
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Lori M.
Rafe's Redemption by Jennifer Jakes

Eden's Sin by Jennifer Jakes

Lindsey V.
The Magic Between Us by Tammy Falkner

Control by Charlotte Stein

Carol L.
Brooke B.
Lindsey V.
Maria S.
RFTC Monthly Giveaway

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: How to Master Your Marquis (A Princess in Hiding #2) by Juliana Gray

This was a great story but I will admit I had a difficult time at the beginning… I put the book down a couple of times and kept coming back to it. I had difficulty understanding what was going on in the story. After I did a little research I understood what was happening and then became very interested!

When the book starts we have a trial James Lambert, the Marquess of Hatherfield is on trial for the murder of his stepmother. We also have Stephanie dressed up as man working as the court clerk. The story then jumps to eight months ago where Stephanie, really Princess Stefanie Victoria Augusta, is disguising herself as Stephen Thomas who is a law clerk. She shares a carriage ride with James who instantly realizes that “Thomas” is really a woman disguised as man. After I got through some of the confusion of why she is disguised I really enjoyed this story, that really has a little of everything.

Stephanie’s life is in danger, as are her two other sisters. Their parents were murdered and in an effort to keep the princess of Holstein-Schweinwald-Huhnhof safe the three are separated and forced to live in disguise. After I got into the story I was really intrigued with the backstory behind Stephanie and her family and I added “How to Tame Your Duke”, the first part of the series, to my “to-read” list. I loved what I learned about Princess Emilie and the Duke of Ashland.

I thought Stephanie was such a great heroine! She is the youngest so she feels that her role in the royal heritage is not as a vital as her sisters. She is vibrant and less worrisome than her sisters. According to her own descriptions, she was always getting into mischief. Stephanie is also a lot fun! She really plays up the part of being a man and there were some really funny moments! One of them took part in a brothel.

James is also such a great character! He is such an outstanding guy. I loved that he was not the typical womanizer that much of the great looking characters are usually portrayed as. Even though he is very good-looking and surrounded by adoring women he is a very humble and solid man. He is very respectful of Stephanie and goes against his own desires and wants to keep her safe and protected. He is also ahead of his time, deciding to invest his money in housing for the middleclass instead of gaming at cards like the typical aristocrat. One he discovers who Stephanie really is he pledges himself to protecting her. However, in all fairness to the noble James he was always protective of “Thomas”. When Stephanie is playing the part of the inexperienced law clerk James takes it upon himself to check-in on “Thomas” and make sure that he is fairing ok. I loved the relationship that he had with Stephanie even before it turned romantic. They spent time together as friends and were not constricted with the rules of society since everyone believed that Stephanie was really a man.

The trial played a very climatic point in the story since it’s obvious that James did kill his stepmother. I have to confess that I suspected the real murder and I anticipated the ending to a degree. Although, I absolutely loved that Stephanie really played by her own rules and that James was so noble the switching back and forth between the present day murder trial the past was a little confusing. The author connected the events from the present to the past but it was not my favorite part. I can see why some readers may enjoy the jigsaw puzzle storyline but for me I thought that there was already way too much going on. I also found it a little difficult to believe that James was the only one that saw behind Stephanie’s disguise. At no point in the story do any of the other characters believe that she is really a woman. I’m looking forward to the next part of the series and you can’t go wrong with this book!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Sealed With a Kiss Event - Anna Campbell

ANNA CAMPBELL has written eight multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes fulltime. Her latest release is A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS, book two of the Sons of Sin series. Don’t miss her free short story, “His Christmas Cinderella”, in the e-anthology A GROSVENOR SQUARE CHRISTMAS, released in October 2013.

Places to find Anna:

Monthly Giveaway - February

Want to win some goodies?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for 2 lucky winners.

Here's a peek at this months prize.

3 lucky people will win a SURPRISE gift. It could be books, swag or even a gift card. So make sure to enter!

ARC Review: Falling For Her Soldier by Ophelia London

I love a good man in uniform story, so when I saw Falling For Her Soldier by Ophelia London I knew I had to read this one. I really liked the cover, but the blurb was what really drew me in. Falling For Her Soldier is the third book in the Perfect Kisses Series, and although the characters are linked these books can easily be read as standalones. I really liked the main characters in this story, but I also really liked the characters from the previous books. I can't wait to go back and read their stories now as well.

Ellie always knew that she wanted to be a professional ballerina and was on her way until an injury forced her to retire early. She now runs the ballet studio that was her mother's before she passed away. Ellie teaches children ballet classes and spends her time with her best friend Jane and her brother Sam, who just returned from overseas after being injured on his last mission. Ellie has been emailing one of the men in her brother's unit and has grown to have feelings for him. But Charlie stopped responding, and she has no idea what happened to him. After putting herself on a self imposed year of no dating and men, she finally thought that she had a met a good one after many bad ones in a row. When she meets Hunter while visiting her brother one day, she knows that she should stay away from him. "Big Game Hunter" is known for being a playboy, but as Ellie gets to know him better she sees a different side to him. What she doesn't know is that Hunter is reallly Charlie. Soon Ellie is beginning to fall for Hunter and starts to get over Charlie and his disappearance. But when the truth comes out, will Ellie be able to get past his deception?

I really liked Charlie. I thought he was sweet and caring, and he was a really great guy. He looked out for his friends and fellow soldiers, and he really stepped up to help Ellie save the center that helped soldiers. I liked that he wasn't afraid to put himself out of his comfort zone for her, and it really showed just how much he had changed. He was just one of those good guys that you wanted to root for. I also thought that it was really cute how much he loved Elvis. Not a lot of guys would admit that, and he seemed to have no problem opening up to Ellie which was a nice change from most guys. Ellie was strong and smart, and I liked that she was able to move on after her injury. She was obviously still upset with how things played out and it still affected her, but she continued to live her life and be happy. I thought that she was really sweet and I loved how determined she was to make it so that the soldiers would always have a place to go. She was scared about her brother and the soldiers because of their dangerous job, and yet she accepted it and dealt with it with a bravery that most women don't have. Charlie and Ellie were sweet together and also had a ton of chemistry. I liked that their relationship began as a friendship through their correspondence and grew from there. It was really nice to watch how they got to know each other, even if Ellie didn't know who he really was at the time.

Overall, this story was a quick and sweet read that I found to be very enjoyable. I can't say that this one was that much different than other contemporary reads, but it was definitely one that I had a good time reading and left me feeling happy. This book is cute and heartwarming and definitely worth the time. I found the characters to be likable and interesting. I look forward to going back and getting Charlie's sister's story as well as the story about his friends Mac and Rick. I also really liked Ellie's brother Sam, and thought it was great how protective he was of her. I hope that we get his story someday too! I recommend this story if you are a Contemporary Romance fan, or if you are like me and like a hot man in uniform! Ophelia London is a great writer, and this story was extremely well written. I'm excited to read more from her in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Friday, January 31, 2014

ARC Review: The Echoes of Love by Hannah Fielding

The Echoes of Love by Hannah Fielding was an interesting read. There were some parts that I really enjoyed and some parts I had a difficult time with. Venetia, our heroine, and Pablo, our hero, were difficult to understand at first. Their relationship was almost a little creepy. Paolo and Venetia meet when he rescues her from a mugging. He is very helpful and although she is appreciative of his help she is very leery of him. After this chance meeting they keep running into each other and he keeps trying to engage her. He asks her out, he offers her a ride, and he is basically telling her that he is interested. Venetia is very cautious with him. She does not trust or know him and she doesn’t seem to want to. As the story unfolds it becomes apparent why at first she is so hesitant but until that it almost feels like he is stalking her. This was the difficult part for me because I wasn’t sure how to feel about them. What kind of relationship was this? Venetia is also very guarded. When he asks her about her relationship status she flips on him and basically tells him it’s none of your business. Again, a little strange.

The author is highly descriptive about basically everything. She goes into very great detail about Venice itself, which sounds beautiful. She gives many phrases in Italian, which also sounds beautiful, but as I was reading these extra description they seem to take up a lot of the story telling and it almost interrupted the flow of the story. Fielding also inserts a lot of different sayings from different people. For example, Paolo all of the sudden says a quote in English. It didn’t flow with the story, I don’t know many people that say random quotes off the top of their head. I think some readers would really enjoy this, I could have done with a little less of the above mentioned. Though the setting sounded beautiful there was and underlining tone of unease. There are definitely elements of a romance story here but I almost felt like this was more of women’s fiction just because Venetia is a bigger part of the story than anything else.

Although the author gives us insight into why Venetia is so cautious, at times boarding on mean, I thought that it was a little too over the top and dramatic. Throughout the story there was an underlining tone of something quite not right and at the end the author gives away a big secret. The big secret at the end was a little bit of a disappointment for me… I didn’t find it believable. It did clear up for me why I had an unsettling feeling throughout the story though. Overall, this book was very original, I can honestly say that I never read anything like it. The author gives different points of view to help make the story more understandable. Any reader that enjoys learning about different countries, especially Italy, will really love this story because the author really helps you to experience the country and culture.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Cathy Maxwell and Giveaway

Born in Olathe, Kansas, Cathy Maxwell’s family roots go back to the Mayflower and the Revolutionary War. She has long called Virginia home, noting she is “a Virginian by choice, but a Kansan by nature.” She worked in television news as a broadcaster before spending six years in the Navy. She attended Air Force intelligence school, worked in the Pentagon and did a tour with Naval Intelligence.

Cathy began her writing career in 1991 while her children were still small. “It wasn’t easy,” she says. “I worked full time, my husband travelled, we had three kids, I volunteered and I was writing from four until seven every morning.” Now, twenty years later, she is the author of seventeen national bestsellers and her novels appear regularly on The New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. A rarity in the book world, Cathy has published every one of her novels with the same publisher, Harper Collins/Avon Books.

Places to find Cathy:

Sweet on Texas Blog Tour: Cristie Craig and Laura Drake and Giveaway

Meet Christie Craig, author of Texas Hold 'Em.

Christie Craig, an Alabama native, is an award-winning, multi-published writer, multi-published photo journalist, motivational speaker, and writing teacher.. Her non-fiction articles and photography have appeared in almost three thousand national magazines. A Golden Heart finalist, and a finalist in more than fifty RWA-sponsored contests, she has gained a well-deserved reputation for writing romance fiction that has both witty humor and a suspenseful, sexy tone. Published by Silhouette in the 90s, she recently broke back into fiction in a big way, making four book sales in one day. Her seventh humorous single title romance novel, published by Dorchester, will hit the stands in June 2010. Her non-fiction book, co-authored by Faye Hughes, released September 08, is The Everything Guide To Writing A Romance Novel and their second non-fiction book, a humorous self-help relationship book, Wild, Wicked and Wanton: 101 Ways to Love Like You Are in a Romance Novel is scheduled to be released December 2010. Craig's latest writing adventure is the sale of a young adult paranormal romance series, Shadow Falls Camp, that will be published by St. Martins Press in the near future.

Find Christie at:

Review: What She Left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman

Izzy Stone and Clara Cartwright are teenagers growing up seventy years apart. The story takes their lives and intertwines them. Izzy’s mother killed her father and has been committed to a mental hospital. She lives with her foster parents. Peg, her foster mother, is investigating the abandoned Willard State Asylum. Izzy helps her catalog the items found. One is Clara’s steamer trunk. Clara is committed to Willard by her parents after she refuses to marry their appointed choice. She loves an Italian immigrant and is pregnant with his child. In 1929, this is considered a crime and her father is allowed to send her away indefinitely. Izzy deals with being the new kid and makes few friends. Clara begs anyone who will listen to let her go. She isn’t crazy, just defiant. Both suffer loss and heart break, but push through to vindication. Many topics are touched on in this book: suicide, incest, mentally illness, physical abuse, sexism, and xenophobia. Both women have to face these issues alone and come to terms with them.

I liked Izzy. She has been forced into the state system since grandmother’s death. She believes she knows the facts of her parents’ case, but is missing a vital piece. Only later does she gain access to letters her mother has sent her over the years, explaining her actions. Izzy is the constant new kid, navigating school and relationships. She’s right to be wary and not eager to trust. All has been stripped from her, but hope one day life will be better. She’s worthy of love and deserving of the better life offered to her.

I liked Clara. She is the ultimate survivor. From the beginning, the odds have been stacked against her. Her parents suffocate her by monitoring her every move. She rebels and is punished tenfold. Locked away for the rest of her life for refusing to marry, she finds a way to live. The system in place ruling her is terrifying. She had no means to escape and no one to help. The events in her life are shocking and heart wrenching.

Both women are wiser than their years. They choose to survive their ordeals and triumph over those who would block their paths. I found myself rooting for both of them. Their happy endings are far from reach, but they work toward them every day.

Excellent read and highly recommended.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Thursday, January 30, 2014

ARC Review: Letting Go by Maya Banks

Over the years, I have become quite a fan of Maya Banks. I have read several of her books, and I would say that for the most part they never disappoint. I have noticed lately though that her newer books haven't been quite as big of a hit with me as some of her older stories are. I enjoyed Letting Go, and I think that it is a promising start to her new series. But I did have a few problems with this story that left me with some mixed feelings about this book.

Joss lost her husband three years ago to an accident and has been struggling to move on since. She has finally decided that it is time to let Carson go, and move forward with her life. Even though Carson provided her with everything he could, there was always one thing that he was never able to give her. Joss has always felt like she was a submissive, but because of Carson's horrible past he would never be able to be her Dominant. Joss goes to The House (a private sex club) and ends up running into her friend Dash who was also Carson's best friend. At first he is shocked to see her there, but he quickly recovers and questions what she was doing there. When Joss explains her desires, Dash lets her know that if she is going to be a submissive then the only person that will fill the roll of Dominant for her will be him. Dash has secretly been in love with Joss since her first met her, but never acted on his feelings because of Carson and Joss. Now Dash and Joss have a chance to fulfill all their needs and desires, and they also have the chance at love. But with Joss still trying to move on, and Dash's fears and insecurities can they have a permanent future together? Or are they destined to self destruct before they ever have the opportunity to see where their relationship can go?

I liked Dash. He was sweet and supportive and really caring. He looked out for Joss and was a great friend to her for years while never making her uncomfortable despite what he felt for her. Dash was Dominant and Alpha, but he was probably the nicest and most warm one that I have ever read about. Even though he had those tendencies and there were times that he was every bit the alpha, he was also patient and understanding. He would let Joss take the lead at times and was also pretty lax when it came to living the life of a Dominant. He was even willing to give it up if that was what Joss needed. Joss was a likable heroine. She had suffered the untimely death of the man she thought that she would always be with, and yet she was able to survive and move forward. She was a great friend and was always really friendly and welcoming. She was warm and kind, and always looking to please others. I thought that at times her actions tended to show that she was a bit stuck in the past and hesitant to let Carson go, despite that she said she was moving on. But never being in that situation, I'm sure that it would be hard to let her husband go and it would be hard to enter into a relationship with someone else. I thought that Dash and Joss had a great friendship and foundation for a relationship, and the attraction and chemistry was definitely there. I did feel like their relationship progressed rather quickly even though they had known each other and been friends for years. It just seemed extremely rushed to me. They were hot together though and were able to really generate the steam.

I did think that even though this book deals with the BDSM world, that the book was definitely light on BDSM content. Despite Dash's claims of being so Dominant and a few sex scenes that were of that nature, it really seemed as though most of their interactions were not of that nature at all. I also felt like there was a lot of repetition as far as dialogue went. It seemed like the same conversations were rehashed over and over and the majority of the words were just recycled and put in a different order. I felt like I was skimming over the same thing over and over because it had been said and done before. It really drew me out of the story and I had a hard time getting really invested because of that. I also really got irritated with Joss's sister-in-law Kylie. She was really judgmental and completely naive and every time she opened her mouth it annoyed me. I honestly couldn't understand her complete ignorance. She did change a bit towards the end, but for the most part she just seemed way too uptight. I did like the rest of the characters though. I thought that they were great and really interesting. I am hoping that since Kylie and Jensen's story is next, that Kylie will get over some of her issues and open up. I like Jensen a lot, so I would hate to see him end up with someone that is so frigid and closed off. I think if you are looking for a good read that has some BDSM content in it, but that stays on the lighter side of things that this is one that you might want to check out. However if you are looking for a serious and intense BDSM read that is true to the lifestyle and has a realistic feel to it, this is probably not the book for you. I will be interested to see how the series progresses from here, and look forward to reading the next installment.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Review: Silver Heart by Victoria Green

Silver Heart by Victoria Green is a sweet story that is not only heartwarming but leaves you feeling happy and smiling. This story is one of my favorite tropes, second chance love, but it is different than others that I have read before. I really enjoyed this story and thought it was a great way to lose myself for a few hours. This one was a pretty quick but very satisfying read. I really liked the characters in this story and I thought that they were all interesting and likable. This book was well written and makes me want to read more from Victoria Green in the future.

After graduating from college, Silver goes on a week long trip with her best friend Maddie before continuing her education in med school. She has always had her life planned out for her by her parents, but decided she needed a week for herself. They end up running into Sawyer, who Silver grew up with but hasn't seen in six years. He was never good enough for her in her parents minds, and they did everything they could to keep the two of them apart. But Silver and Sawyer were determined to spend as much time together as they could despite how her parents felt. After losing his sister, Sawyer left town to pursue his dream of being a professional snowboarder leaving Silver behind. Silver and Sawyer both felt more for each other than friendship but nothing had ever happened between them. Sawyer was determined to make his dream come true, but also he didn't want to hold Silver back from her dreams. Silver has tried to move on with her life, but finds herself unhappy with living everyone else's dreams but her own. When Silver and Sawyer begin spending time together during the vacation, they both quickly realize that six years has not changed the connection between them. Sawyer sets out to convince Silver that they belong together and that letting go and losing control for once in her life is worth the risk. But with Sawyer pursuing Olymipic gold and Silver trying to figure out what to do with her life, can they possibly have a relationship together?

I really liked Sawyer. He was sweet and kind, as well as sexy and athletic. I loved how patient he was with Silver and how he really helped to bring her out of her shell. He was able to help her see what it was like to open up to life's possibilities and truly be happy. I loved watching as he taught her how to snowboard and I thought it was great how even though a lot of time had passed, they were still really compatible together. They might not have been the same people they once were, but they clearly belonged together and had an easy and natural connection to one another. Silver was a likable heroine. She was sweet and smart, and I liked that she was able to open up and have some fun. She was a really great friend and I liked how she was determined to let Sawyer pursue his dreams even if that meant that she couldn't be with him. Sawyer and Silver not only had an undeniable connection, but they had a lot of chemistry and attraction. You could really feel just how passionately they cared for each other and just how deep their love went.

Overall, I thought that this was a great book. Silver and Sawyer were really a perfect couple and I was so glad to see that they got their HEA and second chance at love. These two deserved to be happy together as well as have all their dreams come true. I liked the supporting characters as well, and I was glad to see Silver's brother Adam come around from how he was at the beginning of the story to who he was at the end. I did think that the pacing was a bit slow at times, and that caused my attention to wander a bit. But other than that, I found this one entertaining. This story was about forgiveness and second chances, but also about finding your true self and not letting others determine the life you live. It was nice to see the characters grow and figure things out together as well as individually. I would recommend this story if you are looking for a cute and quick read with a happy ending. I think that this is the first book I have ever read about a snowboarder, and was nice and different from the usual heroes that you often find in New Adult reads. I think that a lot of readers can identify with many things in this story and it is worth the read. I look forward to reading more from Victoria Green in the future.

**Copy provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Silver Heart by Victoria Green

There comes a moment in everyone's life when they must decide which road leads to personal happiness. For Dylan Silver, this is that moment...

For the past twenty-two-years, Dylan has been living in her parents' carefully crafted world, always putting her own dreams on hold to play the role of a dutiful daughter.

So when her best friend coaxes her into a winter getaway to a mountain cabin, she sees it as a chance to forget about the responsibilities waiting for her at home. At least for a little while.

But then her past catches up to her--in the form of sexy snowboarder, Sawyer Carter.

Six years ago, Dylan bid goodbye to the only boy she ever truly loved. Now he's standing right in front of her, bringing up bittersweet memories and igniting suppressed desires as he dares her to be the person she has always wanted to be.

Dylan and Sawyer's unexpected meeting is a second chance, but will a girl who doesn't believe in fate and taking risks be able to overcome her fears of losing control and finally embrace the life she desperately wants?

Only one thing is certain: after a week in Whistler, Dylan's world will never be the same.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Letting Go by Maya Banks

In her sensational Breathless Trilogy, New York Times bestselling author Maya Banks tested the boundaries of desire. In her new trilogy, there’s only one thing left to do: cross them. And never have the consequences of erotic exploration been so irresistibly inviting, so shockingly intimate, and so totally unexpected…

Josslyn found perfection once, and she knows she’ll never find it again. Now widowed, she seeks the one thing her beloved husband couldn’t give her. Dominance. Lonely and searching for an outlet for her grief and wanting only a brief taste of the perfection she once enjoyed, she seeks what she’s looking for at an exclusive club that caters to people indulging in their most hedonistic fantasies. She never imagined that what she’d find is the one man who’s long been a source of comfort—and secret longing. Her husband’s best friend.

Dash has lived in an untenable position for years. In love with his best friend’s wife and unwilling to act on that attraction. He’d never betray his best friend. And so he’s waited in the wings, offering Joss unconditional support and comfort as she works past her grief, hoping for the day when he can offer her more.

When he finds her in a club devoted to the darker edges of desire, he’s furious because he thinks she has no idea what she’s getting herself into. Until she explains in detail what it is she wants. What she needs. As realization sets in, he is gripped by fierce, unwavering determination. If she wants dominance, he is the only man who will introduce her to that world. He is the only man who will touch her, cherish her…love her. And the only man she’ll ever submit to.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Rancher Rescue by Barb Han

When a little boy goes missing, rancher Caleb Snow steps in to help…and winds up falling for the child’s beautiful—but mysterious—aunt in Barb Han’s Rancher Rescue.

Getting tangled up with another woman in crisis is the last thing rancher Caleb Snow needs. The handsome cowboy has been badly burned too many times. But this one feels different—Katherine Harper is injured and reeling after an ambush in which her nephew was kidnapped. Caleb wants nothing more than to protect the beautiful, headstrong woman and help her find the missing child. If only he could ignore the feelings she stirs in him.

But as they search together, it’s clear someone wants Katherine dead. Soon the two are running for their lives, dodging bullets, not knowing who to trust…or if they’ll survive long enough to bring a little boy home.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Review: The Rookie’s Assignment by Valerie Hansen

Kiera Fitzgerald is the latest member of her family to join the police force in Fitzgerald Bay. Her father is the police chief, her uncle is the fire chief, and her grandfather is the mayor. Olivia Henry died mysteriously and worked as a nanny for Kiera’s brother Charles. Was it an accident or murder? Did she fall down the cliff or was she pushed? Detective Nick Delfino is sent to investigate the case and the family in charge of the town. He’s assigned to be Kiera’s partner. She takes him on a tour of the town and he meets her brothers. He’s eyed with suspicion and returns it. He notices he and Kiera are being followed. A van always seems to be in the same place. First, Kiera is almost hit by it. Second, a rock slide happens as they are investigating the crime scene. Then, Nick’s hotel room is burglarized. He’s accused of bringing a crime wave to the small town. When fingerprints are retrieved, a criminal, Anthony Carlton, from Nick’s past surfaces. After watching the couple, Carlton realizes Nick has feelings for Kiera. As an ultimate revenge, he kidnaps her and sets a trap for Nick.

The Fitzgerald clan reminds me of every big family that closes ranks when something bad happens. All information stays in the circle. No outsiders allowed. They believe their investigation is complete and no further inquiries are necessary. Trust is not bestowed lightly. Nick has to prove himself professionally and personally. His own department is testing him too. He turned in a fellow officer for aiding Carlton, who has since disappeared. Nick must solve the case once and for all then leave. He didn’t plan to fall in love with Kiera.

I liked Kiera and Nick. Trying to show herself to be capable and worthy to join the family business, she believes Nick is sincere. She makes it her job to prove her brother’s innocence and Nick can help. She’s still the rookie and makes mistakes, but keeps pushing. Nick is an excellent partner for her. He’s experienced and has grown a thicker hide because of it. He explains how he conducts investigations and she learns from him. He treats her as a peer, respects her insights, and praises her work. Their relationship is tentative, a few stolen kisses only.

The suspense is a bit weak. There is no evidence against Charles implicating him in the murder. Another family has spread the gossip about him for political reasons. Carlton should flee, not follow Nick. Being a stranger in a small town increases his chances of getting caught.

I recommend the book based on Kiera and her struggle to find her place in her family and the sweet relationship budding with Nick.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

ARC Review: Deeper by Robin York

Deeper by Robin York completely blew me away with how fantastic it was! I did not want to put this one down and when I got to the end I wanted to cry and scream and throw a huge temper tantrum. I was absolutely not ready for the ending, and I need the next book now. I cannot even tell you just how much this book made me feel. My emotions are all over the place in the best way possible. Robin York brought these beautiful and complex characters to life in such a real way that they will be on my mind until I get the rest of their story, and I am sure even beyond that. Caroline and West are impossible not to fall in love with, and they are definitely some of my all-time favorites after reading this book.

After ending her relationship with her boyfriend of three years, Caroline finds out via text from her best friend that her ex posted sexually compromising photos of her on the internet. Not only does this harm her reputation, but it also puts her future career into huge jeopardy. Not wanting her family to find out, Caroline does her best to get the pictures removed on her own but it seems to be a losing battle. People are constantly judging her and saying awful things to her, until one day when West, a guy she barely knows stands up for her. West is not interested in having any kind of relationship with Caroline including friendship, and he is determined to fulfill his purpose of bettering himself so that he can take better care of his little sister. But soon Caroline is spending her sleepless nights in the parking lot of the bakery he works at until one night he invites her in. Caroline and West begin spending time together and before long they are unable to fight the attraction between them. Caroline and West's relationship is anything but normal and becomes more and more complicated. Despite their feelings and attraction, there are many things that still stand in their way. Can Caroline and West get past all the obstacles in their way, or will they be forced apart regardless of how they feel?

I loved West. He was so deep and complex. He was sexy and sweet, caring, protective and loyal. He was so determined to help his family, especially his little sister. He went out of his way to work so much in order to send his family money. I loved that he worked as a baker, and understood why he dealt drugs. I also really liked that he tried so hard not to let Caroline in and tried to keep her at arms length because he felt she deserved better. But once he realized just how much he felt and she did too, he didn't let anything stand in their way. I liked Caroline. At first I thought that she was a bit weak and kind of flat. But she really grew on me over the course of this book. Once things started to get more serious with West, she really came into her own. She became fierce and protective and I loved how she stood by West no matter what. Through all the mistakes that they both made, she didn't allow West to get away with his crap and made sure that he treated her how she deserved. Caroline and West were really perfect together and even though they had so much standing in their way it was clear that they belonged together. They had amazing chemistry together and they were absolutely smoking hot! Their sexy scenes were beyond steamy, and some of the hottest I have ever read! I loved their dirty talk and phone sex scenes and thought that they were extremely well written.

Overall, this book was beyond amazing! I fell in love with Caroline and West, and was rooting for them from the very start. This book drew me in and would not let go of my attention until I devoured every last page. I will say that this was one of the most emotional books I can remember reading and I think part of that was because I just felt so connected to these characters and became so invested in their story. I really enjoyed the secondary characters as well, and thought that they really added to the story. I absolutely cannot wait until the next story comes out and I get my Caroline and West fix. I am not sure how I am going to make it until July, and I know that they will be on my mind until then. Deeper does end with a bit of a cliffhanger (not a huge one) and the reader is left wondering what will happen next. This book has left me with a huge book hangover and makes me want to go back and reread it. Robin York has written an amazing story that keeps you interested and wondering what will happen next. I would highly recommend this book to any fans of romance, but especially those that like the New Adult genre. This book is an absolute must read in my opinion and is one that I think is not to be missed. I am anxiously awaiting the release of Harder to get more Caroline and West, but I also can't wait to read more from Robin York in the future.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Feature and Giveaway: Fighting For Irish by Gina L. Maxwell

When he learns a friend’s sister has forty-eight hours to make good on an ex’s debt to a crime boss, former MMA fighter Aiden "Irish" O'Brien heads to Louisiana to offer himself up as collateral. But to satisfy the debt, he has to do the one thing he swore he’d never do again: fight. With more than just money on the line, can Irish reclaim the man he once was for the woman he can't live without?

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Feature and Giveaway: Deeper by Robin York

In this New Adult debut by Robin York, a college student is attacked online and must restore her name—and stay clear of a guy who’s wrong for her, but feels so right.

When Caroline Piasecki’s ex-boyfriend posts their sex pictures on the Internet, it destroys her reputation as a nice college girl. Suddenly her once-promising future doesn’t look so bright. Caroline tries to make the pictures disappear, hoping time will bury her shame. Then a guy she barely knows rises to her defense and punches her ex to the ground.

West Leavitt is the last person Caroline needs in her life. Everyone knows he’s shady. Still, Caroline is drawn to his confidence and swagger—even after promising her dad she’ll keep her distance. On late, sleepless nights, Caroline starts wandering into the bakery where West works.

They hang out, they talk, they listen. Though Caroline and West tell each other they’re “just friends,” their feelings intensify until it becomes impossible to pretend. The more complicated her relationship with West gets, the harder Caroline has to struggle to discover what she wants for herself—and the easier it becomes to find the courage she needs to fight back against the people who would judge her.

When all seems lost, sometimes the only place to go is deeper.

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Feature and Giveaway: Disarm: The Complete Novel by June Gray

June Gray's bestselling erotic serial is now available in print for the first time— as one complete novel.

When the secrets of the past begin to surface, the truth can be disarming… Twenty-six-year-old Elsie Sherman has had a crush on her brother’s best friend, Henry Logan, since she was twelve years old. Unfortunately, Henry —now an Air Force officer— has only ever treated her like a younger sister, stepping into her brother’s shoes after he was killed in action.

That is, until the night when one dance ignites a sensual fire between the two, leaving Elsie aroused and confused. Is she allowed to lust after her surrogate big brother, who also happens to be her roommate? As the passion between them crosses the line into a territory that teases with the forbidden, Elsie decides to give herself to the man she has always desired. But Elsie is not prepared for where the relationship will take her.

Henry has been harboring two secrets. One can bring them closer together. The other will tear them apart. Now, with each startling new revelation, Elsie realizes that only she can decide if the past can ever be forgiven—and if a future with Henry is worth fighting for.

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ARC Review: Sweet Revenge by Rebecca Zanetti

Normally, ‘paranormal’ is the surest way to make me turn tail and run away from a book. Maybe it’s the scientist in me, but I just can’t get into anything involving non-humans. Genetically engineered test tube babies bred and raised as killing machines by a clandestine black ops military unit who happen to have enhanced abilities, however, I can handle. SWEET REVENGE was my first Rebecca Zanetti read, and it definitely will not be my last. It is the second book in her new Sin Brothers series, and while it contains sufficient exposition for readers to follow along and be immersed in the story without having read the previous book (as in my case, though I caught up on FORGOTTEN SINS as soon as I finished this one), the pulse-pounding awesomeness of this series is best experienced in order. SWEET REVENGE is a nonstop, white-knuckle thrill ride with plenty of twists that will keep you guessing and frantically turning the pages, and enough heat to melt your e-reader.

It’s hard to discuss such a fast-paced, action-packed, and curveball-filled plot that picks up where the previous book left off without spoilers, but the gist of it is: five years ago, the four Dean men (Jory, presumed dead; Shane, hero of FORGOTTEN SINS; Nate; and Matt, hero of SWEET REVENGE) escaped from the government-sanctioned secret military facility where they were created, trained, and experimented upon by the Commander and his cadre of crazy scientists (that Dr. Madison is a true piece of work!) and have been tirelessly working black ops missions to bring down the commander ever since. The catch: every soldier in the facility was implanted with a suicide chip that will detonate in three months, and the brothers are in a race against the clock to find a way to neutralize the chip... in addition to having to outmaneuver the commander and his troops and trying to determine whether Jory is truly dead. Their best hope is finding the doctor that implanted those chips, and all leads point to one of three women in the small town of Charmed, Idaho.

SWEET REVENGE is Matt’s story. I really, really liked Matt. As the oldest of the four brothers, he’s always been protective of them and felt responsible for keeping them alive in the hellhole they were raised in. As a kid, he was both sweet to his younger brothers and the hardass he needed to be to train them and ensure their survival, and he bears the burden of guilt of having let Jory down and left him to die alone. Even now, as a finely honed killing machine, he retains some of that sweetness he doesn’t seem to be aware he possesses and that heroine Laney Jacobs brings out in him. I liked how he’s inextricably drawn to her—even against his better judgement—and how she makes him yearn for things he’s not sure he’s even capable of having. He goes all badass alpha-protector around her in a way that is sexy and endearing rather than controlling and off-putting, and the man is HOT. That sexy dirty talk? I think my Kindle may have melted—Ms. Zanetti sure knows how to write a scorching love scene! I also really liked Laney. She’s strong and smart and kickass in an understated way, but she still cherishes the safety and protection of Matt’s arms without being clingy or TSTL. Like Matt, she has secrets and is trying to outrun her past, and the last thing she needs is a romantic entanglement with the sexy stranger that shows up, stabbed and bleeding, at her bar. But she can’t help herself, and when she decides to go after what she wants, poor Matt doesn’t stand a chance. I really enjoyed how she challenges him and how that brings out the edgier, sexier side of him. *fans self*. With their secrets and their issues and their scorching chemistry, Matt and Laney are truly a great couple.

If you love action-packed steamy romantic suspense with sexy alpha heroes, definitely give this series a try—it’s one of my new favourites and has gone on my auto-buy list. The glimpse at Nate’s story at the end of FORGOTTEN SINS has me impatiently waiting for May: it looks to be another excellent read!

ARC provided by Publisher**

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

ARC Review: Wish For You by Marquita Valentine

Wish For You by Marquita Valentine is the fourth book in her Boys of the South Series. This book can be read as a standalone though without having any problems understanding anything. I haven't read any of the rest of the books in this series, but the main thing that I missed out on was knowing the some of the characters and their back-stories. I had mixed feelings about this book, but there were things that I also enjoyed. After reading Wish For You, I am interested in reading the rest of the series and getting to know some of the characters better.

After two years of service and losing his friend Nathan in war, Wyatt returns home to finally be with Lacey the girl he loves who is also his best friend. They have just begun seeing each other when she breaks things off and tells him that they should just be friends. He is determined to do anything he can to convince her that she is making a huge mistake and belongs with him. He sees his opportunity when her parents and family leave the country on a mission and she needs a place to live. He offers to let her live in his extra room and decides to set her up on a date to show her that he is right for her. Wyatt doesn't know that Lacey has no interest in anyone else though and is not with him because she made a promise and because she thinks that he deserves better. As the two circle around each other and their attraction, they are both dealing with issues that they haven't been honest about with each other. Wyatt suffers from PTSD and turns to drugs and women while Lacey has been plagued with debilitating panic attacks her whole life. Can Lacey and Wyatt get over all the obstacles standing in their way and be honest with each other? Or will they let their fears and insecurities stand in the way of a future together?

As I did about this book, I have mixed feelings when it comes to Wyatt. At times I really liked him, and at others I couldn't stand him. I don't support drug use, but I have never been in his situation and have no idea what he was going through. I can understand wanting to escape the awful things that he had experienced. I didn't understand how he kept turning to so many other women though. For someone who was determined to win Lacey back and convince her that they were right for each other, it just didn't make sense that he would keep turning to so many different girls. I did like how patient and supportive he was of Lacey though. He was so sweet and great when she would have panic attacks, and I loved watching him help her. Lacey was a sweet but vulnerable heroine. She was also extremely strong. I loved that she was a roller derby girl and was able to take a hit and keep on going. She really felt like she didn't deserve Wyatt and that she would only bring him down, and it was heartbreaking at times to see how she thought of herself. But I loved how Wyatt and Lacey's friendship and later their relationship was able to endure all their obstacles and help them both grow and heal. They had a great connection and they really brought out the best in each other. They were also really hot and sexy together. Their playfulness was fun to watch, but these two were able to really bring the steam as well.

I had some problems with the pacing in this book, and there were times that it didn't seem to flow well. At times the story seemed to be a bit confused and things didn't quite make sense as though I had missed something. I would go back and reread, but I couldn't find anything that had been skipped. I thought that this story had a lot of potential but it just fell a bit flat for me. I liked quite a few of the characters, but there were some issues with some of them for me. I didn't understand Wyatt's mother at all. She seemed to go from one extreme to another with the flip of a switch and little explanation. I just didn't understand some of the character's actions and it really changed the way I was able to view this story. I did think that there was plenty to like about this book, but this one was just not a complete hit for me. I am interested in getting to know some of the other characters better though and I have heard some great things about the previous stories in the series, so I am sure that I will read them in the future. I really liked Beau and he definitely intrigued me, so I would love to get his story. I think that this story is one that New Adult fans might enjoy, and anyone who is a fan of the Boys of the South series will most likely enjoy getting to know Wyatt and Lacey while also seeing previous characters.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

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