
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

When Dukes Say I Do by Manda Collins

Just a Cowboy and His Baby by Carolyn Brown

Book of Choice from Cari Quinn

Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase

In His Command by Rie Warren

Seduced by Cari Quinn + Taryn Elliott

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Revealing Us by Lisa Renee Jones

Another winner from Lisa Renee Jones, Revealing Us is the next sexy installment in the Inside Out Series. This story picks up after Being Me and should not be read out of order as the events in Being Me directly affect where Sara and Chris are at the start of this book. That being said, beware of possible spoilers below if you have yet to read this series. And if you have yet to read this series, what are you waiting for? This series is one of a kind and always keeps you on the edge of your seat with no idea what will happen next. These books are well written, sexy and have instantly become favorites of mine!

After Ava's attack on Sara and the revelations about what happened to Rebecca, Chris and Sara head to Paris to begin their life together and get away from everything that has happened in San Francisco. There only a short time, Sara's passport gets stolen and she is plagued with the feeling of being watched. As her and Chris settle into their relationship and commitment to each other, he is finally ready to share his secrets with her. But will his secrets tear them apart as he fears or will they be able to move forward once everything has been laid out on the table. While trying to adapt to the new city and language, Sara uses her time and a new friendship to try and discover what has happened to her friend Ella. As she digs deeper, more questions are found than answers and she begins to really worry about Ella. Sara and Chris continue to get closer as they face everything together for the first time.

Chris is just one of those heroes that it is impossible not to love. His past and the damage that has been done make him someone that you want to comfort. I really liked getting to know more about him and it was wonderful to see him finally open up to Sara. I was beginning to get worried that he wasn't going to actually talk to her, but in the end he trusted her enough to be open even though he feared it would cause her to run away. Chris is always sexy and his protective nature towards Sara makes reading about him enjoyable. Sara was strong and trusting despite all the horrible things she has been through. I really admired her in this book for having the conviction and trust in her relationship and connection to Chris to stick by him even when she could have easily ran. It was nice to see her convincing Chris that their relationship was strong enough that nothing could break them apart. These two are absolutely meant to be and it was really great seeing them both come to that realization and get things right.

I really enjoyed seeing Sara and Chantal develop a friendship. I am hoping we will see more of her in future books. I loved how she was instantly fierce when it came to her friendship with Sara and how she stood up to Amber and Chris. I'm also very intrigued to see what is going on with Ella, and i'm really glad that she was a bigger part of this book. Throughout the previous books, I was always wondering about her and the focus had been more on Rebecca so it was nice to get some more information on her. Overall, these stories from Lisa Renee Jones just keep getting better and better. They are full of suspense, plenty of steamy sex, and every single one of them leaves you wanting more! I am an absolute addict when it comes to the Inside Out Series, and I will be anxiously awaiting my next fix! I can't wait to read more about all these characters that Lisa Renee Jones has brought to life. If you haven't read this series yet, you really should check these books out. Fans of romance and suspense will not be disappointed with this series!

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: Losing Control by Nina Croft

I'll be the first that I am a sucker for the friends to lovers trope. I just can't help myself when it comes to stories that have friendship as the basis for the relationship. I was really looking forward to Losing Control by Nina Croft because not only was it a friends to lovers story, but it was the opposite of most. In Losing Control the guy is actually the one who has been pining away for the girl and is ready to commit. I was really interested to see how that played out, and I had a good time reading Jake and Kim's story.

After an abusive marriage, Kim has taken back control of her life. Vowing to never let anyone else try to dictate anything about her life she sets out to advance her career as a bodyguard. Only problem is that she works for her best friend Jake, and he refuses to promote her or assign her any case that are possibly dangerous. She begins to think that maybe she needs to have a no-strings-attached affair to loosen her up and decides that the new guy at work Steve is just the man for the job. However Jake has other ideas for her. Jake has been in love with her for awhile but refuses to tell her, thinking that she will run away. After a passionate hook-up, Jake sets out to convince Kim that they can have a future together as more than just friends. But after being hurt in the past Kim is reluctant to have anything serious with anyone she cares for, and she is scared to lose her best friend Jake. But once they have been together, all they can both think about is being with the other person. Can Kim give up some of her control and let Jake in or will she continue to keep him at arms length to avoid the possibility of being hurt?

I really liked Jake. I was interested in this story first and foremost because of him. Any man who can admit he loves a girl, wants to commit to her and her alone, and continues to fight for her despite being turned down is always a hero I will root for. He was patient and kind and knew when to push Kim and when to give her some space. I really thought that he was sweet and charming. Kim was stubborn and strong all at the same time. I found myself slightly annoyed with her over the course of the book because of her being so stubborn. There were times that she seemed to do the exact same thing over and over and it just seemed to me that she was a little immature. She definitely had some growing up to do and it was nice to see that she did eventually see that she had been running and needed to take a risk in order to grow. I couldn't understand why she would constantly run and think she wasn't a good match for Jake when it was clear to see that they already had such a great foundation and friendship. Their connection was realistic to me and I thought that they were really sexy together.

Overall, this was a quick, fun, and sexy read. Despite the few times that I had some problems with Kim's character, I really felt that Kim and Jake belonged together. Their relationship was very believable and I was glad that they got their HEA. It was nice to read a friends to lovers story with a twist on the same old trope! This is a book that I think most fans of contemporary romances will enjoy. I am looking forward to reading more in Brazen's new Babysitting a Billionaire series, and I will be looking for more stories from Nina Croft in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: The Master Undone by Lisa Renee Jones

I told him goodbye, and I will not call him. I know if I do, it will be my undoing, and I'll once again be caught up in his spell. I will once again be...lost.

In her private journals, Rebecca laid bare her soul, revealing her obsession for the one man whose erotic demands captivated her imagination--and enslaved her forever. Now, with Rebecca no longer in his life he is lost, questioning everything he thought he knew about himself and about control he holds in such high regard. One women will reach out to heal him and then turn away, leaving him haunted. She is nothing he thought he wanted and somehow everything he needs. He tells himself to forget her but he cannot escape his desire for her. He has to have more...

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Friday, August 16, 2013

ARC Review: Just Desserts by Marquita Valentine

Just Desserts is the third book in Marquita Valentine's Holland Springs Series. Even though I hadn't read the first two books in the series I wanted to read this one after seeing the cover and reading the blurb and I was hoping that it wasn't necessary to understand this one. I probably would have known a few of the secondary characters better if I had read them, but I found that I wasn't lost at all and had no problems getting into the story.

Sebastian Romanov a billionaire and Earl wants to get his title of President of Romanov Industries back. In order to get the board to reinstate him he needs to clean up his act and make them think that he has turned over a new leaf. When his cousin asks him to go to Holland Springs to bring his girlfriend to England, he views it as the perfect excuse to try and set things right with his estranged twin brother. He stops into the Sweet Spot owned by Daisy Barnes, but he never expects that his attempt to satisfy his sweet tooth will change his life forever. At first glance Daisy is the answer to all of his problems. He asks her to pretend to be his fiance for a few months in order to help his case with the board of him having changed. After all they are almost family as his twin brother Christian is about to marry her cousin Zoe. As Sebastian and Daisy begin to spend more time together, the relationship begins to blur and what was supposed to be fake starts to transform into something real.

For me this story was enjoyable. The characters were likable and their relationship seemed real to me. Even though the time spent together seemed quite short for a relationship to develop, I never once questioned the feelings either of them felt for the other. I liked that Sebastian was protective of not only Daisy but his family as well, often times going above and beyond to take the fall for something that others had done. But his character was a little inconsistent to me. There were several times that he would claim that he wasn't good enough for Daisy and he would try to run away from her, only to turn around and do something that would bring him closer to her. Then it would revert back again, and this continued right up until the end of the book. I just wish that he wouldn't have been quite so wishy-washy as far as their relationship went. Daisy was fun and I loved that she would joke and banter with him, and call him on his BS when needed. There were some times that I would get frustrated and annoyed with her though for allowing him to act the way he did or get away with certain things. I also don't understand her actions regarding Sebastian's ex Kate.

Overall this story was quick to read and I found it enjoyable. Despite the inconsistencies, I was drawn into the developing relationship between Sebastian and Daisy. The attraction and chemistry between them was enough to get me past the few gripes I had with the story. I was hoping that Sebastian would really turn his life around and man up to make the right decisions and in the end I wasn't disappointed. Having read this without reading the first books, I am definitely interested in going back and starting at the beginning. I will be adding them to my TBR list, and I hope that they might give me a little more insight into some of the characters and their actions. If you like sweet and quick contemporary romances, I think this is a book you would most likely enjoy.

**ARC provided by Tasty Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords |

Feature and Giveaway: Just Desserts by Marquita Valentine

What an earl wants isn’t always what he gets…

British Billionaire and modern day earl of Spenserfield, Sebastian Romanov only wants one thing in life: To reclaim his position as president of Romanov Industries. But first he has to clean up his reputation to convince the Board that he’s a dependable bloke who’s willing to put the company above everything, including his personal life. Finally given an excuse to sort things out with his estranged twin brother, he boards a jet to Holland Springs, North Carolina, never dreaming he’d find the solution to his all his problems in the town’s sexy caterer, Daisy Barnes.

She’s going to serve him his just desserts…

Daisy Barnes, owner of The Sweet Spot, has plans. Plans that don’t include posing as some arrogant—yet sexy as hell—earl’s fiancée. But when unexpected insurance bills –to the tune of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars—from her mother’s unsuccessful battle with cancer come due, she’s forced to accept his offer and his money. Only problem for Daisy—underneath that cold exterior is a man that can set her on fire with just one touch.

As Sebastian and Daisy spend more time together, they find it harder and harder to not give into temptation. Soon neither can tell where the fake romance ends and true love begins…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

Interview with Author Tiffany Snow and Giveaway

Welcome author Tiffany Snow to RFTC. Tiffany is here promoting her newest release, Turn On a Dime and has stopped by to answer some questions. Please give her a warm welcome.

Tiffany is an IT Manager by day and an author at night and any other time she can find to write. Two daughters, a husband and a dog that’s only still alive after chewing so much furniture because he’s so cute keep her very busy.

Tiffany graduated from the University of Missouri – Columbia in 1995 with degrees in History and Social Studies Education and married in December of 1997. While wanting to go to law school, the expense was just too great so she decided to go into the IT field. A self-taught network specialist, she was very fortunate to have been mentored by another amazing woman in the IT field and achieved her Microsoft Certified System Engineer certification in 1999. Tiffany worked as a Technical Instructor for a while before staying home for a year with her newborn daughter. Tiffany went back to work in 2001 as an IT Consultant and stayed at the same business for ten years before recently leaving for an IT Manager position.

Reading and entertaining are two of her favorite hobbies and Tiffany reads all different types of books – History, Science-Fiction, Political Thrillers and Romance are her favorite genres. Murder-mystery dinners are one of her favorite parties to throw where she can polish her skills in the kitchen while having fun with friends.

Tiffany and her family make their home in Kansas City, Missouri, not far from where she was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri.

Places to find Tiffany:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

ARC Review: Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper

This story was by far one of the most brutally emotional titles I’ve read. From the first page I was unable to put it down. I immediately connected with Audrey and was her not-so-silent cheerleader from start to finish. When I read the prequel to this series, Silent Warrior, I was unsure of a lot of aspects surrounding the settings of Piper’s Dragon Kings world. After finishing book one I felt fully aware of the harsh reality these characters call home.

Audrey is a Dragon King, but one who’s powers have never surfaced. After being exiled from her Clan she successfully integrated into the human populace. Found a new life, a man to share it with, and eventually a son. The first natural born dragon king child in generations. A truly blessed and happy life, but the fates had never been on our Audrey’s side.

Seemingly out of nowhere members of one of the leading Mafia families shatter her life in an instant. Her husband murdered, both her and her son being subjected to numerous scientific experiments, accompanied all by physical and emotional torture. Eventually Audrey is thrown into a private cell. Her new assigned task to be trained for the Cage Fights that keep the Mafia boss’s pockets padded. Fearing for the life of her son and expecting to hold her captors accountable for their proffered deal of setting them free in one year’s time, Audrey agrees to do what she must to survive. Upon meeting the cold hearted Cage Warrior intended to train her she understands that she will have to use every ounce of strength to keep hope alive.

Leto Garnis, for all intents and purposes, is the Alpha Cage Warrior. Winning is just what he does. Collared and battling for his Mafia Boss for the opportunity to breed and continue his bloodline. Something many Dragon King’s find worth fighting for in any manner. Being saddled with a neophyte or trainee is nothing new to his life, but having her be so completely green and stubborn to their lifestyle was both a surprise and annoyance. Her failure not being an option in order to keep him from losing both his standing among the other warriors, but as his owner’s number one man. Leto will have to dig down deep, and use every trick in his book to get Audrey in top shape for the battles ahead. Both of them having too much at stake to lose.

The relationship between these two characters grew slowly. Stewed, flash froze, simmered, flash boiled, cooled, and then exploding in an inferno of passion. A roller coaster of relationship baggage, trust, teamwork, understanding, angry and violent outbursts, and small snippets of raw emotional vulnerability. Though I had an idea of how the story would end, or at least my hopes on the topic, the journey there never left me unsatisfied. Page for page I grew more tied to Piper’s world and upon finishing it couldn’t wait to jump into the next installment of the series. Audrey and Leto grew together and while both individually brace and strong willed...together they became a true force to be reckoned with. I have to say that it has been ages since I fell for a couple as much as I did these two.

Hark and Silence, from Silent Warrior (Dragon Kings #0.5), had a lot of moments in this title. Having read the prequel it was really nice to get the opportunity to see how they are faring together. Hark of course made me laugh giving a little comic relief to bring my blood pressure back down, and Silence was herself. Mysterious and a total butt-kicker! I really enjoyed the story these two were in, and getting to spend more time with them was a total treat.

I don’t want to delve into the meat of this story much. So much happens and everything comes together so well that I couldn’t help but add this to my ‘Favorites’ list and in turn want you to have the opportunity to experience this story as I did. If you are looking for a fully fleshed out story of hellish trials, unquenchable passion, and strong characters that enmesh themselves in your heart you need to get this title in your hands as soon as possible. Piper most definitely won’t dissappoint.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Once Upon a Tartan by Grace Burrowes

Honor or happiness—he can’t have both.

Tiberius Flynn may be every inch an English lord, but smart, headstrong beauty Hester Daniels has no use for his high-handed ways--no matter how handsome, charming, or beguiling he is. They only see eye to eye in caring about the feisty little girl who is under their protection.

Tiberius's haughty insistence that his wealthy estate in England is a better place for the child than her beloved, rundown Scotland home sparks Hester's fierce protectiveness, and the battle lines are drawn.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: First Surrender by Katie Reus

He's dangerous, sexy, and everything she wants…

Sierra hit it off with Hayden from the moment they met. The dangerously sexy, tattooed ex-SEAL is one of the best friends she's ever had—and the main star in her wildest fantasies. But he doesn't see her that way. And she'd die of embarrassment if he found out she was still a virgin.

And he's about to make his claim…

Hayden's struggled to keep his attraction to the beautiful, dark haired casino chef a secret. He's not good enough for her. But when an attacker targets Sierra, Hayden's protective instincts go into overdrive. With the attraction between them burning out of control, he'll do whatever it takes to protect her and convince her they're meant to be together.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ARC Review: Rebecca's Lost Journals 1-4 by Lisa Renee Jones

At this point I will devour anything by Lisa Renee Jones! Her writing is fabulous, her characters are deep and interesting, and she always leaves you wanting more. After reading If I Were You, I couldn't wait to get more information on Rebecca. I knew that the journals were going to fascinate me as soon as I saw those gorgeous covers and they definitely held up to every single expectation that I had. If you haven't read If I Were You, you should start there before reading the journals and beware of possible spoilers below. However if you are already familiar with the series and haven't read these journals, you should absolutely check them out! I think that Lisa Renee Jones is absolutely brilliant, and you will not be disappointed with these short novellas!

Rebecca's Lost Journals Volume 1: The Seduction

For me this first journal really begins to fill in the gaps as far as Rebecca's character goes. Not only do you begin to see similarities between Sara and Rebecca, but you also see that despite what they have in common, they are very different in their ways of thinking. In The Seduction, Rebecca explains how she begins to work for the gallery and you get some of her back story. I also loved seeing how she and Mark met and the instant attraction between them. This novella sets up the relationship between Rebecca the submissive and her Master. It was really interesting to me how different she seemed to me after reading this first journal. In If I Were You, she is just some anonymous writer from a journal and there really wasn't a big connection between her and the reader. But by reading her thoughts and feelings in these journal entries, you really get to see what made her tick and it gives so much more to the overall experience the reader feels when reading the Inside Out Series. The journal entries were well written and went into detail without ever being dry or boring and they really made me want to go back and start all over with the series! As usual after reading this novella Jones left me wanting more and I can't wait to read the next one!

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Rebecca's Lost Journals Volume 2: The Contract

The Contract is the second journal novella and mostly centers around Rebecca receiving a contract from the Master and deciding whether or not to sign it. In The Contract, things are going well for Rebecca at the gallery. She is starting to gain more responsibilities and is enjoying her work. We get to see more of a few well known characters, some as Rebecca is meeting them for the first time. I really loved getting to see how Rebecca sees everyone and her thoughts and feelings in comparison to Sara's. As Rebecca is settling into her job though, thoughts of her Master and the contract take over most of her thoughts and she struggles with the decision she knows she must make. Regardless of her attraction and growing feelings for her Master, there are things in the contract that bother her. Her Master is determined to convince her that they can start off gentle and ease into things, and he begins to show her exactly why she should take the risk and say yes. Rebecca begins to open herself up to her Master and finds herself doing things for him that she had never though of doing for anyone before. This novella begins to show Rebecca's growth and her acceptance of becoming a submissive, and I found it fascinating to read her thoughts and feelings rather than just witness the scenes like you would in a normal story. Lisa Renee Jones continues to show her genius by using these journal entries to dig deep into the story and offer a different way of telling her story through multiple character's POVs.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Rebecca's Lost Journals Volume 3: His Submissive

The Submissive is the third journal novella, and things really got intense in this one. Rebecca is giving herself to her Master and the more time that goes on, the more she begins to rely on him. Before, she was intrigued by him and always very attracted to him. However in His Submissive, she really starts to depend on him and I feel as though she is really starting to lose herself with the continuation of their relationship, just as she has stated multiple times that she fears. I think part of her losing herself also stems from the terrible nightmares that she keeps having. All of her subtle hints about being betrayed in the past and needing control of her life really make me want the whole story of her past. This novella just makes me that much more curious about what happened in her past between her and her mother? His Submissive has really drawn me in even more than I already was and i'm left wanting more as always by Lisa Renee Jones. There are many more physical interactions between Rebecca and her Master in this novella as their relationship progresses, and they are smoking hot! I loved all the lessons that her Master is teaching her, and the last one when he takes her to the club had me fanning myself and reaching for a glass of water! I can't wait to get more of Rebecca's thoughts and feelings in the next journal!

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Rebecca's Lost Journals Volume 4: My Master

In My Master, Rebecca begins to realize just how much of herself she has lost and she decides that regardless of her feelings for her Master, she cannot continue in the relationship the way she has been. This one was absolutely heartbreaking to read. You could really feel the sadness and sorrow that had become such a part of Rebecca. Her journal entries showed how dark her relationship with her Master had become and it was clear to see that her Master was doing everything possible to keep distance between the two of them. I really loved seeing Rebecca stand up to her Master though, and begin to take her life back. She found her strength and even knowing the devastation she would feel not being with her Master anymore she took action to start living the life she wanted to live. There were times reading this one that you could see that her Master clearly cares for her and the whole time you are hoping that it won't end in heartache for the two of them. This one was emotional, deep and left me absolutely wanting to read more about all these characters that we have come to know and love. Despite all the struggle, I found myself enjoying the connection that the two of them shared especially when her Master let his guard down a little. I can't wait to read more and see how things end up and where Lisa Renee Jones takes us next.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


Overall, these journal novellas were quick and hot reads! But besides all the steam, these journal entries of Rebecca's gave a whole new depth and understanding to not only the Inside Out Series, but to several of the characters as well. Before reading these, I didn't think that they would be so necessary to the series. But after having read them, I feel as though everyone who reads this series needs to also read these. Lisa Renee Jones keeps proving to me with every story of hers that I read why she is absolutely amazing! She is not only the queen of writing stories filled with romance and suspense, but she creates characters that are impossible not to connect to and fall in love with. I highly recommend that if you haven't read anything from her or the Inside Out Series that you immediately fix that!

**ARCs' provided by Author**

I Need YOUR Help...and Giveaway

Wanna help me out?

With holiday season just a few months away, here at RFTC we are staring to get things ready for our annual Xmas event and we thought we would do a few things differently this year. As you know from the past years' celebration each day in December we have a different author come by and write a scene based off of a special theme that they have been assigned. Well this year I need some help coming up with some scene ideas and I want YOU to help. That's right. This year I would love to have you all come up with some ideas. Nothing is too wacky or crazy. Just remember that this is a historical event so the ideas would have to be tailored towards historical. We can't have someone locked in a plane on Christmas Eve if the scene is taking place sometime during the 1800's. Lol.

Now here is the fun part..3 random people that comment with an idea will win a book from my stash. If your scene is one of the ones chosen for the event I will send you a special surprise. It could be a book, swag or even a gift card. Just know that you will definitely be rewarded for helping out.

Please don't forget to leave your email address with your comment that way I can let you know if you are chosen. =)

Thanks for your help!

Feature and Giveaway: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir

Event planner Samantha Hunter is prepared for a few challenges when escorting a group of good ole boy beer distributors to Paris, the city of haute cuisine and fine wines. However, she doesn’t foresee being passed up for a promotion because she is too professional and doesn’t knock back beers with her clients. Her focus soon switches from landing the well-deserved promotion to finding her free-spirited sister, who lives in Paris and has disappeared, leaving behind family secrets to be uncovered. A sexy puppeteer helps Samantha search for clues to her sister’s whereabouts and teaches her to embrace her inner child. And a funeral-crashing psychic demonstrates the importance of living life to the fullest. It takes Samantha’s life spiraling out of control for her to finally get a life.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords |