
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Soul Catcher by Vivi Dumas

Playing To Win by Jaci Burton

Meg An
Wrong Bed, Right Guy by Katee Robert

Seducing Cinderella by Gina L. Maxwell

Deceiving the Witch Next Door by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: My Scandalous Viscount by Gaelen Foley

I admit I was a bit disappointed with this book. After finishing on such a high with the previous book I went into this with high expectations, unfortunately this book just fell a bit flat. I found myself growing rather bored at times and this installment just seemed to lack a bit of the spark the previous book had.

Going into this book I was excited to see how the relationship between Carissa and Beauchamp would pan out. In previous books they had a kind of love/hate relationship. Both are attracted to one another and there is a definite flirtation between the two but neither really likes the other too much. In this book we didn't really get to see any of that, which was a big disappointment. I loved the sparing between these two and I just don't understand why the relationship between them is just so different in this book. It seemed like once they were married everything was thrown out the window and they became completely different characters. Though despite the differences in their relationship, I still enjoyed these two together. In fact, the relationship between them is what kept me reading this book.

Both Carissa and Beau have such an interesting back story that shapes them both in this book. Going in I wasn't the biggest fan of Carissa. I thought you was slightly annoying and a busybody. But once you get to know her and see what she's really all about I found that I really enjoyed her. She gives her love to Beau wholeheartedly and she is unflinching in her feelings.

For me the biggest drawback in their relationship is Beau. While I like and adore him, he also got on my nerves quite a bit. I just wanted him to open up and trust Carissa. It was so frustrating to continuously watch him push her away because he doesn't want to accept his feelings. I just wanted to shake him at times but eventually he does come around.

With this book I just had the hardest time connecting with the plot and everything that was going out outside of Carissa and Beau's relationship. The plot just lacked the intrigue and suspense that was in the previous books in the series. While I did enjoy meeting new characters, which I assume will eventually get their own stories, I just felt like something was missing. I will say, even though I had issues with some of this book, Miz Foley still has a way with sucking me in and making it so that I don't want to put the book down. I am intrigued with what's in-store for the future of this series. I'm curious to see how things will be in future books and I find I can't wait to pick up the next book.

**ARC copy provided by Edelweiss**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Friday, September 14, 2012

Interview with Author Jessica E. Subject and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author, Jessica E. Subject. Jessica is currently on tour promoting the release of her book The Power of Three and has stopped by the blog to answer a few questions. Before I give the floor over to Jessica, let us learn some about her.

Jessica Subject started writing to encourage her daughter to read. Now she writes to keep herself grounded. Although she reads many genres, she enjoys writing Science Fiction Romance the most and believes everyone in the universe deserves a happily ever after. She lives Southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids and loves to hear from anyone who has enjoyed her stories.

Places to find Jessica:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Review: Close to You by Kate Perry

It upsets me to say that I didn't really care for this book, which is a complete bummer. After finishing Perfect for You I couldn't wait to start this one. I just felt like it this book was lacking a bit. I never got a real feel for the characters and I could have done without the crazy villainous mother. I just felt like she was so over the top.

While I enjoyed the relationship between Eve and Treat, I felt it was missing something. I think I would have like to see more book time devoted to them. I just never felt like we saw them grow as a couple and that their feelings seemed a bit premature. I never got a sense it was love, it just felt like a strong like.

As for Eve and Treat I enjoyed their characters a lot. I loved that Eve has a shoe fetish and tries to keep a positive attitude even when things don't go her way. I found that she was sweet and endearing and I found myself really rooting for her. With Treat I really came to like him. Did I think he was the bad boy he is portrayed? No, not at all. Treat is a sweet guy and is more like Prince Charming than James Dean. He is always coming to Eve's rescue and I love that he isn't afraid of his feelings.

My biggest issue with this book is Treat's mother. This woman is seriously crazy and I just hated that she got so much book time. I was not a fan of hers and how things ended up with her. I just think things with her were wrapped way to nicely and it just didn't feel realistic that after everything she did for everyone to forgive her so quickly.

**Copy provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

18+ Over Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my stop on the 18+ Over Giveaway Hop. This giveaway hop was put together by Bitten By Paranormal Romance and Author Gabrielle Bisset and will run from September 13 - September 17. There are over 100+ blogs participating so plenty of chances to win some goodies. Take a look at what's up for grabs at my spot.

Up for grabs:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Interview with Author Lauren Hammond and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lauren Hammond. Lauren is celebrating the recent release of her book 12 Rounds and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Before I get to the interview, let's get to know about Lauren some.

It all began with a dinosaur, a T-Rex to be exact. He was the main character in my very first short story. Me and T, well, we went places. He is the reason I won my first essay contest at age ten. And he is probably one of the number one reasons, I pursued a career in writing.

Throughout highschool, I was what you would call a rebel. Someone who had convinced herself that she had life figured out at age sixteen. Still, writing was my only safe-haven during that time. I wrote notebooks full of poetry, even writing fellow classmates papers for them.

Unbeknowest to me, creative writing, seemed to be my one, true calling, my passion in life.

At age twenty, I began writing my first novel. After that, everything seemed to fall into place.

I won Best Poets and Poems of 2007, and The Editor's Choice award for my poem, Summer Days.

Also, during that time I wrote or co-wrote fifteen different screenplays, some which earned me finalist spot in various screenplay competitions.

In 2010, I've come full force, with my novel Love Sucks, that was released by Punkin House Press, in August of 2010. On top of Love Sucks, I have six novels that are slated to be released through the next five years. Also, doing some various marketing work for authors and publishers.

I pride myself in telling fellow writers to always follow their dreams. Who knows where I would be if I would have given up.

Places to find Lauren:

Guest Post with Author Jenna Jaxon

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Jenna Jaxon. Jenna is celebrating the recent release of her book Only Scandal Will Do and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Jenna let's get to know her a bit.

Jenna Jaxon is a multi-published author of historical and contemporary romance. She is currently finishing revisions to her third full length novel, As Long As You’re Mine, set in Victorian London and Richmond, Virginia. Her Georgian novel, Only Scandal Will Do, the first in what she hopes will be a series of five interconnecting novels, will be released in May 2012.

Jenna has been reading and writing historical romance since she was a teenager. A romantic herself, she has always loved a dark side to the genre, a twist, suspense, a surprise. She tries to incorporate all of these elements into her own stories. She lives in Virginia with her family and a small menagerie of pets. When not reading or writing, she indulges her passion for the theatre, working with local theatres as a director. She often feels she is directing her characters on their own private stage.

She has equated her writing to an addiction to chocolate because once she starts she just can’t stop.

Places to find Jenna:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guest Post with Author Cari Quinn and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author Cari Quinn. Cari is celebrating the release of her newest book No Flowers Required and has stopped by the blog for a chat. Before I give the floor over to Cari, let's get to know her a bit.

USA TODAY bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story--a bible parable--in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. She attempted her first romance in junior high, long before she'd ever read one. Writing what she knew always took a backseat to what she wanted to know, and that still holds true today.

Though she also fires up her computer as a graphic designer, proofreader and editor, she can't resist the lure of disappearing into a world of her own creation. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars.

The only thing she loves more than writing is hearing from readers!

Places to find Cari:
Site Blog Facebook Twitter |

Monday, September 10, 2012

Can't Beat Kindle Deals!

Once again there are some amazing Kindle deals that I just couldn't resist sharing. I hope you find something to add to your collections! Happy Reading. =)






Happy Reading =)

Guest Post with Author Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC author Jillian Stone. Jillian is celebrating the release of her newest book A Dangerous Liaison with Detective Lewis and has stopped by to chat about Alpha and Beta heroes. Before I give the floor over to Jillian, let's get to know a bit about her.

Jillian Stone’s Victorian Romantic Suspense novel AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY won the 2010 RWA Golden Heart and is the first novel in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series for Pocket Books. Her sexy, supernatural Steampunk novel, THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK, won the 2010 Romance Through The Ages Erotica category and sold to Kensington Brava. Jillian lives in California and is currently working on the next adventure for both series.

Places to find Jillian: