
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Shadow Visions by Gabriella Hewitt

Book of Choice from Hailey Edwards

Just One More by Stephanie Beck

Hot in Handcuffs by Shiloh Walker, Sylvia Day and Shayla Black

Melt Into You by Roni Loren

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Louisa Bacio and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome Author Louisa Bacio to the blog. Louisa is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: A Threesome Wedding Adventure and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Louisa, lets get to know her a bit.

Louisa Bacio enjoys soaking up the sun in Southern California, and spending time with her family.

Bacio’s work includes the Sex University series, with her debut novel Physical Education and the follow-up All-Girls Academy. Her story “Two’s Company” can be found in I Kissed a Girl: A Virgin Lesbian Anthology. Other short stories can be found in the Seducing the Myth anthology, and Rekindled: An Anthology of Reunited Lovers.

In addition to writing and editing, Bacio teaches college courses in English, journalism, film studies and popular culture.

Places to find Louisa:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Interview with Author Aleah Barley and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Aleah Barley. Aleah is celebrating the recent release her her book Too Hot to Handle and stopped by to answer some questions. Before we can get to the interview, lets get to know Aleah some.

Aleah Barley is a writer of humorous (she hopes) contemporary romance. After living all over the United States, she recently moved to Motor City with a fluffy Maine Coon Cat who is constantly trying to appropriate her computer. Her debut book ‘What Goes Around’ is due out from Entangled Publishing’s Indulgence line any minute. She is hard at work on her next book.

Places to find Aleah:

Guest Post with Author Grace Elliot

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author, Grace Elliot. Grace is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book Hope's Betrayal and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Grace, lets get to know her a bit.

Grace Elliot leads a double life as a veterinarian by day and author of historical romance by night. Grace believes intelligent people need to read romance as an antidote to the modern world. As an avid reader of historicals she turned to writing as a release from the emotionally draining side of veterinary work.

Grace lives near London and is addicted to cats. The Elliot household consists of five cats, two teenage sons, one husband, a guinea pig - and the latest addition - a bearded dragon!

Places to find Grace:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Interview with Jamie Salisbury and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Jamie Salisbury. Jamie is on tour celebrating the recent release of her book Timeless Sojurn and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we get to the interview, lets get to know Jamie some.

Jamie Salisbury cannot imagine a time when she did not write. A skill that has served her well throughout her professional career. Public relations in and around the entertainment industry, photography, editing, and special event planning all elevated her passion for writing.

An avid reader of histories, biographies, and romance, it's only natural that part of the products of her pen are historical romances featuring characters so authentic they spring forth from the page and shake the reader's hand. Many of her teen years were spent in Chile, but she and her family were forced out of the country when the political climate demanded it.

Taking the plunge to take her writing professional came as a result of a series of foot surgeries that left her with a lot of time on her hands. Unable to walk great distances at the time, she started writing as a way to pass the time. Her experiences of how dramatically her life had changed at first. Then the new world of e-publishing inspired her to digitally publish her first novel, Perpetual Love, rather than relegate it to the dreaded drawer. She couldn't be happier with her decision to grab the publishing industry by the shoulders and force it to pay attention to all she has to offer. Two more novels have followed: Blood Lust and Tudor Rose, with more to follow soon.

Jamie now lives outside of Atlanta, but the love for travel has never abandoned her. Adventure, exploration, and intrigue permeate her prose to the core.

In those few moments of the day when she's not writing or thinking about writing, she finds knitting a way to relax and unwind. Other interests include photography, equestrianism, reading, and of course traveling.

Jamie hopes her writing will entertain, enlighten, and inspire others to pick up the pen and pursue their own dreams. She loves to be contacted by readers, writers, and history buffs.

Places to find Jamie:

Interview with Author Rita Oberlies and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Rita Oberlies. Rita is currently celebrating the recent release of her book Second Chances and has stopped by to answer some questions. But before we get to the interview lets get to know Rita some.

Rita Oberlies grew up in the Boston area, the youngest in a family of six children. At an early age she developed an addiction to books, baseball and the beaches of Cape Cod.

After graduating from Villanova University with a degree in English, Rita spent almost a decade pursuing a professional career in Employee Development. With the arrival of two children, Rita began writing stories during those brief periods of time when her young sons were sleeping.

Today Rita resides in Western New York with her husband, their young boys, and a pair of adopted shelter dogs. Despite her best efforts, she remains addicted to books, baseball and the beaches of Cape Cod.

Places to find Rita:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Interview with Author KT Grant and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author KT Grant. KT is currently on tour for her book Alana's Surrender and has stopped by today to answer some questions. But before we get to the interview, lets get to know KT some.

KT Grant is a self-proclaimed eccentric redhead who not only loves to read a wide variety of romances, but also loves writing it. Under her alter-ego, she is a well-known book reviewer and blogger who doesn't shy away from voicing her opinion. A proud native of New Jersey, KT is multi-published and known for writing "out of the box" romances. KT has been mentioned in the Guardian.UK, Publisher's Weekly's Beyond the Book and at KT is a top ten best-selling author at Amazon, as well as being a multiple All Romance Ebooks best seller and a Night Owl Reviews Top Author Pick.
Places to find KT:
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Interview with Author Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Jillian Stone. Jillian is currently on tour promoting her book The Seduction of Phaeton Black and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we get to the questions, lets get to know all about Jillian.

Jillian Stone’s Victorian Romantic Suspense novel AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY won the 2010 RWA Golden Heart and is the first novel in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series for Pocket Books. Her sexy, supernatural Steampunk novel, THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK, won the 2010 Romance Through The Ages Erotica category and sold to Kensington Brava. Jillian lives in California and is currently working on the next adventure for both series.

Places to find Jillian:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Guest Post with Author Leia Shaw and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Leia Shaw back to the blog. Leia is currently on tour promoting her book Destiny Bewitched and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Leia, lets get to know her a bit.

I began my writing journey while I was stranded at the airport waiting for my delayed flight. I browsed the Border’s kiosk and grew frustrated that I couldn’t find the “it factor” — the perfect combination of alpha male-ness, ass-kickery, strong females, magic, and sex.

So I spent the next four hours on an airplane writing my first book on scraps of paper and an airsick bag (which thankfully I didn't need to use).

Now I spend too much time in my head, plotting evil villains and the hot men (and women) who ruthlessly kill them. I think far too much about fae politics, dragon power games, and how fast werewolves can change forms. But writing my paranormal romance series has given me a productive place to express those dark places in my mind.

I live in New England with my husband and two kids. Though I will go to my grave denying it, my husband insists I would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.
Places to find Leia:
Site Blog Facebook | Twitter |

Monday, July 9, 2012

Interview with Author Roni Loren and Giveway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC, author Roni Loren. Roni is currently on tour celebrating the release of her newest book, Melt Into You. Roni has allowed me to ask her some questions, but before we get to the interview lets get to know a bit about Roni.

Roni wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills haven’t improved, but she likes to think her storytelling ability has. After earning a master’s degree in social work from LSU, she worked in a mental hospital, counseled birthmothers as an adoption coordinator, and did management recruiting in her PJs. But she always returned to writing.

Though she’ll forever be a New Orleans girl at heart, she now lives in Dallas with her husband and son. If she’s not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rockstars concerts. She is the National Bestselling Author of The Loving on the Edge series from Berkley Heat.
Places to find Roni:
Site Blog | Facebook Twitter Tumblr |

Interview with Author Nana Malone and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Nana Malone to the blog. Nana is currently on tour for her book Forsaken Protector and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we chat with Nana, lets get to know her some.

My love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense I borrowed from my cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. I've been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With my overactive imagination, and channeling my inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before I started creating my own characters.

Waiting for my chance at a job as a ninja assassin, I, meantime work out my drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as I thinks I am. Though, until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find me acting out scenes for hubby and puppy while catching up on my favorite reality television shows in sunny San Diego.

Places to find Nana:

Sunday, July 8, 2012

ARC Review: Angel Betrayed by Cynthia Eden

This was my first book from Cynthia Eden and it definitely won't be my last. I love the world she has created. From the first page until the last I was loathe to stop reading. There is just so much going on that I found myself quickly turning the page to see what was going to happen. The chemistry between Sam and Seline is instant and it's hot!

Sam was once an angel but now is a fallen. Once an angel of death, but when he began killing people who weren't supposed to die he was kicked out of the heavens and lost his wings. Sam will never apologize, nor does he regret his decisions, the people he killed deserved their deaths. Now centuries later, he still kills the ones who deserve it and he trusts no one, this includes Seline.

Seline is half succubus and half angel, and she needs help gaining her freedom. She was raised by Rogziel, a punishment angel who has been using her to gain what he wants. Now he wants Sam, and Seline knows that with this last job she will finally gain her freedom. But what starts off as job quickly turns into so much more. Seline can't resist Sam's allure and they both quickly come to an agreement. Sam will help her gain her freedom as long as she helps him find his brother Az.

At first neither Sam nor Seline trusts one another. Both have trust issues and with good reason. I really enjoyed watching these two interact with one another. The attraction between these two is electric and both find it hard to keep their hands off of one another. But what quickly starts out as just sex becomes so much more. They both are just trying to get by and neither want to fall for the other. I enjoyed watching them both drop their walls and let each other in.

This book was non stop action and I can't wait to read more from Cynthia Eden. I'm especially eager to see where this series is going to go now. Lots of things are happening and making things really interesting. I definitely hope to possibly see more of Sam and Seline in the future.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


Feature: Married By Monday by Catherine Bybee

Carter Billings:

Sandy blond hair and Hollywood good looks, Carter Billings could have any woman he wants. However, when he makes his bid for the Governor's seat in the state of California, he needs to settle down and become a family man. Eliza, the woman he secretly adores, embodies the perfect amount of spice and passion to suit his marital needs, but she’s not interested in becoming Mrs. Billings. She can't even stand to be in the same room with him.

Eliza Havens:

It’s much easier to drive Carter away than to give into desire. Matching couples is how she earns a living, but getting married isn’t an option. The secrets she carries are too dangerous to entangle anyone else. When her hidden identity and past threaten her future, she’s left with little choice. Carter is quick to offer solutions to both their problems, but saying yes could mean endangering the man she’s growing to love.