
Saturday, March 16, 2019

ARC Review: Order by Kindle Alexander

Order is the second book in the Tattoos & Ties duet by Kindle Alexander. While you could probably read this one as a standalone, I recommend reading Havoc first as this is the continuing story of Alec and Keyes. 

Order picks up where Havoc left off, with Keyes and Alec trying to figure out a future for themselves despite the obstacles they face. Keyes has club business and Alec has his Assistant DA job that threaten everything they hope to have for their relationship. Despite everything, they both know that they have never felt this way about anyone else and are determined to find a way to make their relationship work. 

As much as I liked Alec and Keyes together, this book was just okay for me. I did believe in them and felt like they were made for one another, but there were some things that frustrated me here. I felt like Alec was super clingy and Keyes was so quick to walk away. I felt like we should have been over most of that by this point and I found myself skimming this one to get to the end. I was glad that things worked out in the end and I liked that they were able to overcome everything. But this one was just super sweet to the point of a toothache and wasn’t my favorite from Kindle Alexander. Fans of Alec and Keyes will enjoy seeing the conclusion to their story and if you like super sweet M/M stories I recommend giving this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | 

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of winners from recent blog giveaways.

Molli Taylor
Book of Choice from Kat Martin

Dawn Smedley
Print copy of Devil's Daughter by Lisa Kleypas

Valerie Jondahl
Print copy of It's Getting Scot in Here by Suzanne Enoch

All winners have been notified via email and are posted on the Rafflecopter form from that giveaway post. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Feature and Giveaway: The Soccer Player and the Single Mom by Kyra Jacobs

For most women, working for a sexy soccer star would be a dream come true. All except single mom Felicity Shaw. She has no interest in playing personal assistant for a stubborn, injured playboy—no matter how nice his abs are. But with bills piling up and mouths to feed, she can’t say no to the job.

That’s when it gets interesting.

The last thing Scott Gillie wants or needs is a persistent and entirely too distracting PA while he’s recuperating in his small hometown. Unfortunately, it’s not up to him. Then Felicity and her son end up temporarily moving in—all thanks to his meddlesome grandmother. Now temptation is right across the hall and it’s driving Scott crazy.

His only option is to fight fire with fire.

He never expects Felicity to do the same.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Apple | Kobo |

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

ARC Review: The Magnolia Inn by Carolyn Brown

I’m no stranger to Carolyn Brown and as much as I love her cowboy romance I enjoyed this one just as much. Set in East Texas an old Victorian farmstead turned B&B gets passed down to one more generation. Jolene Broussard, the niece, inherits the property along with her cousin unfortunately her cousin wants nothing to do with the B&B and promptly sells his half. Jolene is angry with her cousin for hurting his uncle’s feelings but she’s also kind of relieved the guy was a sleazy creep. Jolene’s aunt and uncle decided to retire and travel the US in an RV leaving the place in her capable hands. Jolene couldn’t be happier with the prospect of owning and running her favorite place in the world except she’s only got $200 to her name and a butt load of renovations to do before the season starts up again. Her saving grace is the new co-owner, Tucker Malone who seems to have more than enough money to do everything that needs to be done and more the fact that he’s good looking doesn’t hurt either.

Tucker Malone has spent the last few years of his life mourning his wife. He got fired from the Dallas PD and moved to her hometown to be closer to her working for her best friend on house renovations working throughout the week spending the weekends drunk. When the opportunity to buy half of a bed and breakfast that she had a great memory of he jumped at the chance. Jolene was raised by an addict and a drunk and her most recent break up was because he was a drunk, Jolene has had it with drunks so as perfect as Tucker may be for the renovations she can’t stand that he’s a weekend drunk, especially after she trips over his drunk ass after having to walk part of the way home in the freezing rain. Having Jolene in his life and doing the renovations on the B&B has woken Tucker up. Jolene makes him feel like he hasn’t in years but he’s still learning to let go of his dead wife. Throughout the book Tucker’s late wife talks to him trying to get him to let go and Tucker goes through a whole lot emotionally and Jolene is there with an open ear and kind heart and a boot to the head when needed.

Overall, this was a great read. Brown as always has some wonderful characters, the woman so sassy and spunky I loved this group. It is a slow burn romance but with the baggage both characters have it’s easy to understand why they took it slow. It’s a wonderful story about healing and moving on and getting a second chance at love.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Monday, March 11, 2019

Feature and Giveaway: Mr. Misunderstood by Sara Jane Stone

Rule #1: Maintain Control.

You think you know me. The cars, the penthouse, the reputation for delivering women to that “Oh, yes, Gavin” moment… Yeah, I’m the bad boy billionaire who drives your fantasies.

But I’ve traveled a long road to get here. And I played by the rules—the ones I wrote to guarantee I didn’t return to whom I was before.

Until now. The pictures, the story—it’s my past coming back to haunt me. I’ve lost control. And to get it back, I need to change the story.

So I asked my best friend and neighbor for help. Kayla agreed—if I support her growing pack of four-legged misfits.

My life is under control again.

Only I’m falling for my best friend. Now, my New York City apartment is full of rescued pups, my country retreat looks more like an animal sanctuary, and Kayla’s guarding her heart.

And I’m running out of time to prove the girl next door belongs with the billionaire.

Purchase: | Amazon |