
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Audiobook Review: Enthralled by Alyssa Day, Meljean Brook and Lucy Monroe, Narrated by Justine Eyre

The audiobook, Enthralled, features three novellas from three different authors. Each is part of a series, but can be enjoyed on their own. In fact, Enthralled is a great way to get a taste of each of these series in a sort of three-for-one deal.

Curse of the Black Swan is Alyssa Day's introduction to The League of the Black Swan. It takes place in Bordertown, the convergence of the fae, demon and human worlds. Because of the combination of human and supernatural beings, one should expect just about anything. So when a when a fire demon meets a singing swan, it is just another day in Bordertown. A centuries old curse keeps pet groomer Brynn from getting close to any man, but firefighter Sean will do his best to change her mind. An unbreakable curse along with an magic-powered arsonist are the complications provide a lot of drama in a short story. This has me considering starting on the Black Swan series.

Meljean's Iron Seas steampunk world is the setting for Salvage. This was my favorite of the three stories. Estranged couple Thomas and Georgie are reunited only to make the decision to end their marriage. On the way to make this happened, they are kidnapped and taken away by an airship pirate. The pirate needs the diving talents of Thomas to recover a sunken treasure. A treasure that Thomas originally salvaged, but was pirated away. As Georgie and Thomas try to get free, they get reacquainted. I really liked how they slowly figure out they why of their actions in the past. Can they salvage their marriage even as they try to salvage the treasure? What I liked most about this story is the Iron Seas world – the horde, the zombies, the megladon. Ms. Brook's world has a truly inspired, amazing atmosphere. I need to read more of this series!

Ecstasy Under the Moon is a part of the Children of the Moon series by Lucy Monroe. This novella tells a story of a wolf shifter Bryant and an eagle shifter Una. It takes place in a time when their people's did not trust each other. Tribal leaders know that all shifters will be stronger together, so they are attempting to join the tribes. Can an eagle put aside her deep fear and distrust long enough to get to know the wolf who would be her lifemate? I like the story, but I'm not sure it translated as well to an audiobook. There was a lot of narrative background that had to be squeezed into the novella length. Audiobooks showcase dialog very well, but long narrations – not so much.

Justine Eyre is the very talented narrator of Enthralled. I've enjoyed her work on many novels, but this particular reading really showcased her talents. She uses several accents, dialects and voices to bring the stories to life. Generally speaking, Ms. Eyre's name sells audiobooks to me!

It should be noted that there is a difference between the print and audiobook formats. The print (and e-book) versions have an extra story by Lora Leigh that is not on the audiobook. So, if decide to read, rather than listen, to Enthralled, you get a bonus!

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

ARC Review: When I'm Gone by Abbi Glines

When I'm Gone is the newest book in the Rosemary Beach series by Abbi Glines. This book centers around Harlow's half brother Mase Colt Manning and Reese Ellis. While you can read this book without having read the others in this series, I would definitely recommend reading the other books if you haven't. This series is really good, and I loved seeing some of my past favorites pop up in this book. I will warn you that this book does end in a way that leaves you hanging, but it isn't a huge cliffhanger and luckily for us readers we don't have to wait too much longer for the next book!

Having escaped from a lifetime of abuse, Reese Ellis is now living and working in Rosemary Beach. She cleans houses and one day while working she ends up meeting the handsome Mase Manning. While they are both attracted to each other instantly, Reese has always been unable to trust men. But something about Mase puts her at ease and she finds herself leaning on him for help after there is an accident while cleaning. Soon Reese and Mase are growing closer, but Mase is only visiting and must soon return to his ranch in Texas. Can Reese and Mase find a way to see where things could go between them, or will it be over before it ever really began? 

I really liked both Mase and Reese. Reese had been through a ton, and was pretty shy. She didn't really get close to many people, and it was easy to see why. But she was a hard worker and was determined to take care of herself. I was glad to see that she didn't let her issues get in the way of her life, and though she was scared she let Mase in. He was so sweet and patient with her, and I could not have loved him more. Mase was so great with how he helped her and treated her, and you could tell right away that things were different between them. Mase and Reese had genuine feelings for one another, and they also had a lot of attraction and chemistry as well. I was glad that things sort of built slowly for them though, and that Mase was always showing Reese that she was safe with him and how much he cared for her. 

Overall, this was a great book. I always wonder how I will like a new Abbi Glines hero compared to Rush (because who doesn't love Rush!), and yet each time Abbi gives us someone new and just as great in a completely different way. Rush was so easy to fall for, and yet I honestly loved Mase just as much if not more! He is right up there for me, and I really think he might be my favorite. There is just something so genuinely good about him, and I loved him right from the start. It was clear that he looks out for those he loves and that he would do anything for them, and seeing him that way with Reese definitely made me swoon. I will admit that I am still a Nan hater, and she made me so mad in this book. Seriously have no idea what is wrong with her, but I really hope that someone gives her back everything that she has put on others. I am really looking forward to getting more of Mase and Reese as well as the rest of the Rosemary Beach gang, and the next book can't get here soon enough!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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RFTC Hall Pass Event with S.R. Grey

S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author and a Barnes & Noble #1 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, as well as the Inevitability duology and A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy. Ms. Grey's novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year. 

New novels slated for 2015 release dates are Inevitable Circumstances (Inevitability #2), the Laid Bare series of novellas, and a New Adult novel to be revealed in the future. 

Ms. Grey resides in Pennsylvania. When not writing, Ms. Grey can be found reading, traveling, running, or cheering for her hometown sports teams.

Friday, April 10, 2015

ARC Review: Three Hard Lessons by Nikki Sloane

Three Hard Lessons is the second book in the Blindfold Club series by Nikki Sloane, and holy hell does this woman write some hot stories! I was really excited to read this book because I loved the first one, and this one was just as good as the first! Nikki Sloane is seriously becoming a go-to for me when it comes to Erotica. This book is a standalone, but for the most enjoyment I would really recommend reading these in order. Trust me, you will not be disappointed! 

Payton is a professional, and men pay thousands of dollars to be with her. But when the handsome Dominic shows up and drops $30,000 to be with her, everything begins to change. Dominic takes all of Payton's rules and breaks them, quickly getting under her skin. Payton has done her best to keep men at arm's length, but she soon realizes that there is something different about Dominic. With Dominic only in town for a short time before he has to return overseas to work, he asks Payton to come with him. Payton accepts and heads to Japan with him, and before long Payton soon finds herself developing feelings for Dominic. Payton was only supposed to be in Japan with Dominic for two weeks, but will they be able to say goodbye at the end of it or will they take a chance and find a way to make things between them work? 

I liked Payton in the first book, but I didn't love her. Then she completely won me over in this story! I loved seeing who she was underneath it all. She was so much more than we had seen, and it was easy to see why she had kept up such a facade. Dominic instantly got under her skin and started breaking down her walls. Dominic was exactly what she needed, and he was able to keep up with her and challenge her. Payton is a very strong personality, so I knew it would have to be someone equally strong to keep up with her. What I loved most about Dominic was that while he was alpha and could keep Payton on her toes, he was also really sweet and was able to give her control when she needed it. These two could not have fit more perfectly together, and I honestly believed in their connection from the start even if it was an instant one. The chemistry between these two was smoking hot, and I am surprised that the sex between them didn't overheat my Kindle. But I really enjoyed seeing them get to know one another and find out that they fit beyond just on a physical level.

Overall, this book was really great! I honestly am really loving this series and Nikki Sloane's writing. While I really enjoyed this book as I did the previous one, the one thing I will say is that it did put me a bit outside my comfort zone. I don't typically read any F/F content, and this book did have a bit of that as the first one did. While it didn't bother me, it just isn't my thing. It was a pretty small portion of this story though, so it wasn't enough to really change my opinion on this story and I loved Payton and Dominic enough to get through it. I think that this series is definitely worth the read, especially if you like your books scorching hot with a great story as well. I don't honestly know that I could pick a favorite out of the two, because I liked them both so much and for completely different reasons. I will absolutely be keeping an eye out for more from Nikki Sloane in the future, and I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by Flirty Subs PR**

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ARC Review: Love Surfaced by Michelle Lynn

Let me just start off by saying that little sister and brother's best friend books are seriously my crack. I cannot get enough, and I will read every single one that crosses my path. For real, I cannot turn them down. That being said, I really wanted to read this one because I enjoy Michelle Lynn's writing and have liked other books that I have read by her. Love Surfaced was a good story, and there were a lot of things I liked. But I also had some mixed feelings because there some things that I really didn't like as well. 

Piper Ashby has grown up with Tanner McCain and has loved him for most of her life. Her twin brother Brad Ashby is Tanner's best friend, and all three of them spent a lot of time together growing up and pursuing their dreams of being US Olympic swimmers. When they are seniors in college, Piper and Tanner finally decide to give in to their feelings and begin a secret relationship. But when Piper finds out that Tanner lied to her, she ends things and cuts all ties with him. Two years go by without contact, until her brother is preparing for his wedding with Tanner being his best man. Now Tanner is back and is determined to win Piper back, but Piper isn't ready to forgive him, Can Tanner get her to finally hear his side to the story and take a chance on a future with him, or will Piper and Tanner be over for good? 

One of my biggest issues with this story I am sad to say was Piper. This girl was so insecure, and it absolutely drove me nuts. She was weak and it didn't get better. I honestly believe that if it weren't for her best friend Bea, that she would have pretty much ruined her entire life because of her fears. She would have moments where it appeared that she was finally making progress, but then it would just disappear and she would be back to the same scared little girl. She was wishy washy and I just wanted her to believe in herself and in the feelings and connection that she had with Tanner. Tanner was another problem for me. While I liked his character, I felt like there were a lot of things that he should have done differently. He didn't encourage attention from other girls, but yet he didn't really handle it either. He would let them flirt and touch him in front of Piper without really pushing them away. He also let Piper get away with running from him without ever knowing exactly what had happened. I understood part of that as the story unfolded, but why did it take him two years to finally try and get her back? He could have easily reached out to her before then or made an effort, and that just didn't seem to fit with his personality and claims to have loved her forever. Especially if he was so hung up on Piper as to have never been able to move on with other women. 

While I thought that these two had chemistry and a bond forged through years of friendship, I also felt like there were some inconsistencies in the story regarding their relationship throughout the years. At some points it was stated that Tanner would torment Piper when they were younger, yet then it would be stated that he was also the one that would protect her and was the one she would turn to for a safe haven. It just didn't fit, and without seeing their childhood I was left a bit confused. I think part of my problem was that this story was told only from Piper's POV, so we were left wondering what was really going on in Tanner's head. I also felt like Piper's brother had really affected their relationship and he was such a jerk. He really pissed me off, and I couldn't believe everything that he pulled in this story. For him to have done the things that he did and have to be forced by others around him to ever do the right thing really bothered me. Brad needed to grow up and I really wanted to hit him. For me, the huge secret wasn't as big of a deal as it was made out to be and I thought that Piper overreacted. A lot of the blame for this is on her, though I do believe that others had a part in it as well. I just felt like this story took some turns that I couldn't really get behind. While I liked Piper and Tanner together, I felt like a lot of the angst and drama was a bit over the top. These two should have been able to talk and explain things to each other, and neither of them did until it was years after the face. While I like Michelle Lynn's books, I have to say this one wasn't my favorite. I will still read more from her in the future, but this one wasn't what I had thought it was going to be going in.

**ARC Provided by Book Plug Promotions**

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RFTC Hall Pass Event with Avery Flynn

Avery is an RT Book Reviews nominated author of sexy and sassy contemporary romance, romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

ARC Review: Everything Has Changed by Mia Kayla

Everything Has Changed is the second book that I have read by Mia Kayla, and it is my favorite of hers so far! This book was really cute, and I loved Bliss and Jimmy so much. I am such a sucker for a good friends to lovers story, and these two had been friends since they were children. There was so much between them, and I adored their connection.

Bliss "Boo" Carrington had been in love with her best friend Jimmy for years. She was now in law school and he was a top NFL quarterback, but she knew him before any of that. Bliss has never been able to tell Jimmy how she feels though, because she fears it will destroy their friendship. Little does she know that Jimmy has always loved her also, but that he refuses to let anything happen between them for his own reasons. But when Bliss finally decides that she can no longer be just friends with him while he is off with other women, will it finally be what they both need to take a chance on a relationship together?

I really loved Bliss and Jimmy. These two had such history between them, and I loved that they had been best friends pretty much their whole lives. They knew each other better than anyone else, and had seen every side of each other. The love between them was deep and pure, and I thought that their foundation was rock solid. Jimmy struggled with some fears and insecurities due to his father and his mother though, and that really held him back. He was scared to turn out like his father, and that was something that Bliss tried to help him with. She did what she could to try and convince him that he was nothing like his father, but it wasn't easy. Bliss also had a few issues, and she didn't think that Jimmy or anyone like him would ever see her like other girls. It was so good to see her finally begin to realize that she was what Jimmy wanted all along and that he cared for her just as much as she cared for him. These two had a great connection and a ton of history, but I really enjoyed seeing them begin to explore the chemistry and attraction between them as well.

Overall, this story was great. I loved Jimmy and Bliss. They were sweet together, and I liked how well they knew one another. They were the perfect match for one another, and it was clear that they had always been meant to be together. I do think that things between them progressed pretty slowly, and I wish that things had been a little quicker between them. While I enjoy a slow burn, I wanted to see more of them together and I felt the ending was a bit rushed once they had finally figured things out. It would have been nice to see a bit down the road for them and how things ended up. I really enjoyed this story though, and I didn't want to put it down. Jimmy and Bliss were entertaining, and I know that these two will be ones that I love for a long time to come. I look forward to reading more from Mia Kayla in the future. If you are looking for a sweet contemporary friends to lovers story, I would definitely recommend giving this one a shot!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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ARC Review: Homefront by Jessica Scott

I’m convinced Jessica Scott can do no wrong. This book was A-MAZING. I’ve read a few of Scott’s books so I should know by now what to expect but she always has a new trick up her sleeve. She always breaks my heart even though by now I should see it coming. I can’t help but feel for these characters. I constantly have to put her stories down and just breathe! Just like the previous books, once I started reading I could not stop and I quickly grew to love this characters.

Let’s start with the hero. First Sergeant Gale Sorren was such a juxtaposition of emotions for me. I really disliked his past because he basically left his then wife, Melanie, all by herself to raise their daughter. I admired that he was dedicated to his career but I disliked how he rationalized everything in his head because of his upbringing and because he and Melanie were married too young and got pregnant to fast. His big redeeming quality was his raw honesty. I could not help but ache for him. He was very upfront with Melanie about his faults and he took full responsibility. He also was very humble and didn’t just barrage into Melanie and their daughter ,Jaime’s, life. Just like the heroes in her other books Scott does not sugarcoat the effects of war and like her other characters, Gale is dealing with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Melanie, Gale’s ex-wife, was also fantastic. She was a mom trying very hard to help her daughter Jaime not only grow as a teenager but also battle her own personal demons. Melanie has held it together for the twelve years since she had Jaime. She has the basic mother and teenage daughter struggles. I thought that their relationship was very real and authentic. When Gale is back Melanie is obviously hesitant to believe in him and let him back into their lives. Although Melanie has had her hearth broken by Gale before she has never stopped loving him and he never stopped loving her. Scott had a lot of work to do with this story, not only did she have to bring a couple back together but also make them a family.

I really loved Gale and Melanie together and Scott didn’t make it one big fairytale. They both had to do a lot of believing and soul searching. I loved how she brought them together and I thought that they both had intense chemistry. I was happy to see characters from previous books show up here because it made it feel like a huge family. I have to admit I was super happy that both Gale and Melanie finally got their HEA but I was disappointed to see the story end. I am looking forward to the upcoming books in the series and can’t wait to see what she has in store for Captain Sarah and Captain Sea!

**ARC provided by Author**

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RFTC Hall Pass Event with Kennedy Ryan

Kennedy Ryan writes contemporary romance and women's fiction. She always give her characters their happily ever after, but loves to make them work for it! It's a long road to love, so sit back and enjoy the ride. In an alternative universe and under her government issue name, Tina Dula, she is a wife to the love of her life, mom to a special, beautiful son, and a friend to those living with autism through her foundation Myles-A-Part, serving Georgia families.

Her writings on Autism have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, and she has been featured on the Montel Williams Show, NPR, Headline News and others. Ryan is donating a portion of her proceeds to her own foundation and to her charitable partner, Talk About Curing Autism (TACA).

Her interview series MOMMIES DO THE MOST AMAZING THINGS is featured each month in Brooke Burke's online magazine Modern Mom.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Review: Vetting the Senator by Alex Elliott

Vetting the Senator is the second book in the Dirty Little Secrets series by Alex Elliott, and it is not a standalone. These books need to be read in order, so make sure that you start at the beginning. I am absolutely loving this series, and I definitely recommend it to Erotica fans. If you love steamy scenes and a political plot that will keep you guessing you absolutely have to check this series out.

Vetting the Senator picks up after the events of Seduced by the Senator, with Senator Bennett Stone and Xavia "X" Kennedy beginning their new relationship. On the surface she is an intern for the summer working for him, but in private he is introducing her to his secret lifestyle. They will remain apart in public, and explore their desires at a private exclusive club he is part owner of called The House. But as X and Ben grow closer and begin to explore the connection between them, things quickly change and they are forced to deal with things they never expected.

I have loved Ben and Xavia since the first book, and I love them even more after reading this installment in the series. Ben is sexy and alpha, and yet he isn't a total jerk. You can tell just how much he is starting to care for X and he wants to own more than just her body. I really liked seeing him continue to struggle with his rules and it was entertaining to see how much different X was from anyone else he had ever met. I loved that he was possessive of her and how much she meant to him. X is a great heroine. She is smart and sassy, and isn't afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself. I like that she can submit, but she never loses herself. She is exactly what Ben needs, and I love seeing her challenge him. These two were just as hot (if not hotter) in this book as they were in the first. Their chemistry is so strong, but I am also enjoying seeing a deeper connection form as they get to know one another better. 

Overall, another fantastic installment in this series. This series keeps me on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next, all while giving me one steamy scene after another. There is so much going on between the politics, the family and friends, and with X and Ben that I honestly cannot wait to see what happens next. I am loving these characters and each new book just makes me want the next one more! I am looking forward to reading Affianced to the Veep, and it can't get here soon enough!

**Review Copy Provided by Flirty Subs PR**

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ARC Review: Loving Maddie from A to Z by Kelly Jamieson

Loving Maddie from A to Z is my first Kelly Jamieson book, and I was really excited to read this one! I love a good menage story and this one sounded so good from the blurb. I really enjoyed the story and it was super hot! I will definitely be reading more from Kelly in the future after having finished and really liked this book. 

Maddie and Aidan have it all. They are successful and after years of friendship have found a love that not many others ever know. But their sex life has been the one area that could use some improvement. Though they are happy with one another, they both feel as though something is missing that they each need. Their best friend Zack has been gone from their life for years, and though they have tried to stay in touch with him his responses are few and far between. But when Zack is held captive and returns home with some issues, they know it is the perfect time to try and reconnect with him. Zack isn't looking forward to staying with Maddie and Aidan after they broke his heart years ago, but they have no idea what really happened and why he left. As the three of them begin to repair their friendship, they quickly realize that a lot has changed and that they didn't know each other as well as they thought they did. Zack just might be the missing piece that they have been looking for, but will he help their relationship or destroy all of them in the process? 

I really liked all three of these characters. They had all been friends for years, and you could tell that they all really cared about one another. That being said, you could also see that there was so much between them all that had never been addressed. All of them had loved one another and been attracted to each other. Zack had left thinking that it was wrong for him to love each of them and that there was no way he could ever have them. Aidan had missed his friend but had never been able to tell Maddie how much Zack leaving had hurt him. Maddie had loved both Zack and Aidan and had struggled with her feelings, not being able to address any of them until Zack left. But these three were so great together, and it was clear that while Maddie and Aidan were great together that they weren't complete. Zack fulfilled so many things for each of them that they just weren't getting with each other. But they also gave Zack what he desperately needed as well. I honestly felt that this was one of those times that the menage really worked best and I never felt like anyone was left out. There was no jealousy or issues, each one was just happy to see the others happy and getting what they needed. They fit together exactly how they should be when all three were together. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. These three were super hot together, and I think a lot of that was the love that they shared. There was more between them than just physical attraction and desires that they were able to fulfill for each other. I loved their friendships and how supportive and encouraging they were. I also loved that Maddie wasn't afraid to let their friends and family know what was going on. She wasn't ashamed and I liked her strength a lot. There are a lot of people that wouldn't want to admit what was going on for fear of being judged, and she was proud to have two sexy men that loved her as well as each other. I would recommend this book if you are a fan of menage and erotica books. Kelly Jamieson did a great job with these characters and their story, and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

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Cover Reveal: Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout

We are so excited to bring you the Cover Reveal for EVERY LAST BREATH, the hotly anticipated conclusion to the Dark Elements trilogy from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout!! EVERY LAST BREATH is a Young Adult Paranormal being published by Harlequin Teen and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s The Dark Elements Series. It is being released on July 28th, 2015. Pre-order EVERY LAST BREATH and then be sure to read the first books in this amazing series before its release!

Some loves will last 'til your dying breath

Every choice has consequences—but seventeen-year-old Layla faces tougher choices than most. Light or darkness. Wickedly sexy demon prince Roth, or Zayne, the gorgeous, protective Warden she never thought could be hers. Hardest of all, Layla has to decide which side of herself to trust.

Layla has a new problem, too. A Lilin—the deadliest of demons—has been unleashed, wreaking havoc on those around her…including her best friend. To keep Sam from a fate much, much worse than death, Layla must strike a deal with the enemy while saving her city—and her race—from destruction.

Torn between two worlds and two different boys, Layla has no certainties, least of all survival, especially when an old bargain comes back to haunt them all. But sometimes, when secrets are everywhere and the truth seems unknowable, you have to listen to your heart, pick a side—and then fight like hell…

Pre-Order: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | IndieBound | Kobo |

RFTC Hall Pass Event with Lia Riley

Lia Riley writes offbeat romance. After studying at the University of Montana-Missoula, she scoured the world armed only with a backpack, overconfidence and a terrible sense of direction. She counts shooting vodka with a Ukranian mechanic in Antarctica, sipping yerba mate with gauchos in Chile and swilling XXXX with stationhands in Outback Australia among her accomplishments.

A British literature fanatic at heart, Lia considers Mr. Darcy and Edward Rochester as her fictional boyfriends. Her very patient husband doesn't mind. Much. When not torturing heroes (because c'mon, who doesn't love a good tortured hero?), Lia herds unruly chickens, camps, beach combs, daydreams about as-of-yet unwritten books, wades through a mile-high TBR pile and schemes yet another trip. Right now, Icelandic hot springs and Scottish castles sound pretty sweet.

She and her family live in Northern California.