
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Victoria S
Captivated by Lauren Dane

Jamie Matthews Heustess
Submission by Cherie Feather

On These Silken Sheets by Sabrina Darby

Joanne B
My Lady's Pleasure by Olivia Quincy

April A
Dancing In The Dark Anthology

Shifting Plains by Jean Johnson

Wanda F
Soulstone by Katie Salidas

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Bri Clark

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Bri Clark. Bri is currently on tour promoting her book Scent of a Witch and has stopped by the blog today for a chat. Before I give the floor over to Bri, lets get to know her some.

Bri Clark is a real example of redemption and renewal. Growing penniless in the South, Bri learned street smarts while caring for her brother in a broken home. She watched her mother work several jobs to care for their small family. Once her brother could fend for himself, Bri moved on to a series of bad choices including leaving school and living on her own.

Rebelliousness was a strong understatement to describe those formative years. As a teenager, her wakeup call came from a fight with brass knuckles and a judge that gave her a choice of shaping up or spending time in jail. She took that opportunity and found a way to moved up from the streets. She ended up co-owning an extremely successful construction business. She lived the high life until the real estate crash when she lost everything.

She moved west and found herself living with her husband and 4 kids in a 900 square foot apartment. She now fills her time, writing, blogging, leading a group of frugal shoppers and sharing her southern culture. Her unique background gives her writing a raw sensibility. She understands what it takes to overcome life’s obstacles. She often tells friends, “I can do poor. I’m good at poor. It’s prosperity that I’m not used to.”

Bri and her husband Chris live in Boise. Bri is known as the Belle of Boise for her true southern accent, bold demeanor and hospitable nature.

Bri boasts several positions in the publishing industry. An author, professional reviewer, blogger, and literary strategist she enjoys all aspects of her career from the creation of story to the branding and marketing needed to make her books successful.
Places to find Bri:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Guest Post with Author Stephanie Beck and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Stephanie Beck. Stephanie is currently on tour and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Stephanie, lets get to know her a bit.

Stephanie Beck is a full time mom, part time writer and ameture speller.

She's been writing since she was fifteen. Her first novel, "Love on the Mats" was a graphic, heartwarming tale of a wrestler and a cutie coed which was lovingly edited by the c-squad basketball team on the long bus rides throughout the season. They were all sure it would be published and it still has a home in a folder...somewhere.

Stephanie Beck loves romance and all things romantic, heart warming and usually funny, though a more serious piece will find its way in occasionally.

In her spare time she knits and sews, walks the dog, plays with her three wonderful children and tries to get her husband to act out the naughty things she researches...oh the sacrifices she makes for her craft.

Places to find Stephanie:

Guest Post with Author Shae Wynters and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Shae Wynters. Shae is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book A Skin Walker's Legacy and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Shae let's learn a bit about her.

Shae Wynters is the pen name of an award winning, best selling author who has been writing for more than twenty years and has been professionally published for eleven years. A bonafide vampire, fantasy, sensual romance and speculative fiction lover, Shae sometimes meshes all these elements together for a rip roaring story to entertain her spectrum of readers.

Places to find Shae:
| Site |

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Guest Post with Author Sophie Barnes and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Sophie Barnes. Sophie is currently on tour promoting her book Lady Alexandra's Excellent Adventure and has stopped by the blog to chat. Before I give the floor over to Sophie lets get to know her a bit.

Born in Denmark, Sophie has spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She’s lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish and Romanian.

She has studied design in Paris and New York and has a bachelor’s degree from Parson’s School of design, but most impressive of all – she’s been married to the same man three times, in three different countries and in three different dresses.

While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion – writing.

When she’s not busy, dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading. She currently lives on the East Coast.

Places to find Sophie:

Feature and Giveaway: Fall in Love by Melissa Kendall

Michael Dunbar runs his families cattle station in the far north of Western Australia. Station life is lonely and he wishes there was a way that he could find a companion that wouldn’t mind living the outback life with him. In hopes of finding a woman Michael heads to Broome for a few weeks holiday. What he finds is something he never expected to. Mia Mason a Perth girl, who longs to leave the city behind for a life in the country. Can two like minds fall in love, only destiny knows?

Places to Purchase:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ARC Review: Thief by Ava March

This was my first book by Ava March and it definitely won't be my last. I really enjoyed this novella and I loved the connection between Benjamin and Cavin. I found their love story to be sweet.

Lord Benjamin Parker has always felt an attraction toward other men but had never acted on it. He knows that he needs to quickly figure out what it is he truly wants. When he hears rumors of a brothel that caters to his type of needs, he decides he will give himself one night to figure out what he truly wants.

At first Benjamin is a little overwhelmed and not sure if he can actually go through with it, but once he sits down to play cards with a handsome gentleman his guard quickly comes down. Not only does he feel his pulse race every time they touch, but he can't wait to leave and be alone with him.

Cavin Fox is no gentleman. He actually frequents the brothel to fleece the men he meets there. When he encounters Benjamin he was only supposed to be a job. He was never supposed to feel the attraction he does and he definitely wasn't meant to fall for him. After a hot and steamy encounter between the two, Benjamin falls asleep and Cavin quickly leaves. He knows that Benjamin was only supposed to be a job and feelings were meant to be involved, but he just can't rob him and if that means returning home with nothing, then so be it.

But one night quickly turns into more when both Cavin and Benjamin realize that they want more. Benjamin is tired of living his life in a lie. He finally knows what he wants and it's Cavin. He will do anything he can to convince Cavin to stay with him. He doesn't care that he was once a thief. He knows Cavin is a good person and he just wants to take care of him. Cavin would like nothing more to be with Benjamin, but knows he will never be good enough. A once thief with no job or proper upbringing is not good enough for Benjamin. Or at least that is what Cavin believes.

I loved the dynamics between the two and I thought that they were so sweet together. I loved that no matter how Cavin tried to stay away, something would always bring him back and into the arms of Benjamin. These two had great chemistry and I was really rooting for them.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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Forever Blog Tour: Interview with Author Jill Shalvis and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Jill Shalvis. Jill is currently on tour promoting her newest release, Lucky in Love and was kind enough to take the time our of her busy schedule to let me ask her a few questions, but first let's get to know Jill a bit.

New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras with her family and far too many assorted quirky animals. Any resemblance to the quirky animals in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website at for a completely booklist and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.
Places to find Jill:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ARC Review: Renegade Passion by Lisa Renee Jones

I thought this was a great quick read by Lisa Renee Jones. I haven't read any of the previous books in this series and I didn't find myself lost or overwhelmed at all. I was able to jump in and get a good feel for the characters and the world that the author has created. In fact I enjoyed this novella so much, I'm definitely going to go out and pick up the other books because I'm really intrigued with everything that is going on and I am loving the world the GTECH soldiers. I just want to know so much for about them.

I really liked Kel. No scratch that. I really loved Kel. Oh my goodness but that man is sexy! I especially love that he wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to Sonia. He loves her and even though it broke his heart to leave her all those years ago he never stopped thinking about her and wanting to be with her. He did it to keep her safe and I can't fault him for that. He's sweet and caring and definitely isn't ashamed of his feelings but despite all of that, he's still a kickass soldier that will do anything to keep the ones he loves safe. Seriously, LOVED him.

As for Sonia, I really don't know how I feel about her. We really don't see much from her point of view and the bits we did see she came off a bit whiny to me. She just seemed to jump to conclusion much to easily and I found that quite annoying. I admit, I think I would have warmed up to her more if we saw more from her point of view.

All in all this was a great story. The author was able to combine just enough of the past along with the present to keep me engaged and informed. I got a great feel for everything and never felt lost or overwhelmed. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

**ARC copy provided by Author**

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Guest Post with Author Heather Long and Giveaway

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday, May 21, 2012

ARC Review: Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione

I am at such a loss for words right now. Lethal Rider was just so good! It was very reminiscent of the books in the Demonica series and I could not stop reading it. I seriously want Thanatos to be my baby daddy! Oh how sexy he is. And not only is he sexy, but he's protective and caring. Qualities you would not expect the Horseman of Death to have. But for real, this book was so good.

When I read Larissa's last book Immoral Rider, I found myself really drawn to Thanatos and Regan. There is just so much chemistry between the two of them. I was really looking forward to seeing how Larissa was going to be able to move forward with the two after the events that took place in Immortal Rider. Larissa did this book justice, because it was so good. Definitely my favorite in the series.

The story picks up eight months after the events of the previous book come to close. Regan is now eight months pregnant and carrying Thanatos' baby. The baby that both the Horseman and the Aegis believe will bring an end to the Apocalypse. Thanatos has spent the last eight months stewing. He's been poisoned with hellhound venom by his brother and sister and being held captive. He has spent the last eight months planning his revenge against Regan. He has no idea that she is pregnant though.

When he is finally able to break free and he goes off to find Regan he is in for the shock of his life. He can't believe that Regan is pregnant and that he's the father. Thanatos is still angry and Regan and feels completely betrayed by her, he still finds himself attracted to her. In all honesty, he's mostly upset that she lied to him and that he's not been able to be there for her for the last eight months. Thanatos has always secretly yearned for a family of his own and now that Regan is pregnant with his child, he is determined to make it happen. He just needs to make Regan realize that she wants it too.

Regan has spent the last eight months reliving the night she betrayed Thanatos. She can't get over how things went down and it makes her sick to think of how she forced Thanatos to have sex with her. On top of her feelings of misgivings, she is having seconds thoughts about giving up her baby. She believes that it's what is best for him because she would be a horrible parent. The closer she gets to giving birth the harder it is for her to think about letting him go. She has grown attached and she loves her baby. Regan grew up being moved from foster family to foster family and has always yearned for a stable family environment.

When Thanatos starts to take care of her and tries to convince her that giving up the baby is wrong, Regan doesn't really know what to think. More than anything she wants to keep her baby and raise it with Thanatos, but will he ever be able to forgive her if she can't forgive herself?

I really enjoyed this book and I felt that Regan and Thanatos were such a perfect match. I loved watching them interact with one another and them both realizes just how strong their feeling for the other were. Also, they both deserved their HEA. They both lived exceptionally hard lives and they both needed someone that would understand the hurt and pain that they've felt. Also, these two had some serious chemistry together. Not only did they have sparks but man did they have some hot scenes together.

All in all, I really liked this book. I felt that this book answered so many questions as well as tied everything together with the events that took place in the Demonica series. I loved that we were able to see how everyone was doing and what they've been up. I can't wait to see how Larissa is going to redeem Reseph, and show how he will deal with all the pain and destruction he's caused.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Xandra James and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Xandra James, Xandra is currently on tour and took some time out of her busy schedule to let me ask her some questions. But before we get to the interview, lets get to know Xandra some.

Xandra James has always wanted to write romance books. Even when she was sneaking peaks at the hot bits, too young to fully appreciate them, she dreamt of writing her own.

Now, older and wiser, she’s got the opportunity to project her slightly dark and wacky, British sense of humour onto others, whilst still writing the hot bits – bonus!

When not writing, Xandra is thinking of excuses as to why she shouldn’t be doing the housework, looking after a husband and cats that refuse to pick up after themselves and climbing the mountain in her house that’s affectionately called her tbr pile.

She currently holds the crown for Queen Procrastinator – something she’s very proud of – so you can usually find her online, somewhere, when she really should be writing.
Places to find Xandra:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

ARC Review: Once Her Man, Always Her Man by Heather Long

Oh my, but I loved this story. I'm mad it wasn't any longer but that's just because I wasn't ready to be done with Luke and Rebecca. Normally I'm not the biggest fan of short stories, they just always feel rushed or as if things are missing. That was definitely not the case with this one. The author was able to make it feel like a complete story. I especially loved that we were able to see glimpses of the characters pass. I felt it just added so much more to the story and made the feelings that they felt so much more real.

Luke and Rebecca were high school sweethearts and totally in love. They had plans to go off to college together and eventually get married. Then 9/11 happened and everything changed. Luke decided to go off and join the Marines and do his duty for his country and while leaving behind Rebecca to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. Now eleven years later both are still dealing with the after affects of Luke's decision.

When Luke left Rebecca was crushed and never has really been able to get over the hurt and heartache. She has kept herself closed off from other men and has focused primarily on her business. When her business partner sets her up on a blind date, she reluctantly agrees to go. Imagine her surprise when it's Luke that shows up to meet her.

Luke has never forgiven himself for leaving Rebecca behind but in his mind he thought it would be better to cut her loose rather than have her wait for him. He's never gotten over her and the love he felt for her. When he is set up on a blind date he never expects to see Rebecca sitting at the bar waiting for him. Luke knows this is his opportunity to fix their relationship and explain his mistake, but will Rebecca ever forgive him.

This was such a great read. It's full of so much emotion and chemistry. You can feel the love between them, it literally jumps off the page and smacks you in the face but in such a good way. These two had a lot of hurt and pain to get through to get back to one another and I think it was done in just the right way. I'm glad I picked up this story because I really enjoyed it and I will definitely be on the lookout for more from this author.

**ARC copy provided by Sizzling PR blog tours**

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Guest Post with Author Quinn Loftis

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Quinn Loftis. Quinn is currently on tour promoting her book Just One Drop and has stopped by the blog today to share some quotes from the book. Before I give the floor over to Quinn lets get to know her some.

Quinn is a 31 year old wife, mother, nurse, and writer, not necessarily in that order. She lives in beautiful North West Arkansas with her husband, son and Nora their Doberman pinscher. She loves writing, reading, and crocheting. Her favorite holiday is Christmas, favourite book(s) is Pride and Prejudice, The Alpha and Omega Series by Patricia Briggs, and the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. She loves to be silly and have fun, loves music and thinks there is no greater sound in the world than that of her little boy's laughter.
Places to find Quinn: