
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Review: Strings by Kendall Grey

This book starts off with a bang and doesn't let up! I absolutely loved this down and dirty total raunchfest, and could not put it down! Strings by Kendall Grey is definitely a book that grabs a hold of you and refuses to let go. This book is not for everyone. I will tell you straight up that if you are at all easily offended or looking for a sweet and romantic read, you are going to want to stop reading this and steer clear of this book. That's not to say that this book doesn't have love or romance, but it's not your hearts and flowers type of story. I loved this book because it wasn't that typical ooey gooey type of read. This one was unique and different, raw and gritty. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed every second of it..

Looking to celebrate her birthday, Letty Dillinger goes to a bar with her last few dollars and ends up in a hotel room with a sexy stranger. After a night of adventurous and wild sex, she takes off never expecting to see Shades again. Her rock group Cherry Buzz Float books a tour with a band that they have a bad history with, but Letty is determined that they make this work and get the future in music they are looking for. When the band shows up, they have a new lead singer who just so happens to be none other than Shades her hot one night stand. Shades is now the competition for her music career and Letty has to make sure that she steers clear of him and the attraction she feels in order to make the best of the tour. But living on a tour bus in cramped quarters ends up being more than either of them can resist. Soon they are rocking out on stage, and then rocking the bus after the shows. Is there more to their fabulous sex and secret hook-ups? What happens when they start to develop feelings for each other?

Shades is freaking hot! OMG I loved him. He is open, adventurous and I thought his attitude about trying anything once was great! He's gorgeous and super sexy, and so passionate not to mention an absolute rock god! I loved that he was so unique and wasn't like any character that I have read before. He was constantly surprising me, and I had such a great time reading as he and Letty got to know each other. Letty was amazing! She was brilliant and unrelenting, and so absolutely true to herself. I really thought that she wasn't just a girl who happens to be a rock star, she was who she was and didn't make excuses or apologies for that. I thought it was refreshing how comfortable she was with herself. Letty and Shades are truly one of a kind characters that are so easy to like and root for. They will absolutely stick with me and will be some of my all time favorites. These two were also extremely hot together! Off the charts chemistry and super hot sex scenes! They fact that they were so uninhibited really showed that they belonged together and that they had a great connection and trust between them. One of my favorite things about their relationship though was that they were constantly fighting for control, and both of them were used to being in charge yet they worked so well together and complimented the other perfectly. It was really fun as a reader to watch as they pushed each other and to experience how intense their relationship was.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic! This one was over the top raunchy and yet it absolutely worked! It was fun and entertaining! I loved that it wasn't all angsty and emotional and the fact that it was so unpredictable. You never knew what would happen next or what these crazy characters would say or do. I loved all the secondary characters as well as Letty and Shades, and can't wait to read more about them. I will tell you that I hated Kate and wanted to punch the shit out of her. But as much as I disliked her, I loved Jinx! This book was the perfect escape I was looking for and was one of the best books I have ever read. If you are looking for an entertaining and dirty read that you can lose yourself in, this is absolutely what you are looking for! I would highly recommend this one to anyone that likes some hot rock star sex that not only pushes boundaries but flat out destroys them! Strings might have been the first book I have read by Kendall Grey, but it definitely won't be the last. I can't even tell you how much I loved this book and look forward to reading more from Grey in the future!

**Copy provided by Author**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event - Stefanie Sloane

A native Northwesterner with the pale skin to prove it, Stefanie Sloane credits her parents’ eclectic reading habits—not to mention their decision to live in the middle of nowhere—for her love of books. A childhood spent lost in the pages of countless novels led Stefanie to college where she majored in English. No one was more surprised than Stefanie when she actually put her degree to use and landed a job in’s Books editorial department. She spent over five years reading for a living before retiring to concentrate on her own stories. Stefanie currently resides with her family in Seattle.

Places to find Stefanie: 
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ARC Review: In Bed With Mr. Wrong by Katee Robert

I haven't read anything by Katee Robert before In Bed With Mr. Wrong, but I have really come to like pretty much most books in the Brazen line from Entangled Publishing. They are always sexy stories filled with lots of good and steamy scenes. This book was no different and I really enjoyed those parts of this book. That being said, I did have mixed feelings about this book. For the most part though, I found this one to be enjoyable.

Brianne agrees to go on a blind date with her friend's brother while he is on leave from the Air Force. When Ryan shows up at her door, they immediately get off on the wrong foot. They go on their date, and things get even worse. Brianne thinks that he is way out of her league, and Ryan thinks that she is an uptight prude. When the date ends abruptly they trade more insults and end up sharing a passionate kiss that leads to even more. They both can't stand each other, but the attraction they feel and the physical connection they have explodes any time they are around each other. Ryan's brother and their friend end up tricking them into becoming stranded at a cabin for a weekend knowing that they will eventually have to stop fighting what is between them. They spend the first bit of time there fighting like normal, but soon their physical connection grows into more when they start opening up to each other. Before long they are no longer fighting, and they begin to fall for one another. But when Ryan suddenly gets called back on a mission before they ever really get started, is it possible that they can have a future with so much distance?

I liked Ryan a lot. I thought that he was sexy and a lot better guy than most gave him credit for. He seemed to be pretty misunderstood, and Bri definitely jumped to conclusions with him. It was great to see him take care of Bri and cook for her even when they were constantly fighting. I loved watching him give her all of her missed childhood memories and loved watching as they opened up to each other. They were fun to watch when they weren't always sniping at each other. Bri was likable one minute and frustrating the next. She was a little bit confusing to me. She was really kind of uptight out of bed and then all of a sudden was really sweet when they were being physical. I didn't really get it, it seemed like a complete shift in personality. There were times though that she would drop her guard a bit though, and those times were when I did like her. I just wish that she would have been a bit more consistent. Ryan and Bri had a lot of heat and attraction between them though, and I really enjoyed that part of their relationship.

Overall, I thought that this was a quick and easy read. The arguing and insults got a bit old for me and seemed to be a bit immature. Don't get me wrong, I love some good banter and snarky comments, but some of these were just flat out mean. I also felt like it went on for a bit too long, which ended up making the ending seem a bit rushed for me. I really liked the end and how they were with each other though, I just wish it would have started a bit sooner. I did really enjoy Robert's writing style though, and thought that sexy scenes were done really well. I also liked Drew and Avery, and I look forward to reading more about them. I think this one was a good read despite the criticisms I had, and if you are looking for an enemies to lovers story this is one that you will probably enjoy. I will look for more from Katee Robert in the future, and I look forward to seeing where she takes this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, February 14, 2014

ARC Review: Pushing the Line by Kimberly Kincaid

Pushing the Line is the forth novella in the Line series by Kimberly Kincaid. This sexy short story is about Blake's cousin Aaron who we first met in Outside the Lines. This novella can be read as a stand alone but does have interconnected characters from the previous stories. This is the second story in this series that I have read, and I have really liked both of them. They are short, sweet, and written really well. These novellas are the perfect way to spend a few hours and are really enjoyable to read. Kimberly Kincaid is definitely an author that I will be keeping an eye on in the future.

After Harper's grandma dies she heads to Brentsville in order to settle her affairs. Harper quickly finds out that her grandma left her the business that she treasured for so many years, her candy shop called Luscious. Even though Harper used to help her run the business in the summers away from school, Harper is an artist that spends her life traveling and never staying in one place for very long. She makes plans to sell the business and her grandma's house. But while she is in the candy shop going through things, the old and faulty wiring cause a fire. Though Harper does her best to put it out, she ends up having to call the fire department. When they arrive she meets Aaron, and they get off on the wrong foot when Harper refuses to leave the burning building before finding her grandma's beloved candy molds. After the fire is out, Harper begins the process of trying to find someone to help her repair the building so that she can list it. When the contractor shows up, it is none other than the sexy firefighter Aaron. As they work together to repair the damage, they begin to get to know each other and stop fighting their attraction to one another. But can they possibly have a future together when Harper is determined to stick with her plan of selling Luscious and leaving town?

I really liked Aaron. He's a sexy firefighter who is good with his hands. He is laid back and does what he wants regardless of what others think that he should be doing. I loved that he didn't do what his family expected of him and went his own way. I also really loved how great of a guy he was with his friends and the family that he chose. He was really caring and would do whatever he could to help them out. He was just a really sweet guy, and I loved that when his family was giving him such a hard time about Harper that he was straight up honest with them and didn't try to cover it up. He knew they would give him a hard time, and he just laid it all out there. Harper had her moments where she was really likable, and then there were other times that she really irritated me. I thought that she was a bit rude and close minded. She seemed to have this attitude straight off and was not very easy to root for at first. I understand that she had been through a lot, but she just seemed to be a bit mean and she made some really dumb decisions right off. I couldn't believe how much she fought Aaron right away. But I came to like her as the story progressed and she started to let her guard down. Aaron really helped her open up and I thought that they were really great for one another. They had a lot of chemistry and were hot together, but they also had a connection that seemed to really grow and strengthen as the book went on.

Overall, this book was short and sweet. It was a great addition to the Line series from what I have read so far. I am so glad that we got Aaron's story after meeting him in Blake's book. I really love how all the characters interact, and that they have sort of made their own family. You could really tell just how much everyone cares for each other, and it was fun to watch them give each other a hard time out of love. This novella was really entertaining and I enjoyed the few hours I spent reading it. I look forward to going back and reading the first few stories in this series, and I know that I will enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed Aaron's and Blake's novellas. If you are a Contemporary Romance fan, I think that this series is one that you will really enjoy. These stories are written well, have likable characters, and are quick and enjoyable reads. I will look for more from Kimberly Kincaid in the future.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event - Theresa Romain

Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest, where she is working on her next book.

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ARC Review: Be Mine Forever by Marina Adair

I was really looking forward to reading “Be Mine Forever” by Marina Adair for Valentine’s Day holiday. I was looking forward to a sweet and sappy romance. I saw wonderful reviews for the author and her other works. I expected a fun and light romance. I was half right. I tried a couple of times to get into this romance but it fell flat to me. When we meet Trey he is running frantically to his grandma’s side fearing the worst (Not a big spoiler here: she is fine). There is so much “extra” drama and extra obsessive thoughts, does she like? Does he like me? It’s hard to picture the hero and heroine as two functioning adults in this book. To me, they seem like two teenagers trapped in adult bodies.

Trey DeLuca is a successful business man, he with his brothers and sister have a very successful wine company. Trey is your average hot, new women-every-month kind of guy. Typically I find these type of characters fun, because I like to see them fall in love with the heroine… That was not the case with this story. Trey was so obnoxious and extremely corny. I had to roll my eyes at his pick- up lines. They were awful. The first two minutes of meeting Sara he keeps making comments about undressing her. His overly obnoxious comments continue on for the rest of the story. I get it, you’re a stud but at least make an effort to be charming. I did enjoy the dynamic he had with his family. All his brothers are married, or getting married or new fathers, so he feels like the odd man out. He sees that all his brothers have moved on from being single. I didn’t quite understand Trey’s confusion about this. He seemed to have a little bit of a hard time dealing with his brothers growing up. Try joining them (hint-hint).

Sara Reed is a widow with a young son. She owns a dance studio and gives Trey’s grandma dance lessons. She is instantly attracted to Trey but feels clumsy in the dating world and really anywhere else… She crashes her car into his and then can’t seem to get her coat off… Again…eye-rolling here. So, Sara is a widow and she is balancing motherhood and working. These are all understandable. Sara is attracted to Trey and he is attracted to her and all of the sudden they start to obsess about where there relationship is going. Sara is concerned about what Trey is looking for, why didn’t she just ask him? Save herself all the extra drama? My biggest issue with her… she trades dancing lessons with Trey if he will babysit her son. I have a big issue with this… Usually these types of scenarios are cute and endearing but they did not work. I found the entire story to be choppy and my attention wandered. This book received so many good reviews I was really looking forward to it, but it did not work for me. I will say some things I did like. The grandma, ChiChi, was adorable even though extremely meddlesome. Sara’s son was also adorable and very likeable character. Trey’s siblings don’t play a big part of the book but their presence does. I would say, anything that did not include Trey and Sara was enjoyable. I know! Ouch! But really…I can’t think of any more annoying characters then these two… Happy Valentine’s Day! =)

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

ARC Review: Fighting For Irish by Gina L. Maxwell

I love a good sports romance, so when I saw Fighting For Irish by Gina L. Maxwell I knew this was one that I wanted to read. Fighting For Irish is the first book that I have ever read by Maxwell, but I have heard really great things about her work. I was not disappointed at all. This book was so good and I absolutely loved every word of it. Even though this book is the third in her Fighting For Love series, these can be read as stand alones. After reading this one though, I can't wait to go back and read first two books.

Kat MacGregor has been living under the name Sydney while waitressing at a bar barely scraping by. She is on the run from some men who want her to pay up for a debt that her ex-boyfriend ran out on. When they finally catch up to her, they give her forty-eight hours to come up with the twenty grand or else. Not knowing what to do she plans to run. Aiden "Irish" O'brien has been keeping an eye on Kat even though she has no clue. When his friend's fiance asked him to find her sister and look out for her he never expected to get to know her. But now that he has been working with her and keeping an eye on her, he finds himself unable to walk away. When he finds out she is in trouble, he vows to protect her and get her out of the debt. But in order to come up with the money to buy her freedom, he must reenter the world of MMA fighting that he left behind years ago. Aiden has been running from his own past, and knowing that he needs to fight is bound to bring it all back. As Aiden and Kat begin to spend more time together, their feelings quickly grow. But can they get her out of danger before time runs out and any chance at a future together is lost?

I loved Aiden! He was sexy and sweet, protective and caring. I loved how he was so patient and gentle with Kat despite him used to being a certain way with women. He really showed that he cared for her beyond her just being a favor to a friend or a random girl. I loved watching him help her heal. I loved how real Aiden was. He was kind of a slob and was rough around the edges, but I found him and his Boston accent completely charming. He was really sort of perfect in all him imperfections. I felt so bad for him with all the guilt that he carried and how he kept himself away from those he loved because of it. Kat was great. She was vulnerable yet strong, and I loved that even though she was broken from her past she wasn't apologetic about her circumstances. She accepted her situation and was determined to protect her sister from ever knowing what had happened to her as well as the situation she was in. I liked that she had learned to stand on her own two feet, but it was even better when she started learning to accept help from Irish. Not only was he great with her, but she helped him to realize that he deserved better than what he had been living like as well. These two were so perfect for each other, and I loved that the drama and angst was saved for things beyond their relationship. They had their issues along the way, but most of the problems they experienced were due to things outside of their connection and that was nice for a change. Aiden and Kat had off the charts chemistry and they were amazingly hot together! I loved how things started off slow for them and really grew. I think it made their relationship and connection that much more believable.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic. It was a great romance that had so much to offer. I thought that the writing was great and the story flowed really well. I was interested from the start, and the characters were so likable that I was immediately invested in their HEA. I didn't want to put this one down, and I only did when absolutely forced to. I also really loved the secondary characters that we encountered also, especially Xander. I really hope that we get his story! This is definitely a must read for anyone who likes a rough and tough hero that is surprisingly gentle. I would highly recommend this book to any fan of romance though because it is definitely one of the best books I have read in quite awhile. I will definitely be looking for more from Gina L. Maxwell in the future and can't wait to go back and read the first two installments in this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event - Jennifer McQuiston

Jennifer McQuiston is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Victoria-era historical romance, including What Happens in Scotland and Summer is for Lovers. The third book in her series, Moonlight on My Mind, will be released March 25, 2014. A veterinarian and infectious disease researcher by training, Jennifer has always preferred reading romance to scientific textbooks. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, two daughters (who got a pony out of mom’s book deal!), and a house full of pets.

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ARC Review: Winter at Mustang Ridge by Jesse Hayworth

Since I never read Jesse Hayworth I was not sure what to expect. Winter at Mustang Ridge was a sweet read set in a small town. I personally like novels set in small towns so I enjoyed reading about the community and the setting. Although this is part of the Mustang Ridge series I didn’t feel lost not having read the previous book in the series. I was pleasantly surprised that Ms. Hayworth was very engaging and easy to read. She offers a great insight into life on the ridge. Her descriptions made the scenery more vivid and real. The author also explained the family dynamic inside the Skype family.

Our heroine Jenny Skype returns to Mustang Ridge to give her twin sister a much needed break. Jenny is a videographer and travels all around the world. When she takes over for her sister she finds herself in overwhelming situations because she has not run a ranch before. Nick Masterson is the town vet. He has traded his own adventurous past and settled down in Mustang Ridge. Jenny and Nick are joined trying to rescue a dog that is abandoned. I thought that this book was cute because I love the idea of them meeting and “joining forces” to rescue the dog. Although Jenny and Nick were cute I thought that after they met the story fell a little flat. I have to confess I put it down a couple of times and came back to it. It was sweet watching them fall in love and get to know each other but it wasn’t an overly exciting love story. Aside from their shared mutual past-both lived exciting city lives they take it slowly getting to know each other. I thought that Jenny was looking for problems with Nick, her biggest complaint is that he had a past and a relationship. They are both adults, it would be expected that they both had some type of relationship history, So I do recommend this story if you’re looking for a small town romance with a hunky vet.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

ARC Review: The Duke's Match Girl by LIla DiPasqua

Leopold d’Ermant, the Duc de Mont-Marly or Leo, gives new meaning to redemption. Although a real jerk seven years ago he has finally come to his senses. Suzanne and Leo grew up together, they were childhood friends. As they grew so did their feelings for each other. Suzanne’s father is the family physician and Suzanne grows attached to the family. Leo and Suzanne can’t hide their feelings for each other and take their relationship to the next level. He makes her promises that he knows he will not keep, he knows that Suzanne wants to be married. Leo is already promised, through an arranged marriage to someone else. Leo however, never tells Suzanne. Suzanne disgraced and heartbroken leaves the home she always knew as her own-Montbrison, with her father. Leo goes on to marry his promised finaceé.

When the novella begins it seven years later. Suzanne has become a very talented physician/ elixir mixer of sorts. She is very talented and has followed in her father’s footsteps. She is working at her little shop when she receives a note from Leopold. Upon receiving the note Suzanne tells Leopold what he can do with his note and his request. So how can such a jerk find redemption? With Ms. DiPasqua’s talent Leo redeems himself. After seven years he realizes that he can no longer live without Suzanne but he also realizes that what he did was unforgivable and he has to find a way to convince her of his regret. Most importantly, he has to convince her that he loves her and that he deserves a second chance.

I really enjoyed this novella. Ms. DiPasqua was so engaging. The story read like a fairy tale with some very detailed “rekindling” between Suzanne and Leo. Suzanne was a great heroine. She was determined to not give into Leo and she really made him prove himself. She was witty and entertaining to read. Suzanne is no longer the innocent and vulnerable young women she was and she is ready to stand up for herself. Our hero was an equally entertaining character. He was truly sorry for his past and made sure to show Suzanne with not only his words but his very sincere actions. Midway through the story they return to Montbrison and they share very detailed and steamy acquaintances. Can these two finally find their happily ever after? The story does not disappoint. I found the novella to be fun, romantic and worth the read. The writing was engaging and the story flowed. Great and fun novella!

**ARC provided by Author**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event - Lila DiPasqua

Lila DiPasqua is a multi-published, national bestselling author of historical romance with heat. Her novels are published by Penguin/Berkley, as well as having self-published works. She is best known for her critically acclaimed Fiery Tales series. She lives with her husband and three children in Canada and is a firm believer in the happily-ever-after.

Places to find Lila:
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ARC Review: Tycoon Reunion by Candace Havens and Shannon Leigh

Tycoon Reunion by Candace Havens and Shannon Leigh was a fun, short, flirty read. Annabelle Darlington and Jake Michaels were high school sweethearts but he dumped her when high school graduation came along. Jake went on to become a very successful business “tycoon”. Annabelle is out on a date, a not very successful date, when she bumps into Jake. He ends up rescuing her from her date and in exchange he asks her for a favor.

Annabelle and Jake were a cute couple. They had instant chemistry and witty conversations. When they re-connect Jake realizes that he still has lingering feelings for Annabelle and tries to win her back. Annabelle is also “back in love” with Jake but realizes that he, once again, has the power to hurt her. For his credit, Jake tries very hard to win her back and prove to her that he is worth a second chance. The reality of the situation is that they were both too young to put their lives on hold as teenagers. Both needed to grow up and figure out who they were.

Because this is a short read not too much happens other than them reconnecting and getting to know each other but the length doesn’t stop this story from being enjoyable and fun. I found Annabelle to be more than what appeared. Although she came off as flirty and at time flighty, she was a successful historical architect. Ironically Jake is in town to demolish a building that she is trying to preserve. The rivalry added to the tension that was already there. I liked that Annabelle was a strong and competent women. She was also very straightforward about how Jake her in the past. I definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a fun couple with just the right amount of tension. Short and fun!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

ARC Review: Staking His Claim by Tessa Bailey

Staking His Claim is the fifth book in Tessa Bailey's Line of Duty Series. These books have interconnected characters, but can be read as stand alones. I have loved every one of her books that I have read so far, and have been waiting to get Matt's story. This book was really good, and I really enjoyed reading about another one of her dirty talking heroes. Even though there was a lot that I really liked, there were a few things that kept this one from being my favorite though. Matt and Lucy's story was still one that I really had a good time reading, and I think it is definitely worth the time spent.

Matt agrees to pick up his best friend's little sister and her friend and drive them from Syracuse to NYC. When Matt shows up at a coffee shop to get directions, he has no idea that the attractive girl in a booth is the same little sister. He calls her a nuisance to the barista, and Lucy overhears him. She pretends to be her roommate Sasha, and asks him for a ride saying that Lucy went with a boyfriend to a lake house. On the ride when the care breaks down, Lucy (as Sasha) and Matt end up getting a hotel room and their attraction for each other explodes. Lucy feels guilty for not telling Matt who she really is, and immediately pulls away from him despite how she really feels. Once they get to the city, the go their separate ways only to run into each other at her brother Brent's engagement party. Matt is furious when he finds out that she lied to him, but isn't able to stay away from her. Despite his disgust for liars, he continues to be drawn to her and the two of them find that they can't stay away from each other. Lucy is weighing her options for a job in either NYC or Paris, and Matt is convinced that he is no good for Lucy. Will they open themselves up to the chance at being together or will there be too many things standing in their way?

I really liked Matt. I always knew that there was more beneath the surface with him, and even though he has always been the quiet one of the group I have been waiting to get to know him. I loved seeing all the different sides to him, and it was especially nice to see him let loose a bit and have a playful side. Lucy really seemed to open him up and bring out all the different facets of his personality. Lucy was feisty and fun, but she was also really caring and open. I loved that she was able to be submissive to Matt and give him control in the bedroom, but that she didn't tolerate crap outside of the bedroom. She forced him to open up and be honest with her even when it was difficult for him. Lucy and Matt seemed to have a connection right away that was really strong. I also thought that these two had a ton of chemistry and were super hot together. Tessa Bailey definitely knows how to bring the steam, and Lucy and Matt's story was no exception.

I did think that the relationship and connection between Lucy and Matt was a bit rushed. The timetable for everything just seemed to be a bit quick for me. Even though you could tell that they were falling for each other, I just felt that it wasn't the most realistic, despite how they were together. The other thing that I didn't really understand was how insecure Matt was about his "darker" side. He liked to be in control and wasn't exactly vanilla in his tastes, but I didn't really see what was so dark about him. Honestly I felt like all the angst and brooding was a bit much considering. I also thought that when it came down to him revealing his story to Lucy, that it was pretty brief and almost anticlimactic. It was brought up and rushed through, and then as soon as it had been said it was over. For something to have affected him so strongly it just seemed that it was glossed over. Overall though, I really think that Tessa Bailey is a fabulous writer and I love her characters. She always draws me in and keeps me interested from start to finish. She is definitely the queen of dirty talkers and hot and steamy sex. I know that every book I read by her is one that I will enjoy and even with my few criticisms here, this story is no exception. I highly recommend this story to fans of this series, but also to anyone who loves a good romance filled with steamy and sexy scenes. If you have never read Tessa Bailey, she is definitely worth the read, and has become one that I consider an auto-buy. This series is an absolute must read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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