
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from last week.

The Art of Sinning & What Happens Under the Mistletoe by Sabrina Jeffries

Going the Distance by Jennifer Fusco

All winners have been notified via email and are posted on the Rafflecopter form from that giveaway post. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Make Me by Beth Kery

Make Me is the newest serial novel from Beth Kery. There are 8 parts to this story with the first part releasing April 5, 2016 and part 8 scheduled to release May 24, 2016. I am not a fan of serial novels, but for me Beth Kery is the exception. Her stories are always so good that I know it will be worth the wait to get the whole story. Luckily I was able to read the whole story at one time, and let me tell you that it is definitely worth the read! Beth Kery never disappoints, and the Make Me serial is another fantastic read from her. 

After a tragedy took her parents away from her, Harper McFadden moved from San Francisco to a small town on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Looking for peace, Harper never expected to meet the mysterious Jacob Latimer. Jacob is known for being a successful entrepreneur building his software company up from nothing, but rumors of shady business dealings have left many trying to dig deeper into his past. Jacob knows that the last person he should let near him is Harper, a journalist known for her investigative skills. Yet the connection between Harper and Jacob is more than either of them can fight and they find themselves unable to stay away from each other. But with secrets between them, can Jacob make Harper his or will the truth destroy any chance of a future together?

I really liked both Harper and Jacob. I felt the chemistry and connection between them right away, and with each new piece of information revealed I couldn't get enough of them! There was so much more to each of these characters than you see at first glance, and I really liked getting to know each of them better. Jacob was determined to make Harper his, yet he also knew that she was the one person that could expose everything he has hidden. Harper was looking for peace and healing after losing her parents, yet she was drawn to Jacob right away and couldn't fight the pull she felt to him. These two were great together, and I loved seeing how things played out for them. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this one from start to finish. I am so glad that I didn't have to wait for the entire story, but let me tell you it is definitely worth it even if you do have to wait. The 8 installments are short and easy to read, and they leave you anxious for more. Jacob and Harper's story was impossible to put down, and I was intrigued right from the start. I don't want to go into details so I don't spoil the story, but I was surprised with all the twists and turns and I had to know what would happen next. Beth Kery is a fantastic writer, and this serial was filled with steam and emotion, as well as mystery and intrigue. I highly recommend this and any of Beth Kery's stories, and I already can't wait for more from her.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author A.M. Hargrove and Terrie E. Laine

One day, on her way home from work as a sales manager, USA Today bestselling author, A. M. Hargrove, realized her life was on fast forward and if she didn't do something soon, it would be too late to write that work of fiction she had been dreaming of her whole life. So she made a quick decision to quit her job and reinvented herself as a Naughty and Nice Romance Author.

Annie fancies herself all of the following: Reader, Writer, Dark Chocolate Lover, Ice Cream Worshipper, Coffee Drinker (swears the coffee, chocolate, and ice cream should be added as part of the USDA food groups), Lover of Grey Goose (and an extra dirty martini), #WalterThePuppy Lover, and if you're ever around her for more than five minutes, you'll find out she's a non-stop talker. Other than loving writing about romance, she loves hanging out with her family and binge watching TV with her husband. You can find out more about her books at

Terri E. Laine, USA Today bestselling author, left a lucrative career as a CPA to pursue her love for writing. Outside of her roles as a wife and mother of three, she’s always been a dreamer and as such became an avid reader at a young age.

In her early years, she and her best friend would tell each other stories over the phone when they were bored. They called them their "soap operas" and generally revolved around whatever boy they liked at the time.

Many years later, she got a crazy idea to write a novel and set out to try to publish it. With over a dozen titles published under various pen names, the rest is history. Her journey has been a blessing, and a dream realized. She looks forward to many more memories to come.

You can find more about her books at

ARC Review: Cuff Me by Lauren Layne

Cuff Me is my third book in this 3 part series. The series follows the Moretti brothers and this one was the story of Vince. Each book is a standalone, you can start the series wherever you want.

I really liked Layne's storytelling. The story of Vince and JIll is woven together of parts of the Moretti story, a murder investigation and Jill's engagement to another man. The Moretti family make a great supporting cast. They highlight Jill's openness and Vince's grumpiness. The murder investigation in which Jill and Vince are involved keeps things really interesting and provides lots of opportunities for Jill and Vince to admit their feelings for one another...which of course they don't do for a really long time.

Jill and Vince have been partners for years. The funny thing is that EVERYBODY but them knows that they are in love with one another and is expecting them to get together. Jill gets understandably tired of waiting on Vince's broody ass and runs off to get engaged to some other wonderful guy. The thing that is so wild about this book is that Vince doesn't even try to hide his pissed offness about Jill's engagement. At the same time, he won't admit the cause of said grumpiness. Jill also catches herself worrying about the possibility that Vince is going to get with someone else without admitting to herself why that is.

The reason this book didn't quite make it to 4 stars for me, despite being good, is because the feeling denial just went on too damn long. By the 50% mark I was like oh for the love it, figure it out and get to the steamy stuff. Sadly, the round and round went on far beyond that point and it just started to drive me crazy. You might be a more patient reader than me. That's a pretty low bar. In light of my inordinate impatience, I'm recommending this book for most lovers of contemporary romance with a splash of suspense.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, April 1, 2016

ARC Review: A Mess of a Man by A.M. Hargrove and Terri E. Laine

I pretty much started begging for a Ben story the minute I finished Cruel & Beautiful by A.M Hargrove and Terri E. Laine. I fell in love with his character in that book and I needed more of him! While A Mess of a Man can be read as a standalone, I highly suggest reading C&B first since there is so much about that book that will be spoiled here if you don't. It isn't necessary, but I think to fully appreciate Ben and this book that it is best read in order. So if you haven't read C&B yet, I would suggest you probably stop reading this review and beware of spoilers from that story here. 

After losing his best friend and the closest thing he had to a brother, Ben is determined to not let anyone get too close to him. He built a wall and refuses to let anyone tear it down. He is a player and when things start getting to serious, he knows that it is time to move on. So when he meets Sam Calhoun and is instantly drawn to her, he knows he should stay far away. But Ben can't get Sam off his mind. Sam was hurt and betrayed by the man she thought was her future. But meeting Ben in the produce section of the grocery store was a meet cute she couldn't forget. Just as Ben couldn't stop thinking of her, Sam finds her feelings for Ben growing as well. But their lives get in the way of their growing relationship, and soon both of them are wondering if they can find a way to get through all the obstacles that threaten to stand in their way.

I absolutely loved Ben in C&B. He was one of those guys that you are just drawn to and can't help but love. Ben had a lot of issues here, and I felt so much reading this book. He had been through a lot and was clearly struggling. While a lot of people questioned why he would feel so strongly about his friend, I understood completely. Having seen him and Drew in C&B it was so obvious that while they weren't soul mates in a romantic sense, they were in every other. They were like brothers and their bond was one that even death couldn't break. So that loss absolutely devastated Ben and that is something that wasn't easy to overcome. I loved that Sam was able to get him to really start to live in a way he hadn't since losing Drew. While he hadn't died along with Drew, he was just going through the emotions. Sam was the spark that brought him back to life and made it so that he could move on with his life like Drew would have wanted. Sam was smart and strong, and I really liked her. She was going through her own issues as well and was so determined to guard her heart. Ben got under her skin though, and I really loved seeing them together. Ben is just so charming that it is impossible not to love him. Sam and Ben had such strong chemistry, and you could feel the attraction between them right from the start. But I thought that their connection went so much deeper than that, and what they had was really special.

Overall, I really loved this book! I loved C&B, and I didn't think that it was possible to top the emotions that I felt while reading that story. I have to say that while this book was a different type of journey than C&B was, it was every bit as emotional of a read for me. Ben was going through so much and I felt so emotionally invested in him that my heart ached so much for him. I just wanted to reach into the pages and hug him. A.M Hargrove and Terri E. Laine make a fantastic writing team, and they continue to prove just how deep and powerful their words are to readers. A Mess of a Man was everything I had hoped it would be and more! I honestly cannot recommend these books enough, and I hope that they never stop writing together! I am already anxious for more from them, and I need Jenna's story next!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N

ARC Review: The Three-Week Arrangement by Sarah Ballance

The Three Week Arrangement is my first book in the Chase brothers series and my first book by this author. It's a standalone and you can start reading right here if you want. 

I thought this was a really sweet contemporary romance. It's probably a little too sweet for my bitter ass but it's perfect for you hard core contemp rom fans. The Chase brother in this book is Ethan. Even though Ethan is tortured over the death of his wife and forcing himself to live in the shadows of her memories, I liked him. He was hot as fire, brooding and bossy. Check, check and check. Ethan meets Rue and winds up getting hosed down and saved by Rue in a seriously funny turn of events. Rue is empathetic and embraces her attraction to the very skiddish Ethan. Rue finds out about Ethan's history and that they travel in the same social circles and somehow hey hatch this plan to be a "couple" for 3 weeks. Both Ethan and Rue see the arrangement as a way to keep their families off their backs (albeit for very different reasons. 

I really like Ethan and Rue together. Even though Ethan insist on torturing himself about his dead ex-wife, his chemistry with Rue is instant. Despite Ethan's best efforts he is drawn out of his dreary shell and into Rue's orbit. I really liked Rue as a character. She had a fearless openness to her that I totally enjoyed. Another thing that I think you will like about this book are Ethan's brothers. They are the perfect meddling bunch. They constantly needled Ethan about his need to move on and they provide comedy relief and perspective throughout the story. 

Most people can understand the pain of losing someone close and the agony of having to move on even though you know you have to. I think that's what makes a lot of this book compelling. You get into rooting for Ethan. Not just for him to hook up with Rue but for him to be happy and heal. It's kind of fun to watch him be freaked out by his reactions to her and it was super sweet that she was so patient with him.

Remember if you are a hardcore contemporary romance fan, this book is probably more like 4 stars for you. I recommend you give it a try.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Tiffany Reisz

Tiffany Reisz is the multi award-winning and internationally best-selling author of The Original Sinners series from Mira Books/Harlequin. Find her online at

Thursday, March 31, 2016

ARC Review: Down to My Soul by Kennedy Ryan

Down to My Soul is the second book in the Soul series from Kennedy Ryan. This book is not a standalone and needs to be read after My Soul to Keep. After the cliffhanger of the first book I could not wait to get my hands on the second part of Rhys and Kai's story. Kennedy Ryan never disappoints, and I really loved this book just as much as the first one. 

Down to My Soul picks up right after where My Soul to Keep left off. Rhys and his past and secrets caught up with him when he told Kai lies. It tore them apart and Kai walked away from him. But Rhys wants nothing more than to win her back. Kai has secrets of her own though, and is forced to face them. But the connection between Kai and Rhys is one that neither of them can let go of, but will their secrets destroy any chance of a future together? 

I really love these two. They frustrated me at times, but part of that was because I felt so emotionally invested in them that I just wanted them to figure everything out. The connection that these two have is so unique and special, and honestly is one of the strongest I have ever read about. I really felt like even though they had secrets and weren't always being open and honest with each other, that the way they interacted with one another was so different from what you typically find in romance. Even with them not telling each other everything, their communication felt strong which isn't something that you find often. I really believed these two were meant for one another, and though they had issues and secrets that there had to be a way for them to move past it all. 

Overall, this was a great conclusion to Rhys and Kai's story. I felt so connected to these characters, and these books gave me all the feels. These two had chemistry and an undeniable bond that nothing could break, and I loved seeing them continue to grow and change over the course of these two books. Kennedy Ryan is a great writer, and her books always deliver such depth and emotion. Though I have loved everything she has written, I really feel like the Soul series might be my favorite. These books are just so good, and I couldn't put them down. I highly recommend giving this series a shot if you are looking for a beautiful and emotional romance. I can't wait to see what Kennedy Ryan writes next!

**ARC Provided by Sassy Savy Fabulous PR**

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ARC Review: A Better Man by Candis Terry

A Better Man is the first book in Candis Terry's new Sunshine Creek Vineyard series, and it is a standalone story. I enjoyed meeting the Kincade siblings and look forward to more in the series. This book was sweet and I enjoyed seeing the growth that Jordan made here as well as some of the others. This family is easy to like and I think that readers will enjoy getting to know each of them here and as this series continues.

After the death of his parents, Jordan Kincade heads home to help his family. The timing couldn't be worse as his NHL team needs him if they hope to make it to the playoffs, yet he knows that after years of giving hockey everything he has, it is time to put his family first. When Jordan arrives home his little sister wants nothing to do with him, and the more he learns about her the more he sees that she is struggling with more than just their parents death. With his brothers wrapped up in their lives, Jordan sets out to help his sister, even if she doesn't want his help. But the one person that can help him with Nicole happens to be her teacher Lucy, the very girl whose heart Jordan broke years before. Lucy is so much more than just the girl he left behind before though, and Jordan is determined to win both her and his sister over and change his ways for good. But after so much time and everything that has happened, will either of them be willing to give him another chance? 

I really liked the Kincade family. It was great to see them all band together in the face of tragedy, even though there had been a lot of time and distance between them. I loved that Jordan was willing to give up everything for them and to help Nicole. The change in him seemed so genuine, and I was glad that he was able to realize that he needed to readjust his priorities. Lucy was sweet and easy to like as well, and she genuinely cared about Nicole and her potential. I was glad that she was there for Nicole and Jordan, and I liked seeing them all spend time together. I thought that Jordan and Lucy made a great couple and fit well together. I will say that while I liked them and believed in their relationship, I didn't feel entirely invested in them and had a bit of a tough time connecting with them. For some reason here it felt like something was missing, and that we just didn't really dig that deep with either of them despite all that was going on. I think part of that was because the Kincade family and tragedy sort of took over at times and there wasn't as much focus on just Jordan and Lucy as I would have liked to have seen. 

I also felt like while I did enjoy the family dynamic here, that things were brought up and not entirely resolved. I am hoping that as the series continues some of that will be dealt with more. There was a situation with the family business here that we were given a bit more on, but I felt like it was mostly left up in the air. I would love to get more answers and see exactly what had been going on in the future. While I did have those criticisms, this book was still a good story and I enjoyed it. The beginning was a little slow and hard for me to get into, but it picked up and I am really glad that I stuck with. It was sweet and full of hope and love, and I am looking forward to seeing where Candis Terry takes these characters as the series continues.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Interview with Author Ashlyn Chase and Giveaway

Meet Ashlyn Chase author of I Dream of Dragons.

A multi-published eBook author, Ashlyn Chase specializes in characters who reinvent themselves, having reinvented herself numerous times. She has worked as a psychiatric nurse, and for the Red Cross, and has a degree in behavioral sciences. She lives with her true-life hero husband in beautiful New Hampshire.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

ARC Review: Dare Me by Rebecca Shea

I really loved Dare Me by Rebecca Shea! This book was good from start to finish, and I didn't want to put it down once I began. There was so much to like here, and I think that this book is definitely worth the read. Dare Me is the first in the Dare Me series and is a standalone story.

While out with her new coworkers and friends, Saige Phillips accepts a dare that changes her life. She must ask out Holt Hamilton, the owner of the company she works for. Though the attraction was there for Saige, she knew it was a bad idea but she never backs down from a dare. But when things quickly turn into more for Saige and Holt, she finds herself taking a chance on something with him. Holt has secrets though, and if the truth is revealed it could ruin everything that Holt and Saige are building together. 

I really loved Holt and Saige. Each of them had things that they were dealing with here that affected the way they behaved toward one another. Saige was afraid to let love in and wasn't looking for any kind of relationship. But the connection and attraction between her and Holt was something that she couldn't fight. Holt wanted Saige and was determined to show her how great they could be together if she would just accept what was happening between them. I loved how he was with her and that he realized how far he could push her out of her comfort zone, but that he also accepted that she needed to do some things in her own time. He understood her, and I really liked that he wasn't afraid for anyone to know just how much she meant to him. I will say that things happened very fast here, and this was definitely a case of insta-love. To me though, it really felt believable and as though these two were meant to be together.

I really enjoyed this book, even if it was a bit on the predictable side. I had a pretty good idea of how things would go here, and for the most part things happened as I figured they would. I still really liked the story and the characters though, and it was well worth the read. Holt and Saige were great, and I couldn't get enough of them. This one was sexy and hot, but it was also filled with emotion and things weren't always smooth sailing. I think if you can get past insta-love and things being a little on the sweet side at times, that this book is definitely one to check out. I am really looking forward to reading more from Rebecca Shea in the future and this is one I would recommend for contemporary fans.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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ARC Review: After the Hurt by Shana Gray

After The Hurt is Pepper and Tank's story. Pepper left her super happy, bomb sex relationship with Tank when her Mom died and she needed space. Pepper returns to Tank after 6 months. Tank is running the business they purchased together and carrying a huge chip on his shoulder that landed there after Pepper disappeared without a trace or even a goodbye. The story is about whether Pepper and Sam can pick up where they left off or if Sam is just too bitter to get on with it. Throw in a crazy as hell stalker chick and you have the gist. 

Ok, I'm trying to figure out how to sum up my feelings about this. I kind of like Pepper as a character except I totally could not understand her disappearance. Pepper came across as strong, sassy and pretty emotionally stable. I never could quite get why she just disappeared without a word. Pepper and Tank are depicted as having a near perfect relationship prior to her disappearance. I get that Pepper might have needed some space but I couldn't understand why she couldn't write Sam a letter explaining her absence or drop him a note while she was gone. On a related issue, I didn't really understand Pepper's reappearance. I didn't get what changed that suddenly made her come back. 

Tank is an ok character. He is reasonably bitter that Pepper disappeared into thin air and sometimes he can be too hard on Pepper as a result. It is clear from the beginning that Tank still has the same feelings he had for Pepper when she left. It is also clear that he would prefer not to have those feelings. Tank puts up a valiant fight but he is unable to fight his attraction or his love for Pepper. 

Here's the thing, this is a pretty decent book but I couldn't help but feel like something was missing with the plot. There is just too much time spent on mundane daily activities without a lot of action. What was particularly weird about that is how quickly Pepper became a part of Tank's daily life. Even after being gone for months and months. The subplot with the stalker didn't go much of anywhere and there was PAINFULLY little sex in this book. I'm talking like, you get to the 70% mark and other than a few flashbacks- nothing. I guess the problem is that there just wasn't anything exciting in the book. I felt like I could walk away anytime and not really care about what happened next. 

All in all, if you like a more medium paced second chance novel and don't care about a lot of sexual content, this is a good pick for you.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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