guess what she was saying or move on if I couldn't figure out any clues from the text. I think that if you have read the first book in the series that you will enjoy this one and like seeing familiar characters. But if you are looking for a NA read that is new or different or has really deep characters and connections, this one probably isn't for you.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Nina Crespo and Giveaway

Meet Nina Crespo, author of Take Me If You Dare.

Nina Crespo lives in Florida where she indulges in her favorite passions -- the beach, kick boxing, a good glass of wine, date night with her own real-life hero and dancing. Her lifelong addiction to romance began in her teens while on a "borrowing spree" in her older sister's bedroom where she discovered her first romance novel. Curiosity about people and places, including what's beyond the stars, fuels her writer's imagination. This wellspring of inspiration allows Nina to create sensual contemporary stories and steamy paranormal tales, which she hopes will feed your own addiction for love, romance, and happily ever after.

Find Nina at:

Interview with Author Michele Summers and Giveaway

Michele Summers writes funny romances set in small Southern towns with sassy heroines, witty heroes and wacky, small-town characters, along with a satisfying happily ever after. Michele started her fiction writing career after Hurricane Wilma hit Miami and she was without power for over a week. Bored to tears, she scrounged for a legal pad and pen, and with the help of a trusty flashlight, started writing. Thrilled to have found another creative outlet, she's been writing ever since, when she's not working as an interior designer, personal chef, playing tennis, or raising her two great kids. Presently,she resides in North Carolina where she grew up with her family, but she still miss sunny South Florida, swaying palm trees and wearing open-toed shoes...everyday!

Find Michele at:
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Feature and Giveaway: Hearts in Vegas by Colleen Collins

"You're not going into this alone."

P.I. Frances Jefferies is the perfect person to slip into Las Vegas's underworld to recover a priceless necklace. With her elite investigative skills, not to mention her jewel-thief past, she knows she can get the job done. That is, until a sexy stranger gets in her way.

Braxton Morgan's past is as secretive as her own. There's so much about this man she wants to discover—but not at the cost of her case. For that, she must stay focused. Then Braxton suggests adding his security expertise to catch the criminal. And suddenly they're mixing smarts with danger and a whole lot of passion!

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Thursday, July 3, 2014

ARC Review: What a Woman Needs by Judi Fennell

Bryan Manley, a famous movie star, loses a bet with his sister and has to work for her. The Manley Maids is her business and she ropes her brothers into helping her. Bryan is assigned to Beth Hamilton. She is a widow with five children. Her husband was a pilot and killed in a plane crash. She had to deal with the press and gossip surrounding the accident. Now a gorgeous man is cleaning her home and helping her raise her children. He offers advice and makes the children keep the house clean. The youngest one falls hard for him. Maggie is five and misses her father. She would love for Bryan to be her new dad. The attraction between Beth and Bryan grows and the neighbors start to notice. So does the paparazzi. They swarm the town and approach Beth and stake out her house. Bryan tries to appease the fans and the frenzy surrounding him. Beth sees all the attention and doesn’t want it near her children, but it’s a part of Bryan’s life. He leaves to begin work on a movie, but he misses Beth and the kids. Will he be able to balance his career with his love life?

Beth is too calm about her life and future. Her worries disappear when Bryan arrives. She cedes her authority to him with her children. They ask him and defer to him. Beth should step up and remind her children who’s in charge and stop asking the stranger in the house. She accepts him joining them on family outings and doesn’t take things slow. She jumps into the relationship knowing her children will be very hurt if it doesn’t work out.

Bryan is beyond perfection. He is attracted to Beth immediately and never wavers. He dispenses advice to all the children who listen to him and follow his directions. He goes out of his way to clean the house and fix things, even building a better clothesline. He begins to see himself as the father of five children without a moment of hesitation. He’s too good to be true and a caricature of the perfect man.

The kids are stereotypes too. The rebellious oldest son with shaggy hair which Bryan gets him to cut. The lonely teenage girl has a crush on Bryan and wants to be popular. He sets her down softly without breaking her heart. The twin boys fight with each other and finish each other’s sentences. Bryan gets them to work together and be there for each other. And Maggie is the sweet youngest child who loves Bryan immediately and unconditionally. He wants to be her father, no questions asked.

Too neat and too sweet.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: More Than Music by Elizabeth Briggs

I really loved More Than Music by Elizabeth Briggs. This book was so good, and it was everything I expected and more. More Than Music is the first book in Elizabeth's Chasing The Dream series, and I can't wait to get more after reading this one. I really loved her writing style and the characters. I think that New Adult fans will really like this one and will fall in love with the characters just like I did.

Maddie Taylor is a music major and is about to start an internship with the LA Philharmonic and is a gifted piano player. For her best friends and roommates though, and in private for herself, Maddie also plays guitar. She knows that even though she dreams of being on stage with a band, geeky girls like her don't end up being rockstars. But when her friend's band loses their bassist, her friend's brother and lead singer of the band begs her to play guitar for them when they audition for the reality TV show The Sound. Jared hasn't been able to stop thinking about Maddie since he found her playing his guitar and singing his songs in their studio and knows that she would be perfect for the band. When the band makes it on to the show, Maddie must give up her internship and make the commitment to the band. She is finally getting to pursue playing guitar and being a rockstar, but she is also growing closer to Jared as well. Despite all the reasons they should stay away from each other, they can't help but give in to the chemistry and feelings between them. But for the show they need to remain single, as well as the other guys in the band would never accept them together. But what happens when their feelings start to become more, and Maddie grows tired of being Jared's secret while he continues to flirt with other girls? Soon Maddie is left to decide whether her feelings for Jared are worth following her dream and remaining a secret, but also losing her heart in the process.

I really liked Jared and Maddie. Jared was flirty and fun and everyone thought that he was such a playboy. He had a reputation for going out with different girls constantly and only keeping things casual. But I loved that he was actually completely different. After meeting Maddie and connecting with her on such a deeper level, he only wanted her. They had such a great bond through their music, and they really understood where the other was coming from without even having to say anything. But I also really loved how playful they were and how they also connected on other things as well such as their love for all things geek. Maddie was strong and easy to relate to and she was just so real. She was normal and I loved that she went after what she wanted. She was also vulnerable and had a few insecurities though and it really made her a character that readers could connect with and root for. I thought that Jared and Maddie had a lot in common and connected emotionally, but they also had off the charts chemistry! These two were really hot together, and you could feel their attraction.

Besides Maddie and Jared though, I loved the secondary characters as well! They were all great, and I loved the camaraderie between them. I especially loved the band and how they all fit so well together. They were focused and determined, but they were also playful and fun. I have to say that I really loved seeing their goofy times, and I really loved this one scene where they go grocery shopping and they played this game that was a tradition for them. It was so funny and for some reason it really just stuck with me! I also thought that this book was great in that it showed the reality competition in a completely different light than what you would typically see. I thought that it seemed very realistic, and I loved that things didn't go how you would expect. This story was just really fantastic, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I couldn't put this one down and would highly recommend this one. I think that a lot of readers will really enjoy this cute rockstar story, and I can't wait to read more from Elizabeth Briggs in the future.

**ARC Provided by Oops! I Read Again Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Better as a Memory by Marilyn Baxter

Looking at her potential client, Atlanta image consultant Victoria Sharpe is convinced the job will be a cross between What Not to Wear and Man vs. Wild. She’d love to turn down the offer, but refusing it—not to mention the referrals it could generate—just might break the bank. Yet, agreeing to make over this man’s image might also break her heart. Again.

Max Brown will tolerate anything to gain access to his trust fund. Returning to work in the family business, even submitting to his mother’s demands to trade his comfortable flannel for Armani is worthwhile if he can get the money necessary to start a camp for at-risk boys. But then he sees he’ll be working with Victoria Sharpe, his college girlfriend, the one who got away. Or, really, the one he left. The impression he makes here will be the most important of his life, and the person most as risk is himself.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Molly McAdams and Giveaway

Meet Molly McAdams, author of Sharing You.

Molly grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry four-legged daughters. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach … which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and fried pickles, and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm ... or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

Find Molly at:

ARC Review: Better as a Memory by Marilyn Baxter

Better as a Memory is a short contemporary romance from Marilyn Baxter. This one is around 96 pages and was a quick and easy read. When image consultant Victoria Sharpe is offered the job of helping to transform the image of a top employee from one of the most successful companies in Atlanta, she knows she needs the job. Not only is she broke, but the referrals alone would make this job worth it. But unfortunately taking the job means transforming the image of her ex-boyfriend that left her broken hearted years before. Now Victoria must work with Max to turn him from mountain man to top executive. But as she begins to transform him, all the feelings that were once between them resurface. Can Victoria make it through the job without losing her heart again? Will Max see what he has with Victoria and realize that his dreams for the future can include her as well?

I liked both Max and Victoria. They were both easy to root for, and I felt like despite their bickering and history that they had a good connection. Max was into all things outdoors, and was a lot different than the guy that Victoria had known in college. I felt like he was still a bit immature through most of this story, but that with Victoria's help he started to grow up a bit. He was dedicated to providing for those that were less fortunate though, and I thought that he had a big heart. I did feel a bit confused that that didn't translate to his feelings for his family and Victoria though, and seemed to only be for kids that were strangers to him. It was great to see him actually open up to his dad and Victoria towards the end of the book. Victoria had been really hurt by Max years before, and it was no question why she didn't trust him easily. She needed the job and money, and was determined to remain professional. But I liked that she was able to loosen up a bit with Max and that they were able to rekindle their romance. I thought that they had good chemistry and made a cute couple.

Overall, this story was a good one. Nothing new or unique here, and the story was pretty predictable but I still thought that it was enjoyable. If you are looking for a quick contemporary with a happy ending, I would recommend this cute story. I think that despite the length, this story was believable and easy to get into. It really helped that Max and Victoria already knew each other and had a history together. The reason for my rating was that although this story was good, it wasn't great or memorable. I did enjoy it while reading, but it is not one that I will continue to think about or go back and read over and over. I think that a lot of contemporary fans will really enjoy this one though and it offers a nice little romance for those short on time.

**ARC Provided by Book Plug Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Review: Breakaway by Catherine Gayle

I have to admit that when I first read the blurb for Breakaway by Catherine Gayle, I pretty much knew that this one was going to be the book for me. Not only do I love the brother's best friend and little sister trope, but I am also a huge fan of sports and sports romance stories with hockey being my absolute favorite! All that being said though, this book was so good and yes it was partly due to those things but it was also just a really well written and interesting book! I really loved Catherine Gayle's writing style, and I was instantly drawn into the story. I loved the characters and found them very easy to like and relate to, and I loved that they were so real. I would definitely recommend this book and I already can't wait to go back and read it again.

After suffering an unimaginable attack, Dana Campbell has spent the last several years trying to stop having panic attacks. The simple touch of a man brings out the worst reaction in Dana and she is unable to accept even a simple hug from even her family members. When her counselor suggests that she find someone she trusts in order to help get over her fear, the only person that comes to mind is her brother's best friend Eric Zellinger. With the playoffs coming up, the last thing that Eric needs is to lose focus. But when Dana comes to him and asks for his help, he can hardly tell her no. He knows that what she is asking for is dangerous for many reasons. Not only does he not want to torture her and put her through pain, but he also knows that her brother will kill him if he finds out that he is touching Dana. Can Eric help Dana get over her fears and allow her to move forward with her life and help her have a normal relationship in the future? And what happens when Dana and Eric's feelings for each other start to deepen?

I really loved Eric. There wasn't a single thing about him that I didn't like. He was so kind and patient, and he was so sweet with Dana. He had always been fond of her and they had always had such a close relationship. But it was clear that he had been ready for more with her for quite awhile. He didn't know how to handle things with Dana all the time, but I loved that he would ask her when he didn't. Instead of being the typical guy, he made it a point to see what she needed and what would help her. I couldn't help but admire that about him and fall a little more in love with his character each time. He was willing to put his friendship with her brother on the line because of his feelings for her, and that told me just how deep his feelings for her went. I also loved Dana. She had been through so much, and more than anyone should ever have to go through. But instead of giving up and using it as an excuse, she sought treatment and asked for help. I loved that even though she knew it was a lot to ask, she was brave enough to put herself out there and go through what had to be torture for her at times. She was such an easy heroine to support, and I loved that even though she didn't think that there was a real relationship with Eric for most of the story she went about things like there was. She made friends with the wives and girlfriends of the guys on the team, and did what she could to be a part of the team. I thought that Eric and Dana had a ton of chemistry, but what really made their relationship one of a kind was the connection between them. They were adorable together, and you could see just how strong of an emotional bond that they had.

I loved this book and the characters in it. I thought that the secondary characters were just as interesting as Eric and Dana, and I can't wait to get to know them better. I really just loved everything about this book, and I thought that it was filled with so much hope and love. I really enjoyed seeing Dana heal and grow with Eric's help, but it was also due to all the characters in the story. Some of the guys on the team did what they could to help, even if it was something small. This book just really resonated with me, and I know it will stick with me. I thought it was so sweet of Eric to have made a room for Dana before she ever even showed up at his house, and he thought of absolutely everything for her. I can't say enough good things about this story, and I highly recommend it to all romance fans looking for a sweet and hopeful love story. This one really showed that true love can overcome anything and that even the most awful of situations can be moved past. I will warn that because of Dana's past there are a few times that rape is mentioned and she does describe what happened to her at one point, so if you have any triggers just keep that in mind before reading. Honestly though, this book was fantastic and I can't wait to read the rest of the series and more from Catherine Gayle in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by AToMR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Sarah Castille and Giveaway

Meet Sarah Castille, author of In Your Corner.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Sarah Castille, worked and traveled abroad before trading her briefcase and stilettos for a handful of magic beans and a home near the Canadian Rockies. She writes erotic contemporary romance and romantic suspense featuring blazingly hot alpha heroes and the women who tame them.

Find Sarah at:

Coastal Magic Convention - Registration NOW OPEN!

It's here, it's here!!

Registration for the 2015 Coastal Magic Convention has begun! If you're an urban fantasy or paranormal romance reader, you need to be hanging out with us, right on the beach, next February!

Coastal Magic is a super casual, urban fantasy and paranormal romance focused convention in Daytona Beach, FL, February 5-8, 2015. There will be panels, meet & greets with fun themes, and some cool evening activities. There are 225 general registration tickets available, and the featured author list will be close to 60 once everyone is settled! It's a relatively small shindig, but full of dedicated, enthusiastic people.

I'm SO excited about the variety of authors and sub-genres represented. Everyone will have opportunity to meet and chat with their favorites, and I bet you all find some “new favorites” on the list, as well. :-) If you haven't checked out who'll be attending yet... go... do that... I'll wait... Awesome, right!!??

There will also be a charity book sale and signing open to convention attendees, and FREE to the public. The charity, once again, is Habitat For Humanity. One of the nice things about the signing is that there will be additional authors participating, so keep an eye on the charity signing page to see who sneaks in for the afternoon! The hotel information is listed on the Coastal Magic site with a link for our group rates, for those who'll be staying on site.

I (along with the other Featured Bloggers) will be hosting some of the featured authors for guest spots and promotional posts in the next few months, so make sure you're keeping an eye out for those!!

If you want more info about Coastal Magic... here's where to find it in your favorite social media worlds: