
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Virna DePaul
Mine To Hold by Shayla Black

Invitation to Scandal by Bronwen Evans

Divinely Ruined by Diane Alberts

Worth the Risk + $10 Gift Card from Robin Bielman

Desires Unleashed by D.N. Simmons

Dancing Naked in Dixie by Lauren Clark

**Replacement Winner**
Choice of Renegade Passion or Wicked Werewolf Night by Lisa Renee Jones

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Debbie Petersen and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Debbie Petersen. Debbie is on tour promoting her newest release  Spirit of the Rebellion and has stopped by today to share some info on her characters. Before I give the floor to Debbie, lets get to know her a bit.

Debbie Peterson, author of Shadow of the Witte Wieven, is introducing, Spirit of the Rebellion, through The Wild Rose Press. This paranormal romance centers on a murdered civil war captain, falsely accused of treason, and a beautiful Norse historian determined to clear his name. She invites you to come along on this incredible adventure, filled with mystery and romance.

Debbie has always had a soft spot for fairy tales, the joy of falling in love, and happily ever after endings. She incorporates these aspects into all of the paranormal stories she writes. When she is not busy conjuring her latest novel, she spends time with the beloved members of her very large family. She also pursues her interests in family history and all things ancient and historic.

Places to find Debbie:
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Feature and Giveaway: Shadows Deep by Cege Smith

Ellie Coulter made a deal with the devil, and now it’s time to pay the price. Little did she know, the shadows that have swirled around her life since her parents’ death were not a coincidence. As Ellie's destiny is revealed, it comes with the knowledge that her fate is the lynchpin in a far larger, and more dangerous game. And the one who found her has no intention of ever letting her go.

Ellie walks a fine line between keeping up the appearance of acceptance while gathering the information she needs to escape. Along the way, she has to decide who to trust and that includes the man she loves. As facts give way to lies, Ellie begins to question everything.

With her true intentions on the verge of being discovered, Ellie must find a way to defeat her captor before she becomes a shadow herself.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Guest Post with Author Lisa Sanchez and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lisa Sanchez. Lisa is currently on tour promoting the release of her newest book Faythe Reclaimed and has stopped by to chat about time travel romances. Before I give the floor over to Lisa why don't we get to know her a bit.

Lisa Sanchez is a California cheer mom taxiing her way through life, one car ride at a time. Along with chauffer, she sports several job titles, including, but not limited to: author, chef, seamstress, videographer, nurse, enforcer, and general slave to her three daughters.

The first two books in her Hanaford Park series (Eve Of Samhain, Pleasures Untold) are published with Omnific Publishing. The third book, Faythe Reclaimed, is published with Tulipe Noire Press. Her erotic suspense, Obsessed was published March 29th 2011 with Loose Id. And most recently, Lisa went Indie and published the first novella, Cursing Athena, in her new Order of Seven series.

Places to find Lisa:

Guest Post with Author Sadie Hart and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Sadie Hart. Sadie is currently on tour celebrating the release of her newest book Hounded and she has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor to Sadie, why don't we get to know her a bit.

Sadie Hart lives in Michigan with two dogs, though one should totally be a Moose, and they both occasionally show signs of super powers. Like the ability to fly and mind read. Okay, maybe not the flying part. That’s actually her flying pig, Pignificent. Though his super powers also include laser vision.

During the day, while not wrangling super-pooches and pigs, Sadie works as a secretary in a library trying not to read the books. At night, she writes action packed paranormal romances with a heavy dose of the things that go bump in the night – both the spooky and the naughty kind.
Places to find Sadie:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guest Post with Donna Grant and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Donna Grant. Donna is currently on tour celebrating the upcoming release of her book Midnight's Lover and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Donna, lets get to know her a bit.

Donna Grant is the bestselling, award winning author of more than twenty-five novels spanning multiple genres of romance.

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.

Her childhood dream was to become a professional ballet dancer and study under the amazing Mikhail Baryshnikov. Though she never got to meet Baryshnikov, she did make it to New York City and performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Later, Donna’s love of the romance genre and the constant stories running through her head prompted her to sit down and write her first book. Once that book was completed, there was no turning back.

Donna sold her first book in November 2005 while displaced from Hurricane Rita, a storm that destroyed portions of the Texas Gulf Coast. Since then, Donna has sold novels and novellas to both electronic and print publishers. Her books include several complete series such as Druids Glen, The Shields, Royal Chronicles, Sisters of Magic, Dark Sword, Dark Warriors, and her new series, Dark Kings.

Despite the deadlines and her voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two young children, four cats, three fish, and one long haired Chihuahua. She’s blessed with a proud, supportive husband who loves to read and travel as much as she does.

Places to find Donna:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Sizzler Free Par-Tay-Get Lots of FREE eBooks!

Summer Sizzler Free Par-Tay
June 13th – 14th!

Let’s celebrate summer: time to kick back, relax, and read!!!
There’s no better way to ease into it
than with Dozens of Great books that are FREE!


Find romances from sweet to suspenseful to humorous and hot,
Thrillers, Mysteries, Sci-Fi, Historical, Contemporary, YA, Children’s and more!


Fantastic eBooks, many by award-winning and best-selling authors.

Visit for all the titles, Kindle & gift card
raffle entries, and links!

Join in the Par-Tay! Let’s sizzle!

Check out some of the books up for grabs:

Feature: Hope Is Love by Sylvia Hubbard

Meet Hope, but most people call her Jona. She was a person living in the world, but not living on the inside.

Bad things happen to good people and Hope was the person we lose in the system and she grows up just going from day-to-day trying to make a dollar out of the pennies she find.

But she’s smart on the street. She keeps to herself, but she’s just there. A body without a soul and she’s going nowhere.

Then meet James from LOVE LIKE THIS .

He’s one of the bad characters that once the story is over you really don’t give a fig about. Now he’s lost again and you’ll find him here in HOPE IS LOVE.

Can they find what they are looking for?

Guest Post with Author V.S. Morgan

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author V.S. Morgan. V.S. is currently on tour promoting her book The Gift and has stopped by today to talk about music. Before I give the floor over to V.S. lets learn a bit about her.

V.S. Morgan has lived all over the United States but now calls Minnesota home. She incorporates her travels and experiences into her stories whenever possible. V.S. dreamed of becoming an author from the tender age of eleven after snagging one of her mom’s Harlequins. She writes contemporary, suspense, and paranormal m/m with heart and heat. “The Gift” is her debut publication. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Rainbow Romance Writers and Kiss of Death chapters. When not writing, V.S. is playing with her dogs, practicing Kempo Karate, and reading lots of erotic romance.

Places to find V.S:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Interview with Author J. Lynn and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author J. Lynn. J. Lynn is actually a pseudonym for Jennifer L. Armentrout. J is celebrating the recent release of her novel Tempting the Best Man and has stopped by to chat. Before we get to the interview, lets get to know J. Lynn.

Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you've heard about her state aren't true. When she's not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russel Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories....which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She also writes adult romance under the name J. Lynn.

Places to find J. Lynn/Jennifer:

Guest Post with Author Zee Monodee and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog Zee Monodee. Zee is currently on tour for her book Once Upon a Stormy Night and has stopped by the blog to chat. Before I give the floor over to Zee, lets get to know her some.

Zee is an author who grew up on a fence - on one side there was modernity and the global world, on the other there was culture and traditions. Putting up with the culture for half of her life, one day she decided she'd stand tall on her wall and dip toes every now and then into both sides of her non-conventional upbringing.

From this resolution spanned a world of adaptation and learning to live on said wall. The realization also came that many other young women of the world were on their own fence.

This particular position became her favorite when she decided to pursue her lifelong dream of writing - her heroines all sit 'on a fence', whether cultural or societal, in today's world or in times past, and face dilemmas about life and love.

Hailing from the multicultural island of Mauritius, Zee is a degree holder in Communications Science. She is married, mum to a tween son, and stepmum to a teenage lad.
Places to find Zee:

Guest Post with Author Kiru Taye and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Kiru Taye. Kiru is currently on tour for her book An Engagement Challenge and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Kiru, lets get to know her a bit.

Kiru Taye is the award-winning author of His Treasure. She writes historical, contemporary and paranormal romances. Her stories are sensual and steamy, her characters passionate and sassy and her settings atmospheric and exotic. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, hanging out with family/friends or travelling. Born in Nigeria, she currently lives in the UK with husband and two children.

Places to find Kiru:

Monday, June 11, 2012

ARC Review: Anything You Want by Erin Nicholas

I have very mixed feelings about this book. On one hand I loved the hero. He was great. Witty, passionate and caring. On then on the other hand I couldn't stand the heroine. I mean it. I seriously loathed her. So when it comes to writing a review for this book I'm torn. While I was able to finish the book quite quickly, I did have a few moments where I had to put it down and walk away just out of sheer frustration.

Let me explain. Sabrina left home four years ago and hasn't looked back. She went off in pursuit of making it big in the music scene. Now broke and pregnant she wants to return home to raise her child but on the way her car breaks down and not having any other options decides to call Luke, her oldest friend and former fiance' to the rescue.

Marc and Luke have been best friends ever since Marc moved into town when they were twelve. After a terrible car accident kills all of Marc's family, Luke's family takes Marc in and raises him as Luke's brother. Marc will do anything for Luke and his family. So when he finds out Sabrina is calling for Luke he decides to intercept the call. No way is he going to let Luke fall back into the trap that is Sabrina. All she has ever done is hurt Luke by stringing him along. So you can imagine Sabrina's surprise when Marc shows up at the hotel instead of Luke.

Marc and Sabrina have a volatile relationship to say the least. Neither have really ever gotten along and when they are together they are constantly bickering. Though this time when they both see each other, the bickering somehow turns into something a bit more. Their heated words become filled with sexy innuendo's and double entendre's. Both can't deny this attraction they are feeling towards the other. But how can they act upon it when they know it will do nothing but hurts the one's they are closest with?

Once they are both home, the attraction hits them both in full force. Little touches here and there suddenly turns into sex against the wall. The chemistry between these two is electric and they both find it hard to stay away from the other. I loved their interactions with each other and I found when other parties weren't around I loved Sabrina and Marc together. I loved the witty banter back and forth. Things get heated between them quickly and I love that neither are able to deny their attraction.

What bothered me about this story was the way Sabrina was when Marc isn't around. As soon as she gets back into town the confident and independent Sabrina disappears. She once again starts stringing Luke around and I HATED that. I hated the fact that she doesn't love Luke and she knows that she doesn't and probably never will but she decides it's okay to marry him. Um what the hell. How is that even kosher? Really? Not only does she have feelings for Marc that could be turning into love but it's okay to marry someone that you don't love just because he can give your kid a home. I thought this made Sabrina seem like a total bitch and beyond selfish. And don't even get me started on Luke or her dad.

Really the only reason I found myself turning the pages is to see what Marc was up to. I instantly found a connection with him and he was just so adorable. He is battling his feelings for Sabrina because he knows how much Luke cares about her and he doesn't want to do anything that will jeopardize his and Luke's relationship. I felt so bad for Marc at times. He just wants to be happy but the one thing making him happy could potentially be the thing that ruins his whole life. Oh Marc.

All in all this book was an okay read for me. I was able to finish and I really liked Marc. The story itself was cute and sweet at times but it's still a little hard for me to get past Sabrina and the way she acted with everyone besides Marc.

**ARC copy provided by Goddess Fish Promotions**

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Interview with Author Jennifer Malone Wright and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Jennifer Malone Wright. Jennifer is currently on tour for her Vampire Hunter's Daughter series and has stopped by to answer a few burning questions. But before we get to the interview, lets get to know Jennifer a bit.

Jennifer Malone Wright resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children. Between the craziness of taking care of her children, whose ages range from fifteen all the way down to one year, and being a homemaker, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on freelance work or her beloved fiction.

When she grew up, Jennifer always had her nose in a book. She has been writing stories and poems since grade school. This love of the written word and her strong interest in the paranormal is what has led to her first novel “The Birth of Jaiden.”

In addition to being a mother and homemaker, Jennifer is also a very proud military wife. Moving around the country for the last eleven years has made her a bit of a nomad and she finds it difficult to be in one place for too long.

Places to find Jennifer:

Guest Post with Author Susan Lute

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Susan Lute. Susan is currently on tour for her book The Return of Benjamin Quincy and has stopped by today to share an interview with Sydney Marshall, the heroine from her book. But before we can get to that, lets get to know Susan a bit.

Like all children of military families, Susan spent her childhood moving from one duty station to the next. An ardent student of human nature, she acquired a love for ancient history and myth, a fascination for the ridiculous and unusual, and is the first to admit, she still collects way too much useless information.

These days, when not working as a Registered Nurse, she writes whenever she can. When not writing, her favorite things to do are spend time with family, read, watch movies, garden, take black-and-white photos, travel, and remodel her house.

Places to find Susan:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Guest Post with Author Darcy Burke and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Darcy Burke. Darcy is celebrating the release of her second novel His Wicked Heart and has stopped by today to talk about The Art of the Grovel. Before I give the floor over to Darcy lets learn a bit about her.

Darcy Burke wrote her first book at age 11, a happily ever after about a swan addicted to magic and the female swan who loved him, with exceedingly poor illustrations. An RWA Golden Heart® Finalist, Darcy loves all things British (except tomatoes for breakfast, or any other time of day, actually) and happy ever afters.

A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her devoted husband, their two great kids, and three cats. In her “spare” time Darcy is a serial volunteer enrolled in a 12-step program where one learns to say “no,” but she keeps having to start over. She’s also a fair-weather runner, and her happy places are Disneyland and Labor Day weekend at the Gorge.

Places to find Darcy:

Feature and Giveaway: Let’s Keep on Truckin’ by Laci Paige

Lily loves traveling on her job since no one can do it better than her. Being out on the open road gives her plenty of time to reflect and avoid unwanted attention, but somehow it always finds her....

When she comes across Ryder, first at a grocery store, then at a rest stop, sexual desire sparks and she knew she had to have him. If only her ex hadn't shown up, igniting a fantasy she never thought possible.

Seeing Alex in a whole new light, Lily realizes second chances are in order, but will she have to choose between the two men? Or could she be happy with both?