
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Fall Into A Romantic Mystery with Melinda Leigh, Mary Burton and Mary Ellen Taylor and Giveaway

Fall Into A Romantic Mystery

With the temperature dropping and leaves turning colors, it’s time to get ready for the cool days of fall. And what better way to prepare for the long nights ahead than to download a great whodunit novel with a dash (or heaping helping) of romance. Below we have crafted a quiz to help you find your next great read, but be warned, the titles all have mysteries that need to be solved and villains that must be brought to justice. So grab a thick blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, and answer the following questions to discover which romantic mystery you will want to “fall” into next.

1. Where is your perfect romantic mystery set?

a) In “small town USA”. The everyday setting makes the violent crimes all the more shocking.

b) The rolling hills of Texas where there are lots of places to hide.

c) In a historic mansion near the choppy waters of Virginia, giving the story a Gothic feel.

2. I want to read about a heroine who is …

a) hundred percent devoted to her family yet balanced enough to find success in her chosen career.

b) … intelligent and diligent, with a pressing drive to help others.

c) … currently in mourning after losing a loved one, but strong enough to take on any challenge.

3. Is your heroine in peril?

a) She may face down a bad guy (or two), but thankfully her significant other is always there to guard her with his life.

b) In my fictional world nobody is safe. NOBODY!

c) The heroine doesn’t face physical danger, but her emotions take a severe beating as she learns terrible secrets from the past.

4. When your heroine needs backup, who is she going to call?

a) Her BF who just happens to be a private investigator that solves crimes for a living.

b) A steely-eyed Texas Ranger who is known for delivering justice.

c) The town leader who is a successful businessman and pillar of the community.

5. My ideal hero is....

a) ...totally and completely devoted to supporting his woman.

b) ...dependable and incredibly strong, however, he has suffered a loss and every once in a while his vulnerability shows through.

c) ...steadfast, principled, and dedicated to his community.

6. When sitting down to read a mystery, the crimes should be…

a) … studied in a clinical, professional manner.

b) … frequent and terrifying! I want something that keeps me up at night.

c) … in the past. I like trying to figure out who the bad guy is instead of focusing on violence.

7. When the last page of the book is read, I want to feel...

a) … that second chances are not only real, but they can be incredibly joyous.

b) … a sense of deep satisfaction that justice has been found and order restored.

c) … tremendous hope and optimism for the future.


If you choose mostly As … then get ready to follow dedicated defense attorney Morgan Dane as she takes on her next case in Melinda Leigh’s What I’ve Done.

Morgan has been hired to defend Haley Powell after the young woman wakes up in a pool of the victim’s blood. And while Haley has no memory of the night and no alibi, Morgan is sure that there is more to this crime than a simple case of murder. With the help of her private investigator boyfriend Lance Kruger, Morgan inches towards answers all the while dodging threats meant to keep her silent.

| Amazon | B&N |

If you choose mostly Bs … then the lightning fast twists and turns of Mary Burton’s romantic suspense novel Cut and Run is just right for you.

Medical examiner Faith McIntyre is used to investigating grizzly crime scenes, yet she is totally unprepared when faced with a barely-alive victim that looks EXACTLY like her. With no answers and nowhere else to turn, Faith teams up with her colleague-with-benefits Texas Ranger Mitchell Hayden. Together they discover decades old crime scenes, as well as new victims of a serial killer.

Amazon | B&N |

If you choose mostly Cs … then get ready to be transported to the windswept beaches where Mary Ellen Taylor sets her next release Winter Cottage.

When heroine Lucy Kincaid loses her mother, she receives an unexpected inheritance—a lonely old estate big enough to hold the secrets of Lucy’s family. Why did her mother never mention the mansion or the sea swept town of Cape Hudson? Who is Lucy’s father? And why is there a (literal) skeleton on Lucy’s property? With more questions than answers, Lucy turns to handsome local Hank Garrison only to find he has a motive for wanting the Winter Cottage all to himself…

Amazon | B&N |

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $20 Amazon Gift Card + Digital Copies of What I’ve Done, Cut and Run & Winter Cottage

To Enter:
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Montlake Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: Mistletoe in Texas by Kari Lynn Dell

He's always been the black sheep: the troublemaker.
But this Christmas, the prodigal cowboy returns.

Rodeo bullfighter Hank Brookman was headed straight for the top. But after a single misstep resulted in a devastating injury, he disappeared under a mountain of regrets. Now he’s back, ready to face the loved ones he left behind—starting with the one girl his heart could never forget.

When Hank stormed out of Texas, he left Grace McKenna picking up the pieces…and struggling with a secret that changed everything. He may be back looking for redemption, but after everything they’ve been through, how can she admit what he really walked away from all those years ago?

Hank always knew persuading Grace to trust him again would be a tall order. Convincing her they deserve a happily ever after? That may take a Texas-sized Christmas miracle.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo |

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

ARC Review: Talkin' Trash by Lani Lynn Vale

I have never been disappointed with a book by Lani Lynn Vale, and I definitely wasn’t here with Talkin’ Trash. This is the second book in her Bear Bottom Guardians MC series, but is a complete standalone. Characters are interconnected, but you don’t need to read in order to understand anything. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for more in this series! 

Linc and Conleigh have been around each other for years, but with him being 4 years older than her she has always been off limits to him. It doesn’t help matters that they purposely annoy one another and push each other’s buttons. But when she needs help, Linc rushes to her side and refuses to leave. If they don’t kill each other, they just might give in to what has been brewing between them for years. 

These two had so much between them and it was obvious that it was only a matter of time before that exploded. It became impossible for them to continue to fight it, despite the warnings and reasons they shouldn’t be together. But the more the story went on, the more obvious it became that these two were inevitable and perfect for one another. I liked Conleigh, she was strong and easy to root for. Linc was amazing, and I loved that he never gave up on being with her and that he waited for her. They had chemistry and a great connection, and Linc had me swooning all the way through. 

Overall, this was a great story and I enjoyed from the first page. I can’t wait for more in this series and from Lani Lynn Vale in the future. Reading this book made me want to go out and catch up on all her past books that I had missed, and I definitely recommend giving her books a chance if you are new to her. If you are already a fan, you won’t want to miss Talkin’ Trash.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 

Feature and Giveaway: Rocky Mountain Cowboy Christmas by Katie Ruggle

In the heart of the Rockies
One white Christmas can change everything.

When firefighter and single dad Steve Springfield moved his four kids to a Colorado Christmas tree ranch, he intended for it to be a safe haven. But he never expected danger to follow them to his childhood home…

Or that he would come face-to-face with the one girl he could never forget.

Folk artist Camille Brandt lives a quiet life. As the town’s resident eccentric, she’s used to being lonely—until Steve freaking Springfield changes everything. Brave and kind, he’s always had a piece of her heart, and it doesn’t take long before she’s in danger of falling for him again. But as mysterious fires break out across the sleepy Colorado town, Steve and Camille will have to fight if they want their happy family to survive until Christmas...

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iBooks |